SailsJS Installable Hook not executing the beforeCreate override - sails.js

I tried adding an installable hook sails-hook-myoverride that looks like this:
let carryOn = (values, proceed, previous) => _.isFunction(previous) ? previous(values, proceed) : proceed();
module.exports = function (sails) {
return {
initialize: function (cb) {
sails.after(['hook:orm:loaded'], function () {
_.each(sails.models, (model) => {
let previousBeforeUpdate = model.beforeUpdate;
model.beforeUpdate = function (values, proceed) {
console.log("myoverride::beforeUpdate", values);
return carryOn(values, proceed, previousBeforeUpdate);
let previousBeforeCreate = model.beforeCreate;
model.beforeCreate = function (values, proceed) {
console.log("myoverride::beforeCreate", values);
return carryOn(values, proceed, previousBeforeCreate);
Then in my Test model I added both beforeUpdate and beforeCreate methods:
beforeUpdate: function (values, cb) {
beforeCreate: function (values, cb) {
And then I called POST on http://localhost:1337/test to test it.
Surprisingly, sails printed only Test::beforeCreate and not myoverride::beforeCreate as well, as I was hoping it would.
Google did not help and neither did Sails documentation :(
I'm completely lost at the moment...

OK, apparently, using sails.after(['hook:sockets:loaded'], function () { works for some reason...


Waiting for meteor cursor in method

I have a large aggrogate query that required me to pass "allowDiskUse: true" as an option. This would not work with the aggegate as described here:
My meteor method is defined here. When I call the method I need to wait for ondata to complete before anything is returned to the client, but nothing I try allows me to get that data in a safe way up to the front end.
'getSummary': function (dept,startDate,endDate,filterType) {
f = myQuery(startdate,enddate,dayFinalGroup);
f.on("data", Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(row) {
//load an array or something here to return
f.once("end", Meteor.bindEnvironment(function() {
// tidy up, in my case end the stream
//here I'd return the array loaded
This is my front end.
function(error, result){
} else {
Finally Got it. I utilized wrapSync
'getSummary': function (dept,startDate,endDate,filterType) {
var startdate = new Date(startDate);
var enddate = new Date(endDate);
var arr = [];
f = myQuery(startdate,enddate,dayFinalGroup);
var fetchCursor = Meteor.wrapAsync(function fetchCursor (cursor, cb) {
cursor.each(function (err, doc) {
if (err) return cb(err);
if (!doc) return cb(null, { done: true }); // no more documents
var myData = fetchCursor(f);
return arr;

Protractor ignoring specs passed in a callback function

I'm running into an issue and need your help.
I have a list of products and I want to run some it blocks for each product.
The function getProducts is an asynchronous function. Here is my code.
jsonLoader = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
beforeAll(function(done) {
getProducts(function(loadedProducts) {
describe('product-maintenance', function() {
jsonLoader.then(function(products) {
productsList = products;
//productsList contains the desired products
_.forOwn(productsList, function(product) {
//execute it-blocks
it('some test', function() {
He is only executing the it 'some test' and simply ignoring the it blocks in the _.forOwn loop.
Thanks !!! :)
I solved this by using promises in the onPrepare function.
onPrepare: function() {
var deferred = protractor.promise.defer();
getProducts(function(products) {
if (!products) {
deferred.reject(new Error('An error occured while loading products'));
} else {
return deferred.promise;

REST Routes with mongoose and express

When I try to add a review to my product from the front-end I am getting a 404 error for PUT http://localhost:3000/products. But I am to add/update data using the following curl command using my routes:
curl --data "name=Product 1&description=Product 1 Description&shine=10&price=29.95&rarity=200&color=blue&faces=3" http://localhost:3000/products
My products router
// This handles retrieving of products
// Includes Express
var express = require('express');
// Initialize the router
var router = express.Router();
var moment = require('moment');
var _ = require('underscore');
var color = require('cli-color');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Product = mongoose.model('Product');
var Review = mongoose.model('Review');
// Route middleware
router.use(function(req, res, next) {
console.log("Something is happening in products!!");
// GET route for all Products
router.get('/', function (req, res, next) {
Product.find( function (err, products) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
// POST route for adding a Product'/', function (req, res, next) {
var product = new Product (req.body); function (err, post) {
if(err) {
return next(err);
// Pre-loading product object
router.param('product', function (req, res, next, id) {
var query = Product.findById(id);
query.exec( function (err, product) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
if(!product) {
return next(new Error('can\'t find product'));
req.product = product;
return next();
// GET route for retrieving a single product
router.get('/:product', function (req, res) {
req.product.populate('reviews', function (err, product) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
// POST route for creating a review'/:product:reviews', function (req, res, next) {
var review = new Review(req.body);
review.product = req.product; function (err, review){
if (err) {
return next(err);
}; function (err, review) {
if (err) {
return next(err);
This code is taken from a tutorial on thinkster for [MEAN stackl2
Original Post
I am having trouble figuring out how to update an existing entry in my mongodb database using a service I defined with ngResource in my Angular app. So far I have been unable to create a function that will update the back-end after a user clicks my submit button. I have been looking around for a solution for about 2 days but so far have not found a solution. I know the solution is similar to how I delete users in My User's Controller, but nothing I have tried has worked.
My Product Service
.factory('productsService', function($resource) {
return $resource('/products/:id', {},{
'update': { method: 'PUT'}
My Product Detail
.controller("ReviewCtrl", ['$scope', '$resource', 'productsService', function ($scope, $resource, productsService) { = {};
this.addReview = function(product){;{id: product._id}, function() {
// I have tried .update, .$update, and .save methods
}); = {};
I have verified that the variable contains the update. Here is a sample of my JSON output from my console before and after adding the review:
Before the review is added to the front end
{"_id":"product_id","name":"Product 1","description":"Product 1 Description",...,"reviews":[{}]}
After the review is added to the front end
{"_id":"product_id","name":"Product 1","description":"Product 1 Description",...,"reviews":[{"stars":4,"body":"An Awesome review!","author":"","createdOn":1436963056994}]}
And I know that my function is being called as well, as I can put a console log in and see it run when I view in the browser.
My User's Controller
.controller('UsersCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', 'usersService', function ($scope, $http, usersService) {
$scope.users = {};
$scope.users = usersService.query();
$scope.remove = function(id) {
var user = $scope.users[id];
usersService.remove({id: user._id}, function() {
$scope.users.splice(user, 1);
My full source code is available on my Github page. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I actually put it into work in this plunker
Took the same factory :
app.factory('productsService', function($resource) {
return $resource('product/:id', {id:"#id"},{
'update': { method: 'PUT'}
here is my controller :
$scope.products = productsService.query();
$scope.saveProduct = function(product){
and how i pass the value in the HTML :
<div ng-repeat="product in products">
<input type="text" ng-model="product.text">
<button ng-click="saveProduct(product)">Update</button>
If you track the networks request in the javascript console you will see a request : PUT /product/id with the updated data.
Hope it helped. If you have anymore question fell free to ask.

sails.js the return object from service is undefined when using a find query

I created a service called AppService.
Its function getUserPostionOptions is supposed to return an object:
getUserPostionOptions: function (user) {
// PositionOptions.findOne({id:'53f218deed17760200778cfe'}).exec(function (err, positionOptions) {
var positionDirectionsOptions = [1,2,3];
var positionLengthsOptions = [4,5,6];
var object = {
return object;
// });
This works, in my controller positionOptions gets populated correctly:
var positionOptions = AppService.getUserPostionOptions(user);
However, when I uncomment the find query the item is found but the object returns undefined.
Thank in advance for your help
SailsJs ORM (and almost NodeJs database querying methods) uses non-blocking mechanism via callback function. So you have to change your code into:
getUserPostionOptions: function (user, callback) {
PositionOptions.findOne({id:'53f218deed17760200778cfe'}).exec(function (err, positionOptions) {
var positionDirectionsOptions = [1,2,3];
var positionLengthsOptions = [4,5,6];
var object = {
callback(null, object); // null indicates that your method has no error
Then just use it:
AppService.getUserPostionOptions(user, function(err, options) {
if (!err) {"Here is your received data:");;

Call controller on afterCreate

I have the following code for my Sessions model:
module.exports = {
attributes: {
afterCreate: function(value,next) {
And the following Sessions Controller:
module.exports = {
saveSession: function(res,req) {
console.log('in save');
I want to save a value to a user's session afterCreate
How can I call the saveSession function from my model? I tried Sessions.saveSession() but it doesn't work.
I don't think you need a session model and it's not a good idea to call a controller method directly.
I'd recommend just set req.session when you're trying to save the session and it'll be auto-saved when you respond from that controller action.
afterCreate will never have access to req unless you pass it down which I wouldn't recommend.
The pattern is something like:
// …
login: function (req,res) {
username: req.param('username'),
password: req.param('password')
}).exec(function (err, user) {
if (err) return res.serverError(err);
if (!user) return res.view('/login');
req.session.user = user.toJSON();
return res.redirect('/dashboard');
// ...
I think that you want to save a value to a cookie or create another database record am i correct?
If so, you dont need to call a controller action from the model (not recommended), you just need to create a new record or save the value to the cookie, here are some alternatives that i see possible in your scenario.
creating another record:
// on models/YourModel
module.exports = {
attributes: {
afterCreate: function(newlyInsertedRecord,next) {
param1: newlyInsertedRecord.attributeYouWant,
param2: value2
// and so on
}).exec(function(err, recordCreated){
if(err) return next(err);
// do somethign with recordCreated if you need to
// ...
Saving a value to a cookie:
module.exports = {
attributes: {
afterCreate: function(newlyInsertedRecord, next) {
// do some other stuff not related to calling a controller action ;)
This code was retrived from snippets from my own projects, so it should work on sails 0.9.x
Hope it helps!