Where are custom maxscript modifiers saved? - plugins

I'm studying maxscript by reverse engineering good (.mse) custom modifiers available online. Where do I locate them after installation so I can study them?
In the name of self studying, I've looked around for different free custom modifiers for 3DSmax. My main interest lies in looking at how these modifiers were written in maxscript since seeing samples and studying good code is a great way to learn.
I've downloaded and installed a few that were from the .mse format, and sure enough they show up in my 3DS max's modifier list and they work the way they should properly.
Where im lost is ~ if I use a tool like search everything on my machine, I only get directed back to the original .mse files that i downloaded. And I dont see the names of any of these custom modifiers on the plug in manager tab in 3DS max.
So if i wanted to study the code, where can I look for them?
(other than reaching out to their original creators who have been inactive for years lol)
Many thanks
Happy new year

.mse scripts do not contain source text.
Those files are encrypted and there's no way you can see what's inside.


Why aren't all languages showing up in Github Repo?

I'm about to submit this project but I want to make sure the Github page looks good before I do. For some reason, not all the languages are showing up and I don't know why. I've tried to find ways to edit this under settings but I've yet to find anything.
As you see in the images below, on the homepage it says the Repo is 100% Jupyter notebooks, but if you click on "languages" you'll see that there are python and csv files as well that seem to be unaccounted for.
If anyone knows how I can change this please let me know. It's not very important but I think it'd look much nicer if the breakdown of languages was more accurate. Thank you!
GitHub uses Linguist to figure out which languages are part of your project. It has a languages.yml file to defined the multitude of languages to look for. Some are markup languages (like jupyter notebook), some programming languages, etc.
That percentage you see is calculated based on the bytes of code for each language. The more you have of one type, the higher the percentage.
Note, however, that this library excludes all files that it determines to be binary data, vendor code, generated code, documentation, or defined as data (in your case csv) or prose (think markdown), whilst taking into account any overrides.
IF your python code is small enough, even in 2 files, it won't get show up. Just write more python if you want it to show up.
The second screenshot provided is when you click on the languages and it's purpose is exactly what you are looking for - to give better details on the current project and what it comprises of in detail. This language bar is just an overview. It need not be 100% accurate.
FIY - It also matters which is your main branch, since it takes that into account.
Conclusion - don't worry about it. Whoever needs to see it, will see what your project has in terms of contents.

Mapping Actions to a Node-based editor using Unity3D

My question revolves around how to get behaviours described by a node-based editor to map to actions in-game. I've searched for several weeks about how to do this but can't find anything. If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd be really grateful!
I don't know the best way to ask this question - I don't want to overload the question with what I've done, so I'll elaborate a bit below, as best I can:
I currently have a custom node-based editor I wrote for Unity, which I use to graphically edit the behaviour of bosses and NPCs. It looks like this (with the right-click menu shown):
I did find a way to get this behaviour working in-game, but it feels wonky and I'm wondering if there's a better way.
The way it works is there are two objects to be serialized per node object. I currently have these setup as scriptable objects, though if I were to do this again I'd create my own kind of serialization. These two objects are:
The Node in the editor window, containing editor scripts
The associated in-game action, to be loaded by the NPC at runtime
This creates a bit of mess in the file structure, as well as the amount of script files I need. On top of this, it's a bit tricky to manage cases where multiple actions are being performed simultaneously, and I need to change the NPC's state (e.g. phase1 to phase2 of a boss fight), which sounds to me like a design issue.
I'd be happy to share source code or more screenshots, if at all necessary. What I'm looking for is a way to approach something like this in a structured way that allows scalability for other projects (e.g. NPC behaviour for an RTS)

Create a docx (Word) document by using Perl (module)

I have been looking for some time now, and I decided to try some crowd sourcing.
I have searched (Googled) the answer and looked through Stack Overflow for some time now, and I cannot find a proper and relatively easy way of created DOCX documents via Perl.
I want to create a DOC file, and since DOCX is XML based, I was guessing that would be an easier way to achieve this.
I located a RTF::Writer module but its very limited in its capabilities.
There are more than one such library for PHP, and other languages, but I cannot use that, unfortunately.
I am not running on a Windows environment so I cannot use anything that would integrate with Office, in addition I don't want to start bundling Office with my product.
I am open to suggestions, but please provide sensible ones :) i.e. no, you are scr*wed DOCX is impossible.
Here is what I tried:
1) Take an existing DOCX, and modify the XML directly, all I achieved via this is caused Word to crash :) apparently Word is very sensitive on its attribute order
2) Googled for answers and I found some, like Win32::Word::Writer which only works on Windows and requires OLE and Office
3) Found a lot of posts from 2010, that say its impossible, well almost 4 years have passed, probably something is out there that can do it
4) Looked for commercial solutions, couldn't find one, I found FOP which is able to create RTF, which is pretty close, but it lacks a lot of the styling I would like to use
5) A lot of things (code and modules) that allow extracting data from DOCX, but nothing that can create one, weird
6) Found abandoned code like OpenOffice::OODoc which stopped being written in 2010, and of course requires OpenOffice to be installed, and potentially also requires a non-headless (i.e. requires a GUI system)
Thanks guys for any answers :}
One cheat that I've used in the past is to output HTML with a ".doc" file name.
This gives you less fine-grained control over the document formatting, but may be sufficient for your use case.
The closest I've ever managed is to generate an OpenOffice document and then use that to export as .docx (in headless mode).
You need some fonts installed, but no GUI for this. I use OpenOffice::OODoc, and it's enough to let me open up an existing document and add text/pictures.
The OpenOffice (LibreOffice) export process is not 100% reliable, but I've never been able to get a simple, repeatable test case to reproduce it - just hangs occasionally. I add a timer to kill the process and let it retry.
Not a perfect situation, I'm afraid and I hope someone has a better solution.

advice on note keeping and navigating legacy code

I"m having to work with legacy code (mostly CFML) with very little or no documentation, no domain model of any sort to follow either.
To start building some sense out of it, I though 'start keeping notes', then wondered if plain old journal and pencil for text notes would do. Maybe a text document (searchable). Or is it best to take the plunge and UML the beast over time? If that's an overkill on one hand, on the other I repeatedly find myself feeling around the elephant over and over again. How do you build a up a map of the territory?
Sorry for the late answer, but I've ended in situations like this couple of times before. I'd suggest you not to create UML for that, since it will take much time and this code is not very nice, as you've noted (no domain model, no structure).
You could use pen and paper, or text file. Browse through the code, find the most important parts for you and write down where it is located, with some description. If there is no data structure, you could use file name, module, line number, etc. After spending some time doing this, you will have something like navigation plan for the part of the system and general understanding of how it works.
Also, you should refer to this question, there are some answers that can be useful.

Using Powershell to Generate Report of C# Classes versus Methods and Properties

Has anyone used Powershell to generate a report of C# classes versus methods and properties? I'll admit up front I'm not attempting first to write this myself, but someone out there has probably already done it, or would highly enjoy doing it. The challenge will be recognizing things like method signatures across multiple lines. You could join the string array returned by gc and search on that to make it easier. If no one answers, I'll eventually post a solution, but probably many weeks from now.
Update: I'm looking for a Powershell solution because that's already my main scripting language, and I'd like to be able to make changes over time, perhaps extend it to cover JavaScript for example, or change the report format, and I'd like it to work with any version of Visual Studio and C#. I'm also looking for a text report, nothing graphical, so that it's more searchable and manipulatable. I like simple fully programmable free things that impose no limits. :)
I'm sure you can access Reflection through PowerShell.
You should also look into NDepend, which can do a lot of this sort of thing.