Matlab: function on multiple files - matlab

I want to read all wav files containing in a folder, for each file I perform a function.
The result of this function is a number. I want save several results in a file txt.
This is my code:
dirMask = 'folder\*.wav';
wavRoot = fileparts(dirMask);
x = [];
for k=1:length(Files)
FileNames = fullfile(wavRoot, Files(k).name)
[s,fs] = audioread(FileNames);
a = function(s, fs);
fid = fopen('file.txt','wt');
This code doesn't work. How can I do this?

I rearranged things a bit. I wasn't entirely positive of the original intent but I think this is what you were trying to achieve:
dirMask = 'folder\*.wav';
Files = dir(dirMask);
fid = fopen('file.txt','wt');
for k=1:length(Files)
FileName = [ Files(k).folder '\' Files(k).name ]
[s,fs] = audioread(FileName);
% functions named function is a bad idea as it is keyword protected
x = myFunction(s,fs);


Matlab save table with different file names in different files

I'm trying to read different files (txt) using a datastore and readtable in order to parse them and write them into a .mat file.
I'm using ds = datastore('*.txt').Files to get all the file names in a directory, then with a for loop I iterate through all the different files and I save them with different names.
However when I import the file in matlab they have all the same table name (dat).
Here's the code:
ds = datastore('*.txt');
fnames = ds.Files;
l = length(fnames);
for i = 1:l
dat = readtable(fnames{i}, 'Delimiter', '\t');
dat.Properties.VariableNames(1:2) = {'rpm', 'p_coll'};
dat = removevars(dat{i},20:width(dat));
save([fnames{i} '.mat'],'dat');
I tried using an array of dat but it didn't work. Any ideas?
As Sardar said there is no point in storing your data in L different variables. If you have to do so, there probably is a bigger problem in your program design. You'd better describe why you need that.
As an alternative, you can load those files in a single cell array:
L = 10;
for ii =1:L
dat = 2*ii;
fn = sprintf('dat%d.mat', ii);
save(fn, 'dat');
dats = cell(L, 1);
for ii=1:L
fn = sprintf('dat%d.mat', ii);
dats{ii} = dat;
Another option is to lad them in a struct:
dats = struct();
for ii=1:L
fn = sprintf('dat%d.mat', ii);
dats.(sprintf('dat%d', ii)) = dat;
I do not see any advantage in this method compared to cell array, but it's kind of funny.
Finally, if you really have a reason to store data in multiple variables, you can use eval:
for ii =1:L
dat = ii^2;
eval(sprintf('dat%d=dat;', ii));
fn = sprintf('dat%d.mat', ii);
save(fn, sprintf('dat%d', ii));
for ii=1:L
fn = sprintf('dat%d.mat', ii);

read multiple files in from a directoryusing matlab

How can read multiple files in from a directory using matlab? Can someone please help correct my code below:
files =dir(fullfile(directory_path,'*.dat'));
numfiles = length('*.dat');
mydat = cell(1, numfiles);
for k = 1:numfiles
mydata{k} = fopen([directory_path,files(k).name]);
%fprintf(values) something with values.....
.dat files are just many rows and single column of strings that need to be read in a loop and processed further.
fopen gives file pointer, which you save to mydata{k}, and try to release by fclose(fid). There is no fid, so it doesn't work.
What you should do is replace mydata{k} with fid. And probably values by mydata{k}.
The other bug is in numfiles = .... You will always have numfiles = 5, as there are 5 characters in the '*.dat'.
numfiles = length(files);
would be better, although you would also count directories. Check one of the other questions how to solve this.
Thanks Zizy Archer.
I solved the problem this way:
files =dir(fullfile(directory_path,'*.dat'));
numfiles = length(files);
for k = 1:numfiles
textFileName = [directory_path,files(k).name]
fid = fopen(textFileName, 'r');
textData = textscan(fid,'%s','delimiter','\n');
data = textData{:,1}

Matlab: func2str from a function in a m-file

In a main m-file I have
conformal = maketform('custom', 2, 2, [], #conformalInverse_0001, []);
used in imtransform that refers to the function defined in conformalInverse_0001.m:
function U = conformalInverse_0001(X, ~)
U = [zeros(size(X))];
Z = complex(X(:,1),X(:,2));
W = 1./(4.*Z.^2-1);
U(:,2) = imag(W);
U(:,1) = real(W);
How can I get the string '1./(4.*Z.^2-1)' in the main program?
I found a way to solve it, but it's not so elegant...
Assume conformalInverse_0001.m is a file in your folder.
You can parse the file as a text file, and search for your formula.
Assume you know the location is 5'th line in file, and start with W =.
You can use something like the following code to read '1./(4.*Z.^2-1)' in the main program:
%Open file for reading.
fid = fopen('conformalInverse_0001.m', 'r');
%Read 5 lines.
s = textscan(fid, '%s', 5, 'delimiter', '\n');
%Get the 5'th line.
s = s{1}(5);
%Convert cell array to string.
s = s{1};
%Get characters from the 5'th character to one char before end of string.
s = s(5:end-1)
Result: s = 1./(4.*Z.^2-1)
You can check textscan documentation for finding more elegant solution.
I'm not sure I fully understand the problem here, but what about adding into your conformalInverse_0001 function something like:
str = '1./(4.*Z.^2-1)';
save('temp_str','str') % or whatever data that you want to save from it
and then adding in your main file:
load('str.mat')% or you can use 'impordata'
where you want to extract it.
I have hacked two solutions with textscan: first knowing the line number and second searching the line that starts with substring 'W = '
% read line line_num = 5 and process string
f_id = fopen(conformalInverse_m_path);
conformalInverse_cell = textscan(f_id,'%s','delimiter','\n'); %disp(conformalInverse_cell); % {68×1 cell}
func_string = conformalInverse_cell{1}{line_num}; disp(func_string); % W = 1./(4.*Z.^2-1); OK
func_string_2=func_string(5:end-1); disp(func_string_2); % 1./(4.*Z.^2-1); OK
% read first line that starts with substring 'W = ' and process string
W_string = 'W = ';
for i=1:100
func_string = conformalInverse_cell{1}{i};
Firt4=func_string(1:4); %disp(['i = ', num2str(i), ': First4 = ', Firt4]);
if strcmp(Firt4,W_string) == 1; line_nr = i; break; end;
func_string_2 = conformalInverse_cell{1}{line_nr};

Matlab Input/output of Several Files

I do matlab operation with two data file whose entries are complex numbers. For example,
fName = '1corr.txt';
f = dlmread('1EA.txt',',');
fid = fopen(fName);
tline = '';
Then I do matrix and other operations between these two files and write my output which I call 'modTrace' as:
fileID = fopen('1out.txt','w');
v = [(0:(numel(modTrace)-1)).' real(modTrace(:)) ].';
fprintf(fileID,'%d %e\n',v);
The question is, if I have for example 100 pairs of such data files, like (2corr.txt, 2EA.txt), ....(50corr.txt, 50EA.txt) how can I generalize the input files and how to write all the output files at a time?
First of all, use sprintf to get your variable names depending on the current index.
This way, you have one variable (idx) which has to be changed.
Finally put everything into a loop:
for idx=1:n
f = dlmread(EAName,',');
fid = fopen(corrName);
tline = '';
fileID = fopen(outName,'w');
v = [(0:(numel(modTrace)-1)).' real(modTrace(:)) ].';
fprintf(fileID,'%d %e\n',v);
Instead of hardcoding the number 100, you could also use n=numel(dir('*EA.txt')). It count's the files ending with EA.txt

how to save files in a loop in Matlab?

I have some geotif files and I am trying to create a mosaic out of them. I have tried to put the images beside each other first in a row and then tried to join the in columns and have the final mosaic. I would like to have the output file with the save number of the loop (outimage1,outimage2,..). I would like to know how should I introduce the output file with the sequence of the loop number.
I would be happy if someone help me find my mistake in the following code.
close all;
clear all;
path = 'E:\MATLAB\...\tifs\';
path2 = 'E:\MATLAB\...\tifs\out\';
matfiles = dir(fullfile('E:', 'MATLAB',...,'tifs','*.tif'));
files = {};
image_row = [];
for L=1:11
for k=1:14:lf
fname = matfiles(k).name;
fullname = horzcat (path,fname);
infile = imread (fullname);
image_row= [image_row,infile];
[~, ~, ext] = fileparts(fname);
outimage = fullfile( path2, sprintf('outimage%d%s', L, ext) );
Yours assistant is highly appreciated.
I am not familiar with a matlab syntax k. format(fname).
If you want to do string formatting in Matlab - read this first.
A solution for your problem might be
outimage = fullfile( path2, sprintf('outimage_%03d_%s', k, fname ) );
following comment by OP, get the file format (tif):
[~, ~, ext] = fileparts(fname);
outimage = fullfile( path2, sprintf('outimage%d.%s',ext) );