I'm trying to deploy an app on IBM Cloud (Bluemix) from a Github repository (https://github.com/IBM/watson-vehicle-damage-analyzer).
When I deploy the app I choose London as location. The project try to deploy but it stops with this error:
Server error, status code: 502, error code: 10001, message: Service broker error: No matching deployments for the given plan_id.
Can somebody explain me what this error means? I have a paid account on IBM Cloud.
Here is the full log of my error:
Preparing to start the job...
Preparing the build artifacts...
cf login -a "https://api.eu-gb.bluemix.net" -u apikey -p "****" -o "xxxxxxxx#xxxxxxxx.com" -s "dev"
API endpoint: https://api.eu-gb.bluemix.net
Targeted org xxxxxxxxx#xxxxxxx.com
Targeted space dev
API endpoint: https://api.eu-gb.bluemix.net (API version: 2.106.0)
User: gabriel.cuesta#mkdautomotive.com
Org: gabriel.cuesta#mkdautomotive.com
Space: dev
Creating service instance wvda-visual-recognition in org gabriel.cuesta#mkdautomotive.com / space dev as gabriel.cuesta#mkdautomotive.com...
Server error, status code: 502, error code: 10001, message: Service broker error: No matching deployments for the given plan_id.
Finished: FAILED
I see that in the manifest.yml file, it's creating a Watson VR service lite plan but as per the pricing on the website here, Watson VR with the lite plan is available only in us-south (Dallas) region.
You can check the same here as well - https://console.bluemix.net/catalog/services/visual-recognition
I have set up a ASE3 environment to which I am deploying my app service through azure-devops yaml-pipeline. I have an agent-pool on a windows-scaleset that i have created in the same vNet as the ASE3 but on a different subnet.
When the pipeline is excuted it throws the following error in the deploy-task:
##[error]Failed to deploy web package to App Service.
##[error]Error: Error: Failed to deploy web package to App Service. Error: connect ETIMEDOUT xx.xx.xx.4:443
##[warning]Error: Failed to update deployment history. Error: Error: connect ETIMEDOUT xx.xx.xx.4:443
Any help on this please?
We solved this issue by checking the routing table. It seemed that the subnet where build-agent is hosted had next-hop to outside the vNet which made ASEs ip-address unknown to the firewall. by changing that could the agent upload the zip-packege.
I launched a hyperledger fabric starter instance on IBM Bluemix.
I deployed a fabric composer business network to it. I can create assets, participants and transactions using the auto-created admin credentials. So far so good. What doesn't work though is issuing an identity for a participant. I get the below error:
$ composer identity issue -n businessNetwork -p bluemixProfile -i admin -s 39631b62329d0 -u paul -a "org.notarynodes.businessNetwork.Person#paul"
2017-03-31T16:34:46.933Z ERROR HFCUtil
Register request failed
{"0":{"stack":["{Error}Invalid affiliation group institution_a Error:
Invalid affiliation group institution_a"," at
Error: Invalid affiliation group institution_a Command failed.
How can I solve that error?
There currently isn't a way to provide the affiliation name on the identity issue command. I have created a github issue
about this.
I'm able to generate my archive file (.bna), but when I run the command to deploy it I get the following error:
$ composer network deploy --archiveFile test#1.0.0.bna --enrollId user_type4_1 --enrollSecret <secret> -p bluemix
Deploying business network from archive: test#1.0.0.bna
Business network definition:
Identifier: test#1.0.0
TypeError: First argument must be a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or array-like object.
Command failed
The connection.json file for my bluemix profile is:
"type": "hlf",
"membershipServicesURL": "grpcs://6175a0e332ef47a3b87dc1056697e76b-ca.us.blockchain.ibm.com:30001",
"peerURL": "grpcs://6175a0e332ef47a3b87dc1056697e76b-vp3.us.blockchain.ibm.com:30001",
"eventHubURL": "grpcs://6175a0e332ef47a3b87dc1056697e76b-vp3.us.blockchain.ibm.com:31001",
"keyValStore": "/home/jeff/.composer-credentials",
"deployWaitTime": "300",
"invokeWaitTime": "100"
Please see
Fabric composer integration with Bluemix blockchain service,
your connection profile is missing the certificate and certificatePath
definition that is required to use secure grpc communications defined
in your connection profile. The service provider (bluemix) should have
provided the certificate information as part of the connection
I'm trying to get started with Google Machine Learning using these instructions: Getting Setup
When I run gcloud beta ml init-project I get
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.ml.init-project) Project [mnist1-151907] does not exist,
or you do not have permission to access it.
I'm running this command on Google Cloud's Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machine created under my projectID mnist1-151907 and I've given this machine access to all of Google Cloud's APIs.
The log ~/.config/gcloud/logs/2016.12.23/ says
... "error": { "code": 403,
"message": Google Cloud Resource Manager API has not been used in project mnist1-151907 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/overview?project=mnist1-151907 ...
I followed the log's instructions and the API is enabled, but I'm still getting the same error. Has anyone experienced this error or can offer a suggestion? Thank you.
I was receiving the same error after enabling the API. I had to play a little re-authenticating with the project the gcloud tool. i.e. gcloud init, gcloud auth revoke and gcloud auth login
I developed an app using watson and cloudant. Completed the coding part using eclipse.
Build was successful and I got war file.
When I am trying to push this to bluemix, I am facing problem.
on giving the command
cf api https://api.eu-gb.bluemix.net
cf api https://api.ng.bluemix.net
I get the following in response
setting api endpoint to https://api.eu-gb.bluemixnet...
Invalide SSL Cert for api.eu-gb.bluemix.net
TIP:Use 'CF api --skip--ssl-validation' to continue with an insecure API endpoint
Please help out, or tell some way to push my application.
I am not sure why are you getting the SSL Cert error.
Will you please try and see if cf login works for you by giving it the endpoint directly ?
-u is the Bluemix user-id and this will prompt you for password. Let me know if this resolves for you or you get the same SSL error
Example =>
>>cf login -a api.ng.bluemix.net -u xxx#yy.zz -o xxx#yy.zz -s dev
API endpoint: api.ng.bluemix.net
Targeted org xxx#yy.zz
Targeted space dev
API endpoint: https://api.ng.bluemix.net (API version: 2.14.0)
User: xxx#yy.zz
Org: xxx#yy.zz
Space: dev