I saw lot of posts for this issue mentioned below.Either the proposed solution in the other websites are not working or some of the internet links are not working.
Do you have a concrete solution for this issue,I would like to know please?
Problem accessing /viewer/frameset. Reason:
Server Error
Powered by Jetty://
Not sure, but the answer is depending on your BIRT version.
I am using 4.2.1 for development. This requires JRE 6 (no more, no less) for viewing. You can specifiy the VM on the command line or in eclipse.ini.
I have created a shiny app on my computer that runs with no error. Now, I deployed the same app to the shiny server we have in our organization, and i cannot initiate the app. I receive the following error message:
transpose listening on
Warning: Error in tabPanel: argument "tabName" is missing, with no default
65: tabPanel
Execution halted
here are my questions:
(1) I do use shinydashboard and shinydashboardplus libraries in my app and both are installed on the shiny server as well so this shouldnt be a problem since tabsetPanel and tabPanel are in these libraries, correct?
(2) tabPanel and tabSetPanel do NOT have a tabName argument. so what is this error specially because the app does work on my computer with no issue.
I know probably I need to provide the code but I cannot at the moment unless i significantly take stuff out of it (government property) but I was hoping someone can help considering the fact that it works on my computer but it doesnt when i deploy it.
Just a quick note that the R version installed on my laptop is 3.5.2 but the one on the server is 3.6! can this be an issue?
I think a library bs4Dash was masking tabSetPanel which is quite confusing because i didnt have that problem running the app on my laptop...
I use payara server and postgres database. I can deploy my project successsfully. I also can open the wsdl page. But I can not open the test page. And when I saw the server log. It show that: log information
But I think I have the jdk.
Any help is appreciative.
I already solve this problem. It said I didnot have jdk. In my ec2 instance, it really has a openjdk. So I think maybe I can not use open jdk. I download oracal jdk 8 from the web. Finally, it is success. If someone get this problem, maybe it can help you.
I'm recently going through my first Kentico upgrade on a site that was previously handed to me from somebody else. There were some hinks initially, but I have to say the V8.2 to V9.0 upgrade is gone off with a degree of success. There is one last issue I'm tackling. Initially the issue was with images stored in the database, but I resolved that with setting custom URL extensions. The style sheet we have in the database is returning a 404, so the entire site is without style.
I did some digging, and found the following:
While we were using ~/CMSPages/GetCSS.aspx in V8.2, that appears to have been deprecated/obsolete for some time now. The CSS references in the master page all point to ~/CMSPages/GetCSS.aspx.
In V8.2, I can confirm the presence of ~/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx, but that appears to be missing after the V9.0 upgrade. I installed a blank template site as well to confirm, and it's not there either. I verified I am using the latest upgrade package. I had already hit an issue with the pre-12/15 edition.
The V8.2 ~/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx does not work in a V9.0 as the API for CMS.UIControls no longer contains the ResourceHandler class (which is also used in ~/CMSPages/GetCSS.aspx).
I can confirm in the V8.2 codebase that ~/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx works, returning the specified stylesheet.
TL;DR - Upgrading from V8.2 to V9.0, I appear to be missing ~/CMSPages/GetResource.ashx, and am not sure where it got off to.
Environment Information
Test Server: Windows Server 2008R2 SP1 on IIS 7.5 w/ .NET 4.5.2, MSSQL 2008R2 Database backend
Dev Server: Windows 8.1 with IIS 8.5, VS 2015 and MSSQL 2008R2
Kentico V8.2 Site in Portal Mode
I appreciate any ideas you have.
Most of the .ashx were moved to the CMS.UIControls assembly and adjusted to implement IHttpHandler.
This way the handlers can be used by any application that references the Kentico libraries, specifically the UIControls. This approach has been utilized e.g. in the new MVC support in Kentico 9.
If you need to customize the handlers you can take advantage of the GetFileHandler and AdvancedGetFileHandler abstract classes implementing IHttpHandler.
I was receiving a 404 on GetResource.ashx in v8 when deploying my site. I have my site setup as a web application. My problem was I was only deploying CMSApp using Visual Studio. I needed to also deploy CMSApp_AppCode. https://docs.kentico.com/display/K81/Publishing+web+application+projects+from+Visual+Studio
when I upgraded to v9 from v8.2 I was getting a 500 Error on GetResource.ashx. After my upgrade I just re-deployed. I don't know what the issue was, but getting the errors, I cleared out all the files on the Azure server then deployed. This fixed my error.
Maybe one of these two items will help you.
If I read the release notes correctly, they moved the files to the UIControls library and you can still utilize the old references without issue. I've upgraded my website from 8.0.48 to 9.0.1 and 9.0.4 and had no issues. In fact, I still use the /CMSPages/GetResource.ashx?scriptfile=/path/to/file.js I believe the change was specifically to accommodate the MVC model.
When I try to connect to the Repository from Eclipse, I get the following error,
CRJAZ2384E Cannot connect to the repository at URL "https://clm.product.org/ccm", see the nested exception for more details.
For more details, open the help system and search for CRJAZ2384E.
CRJAZ2384E Cannot connect to the repository at URL "https://clm.product.org/ccm", see the nested exception for more details.
For more details, open the help system and search for CRJAZ2384E.
Invalid Padding length:
Note: It was working till yesterday. Suddenly it got disconnected and began showing up the above error
I installed new version of Eclipse too and tried to connect. But it still did not connect.
Request help please.
It can depends on your OS and on the java used (the one from RTC, IBM jre), or an external one (as in this thread)
An Invalid padding length error when trying to connect to an https url indicates an handshake issue (like this one or this one)
I noticed that the bug suggested here relates to the Diffie-Hellman key exchange, so I tried selecting a cipher which does not use Diffie-Hellman (-Dhttps.cipherSuites=TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256) and the problem went away.
Depending on how your RTC server is installed, check with the RTC admin if that policy can be enforced.
Since the issue persists with a new Eclipse, it is unlikely that this older answer (about upgrading Eclipse) would help.
The OP Stalwart mentions in the comments:
I resolved this issue by adding the path of JDK in the Target path after clicking on properties
In the Rational Software Architect JRE edit the java.security file and comment out the option jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms=MD2
I have a DNN site (5.06) that I developed on a standalone machine running IIS7. When I copied the site to the production machine running IIS6 and enter the URL, such as www.site.com, I get a generic DNN error page with no additional information. However, if I add the default page, www.site.com/Default.aspx everything works fine.
The Friendly URL settings were never changed and I've verified Default.aspx is entered on the Documents tab in IIS6. The portal event viewer has no entry for the error page I get.
I'm nearly certain it has to do with migrating from IIS7 to II6; clearly I'm missing something here. Any ideas?
DNN has confirmed this is an error in 5.06, and will be addressed in a future update. That doesn't help me today, but I was able to work around the problem by adding the following to the Friendly URLs list:
Look for: .*/
Send To: ~/Default.aspx
I can't find the forum thread I was reading yesterday, but did find this one which also goes into detail on the issue: Error upgrading from 5.5.1 to 5.6.0
Pretty odd...
Double check PortalAlias table in your SQL server. Confirm www.site.com is in there.
Double check host headers in IIS6 has www.site.com
Make sure Default.aspx is in the documents area of IIS6 and set as the top default to run
Recycle your app pool
cross your fingers
Only thing I ever run into from IIS6 and IIS7 is in the app pool running in Integrated mode or classic... but that is usually as issue going from IIS6 to 7, not vice versa.
I was able to fix the issue (for me) by taking the web.config file from a working site with the same version of DotNetNuke and modifying it to have the correct machine key and connection strings. This is my last resort when DotNetNuke is being strange. I am running 10+ DNN sites at version 5.6.0 and I only encountered this issue once.