How to invoke a main method in a nested object? - scala

The following code has main methods in objects A and A.B. I can invoke A from the command line. Is there any way to invoke A.B?
object A {
def main(args : Array[String]) = ()
object B {
def main(args : Array[String]) = ()
What I think is happeing: Scala compiles object A to class A$ and A.B to A$B$. Neither of these classes has a static method. Scala creates an additional class A with a static main method that delegates to A$.main. But Scala does not compile an equivalent class for A.B because the compiler special-cases top-level classes with main methods.
If the above description is correct then there is no way to invoke A.B on the command line. Is it? If so is there a reason for this implementation?

So, as you noticed, object A { ... } ends up as a class A$, not A, it has a main method, but it is not static.
Scala objects are singleton instances, not just classes with a bunch of static methods.
So, to be able to run scala A from command line, scalac generates another class A, with a static method main, that calls A$.MODULE$.main ...
This is a special piece of extra logic, needed to comply with jvm's assumptions of how to look for main when it starts from command line.
The compiler only does it for top-level objects, that have a main method and do not have a companion class (because if they did, the name would clash with the generated class).
Why it does not do it for nested classes? I don't think there some sort of a reason specifically preventing it (like the name clash I mentioned above), probably, just because nobody asked for it.

The inner object B is not visible from outside. To invoke its main method, you have to provide an interface in A, for example from its main method, so you can pass the args without further ado:
object A {
def main(args : Array[String]) = {
println ("outer A.main")
B.main (args)
object B {
def main(args : Array[String]) = {
println ("inner B.main")
scala -howtorun:object A
outer A.main
inner B.main
scala -howtorun:object A.B
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: A.B


How to test a method by mocking nested methods?

I'm trying to test an Object.method which contains some nested methods from a Trait apart of some calculations. These nested methods have to be mocked (they access to a DB so I want to mock their responses).
When I call the real Object.method, it should skip the nested methods call and retrieve what I want. I've tried mocking them but test is still calling them.
Here's my example source code:
trait MyTrait {
def myMethodToMock(a: String): String
object MyObject extends MyTrait {
def myParentMethod(a:String) = {
val b = myMethodToMock(a)
val c = a + b
Then in my test:
val myTraitMock = mock[MyTrait]
//Then I call the parent method:
assert(MyObject.myParentMethod(a) equals c)
It throws a NullPointerException as it's still accessing to myMethodToMock
Your code does not compile, so I am going to guess some things of what you are actually trying to do here ...
You are stubbing a method on a mock, and then calling it on a completely unrelated instance. No wonder it does not work.
A good rule of thumb (and the best practice) is to never mock classes you are actually testing. Split everything you want to mock and test separately into a separate class. This is also known as single responsibility principle (each component should be responsible for a single thing).
trait MyTrait {
def myMethodToMock(a: String): String
object MyTrait extends MyTrait {
def myMethodtoMock(a: String) = ???
class MyObject(helper: MyTrait = MyTrait) {
def myParentMethod(a: String) = a + helper.myMethodToMock(a)
object MyObject extends MyObject()
Now, you can write your test like this:
val myTraitMock = mock[MyTrait]
new MyObject(myTraitMock).myParentMethod("a") shouldBe "ab"
The main difference here is that you are passing your mock into the object's constructor, so that when it calls the method, it will be the one you stubbed, not the implementation provided by the default class.
You should use composition rather than inheritance, so you can inject an instance of MyTrait that can be a mock or the real one

Singleton Object vs Companion Object in Class

I have written the following code:
class a {
object c {
var a = "STATIC"
def m() = print("STATIC METHOD")
var f = () => print("STATIC FUNCTION")
object m {
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
var o = new a()
Can I say that the variables, functions and methods that are declared in object c can be static?
If I change name of object c with a then will the object becomes a companion object?
Scala has no true meaning of 'static' that Java does.
The fact that objects have a backing on the JVM that uses static methods / fields is a leaking implementation detail that you only need to deal with if using Java/JVM interop.
Unless you explicitly need that interop, you need to stop thinking of declared objects as 'static' and instead think of them as singletons within their given scope.
An inner object nested under a class, means that there is only ever going to be 1 instance of that object, for each class instance, unlike inner classes which could have multiple instances.
This applies at the top level as well, except that Scala can do additional compatibility with other JVM languages, and mark some of the methods/members as static.
Fields and methods in an object are how Scala declares things that you would have used static for in Java. I guess you can, for intuition sake, say that those fields are usually static (as in only one of those in a JVM at once).
However, in your example, you put an object inside a class, making it no longer static. You can easily check this with a few lines of code (that you can find here on Scastie).
class MyClass {
object Embedded {
val a = "field"
def m = println("method")
val a = new MyClass().Embedded
val b = new MyClass().Embedded
// prints "a and b are different objects"
if (a eq b)
println("a and b are the same object")
println("a and b are different objects")
Regarding your second question: no, class and object must be in the same scope in order for it to be a companion object. You can find more details on the Scala Language Specification.
I quote from there:
Generally, a companion module of a class is an object which has the same name as the class and is defined in the same scope and compilation unit. Conversely, the class is called the companion class of the module.
To answer you questions:
The methods and fields in a.c are not globally static because they need an instance of a to exist. If a were an object, a.c would be static too.
If you want to have a companion object with static fields and methods for your class a it has to be defined outside of a's code block, like this:
class a {
/* non-static stuff goes here */
object a {
/* static stuff goes there */
def m() = print("STATIC METHOD")
You must keep both in the same file, defining the object or the
class first doesn't matter, so it generally depend on a convention or what makes most sense depending on use case.
If you want to call the static method a.m inside the class a, you will still need to call it a.m and not just m. But the class a will be able to use private fields and methods of object a, because they are companions.
As others already said, static doesn't really exist in Scala, but the concept transpires from Java since Scala is in most cases compiled into java bytecode.
Last advice, the convention is usually the same in Scala and in Java for classes and object: the first-letter of their name should be uppercase (except in some advanced Scala cases)

Run "static call" in object before class instantiation Scala

I want to run some code in the body of an scala companion object before the class is instantiated. The idea is to register a bunch of object in a Set. Here is the code
trait Delegate {
def make: Ins
//EDIT: Changed constructor to private
//class Ins
class Ins private()
//this is the companion object that will be registered with the InsDelegate
object Ins extends Delegate{
//here is the code that do the registration but doesn't run
override def make: Ins = {
println("This is an Ins")
new Ins()
Here is the code for the InsDelegate
object InsDelegate {
private val objectSet = new mutable.HashSet[Delegate]()
def register(obj: Delegate): Unit = objectSet.add(obj)
def getRegisteredObj: Set[Delegate] = objectSet.toSet
When I run this test, nothing gets printed.
object test extends App {
The code that register the companion object doesn't run. I know that unlike java, in order to run the companion object code you need to instantiate the class of the object. How do I accomplish what I am trying to do???
Scala objects are lazy, so they're only constructed when first used. In your example, the test application never creates any instances, so object Ins is never constructed.
Your code should work, but you would need to create an instance of class Ins in your test code:
object test extends App {
val temp = Ins.make()
Incidentally, the convention for functions with side-effects (Delegate.make) is to take parentheses; a version without parentheses indicates that the function has no side-effects, which make clearly has (registering the Ins object, creating a new Ins element).
Another Scala convention is to name factory methods apply, rather than make. If you did that, you could create new Ins class instances using Ins(), instead of Ins.make(). (Ins() is interpreted to be the same as Ins.apply().)
Update: Forgot to mention this: if you want to register Ins without creating any instances first, you will need to reference it in some way. This quickly leads to ugly solutions along the lines of:
object Ins extends Delegate{
// Dummy method to get object to register itself.
def register(): Unit = {}
override def make: Ins = {
println("This is an Ins")
new Ins()
object InsDelegate {
private val objectSet = new mutable.HashSet[Delegate]()
def register(obj: Delegate): Unit = objectSet.add(obj)
def getRegisteredObj: Set[Delegate] = objectSet.toSet
// Create delegate objects...
However, if we're going to go to that much trouble, we might as well forego registration and add objects in the InsDelegate object:
object Ins extends Delegate{
override def make: Ins = {
println("This is an Ins")
new Ins()
object InsDelegate {
// Set of delegate objects available. Note: this is public, replaces getRegisteredObj.
val objectSet: Set[Delegate] = Set(Ins)
The downside is that Delegate objects no longer register themselves, but that's a blessing in disguise as you can now test delegate creation separately from testing InsDelegate.
I know that unlike java, in order to run the companion object code you need to instantiate the class of the object
Actually, your Java code would have the same result. What you need to do in both cases is to load the class, and instantiating it is just one way to do it. You can also use Class.forName, ClassLoader.loadClass, load any class which uses it somewhere in a signature... One very well-known case is (or was, before JDBC 4.0) loading JDBC drivers.
Unfortunately, in Scala the class you need to load is actually Ins$ (the class of the companion object) and instantiating Ins (or loading it in some other way) isn't necessarily enough.

Object extends Trait, Class extends Trait, both have to implement method

I have the following setup:
trait A
def doSomething(): Unit;
object B extends A
override def doSomething(): Unit =
// Implementation
class B(creator: String) extends A
override def doSomething(): Unit =
B.doSomething() // Now this is just completely unnecessary, but the compiler of course insists upon implementing the method
Now you may wonder why I even do this, why I let the class extend the trait as well.
The problem is, that somewhere in the Program there is a Collection of A.
So somewhere:
private val aList: ListBuffer[A] = new ListBuffer[A]
and in there, I also have to put Bs (among other derivates, namely C and D)
So I can't just let the B-class not extend it.
As the implementation is the same for all instances, I want to use an Object.
But there is also a reason I really need this Object. Because there is a class:
abstract class Worker
def getAType(): A
def do(): Unit =
class WorkerA
def getAType(): A =
return B
Here the singleton/object of B gets returned. This is needed for the implementation of do() in the Worker.
To summarize:
The object B is needed because of the generic implementation in do() (Worker-Class) and also because doSomething() never changes.
The class B is needed because in the collection of the BaseType A there are different instances of B with different authors.
As both the object and the class have to implement the trait for above reasons I'm in kind of a dilemma here. I couldn't find a satisfying solution that looks neater.
So, my question is (It turns out as a non-native-speaker I should've clarified this more)
Is there any way to let a class extend a trait (or class) and say that any abstract-method implementation should be looked up in the object instead of the class, so that I must only implement "doSomething()" (from the trait) once (in the object)? As I said, the trait fulfills two different tasks here.
One being a BaseType so that the collection can get instances of the class. The other being a contract to ensure the doSomething()-method is there in every object.
So the Object B needs to extend the trait, because a trait is like a Java interface and every (!) Object B (or C, or D) needs to have that method. (So the only option I see -> define an interface/trait and make sure the method is there)
edit: In case anyone wonders. How I really solved the problem: I implemented two traits.
Now for one class (where I need it) I extend both and for the other I only extend one. So I actually never have to implement any method that is not absolutely necessary :)
As I wrote in the comment section, it's really unclear to me what you're asking.
However, looking at your code examples, it seems to me that trait A isn't really required.
You can use the types that already come with the Scala SDK:
object B extends (()=>Unit) {
def apply() { /* implementation */ }
Or, as a variant:
object B {
val aType:()=>Unit = {() => /* implementation */ }
In the first case, you can access the singleton instance with B, in the second case with B.aType.
In the second case, no explicit declaration of the apply method is needed.
Pick what you like.
The essential message is: You don't need a trait if you just define one simple method.
That's what Scala functions are for.
The list type might look like this:
private val aList:ListBuffer[()=>Unit] = ???
(By the way: Why not declare it as Seq[()=>Unit]? Is it important to the caller that it is a ListBuffer and not some other kind of sequence?)
Your worker might then look like this:
abstract class Worker {
def aType:()=>Unit // no need for the `get` prefix here, or the empty parameter list
def do() {aType()}
Note that now the Worker type has become a class that offers a method that invokes a function.
So, there is really no need to have a Worker class.
You can just take the function (aType) directly and invoke it, just so.
If you always want to call the implementation in object B, well - just do that then.
There is no need to wrap the call in instances of other types.
Your example class B just forwards the call to the B object, which is really unnecessary.
There is no need to even create an instance of B.
It does have the private member variable creator, but since it's never used, it will never be accessed in any way.
So, I would recommend to completely remove the class B.
All you need is the type ()=>Unit, which is exactly what you need: A function that takes no parameters and returns nothing.
If you get tired of writing ()=>Unit all the time, you can define a type alias, for example inside the package object.
Here is my recommentation:
type SideEffect = ()=>Unit
Then you can use SideEffect as an alias for ()=>Unit.
That's all I can make of it.
It looks to me that this is probably not what you were looking for.
But maybe this will help you a little bit along the way.
If you want to have a more concrete answer, it would be nice if you would clarify the question.
object B doesn't really have much to do with class B aside from some special rules.
If you wish to reuse that doSomething method you should just reuse the implementation from the object:
class B {
def doSomething() = B.doSomething()
If you want to specify object B as a specific instance of class B then you should do the following:
object B extends B("some particular creator") {
You also do not need override modifiers although they can be handy for compiler checks.
The notion of a companion object extending a trait is useful for defining behavior associated with the class itself (e.g. static methods) as opposed to instances of the class. In other words, it allows your static methods to implement interfaces. Here's an example:
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
// a trait to be implemented by the companion object of a class
// to convey the fixed size of any instance of that class
trait Sized { def size: Int }
// create a buffer based on the size information provided by the
// companion object
def createBuffer(sized: Sized): ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(sized.size)
class MyClass(x: Long) {
def writeTo(buffer: ByteBuffer) { buffer.putLong(x) }
object MyClass extends Sized {
def size = java.lang.Long.SIZE / java.lang.Byte.SIZE
// create a buffer with correct sizing for MyClass whose companion
// object implements Sized. Note that we don't need an instance
// of MyClass to obtain sizing information.
val buf = createBuffer(MyClass)
// write an instance of MyClass to the buffer.
val c = new MyClass(42)

Force initialization of Scala singleton object

I'm working on an automatic mapping framework built on top of Dozer. I won't go into specifics as it's not relevant to the question but in general it's supposed to allow easy transformation from class A to class B. I'd like to register the projections from a class's companion object.
Below is a (simplified) example of how I want this to work, and a Specs test that assures that the projection is being registered properly.
Unfortunately, this doesn't work. From what I can gather, this is because nothing initializes the A companion object. And indeed, if I call any method on the A object (like the commented-out hashCode call, the projection is being registered correctly.
My question is - how can I cause the A object to be initialized automatically, as soon as the JVM starts? I don't mind extending a Trait or something, if necessary.
class A {
var data: String = _
class B {
var data: String = _
object A {
"dozer projektor" should {
"transform a simple bean" in {
// A.hashCode
val a = new A = "text"
val b = a.-->[B] must_==
Short answer: You can't. Scala objects are lazy, and are not initialized until first reference. You could reference the object, but then you need a way of ensuring the executing code gets executed, reducing the problem back to the original problem.
In ended up doing this:
trait ProjektionAware with DelayedInit
private val initCode = new ListBuffer[() => Unit]
override def delayedInit(body: => Unit)
initCode += (() => body)
def registerProjektions()
for (proc <- initCode) proc()
object A extends ProjektionAware {
Now I can use a classpath scanning library to initialize all instances of ProjektionAware on application bootstrap. Not ideal, but works for me.
You can force the instantiation of A to involve the companion object by using an apply() method or some other sort of factory method defined in the object instead of directly using the new A() constructor.
This does not cause the object to be initialized when the JVM starts, which I think as noted in another answer can't generally be done.
As Dave Griffith and Don Roby already noted, it cannot be done at JVM startup in general. However maybe this initialization could wait until first use of your framework?
If so, and if you don't mind resorting to fragile reflection tricks, in your --> method you could obtain reference to the companion object and get it initialize itself.
You can start at Getting object instance by string name in scala.
We could use this sort of a way to ensure that companion object gets initialized first and then the class gets instantiated.
object B {
val i = 0
def apply(): B = new B()
class B {
// some method that uses i from Object B
def show = println(B.i)
// b first references Object B which calls apply()
// then class B is instantiated
val b = B()