Blogdown - window to stage and commit changes no longer appears - github

I recently created a website using blogdown and now hosting it on a GitHub repository and netlify to deploy. When I set it up, I followed the directions to clone my GitHub repository to be able to commit files using the git version control. So making changes within Rmarkdown and then committing them to my GitHub repository was easy.
However, when I connect to the project now, the window where I can commit changes does not appear. That is, I no longer have the option to commit changes within R studio. My guess is that the connection between the terminal and GitHub was changed/removed? Does anyone know how to re-establish this? I've looked up the syntax to use in the terminal, but I couldn't find a similar problem - that is, re-establish the connection between my GitHub with an already existing project already on my desktop.

Posting an answer to this question in the case others have a problem. It was an issue with MojaveOS. You have to re-install command line tools in the terminal.
xcode-select --install
Doing this, the version control now works to commit files to my github repository.


STS getting this while pull/fetch latest changes Couldn't lock local tracking ref for update

Getting this issue in spring tool suit while fetching/pull latest changes from remote branch. i don't have git bash on my local previously it was working fine right now i am getting below mention issue.
Couldn't lock local tracking ref for update
I also encountered same problem
But I removed this problem using GITHUB Desktop tool.
Once I executed pull from STS, its showed the dialog box with error as shown above. and a up arrow got appended showing there are some commit to be pushed,
though I had not made any commits before this pull. The changes from pull were not added to my local project.
I checked on Github Desktop, and it also showed same arrow.
I pushed it from tool, and it was resolved. The changes from pull got added to local project.
While you don't have git bash, Eclipse is using its own JGit (java-based implementation of Git)
As recommended in "egit lock fail eclipse", do check if you have any "<refname>.lock" file under .git/refs/". (howlger refers to eclipse issue 417860:
I checked in jgit and egit sources and found that the only occurrence of the text "[lock fail]" is used when fetch fails to update a remote tracking branch.
This can happen if a previous crash didn't cleanup a "<refname>.lock" file which git creates as a lock to guard the ref against concurrent updates.
git remote prune origin
solved same problem for me

Used Github Desktop and now terminal not detecting changes

I used Github Desktop to perform a complex merge and now I've noticed that my terminal is not picking up any changes when I run:
git status
I need to first push the code up to origin using Github Desktop, then pull down in my terminal in order for the changes to take place.
Has anyone seen this before?
It appears that github desktop somehow made a clone of the repo in a new location which is why my terminal wasn't locating the file changes. The github desktop repo was located at: /Users/NAME/Documents/GitHub/repo-name. I'm sure this is something I screwed up during setup but figured I'd throw this out there in case it helps anyone!

Newbie Unable to clone repo

I've never used a VCS before and I'm attempting to set one up now.
I'm doing some Game Development with Unity3d. At first I googled how to set up VCS for Unity; and I found this:
I followed it until it came time to clone the repository from within the hgTortoise workbench. When I hit the clone button after copying and pasting the URL to my repo from the website I received an error: "Repository Git clone https::// not found code: 255" and I do understand what an HTTP 404 error is.
Anyone who has used the internet knows it means the page could not be found.
I created this repo as private; is that why it could not find my repo?
Then I proceeded to follow the instructions at BitBucket's "BitBucket 101" help page. I installed Git, had already created a BitBucket account and repo, and the instructions which followed.
I stopped at the point where the help page said to enter some command line things in to Git Shell. I'm running Windows 8.1 and searches have shown me that particular program doesn't exist on this PC.
Am I doing this correctly? What am I doing wrong? All I need is to set up a VCS.
Git and Mercurial are 2 different distributed version control packages. They both use a command line interface. TortoiseHG (the package referred to in the step-by-step you linked to) is a GUI extension that's only used for Mercurial. (HG is the chemical symbol for Mercury, get it?!)
Bitbucket is an online repository that can host either Git or Mercurial repositories.
It looks like you created your repository on Bitbucket as a Git repo and not a Mercurial repo. Just delete the repo on Bitbucket (make sure you have a good copy of your source code) and recreate it as a Mercurial repo. Then work with TortoiseHG as instructed in the step-by-step.
The fact that it's a private repo doesn't matter. That just means it will only be visible to you (vs. everyone) and will require a password to push and pull changes via https or ssh.
Well, first of all, it seems that the tutorial that you seem to be using is based on using Mercurial instead of Git.
If you're comfortable with diving into the command line, you can download TortoiseHG, which is a Windows shell extension:
However, there's nothing wrong with using SourceTree as well, which is a GUI-based interface for dealing with both Git and Mercurial repositories:
FYI, if you downloaded Git for Windows, it should've provided you with a terminal called Git Bash that you can use for Git commands.

Can't commit with Github Windows, no reason given

I have been forced to use other apps, and the command line since Github for Windows is not allowing me to commit changes. I would like to understand what's the problem, but I simply get a prompt with this message:
Commit failed
Failed to create new commit
Then, it gives me the option of go to the Git Shell or to cancel. While I am not an expert with the terminal, I am able to make commits when I choose to go to the Git Shell (or to any other application for that matter).
I am using Github 2.0.5 on Windows 7.
After an exchange with the Github for Windows developers, the issue has something to do with Windows inability to work with paths when they're too long. The node_modules folders generated by Node.js is the culprit of this issue in my particular case.
However, the node_modules folders in my repository are gitignored. The fact that even when gitignored they create a problem in Github for Windows means the developers have to address the situation.
I expect a response or a patch from the developers soon. They have been very helpful. In the meantime, I am using SourceTree as my Windows Git GUI.

How to undo the sync to get the files in local repo back?

I'm very new to github and I started using it a few weeks ago for my uni group project.
The problem that I'm having is:
There is a remote repo on github where everyone in the group is using.
I do have a local repo on my laptop, where I've worked my part of the project.
I recently committed and synced the updates that I made to github using desktop app for mac.
I got a few errors and the sync failed.
After that when I looked at the files that I have locally, they got overwritten by the ones from the git(non-updated version) and all of my work are gone.
Can you please help me on what I should do to receive the files that I had locally? Is there any way that I can undo that last sync. I found a few suggestions online, but since I'm not sure which one to use, I don't really want to mess up the files anymore.
(Nearly) All changes made to git repositories can be undo. We don't know the commands you entered but enter it at Google for a specific solution.
You proberly have to use something like:
$git rebase