Trigger execution for foreign table in postgresql - postgresql

I have two databases db1 and db2.db2 has foreign table, say tableA whose schema has been imported from db1. A trigger runs on tableA in db1 for every row update.
Now using postgres_fdw I can fetch the records from db2 but unable to update any record on tableA due to that trigger function.Update works fine in case I disable the trigger.I need that trigger for audit log.
Please suggest me a suitable suggestion to resolve the issue.I am using postgres 9.6.

Make sure the user establishing the link has access to the audit tables.
You could also add the required schema to the trigger function search path:
[...] -- do something in the xyz schema
LANGUAGE plpgsql
SET search_path = xyz;


How to create a trigger on a postgresql database managed by prisma?

Good evening . I'm working on a chat application using nodejs, prisma, postgresql. I would like 24 hours after the last message is created on a specific chat to be immediately deleted from the postgresql database. For this, I created a trigger:
--function creation
create or replace function chat_expired() returns trigger as $delete_account$
delete from chat where current_timestamp - last.messages.createAt = 24*60*60;
return new;
$delete_account$ language plpgsql ;
-- trigger creation
create trigger messages_added
after update
on chat --I get error on this line
for each row
execute procedure chat_expired();
from postgresql query tool but when I execute I get the error the cat relationship does not exist at the trigger definition level. I guess it's because the chat table hasn't been defined in my query tool space; but I didn't set it because the chat table was already created from prisma immigrations. So I deleted the folder of my prisma migrations, then I created a new migration and I modified the .sql file manually in order to insert my trigger there thus thinking that prisma would also create a trigger for me at the same time as database tables:
--function creation
create or replace function "chat_expired"() returns trigger as $delete_account$
delete from "Chat" where current_timestamp - last.chatMessage.createdAt = 3*60;
return new;
$delete_account$ language plpgsql ;
-- trigger creation
create trigger "messages_added"
after update
on "chat"
for each row
execute procedure "chat_expired"();
Notes: The previous code contains a few more quotes than the first code. But it instead prevented the migration from applying and I got the error
Error: P3006
Migration `20220905231003_initial_migration` failed to apply cleanly to the shadow database.
Error code: P1014
The underlying table for model `(not available)` does not exist.
which was only resolved after I removed the manually added rows. So I don't know how to create a trigger on a postgresql database managed by prisma. I've been thinking about the solution for several weeks. I even looked at this stackoverflow question and also this one but nothing. Thanks !
Prisma doesn't have support for triggers yet. Prisma has an excellent article on the topic. They advice writing Prisma middleware to achieve "triggers". There is also a feature request for it.

Syncing up a specific schema between two RDS Tables (postgres)

Currently we have two dbs in AWS RDS (Postgres). One for Demo (Internal Testing) and another for beta environment. Both dbs have a schema called "strapi" which contains common data to display to user. Our use case is that whenever the admin updates the strapi data in demo db, it should reflect in beta as well. So I was searching for AWS services that supports our use case.
Searched for similar questions and I found people recommending AWS DMS. So went ahead and created endpoints and ran a full load task with "Truncate" option for Target Preparation Mode.
The task failed with following error
"RetCode: SQL_ERROR SqlState: 0A000 NativeError: 1 Message: ERROR: cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint; Error while executing the query [1022502] (ar_odbc_stmt.c:4828). Failed to truncate table strapi.programs [1022502] (odbc_endpoint_imp.c:4372)"
Tried setting session_replication_role parameter to replica on target database in RDS and still getting the same error. Any help would be appreciated.
Note: I still am not sure whether AWS DMS is a good service for our use case.
Thanks in Advance.
I am still not sure whether AWS DMS is the correct service for my use case of creating a pipeline such that any changes in a particular schema in demo db should be reflected in beta db. But found the solution for the above DMS Task error.
"RetCode: SQL_ERROR SqlState: 0A000 NativeError: 1 Message: ERROR: cannot truncate a table referenced in a foreign key constraint; Error while executing the query [1022502] (ar_odbc_stmt.c:4828). Failed to truncate table strapi.programs [1022502] (odbc_endpoint_imp.c:4372)"
One can manually drop the foreign key constraints and once the full load migration task is completed, we can recreate the foreign key constraints
A simple script to drop foreign key constraints (Taken from
create table if not exists dropped_foreign_keys (
seq bigserial primary key,
sql text
do $$ declare t record;
for t in select conrelid::regclass::varchar table_name, conname constraint_name,
pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(r.oid, true) constraint_definition
from pg_catalog.pg_constraint r
where r.contype = 'f'
-- uncomment the below line for current schema only:
-- and r.connamespace = (select n.oid from pg_namespace n where n.nspname = current_schema())
insert into dropped_foreign_keys (sql) values (
format('alter table %s add constraint %s %s',t.table_name, t.constraint_name, t.constraint_definition));
execute format('alter table %s drop constraint %s', t.table_name, t.constraint_name);
end loop;
end $$;
And to recreate the dropped foreign key constraints
do $$ declare t record;
-- order by seq for easier troubleshooting when data does not satisfy FKs
for t in select * from dropped_foreign_keys order by seq loop
execute t.sql;
delete from dropped_foreign_keys where seq = t.seq;
end loop;
end $$;
Also note that for the full load task, there will not be any problem with migration as long as the constraints are created after the migration is completed on the target instance. But if you expect any updates on target instance for the tables in questions while the migration is running then you may see some issues with inconsistency because of dropping foreign key constraints.

Postgresql: trigger on foreign table to execute function to truncate/insert into local table

I would like to create trigger to execute function to truncate local database table and insert new data.
Trigger execution must start after new row have insert in foreign database table.
I have read a lot about creating triggers on foreign table, but for me its not working. Trigger seems to not execute function when new row will be inserted in foreign table. It seems like trigger cant see this new row insert event.
What I did:
Created foreign table in my local database, lets call it 'foreign_table'. I tested, I can read data.
Created function to truncate local table and insert new data:
CREATE or replace FUNCTION public.reset_insert_table()
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
SET search_path=public
create temporary table temporary_table_tmp
as select * from public.table1;
TRUNCATE TABLE public.table2;
insert into table2
select * from temporary_table_tmp;
DROP table temporary_table_tmp;
Created trigger to launch function 'reset_insert_table()'
CREATE TRIGGER local_table_update
ON 'foreign_table'
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE reset_insert_table();
Made test: inserted new row in foreign database table 'foreign_table', but I cant see that table is truncated and new data is not inserted. Insertion to foreign_tale was done in foreign database.
Problem was also testing does this trigger function work, executing manually will produce error:
EXECUTE PROCEDURE reset_insert_table();
ERROR: syntax error at or near "execute"
Tried also CALL and SELECT.
I created same function for testing but instead defining 'RETURNS TRIGGER'used 'RETURNS VOID' and function is working.
Can anyone tell why my solution is not working and does trigger on foreign tables must see events happening in foreign tables?
According to your comments, you seem to be using logical replication.
While data modifications are replayed on the standby with logical replication, the parameter session_replication_role is set to replica to keep triggers and foreign key constraints from working.
If you want a trigger to be triggered by the replay of data via logical replication, you have to declare it as a replica trigger:

Selecting column name from other database table through function in PostgreSQL

Here i need to select a column name by using function(stored procedure) which is present in other database table using PostgreSQL.
I have sql server query as shown below.
create procedure sp_testing
if not exists ( select ssn from testdb..testtable) /*ssn is the column-name of testtable which exists in testdb database */
Q: Can i do the same in PostgreSQL?
Your question is not very clear, but if you want to know if a column by a certain name exists in a table by a certain name in a remote PostgreSQL database, then you should first set up a foreign data wrapper, which is a multi-stage process. Then to test the existence of a certain column in a table you need to formulate a query that conforms to the standards of the particular DBMS that you are connecting to. Use the remote information_schema.tables table for optimal compatibility (which is here specified as remote_tables which you must have defined with a prior CREATE FOREIGN TABLE command):
CREATE FUNCTION sp_testing () AS $$
FROM remote_tables
WHERE table_name = 'testtable'
AND column_name = 'ssn';
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
If you want to connect to another type of DBMS, you need to write some custom function in f.i. C or perl and then call that from within a PostgreSQL function on your local machine. The test on the column is then best done inside the function which should therefore take connection parameters, table name and column name as parameters, and return a boolean to inform the result.
Before you start testing this, make sure that you read all the documentation on connecting to remote servers and learning PL/pgSQL first would also be a nice gesture to demonstrate your own efforts before you ask for help.

Copy data between two tables in PostgreSQL using dblink.sql

I am using PostgreSQL 9.1. I need to transfer required columns from one table of one database into another table of another database, but not schema.
I found that dblink.sql file has to be there in share/contrib. But my contrib folder is empty. Where can I download the dblink.sql file and can execute my query?
When I execute the query now it shows an error message:
cross database reference is not possible ...
Can anyone help me how to transfer the data between two databases?
After you have installed the package into your system as detailed in the related question install the extension dblink into your database (the one you are running this code in, the foreign db does not need it):
You can find code examples in the manual.
Here is a simple version of what I use to copy data between dbs:
First, create a FOREIGN SERVER
OPTIONS (hostaddr '',port '5432',dbname 'mydb');
FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgresql was pre-installed in my case.
Then create function that opens a connection, removes old data (opotional), fetches new data, runs ANALYZE and closes the connection:
SELECT dblink_connect('mydb'); -- USER MAPPING for postgres, PW in .pgpass
TRUNCATE tbl; -- optional
SELECT * FROM dblink(
'SELECT tbl_id, x, y
FROM tbl
ORDER BY tbl_id')
AS b(
tbl_id int
,x int
,y int)
SELECT dblink_disconnect();