I want to be able to show a CompletionList in a specified editor/position to the user programmatically (not based on user typing a trigger character). Is this possible?
Actually, this is possible by executing the "editor.action.triggerSuggest" command. This is the same command that gets executed when you press Ctrl+Space to manually invoke completion.
If you want to control where the popup opens, simply change the active editor + selection beforehand:
var file = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.fsPath + "/foo.txt";
vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(file).then(document => {
vscode.window.showTextDocument(document).then(editor => {
editor.selection = new vscode.Selection(10, 0, 10, 0);
Original: As of today (12/12/2018), this is not possible.
Edit: Attempted to delete this post in favor of #Gama11's answer below but cannot delete accepted answers. I'm not 100% positive the editor.action.triggerSuggest is supported but it works.
#Gama11's response below: https://stackoverflow.com/a/53804882/1574622
I am writing a VS Code extension that depends on the currently set Python interpreter. When I change the Python Interpreter via the VS Code UI, the extension needs to refresh and get the latest Python path (mainly to show the right environment settings in the TreeView). For now, I have a refresh button in my custom TreeView that I need to press after selecting a different Python interpreter.
However, this is a second manual step. Is there a way to get a notification in my extension, when a user changes the Python Interpreter, e.g., an event the extension can listen to?
I only found VS Code's Activation Events, but it doesn't look like this would help. I didn't find any other events that get triggered after the command python.setInterpreter is executed
Finally found it. The right config to watch for is python.defaultInterpreterPath
vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(event => {
let affected = event.affectsConfiguration("python.defaultInterpreterPath");
if (affected) {
To support the usingNewInterpreterStorage case (default today), add:
const extension = vscode.extensions.getExtension('ms-python.python')!;
await extension.activate();
extension.exports.settings.onDidChangeExecutionDetails((event: any) => {
There a few similar questions, but none of them have really gotten at what I'm asking.
I have a browser action popup. In the popup, I want to display settings if you're on a page where the content script has been injected (i.e., any page that matches the matches key within the content_scripts in the `manifest).
If I'm on a page that doesn't match the content_scripts matches pattern (and so wasn't injected), I just want to display a generic message "this plugin activates when you're on so-and-so sites".
What is the cleanest way to do it, without adding any unnecessary permissions?
It seems like one option is sending a message to a content script in the active tab, and seeing if I get a reply, but that seems really.. hacky. I should be able to know just based on a regex if I'm on one of the domains that matches my content script.
I'm looking for something that works in both manifest v2 and v3, btw.
What's the simplest way to display a "you're on a page that matches your content_script" or "you're not on a page that matches your content_script" in a browser_action popup?
I build chrome extensions full time for an agency and have had projects where I needed to do exactly what you're asking.
The solution can be implemented w/o any permissions whatsoever. I built mine locally with an empty array for permissions. (for mv3)
for popup.html just create 2 divs and have them default to display none.
<div id="unsupported" style="display: none;">Ooops! This is not a supported site.</div>
<div id="supported" style="display: none;">Wohoo! This is a supported site!!!!!</div>
for your script.js, wait till the popup loads then query the active tab in the current window and get that tab's ID to send a message directly to it. If the tab is supported with a content script, it will send a true response (see last code snippet). If it wasn't supported, it will be an 'undefined' response.
async function setUI() {
let tabData = await chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true })
let tabId = tabData[0].id // tabs.query returns an array, but we filtered to active tab within current window which yields only 1 object in the array
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, {
'message': 'isSupported'
}, (response) => {
// response will be true if the message was successfuly sent to the tab and "undefined" if the message was never received (i.e. not supported w/ your content script)
if (response) return showSupportedHTML()
// else
function showSupportedHTML() {
document.querySelector('#supported').style['display'] = ''
function showUnsupportedHTML() {
document.querySelector('#unsupported').style['display'] = ''
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
Lastly, in your content script, add a message listener to receive the message 'isSupported' that comes in from your content script. If the content script receives that message, have it send a response back with 'true'.
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (request, sender, sendResponse) {
if (request.message == 'isSupported') {
Now, this of course only works for manifest v3 because as far as I know you can't use chrome.tabs.query for mv2. However, I recommend this solution as I've implemented pretty much this exact same code in other projects for clients and it's never had any issues.
I could look into a solution for mv2, though using the "activeTab" permission would be the right way to do it, I believe. Now, if you really don't want to go that route then you could implement a rather hacky solution. For example, you could use window 'focus' and window 'blur' events to see when a user has entered or left a tab. Then set a local storage variable every time a user enters / leaves a supported page. The order of operations for blur and focus is always blur => focus. So, when the blur event occurs you set a local storage variable to false. However, if you leave a supported tab for another supported tab then the 'focus' event will trigger immediately afterwards so you can set that same storage variable back to true.
Now, your content script will load after the tab has been focused so you'll need to add a function for when the page loads. You can run something like document.hidden and if that returns true, do nothing because the user already left this tab. If it returns false, then the user is still on the tab and you can set your local storage variable to true.
When the user opens the popup, you'll check that local storage variable and if its true or false, you can set the UI accordingly.
Let me know if the mv2 solution made sense or sounds too hacky. Happy to look into it more! :)
edit: Here is the code for mv2, I tested it and it does work and without any permissions, other than storage which is not an invasive permission.
Script.js for the mv2 popup:
async function setUI() {
chrome.storage.local.get(['isSupported'], function (response) {
// response will be true if the message was successfuly sent to the tab and "undefined" if the message was never received (i.e. not supported w/ your content script)
if (response['isSupported']) return showSupportedHTML()
// else
function showSupportedHTML() {
document.querySelector('#supported').style['display'] = ''
function showUnsupportedHTML() {
document.querySelector('#unsupported').style['display'] = ''
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
code for the content script in mv2:
if (!document.hidden) chrome.storage.local.set({'isSupported': true})
window.addEventListener('blur', () => {
console.log('left site')
chrome.storage.local.set({'isSupported': false})
window.addEventListener('focus', () => {
console.log('entered site')
chrome.storage.local.set({'isSupported': true})
Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Disclaimer: I have no prior browser extension development experience and am just going by the docs. I might be spouting nonsense or giving an answer that is plainly against your requirements, but that would be out of ignorance and not malicious intent. If you find my answer problematic, comment, or cast a vote and move on.
According to MDN, the activeTab permission allows to read the active tab's Tab.url property. One solution could be to request that permission, and then use that API to get the active tab's URL, and then use the same regex from the manifest.json's matches property to test for a match, and then use that information to modify your extension's browser_action UI.
You should be able to read the matches property from the manifest file via the .runtime.getManifest() API. MDN docs, chrome docs.
Snippet to get active tab in a background script: tabs.query({active: true}). (link to MDN docs). A content script should instead use tabs.getCurrent and the Tab.active property of the resolved result.
If you don't want to request the activeTab permission, what you're suggesting with the message-passing between the browser_action scripts and the content scripts might be the right way to go, but I don't know for a fact. The tabs.onActivated event would probably be useful with this approach. Note that to send a message from a background script to a content script, you need to use tabs.sendMessage (MDN docs, chrome docs) instead of runtime.sendMessage.
Another possible (maybe?) approach would be to listen for the tab change in the content script and then send the notification message from the content script to the extension's background scripts via the onfocus event (or similar events), and runtime.sendMessage.
If you go with a messaging-related approach, you might want to put a condition in the content script to only do messaging if the content script is in the top frame of the tab (Ie. iframes don't do messaging), since only one frame of the tab really needs to do this kind of messaging when the active tab changes, and content scripts can be applied to all frames in a browsing context.
Of these possible solutions I can think of, I don't know which is best for you, since you want both minimal permission requirements and a simple/clean approach, and each seems to be a tradeoff.
I'm trying to open the active file in a new viewcolumn, and fold a tag. The folding commands work fine in activeTextEditor:
// Fold based on linenumber
let range = editor.document.lineAt(lineNumber).range;
editor.selection = new vscode.Selection(range.start, range.end);
Now I would like to do the same in a newly opened file:
// Open the same file in a new column
// at this time editor.ViewColum is One
commands.executeCommand('vscode.open', Uri.file(editor.document.fileName), ViewColumn.Two);
// Try to get that editor
let newEditor = vscode.window.visibleTextEditors.find(x=> x.viewColumn===viewColumn.Two && x.document.fileName===fileName)
The problem is that newEditor is not found, becouse the newly opened document has ViewColumn undefined.
Any idea how to solve this?
The vs commands returns a promise. Needed to await that and everything works fine.
Test env: Capybara,poltergeist, phantomjs.
A new window opens up when I click a link in my test case. I was able to switch to the new window and verify text using selenium driver. However, I am unable to switch to the new window with poltergeist. I tried the following method to switch to the new window and none of them worked.
I wanted to see if a new browser is getting open at all and looks like it is.
main = page.driver.browser.window_handles.first
puts main (gives 0)
popup = page.driver.browser.window_handles.last
puts popup (gives 1)
1. within_window(->{ page.title == '2015-11-5.pdf' }) { assert_text(facility_name) }
2. page.switch_to_window(window=popup)
3. page.switch_to_window(page.driver.browser.window_handles.last)
4. page.driver.browser.switch_to().window(page.driver.browser.window_handles.last)
Could someone provide any inputs here? Thanks!
I used the following and the popup is getting generated and the control switches to it.
page.switch_to_window(page.window_opened_by{click_link('Generate Report')})
The new window has a pdf embedded in it.I was able to read and verify the contents of the document when I use selenium driver. With poltergeist, I am unable to read the pdf. Could you give me some pointers on how to proceed?
Capybara has a number of cross driver methods for dealing with this without having to go to driver specific methods.
popup = page.window_opened_by {
click_link('whatever link opens the new window')
within_window(popup) do
# perform actions in the new window
Has anyone succeeded in using Protractor to detect an ionicPopup alert?
I've tried all the workarounds suggested here but no luck.
I need Protractor to detect the alert and check the text in the alert.
Here's the class I wrote to test that the popup exists and to ensure the text is correct in the header and body:
var TestUtilities = function(){
this.popup = element(by.css('.popup-container.popup-showing.active'));
//Tests to see if $ionicPopup.alert exists
this.popupShouldExist = function() {
//Tests to see if $ionicPopup.alert contains the text provided in the argument exists in the header
this.popupContainsHeaderText = function (text) {
//Tests to see if $ionicPopup.alert contains the text provided in the argument exists in the body
this.popupContainsText = function (text) {
Also check out this site for more on testing Ionic in protractor it talks about how to check to see if the popup exists: http://gonehybrid.com/how-to-write-automated-tests-for-your-ionic-app-part-3/
I've tested Ionic popups successfully by setting the popup variable as follows:
var popup = element(by.css('.popup-container.popup-showing.active'));
And in the test:
Ionic Popups are just made of DOM elements, so you should be able to use normal locators to find/test them. Because they're not made of alerts, the workarounds in the issue you linked to are probably not useful.
I got it - I saw a lot of issues out there trying to do it in very complex ways, but in the end I tried this and it turns out to be this simple.
Inspect your element and find its ng-repeat value, then
var button = element(by.repeater('button in buttons')).getText()
You also need to have the browser sit out somehow for a couple seconds so it doesn't resolve to the tests while the ionic popup isn't actually there.
For that, browser.sleep(3000);
That's it! However, getting the other button in there is proving to be a little problem. var button = element(by.repeater('button in buttons')).get(0) or .get(1) return undefined is not a function.
Please accept the answer if you like it! If I figure out how to get the other button, I'll post it here.