Excel Com Object using AutoHotKey randomly invisible - autohotkey

I use below script to get Imagepath from IrfanView and go to Excel cell that contains Imagepath.
;Excel Column name that contains imagename
;handle to running application
try XL := ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
; Create COM If no Excel is running
Catch {
MsgBox % "no existing Excl object: Need to create one"
XL := ComObjCreate("Excel.Application")
;Get ImagePath from Free image viewer Irfanview image properties dialog
ControlGetText, ImagePath, Edit3, IrfanView - Image properties
;And close the dialog
PostMessage, 0x112, 0xF060,,, IrfanView - Image properties
;Loop until Excel activate to workaround for excel randomly not get active state
WinActivate, ahk_exe EXCEL.EXE
IfWinActive, ahk_exe EXCEL.EXE
Sleep 200
;Get Excel activecell
;Make COM obj visible to ensure visibility
XL.Application.ActiveWindow.Visible := 1
;Find ImageName in the column
XL.Application.ActiveSheet.Range(XL.Cells(Floor(XL.Application.WorkSheetFunction.Match(ImagePath,XL.Application.ActiveSheet.Range(ImageColumn . ":" . ImageColumn),0)),DataColNum).Address).Activate
But this script randomly misses to make the Excel window visible to our eyes i.e. Activecell still receives input from keyboard but the window is invisible.


How to edit paths in Windows clipboard?

When pressing "Ctr+C" while selecting some files in the explorer, their paths are saved in the clipboard and when later pressing "Ctr+V" the files are pasted. For an AutoHotkey script I need to edit these paths in the clipboard, so the explorer pastes other files in the location of the "Ctr+V" press. So for example I want to select the file "A.txt" in "C:\Folder1" with "Ctr+C", then activate the AutoHotkey script to change the stored information in the clipboard of "A.txt" to the information about another file "B.txt", so when pressing "Ctr+V" in "C:\Folder2" the explorer copies "B.txt" instead of "A.txt".
But I have no idea how the paths of "Ctr+C" are exactly stored in the clipboard and I found no useful documentation. Different programms to access the content of the clipboard give one of the three results: 1) [Absolute nothing] 2) "C://A.txt" 3) "file:///C:/A.txt". But when editing the clipboard to "C://B.txt" or "file:///C:/B.txt" I got no reaction of the file explorer when using "Ctr+V".
So how are the paths of copied files exactly stored in the clipboard and with which programm I could edit them?
Edit: Following expamle to explain exactly what my goal is: Suppose I have a file "A.txt" in path 1, which I want to move to path 2 and another file "B.txt" in path 3, which I want to move to path 4. The normal procedure would be:
1) Copy "A.txt" with "Ctr+C" in path 1.
2) Paste "A.txt" with "Ctr+V" in path 2.
3) Copy "B.txt" with "Ctr+C" in path 3.
4) Paste "B.txt" with "Ctr+V" in path 4.
The goal of my AutoHotkey script is to allow the following alternative:
1) Copy "A.txt" with "Ctr+C+1" in path 1.
2) Copy "B.txt" with "Ctr+C+2" in path 2.
3) Paste "A.txt" with "Ctr+V+1" in path 1.
4) Paste "B.txt" wiht "Ctr+V+2" in path 2.
At first glance it might seem unnecessary, but when organising a lot of files in more complex system, it would be really convenient for me. Ideally, it should also work when I add "C.txt", "D.txt", ... to be saved in the third/fourth/... clipboard slot and even when instead of "A.txt" I want to store multiple files in one clipboard slot; later I also want to implement "Ctr+X+[n]" to cut files.
I experimented a lot and was able to save the different paths of the files from the clipboard to AutoHotkey variables. But now I have to load the paths, which are stored in the AutoHotkey variables back to the clipboard, so the corresponding files are pasted with the explorer.
So just for an example: My AutoHotkey script detects the keyboard input "Ctr+C+1" while I select A.txt in the file explorer, then sends the computer the shorcut "Ctr+C" to store the path of A.txt in the clipboard and finally saves this path as "C:/A.txt" in the AutoHotkey varibale "clip1". Then I select B.txt in the file explorer, press "Ctr+C+2", so the AutoHotkey script presses "Ctr+C" to get the file paths into the Windows clipboard and then saves ít as "C:/B.txt" in "clip2". Now I press "Ctr+V+1", so the AutoHotkey script should write the path from the variable "clip1" back in the Windows, then press "Ctr+V" to paste the file in the explorer. But the really problem is now, that it is not enough to just edit the Windows clipboard to "C:/A.txt". Then so the explorer doesnt react to the input "Ctr+V", for which he should paste the file. So, the Windows clipboard has to be edited in another format, like for example "#explorer_file:///C:/A.txt" (just a complete stupid guess, since I have no idea how it looks). I need to find this format, so my AutoHotkey script can edit the currently saved paths to another paths.
I hope that explains all confusion about this confusing problem.
I'd use something like this:
#SingleInstance Force
; Create a GUI with checkboxes to save the path of the last copied files and
; copy/move selected items to another directory opened in explorer:
If (type == 1) ; the Clipboard contains text or files copied
; https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/150291-detect-clipboard-contents-as-text-file-etc/#entry735751
If (DllCall("IsClipboardFormatAvailable", "uint", 15)) ; the Clipboard contains files
ToolTip, file(s) copied
Gui, destroy
Gui, Color, ControlColor, Black
Gui, Font, CDefault, Lucida Console
Gui, Add, Button, x30 y5 w100 h26 gCopy ,Copy
Gui, Add, Button, x230 y5 w100 h26 gMove ,Move
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x20 y50 vCh200 gCheckAll cYellow, Select All
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x20 y75 vCh201 gUnCheckAll cYellow, De-Select All
Loop, Parse, Clipboard, `n, `r
y_pos := 100 + (A_Index * 25)
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x20 y%y_pos% vCh%A_Index% cYellow, %A_LoopField%
I := A_Index ; number of copied files
Gui_height := 125+I*25
Gui, Show, x100 y5 w400 h%Gui_height%, Files copied ; comment out this line if you want to only show the Gui after pressing F1
Sleep 1000
; Press F1 to show the Gui if it's hidden
F1:: Gui, Show
; or If the command in the above function is commented out
; F1:: Gui, Show, x100 y5 w400 h%Gui_height%, Files copied
Loop, %I%
GuiControl,, Ch%A_Index%, 1
GuiControl,, Ch200, 1
GuiControl,, Ch201, 0
Loop, %I%
GuiControl,, Ch%A_Index%, 0
GuiControl,, Ch200, 0
GuiControl,, Ch201, 1
Gui, submit, nohide
If !WinExist("ahk_class CabinetWClass") ; explorer
MsgBox, No explorer window exists
WinActivate, ahk_class CabinetWClass
WinWaitActive, ahk_class CabinetWClass, ,2
If (ErrorLevel)
MsgBox, explorer could not be activated
ExplorerPath := GetActiveExplorerPath()
Loop %I%
GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
If (checked = 1) ; if the control is checked
GuiControlGet, file,, Ch%A_Index%, Text
FileCopy, %file%, %ExplorerPath%\, 1 ; overwrite existing files
Gui, submit, nohide
If !WinExist("ahk_class CabinetWClass") ; explorer
MsgBox, No explorer window exists
WinActivate, ahk_class CabinetWClass
WinWaitActive, ahk_class CabinetWClass, ,2
If (ErrorLevel)
MsgBox, explorer could not be activated
ExplorerPath := GetActiveExplorerPath()
MsgBox, 262180, Move Files, Are you sure you want to move the selected files to`n`n%ExplorerPath%?
IfMsgBox No
New_Clipboard := ""
Loop %I%
GuiControlGet, checked,, Ch%A_Index%, Value
If (checked = 1) ; if the control is checked
GuiControlGet, file,, Ch%A_Index%, Text
FileMove, %file%, %ExplorerPath%\, 1 ; overwrite existing files
GuiControlGet, file,, Ch%A_Index%, Text
New_Clipboard .= file . "`n" ; concatenate the outputs
If (New_Clipboard = "")
Gui, destroy
ClipboardSetFiles(New_Clipboard, DropEffect := "Copy")
Gui, Hide
; https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=69925
explorerHwnd := WinActive("ahk_class CabinetWClass")
if (explorerHwnd)
for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
if (window.hwnd==explorerHwnd)
return window.Document.Folder.Self.Path
; https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=63914#p63914
ClipboardSetFiles(FilesToSet, DropEffect := "Copy") {
; FilesToSet - list of fully qualified file pathes separated by "`n" or "`r`n"
; DropEffect - preferred drop effect, either "Copy", "Move" or "" (empty string)
Static TCS := A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1 ; size of a TCHAR
Static PreferredDropEffect := DllCall("RegisterClipboardFormat", "Str", "Preferred DropEffect")
Static DropEffects := {1: 1, 2: 2, Copy: 1, Move: 2}
; Count files and total string length
TotalLength := 0
FileArray := []
Loop, Parse, FilesToSet, `n, `r
If (Length := StrLen(A_LoopField))
FileArray.Push({Path: A_LoopField, Len: Length + 1})
TotalLength += Length
FileCount := FileArray.Length()
If !(FileCount && TotalLength)
Return False
; Add files to the clipboard
If DllCall("OpenClipboard", "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd) && DllCall("EmptyClipboard") {
; HDROP format
; 0x42 = GMEM_MOVEABLE (0x02) | GMEM_ZEROINIT (0x40)
hDrop := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "UInt", 0x42, "UInt", 20 + (TotalLength + FileCount + 1) * TCS, "UPtr")
pDrop := DllCall("GlobalLock", "Ptr" , hDrop)
Offset := 20
NumPut(Offset, pDrop + 0, "UInt") ; DROPFILES.pFiles = offset of file list
NumPut(!!A_IsUnicode, pDrop + 16, "UInt") ; DROPFILES.fWide = 0 --> ANSI, fWide = 1 --> Unicode
For Each, File In FileArray
Offset += StrPut(File.Path, pDrop + Offset, File.Len) * TCS
DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "Ptr", hDrop)
DllCall("SetClipboardData","UInt", 0x0F, "UPtr", hDrop) ; 0x0F = CF_HDROP
; Preferred DropEffect format
If (DropEffect := DropEffects[DropEffect]) {
; Write Preferred DropEffect structure to clipboard to switch between copy/cut operations
; 0x42 = GMEM_MOVEABLE (0x02) | GMEM_ZEROINIT (0x40)
hMem := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "UInt", 0x42, "UInt", 4, "UPtr")
pMem := DllCall("GlobalLock", "Ptr", hMem)
NumPut(DropEffect, pMem + 0, "UChar")
DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "Ptr", hMem)
DllCall("SetClipboardData", "UInt", PreferredDropEffect, "Ptr", hMem)
Return True
Return False

AutoHotkey: list all open windows

WinGet, OutputVar, List can get a list of all unhidden windows. It shows way more than what user can see on the Windows taskbar.
How to limit the window numbers to those shown on the taskbar. Like the simple list in the Task Manager. (Fewer details mode)
Here is one method that is simple, I'm not sure how reliable it is.
It works by trying to minimize the window, if it gets minimized then it means it is available on the taskbar.
You can get the list of found/active windows in any form you need, here I use arrays.
activeWindowsId := []
activeWindowsExe := []
newlist := ""
WinGet, List, List ;get the list of all windows
Sendinput, #m ;mimimize all windows by using the windows shortcut win+m
sleep, 200
;Loop % List ;or use this loop to minimze the windows
; WinMinimize, % "ahk_id " List%A_Index%
Loop % List
WinGet, theExe, ProcessName, % "ahk_id " List%A_Index% ;get the name of the exe
WinGet, windowState, MinMax, % "ahk_id " List%A_Index% ;get the state of the window, -1 is minimized, 1 is maximized, 0 is neither
if (windowState == -1) ;if the window is minimized
activeWindowsId.push(List%A_Index%) ;add the window id (hwnd) to this array
activeWindowsExe.push(theExe) ;add the window exe to this array
WinRestore, % "ahk_id " List%A_Index% ;restore the window
;read the found active windows list from the array to a string and show it with a msgbox
For index, exe in activeWindowsExe
newList .= exe "`n"
msgbox, % newList

Surrounding Clipboard with quotes in URL

Warning: I'm very new to this.
I'd like to make Google searches quicker by assigning a hotkey to search a text selection (in web browser) and surrounding that search with quotes (to get exact matches).
I've tried using bits of code I have found, but so far I can only search the selected text on Google, but don't know how to surround the selected text in quotes in the search.
^!d:: ;
prevClipboard := ClipboardAll
SendInput, ^c
ClipWait, 1
if !(ErrorLevel) {
Clipboard := RegExReplace(RegExReplace(Clipboard, "\r?\n"," "), "(^\s+|\s+$)")
If SubStr(ClipBoard,1,7)="http://"
Run, % Clipboard
Run, % "https://www.google.com/search?q=" Clipboard
Clipboard := prevClipboard
This simply opens a google search with the clipboard.
I cannot find out how to make it so "Clipboard" is searched instead of Clipboard.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
Run is a command and variables in commands have to be enclosed in percent signs.
To include an quote, specify two consecutive quotes twice:
Run, http://www.google.com/search?q=""%Clipboard%""
If you want to do a "Phase google search" from any Selected Text (And From Out Everywhere, on your Computer System.)
Then you can try this AHK Script.
you can [Select any Text] and then you can click the [F1] key from your Keyboard Device.
The Computer Find automatic out where it can do the Query Search (us 100x results) and what Browser it must use.
#SingleInstance force
GroupAdd, Browser, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1 ; Chrome or Iron
GroupAdd, Browser, ahk_class IEFrame ; Internet Explorer
GroupAdd, Browser, ahk_class MozillaWindowClass ; FireFox
GroupAdd, Browser, ahk_class ApplicationFrameWindow ; Edge
; here you can change the variable into exact search [
quote1 = "
; here you can change the variable into exact search ]
quote2 = "
; here you can change the variables intitle: - inurl: - inanchor: - allinurl: - allinanchor:
insearch = allintitle:
; + = Shift
; ! = Alt
; ^ = Ctrl
; # = Win (Windows logo key)
esc::exitapp ;You can click the (esc) key to stop the script.
If WinActive("ahk_group Browser")
sendinput ^c ;copy the selected text to clipboard memory
sleep 150
sendinput ^t ;CTRL+t make a new tab + goto address bar - use CTRL+L for the active tab + goto address bar
sleep 150
texta = https://www.google.com/?gfe_rd=cr&gws_rd=cr#q=%insearch%%quote1%
textb = %clipboard%%quote2% ;selected text
textc = &lr=lang_us&hl=us&num=100 ; google parameters
sleep 150
sendinput ^v ; paste the selected text
sleep 250
send {enter}
} else {
sendinput ^c ;copy the selected text to clipboard memory
sleep 150
texta = https://www.google.com/?gfe_rd=cr&gws_rd=cr#q=%insearch%%quote1%%quote1%
textb = %clipboard%%quote2%%quote2%%quote2% ;selected text
textc = &lr=lang_us&hl=us&num=100 ; google parameters
run %clipboard%

Can't get clipboard printed to GUI to update on autohotkey

So I can't seem to get it to change, it's supposed to print out whatever I have copied to my clipboard onto the gui. but I can't seem to get it to update
b = 0
Gui, New, +Resize -MaximizeBox, Farming
Gui, Color, EEAA99
Gui +LastFound
WinSet, TransColor, EEAA99(True)
Gui, Farming:+AlwaysOnTop +Disabled -SysMenu +Owner
new1 = %clipboard%
if(b == 0)
Gui, Farming:Add, Text, Vkek, Current copied: %new1%
Gui, Farming:Show, AutoSize Center
clips = %new1%
b = 1
if(%new1% <> %clips%)
b = 0
change if(%new1% <> %clips%) to if(new1 <> clips). You can read about comparing variables in the documentation here:
Once that is fixed you are going to have another issue in that you will be trying to add a new text control to your gui with the same variable as an existing control (kek). Instead, you need to change the content of the text control using GuiControl command:

AHK: closing a window whenever it pops up

I wrote an AHK script designed to copy a text from Adobe Acrobat when I press F9. It then changes it according to a regex and shows the copied text in tooltip. Additionally, I added code to automatically close an annoying window that Acrobat sometimes shows when coping a text, an infamous There was an error while copying to Clipboard. An internal error occurred. When this window doesn't show up, the script keeps showing a tooltip, which is designed to close after a specified amount of time. I've been banging my head against the wall but I don't know how to correct this.
#If WinActive("ahk_exe Acrobat.exe")
ClipWait, 1
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "\r\n", " ")
IfWinExist, Adobe Acrobat
Send {Enter}
If (StrLen(Clipboard) < 120)
ToolTip % Clipboard
ToolTip Copied
SetTimer, ToolTipOff, -1000
; #Persistent ; (1)
SetTimer,CheckForMsgBox,100 ; (2)
#If WinActive("ahk_exe Acrobat.exe") ; (3)
ClipWait, 1
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "\r\n", " ")
If (StrLen(Clipboard) < 120)
ToolTip %Clipboard%
ToolTip Copied
SetTimer, ToolTipOff, -1000
#If ; turn off context sensitivity
; ControlSend, Control, Keys, WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText
ControlSend, , {Enter}, Adobe Acrobat ; Close this unwanted window whenever it appears
(1) Scripts containing hotkeys, hotstrings, or any use of OnMessage() or Gui are automatically persistent.
(2) SetTimer causes a subroutine (Label) to be launched automatically and repeatedly at a specified time interval.
(3) Like the #IfWin directives, #If is positional: it affects all hotkeys and hotstrings physically beneath it in the script.