How to create Fluid Extension Provider in TYPO3 v9 (2018) - typo3

We're currently struggling at creating Extension Provider with FluidPowered Typo3. This tutorial is outdated an we can't find any solution how to make Fluid Extension Provider from scratch. Also the 'builder' extension is not compatible with Typo3 versions higher than 8.5.
Is there any possibility to create Fluid Powered Extension Provider with Typo3 v. 9? Where are informations about custom extension provider files structure, controllers etc. ? The last post on Fluid website is from 2017.

You might want to look at this page instead: FluidTemplate documentation
And yes its short, but everything I could write is at that page. ;)


Is there a list of deprecated Viewhelpers in Fluid?

I got an extension that provides a lot of custom content elements. The extension was developed for TYPO3 v7. Now it should be used for TYPO3 10. Since there is a higher fluid version now, I would like to know if there is a list of deprecated viewhelpers because I want to update those templates.
In 10.x instance login to the Backend as full admin and maintainer, go to:
Admin Tool
Scan Extension Files
There find the extension you are working on and scan it, it should show you deprecated methods, annotations, etc. Also with documentation on how to fix it.
Other approach I'd would check. It's common by the core team to annotate depracated classes, methods and others with similar annotation:
ie. for typo3/sysext/setup/Classes/Controller/SetupModuleController.php -> simulateUser() method in ver 9.x
#deprecated since TYPO3 v9, will be removed in TYPO3 v10.0.
or typo3/sysext/fluid/Classes/ViewHelpers/Widget/AutocompleteViewHelper.php ViewHelper in ver.: 10.x
#deprecated since TYPO3 v10.4, will be removed in TYPO3 v11.0.
So you can use your IDE to search for all occurences of #deprecated since string.

how to implement categoris in typo3 4.7

I need to categorize my content in typo3 4.7.How can I implement the categories in typo3 4.7.From typo3 6.0.x it is possible to integrate an extension for it.Please help me if anyone knows the solution.Thanks in advance
Sorry, TYPO3 did not have categories before version 6.0, according to the TYPO3 Core API documentation on system categories. If you're stuck with version 4.7, you'll have to write your own category system. You might be using userFunc -- see for instance a userFunc tutorial extension. Or, you might write your own extension, essentially duplicating what was done for 6.0.

Video relations not working for tx_news on TYPO3 7.6

I have been developing a site with TYPO3 6.2.15 and using the extension tx_news to show, well, news. Setting "Use FAL relations instead of news media elements" to "FAL + Multimedia" I could create relations with YouTube files, and they were shown in the frontend, both detail and list (if they have "Show in preview views" checked) page. The problem now is that after updating to TYPO3 7.6.2 they don't show up anymore. Gone, they appear in the backend if you edit a news record, but not in the frontend.
I know, in the documentation it says that the integration of audio and video is still to be done:
but it worked with TYPO3 6.2, so I assume it should work too with 7.6 too. The tx_news version I am using is 4.0.0.
Has anybody had the same issue and knows how to solve it?
The CE media element was removed in TYPO3 7LTS. In order to keep the old behaviour there is a system extension "mediace". I would install and configure it (f.e. add the static typoscript).
The custom media rendering has been removed in the master (upcoming 5.0.0) in favor of FAL. The best solution is to use
<f:for each="{newsItem.falMedia}" as="mediaElement">
<f:media file="{mediaElement}" class="img-responsive" />
as this uses the renderers of FAL which can be of course also be extended by custom solutions.


Is NEOS working like TYPO3 CMS (FLUID/EXTBASE) just with another layout ?
Can u add the same extension to NEOS and can u still make our own Backend Layouts ?
TYPO3 Neos is a completely new software, based on TYPO3 Flow. Conversion of extensions from Extbase to Flow/Neos should not be too hard, but you can't use the same code.
The architecture of TYPO3 Neos and TYPO3 CMS are completely different. While extra functionality for TYPO3 CMS is build as an extension (based on extbase and fluid) and directly integrated into the CMS, in TYPO3 Neos we have separate Flow packages which can be connected to TYPO3 Neos.
There are talks that in the future it will be possible to use flow packages for TYPO3 CMS, but nothing is decided yet.
Extbase extensions cannot be used in TYPO3 Neos. You have to rebuild the functionality as a Flow Package. However there is a similarity between Extbase and Flow, since Extbase is a backport of Flow. Fluid however can be used in Neos.

Create custom extensions or plugins in Typo3 6.0.4

I am a new TYPO3 user.
How to create an extension or plugin in Typo3 V 6.0, which will take an UID as an input and return the titles of the root page and its child pages if any. I am also using FLUID templates to display the returned data on the front end.
Thank You in advance.
Extension Builder in version 2.5.0+ is dedicated for creating extensions in TYPO3 ver 6.0+
FE plugin is just some action in your extension, play a little with builder, so you'll get familiar with the concept soon.