How do I know whether an expression is a continuation? - racket

(+ 2 (let/cc cont
(set! global-cont cont)
(global-cont 5) ; global-cont: (+ 2 _)
I know the whole block (+ 2 ... 3))) is a continuation. But why global-cont is a continuation also? I tried to check the let/cc document, but it's hard to understand.

In this expression:
(let/cc cont body ...)
cont is a continuation (+ 2 _), and in the body you're doing this:
(set! global-cont cont)
So basically you're assigning cont to global-cont, making it also a continuation.

I think I would disagree that "the whole block (+ 2 ...) is a continuation". If by "continuation" you mean "a value captured by let/cc or its equivalent (call/cc etc.)," then the whole block is not a continuation.
So: cont is a continuation because you captured it with let/cc. global-cont is a continuation because you assigned a continuation to it.


creating a macro for iterate in Common Lisp

I am trying to practise creating macros in Common Lisp by creating a simple += macro and an iterate macro. I have managed to create the += macro easily enough and I am using it within my iterate macro, which I am having a couple of issues with. When I try to run my macro with for example
(iterate i 1 5 1 (print (list 'one i)))
(where i is the control variable, 1 is the start value, 5 is the end value, and 1 is the increment value). I receive SETQ: variable X has no value
(defmacro += (x y)
(list 'setf x '(+ x y)))
(defmacro iterate (control beginExp endExp incExp &rest body)
(let ( (end (gensym)) (inc (gensym)))
`(do ( (,control ,beginExp (+= ,control ,inc)) (,end ,endExp) (,inc ,incExp) )
( (> ,control ,end) T)
,# body
I have tried multiple different things to fix it by messing with the , and this error makes me unsure as to whether the problem is with iterate or +=. From what I can tell += works properly.
Check the += expansion to find the error
You need to check the expansion:
CL-USER 3 > (defmacro += (x y)
(list 'setf x '(+ x y)))
CL-USER 4 > (macroexpand-1 '(+= a 1))
(SETF A (+ X Y))
The macro expansion above shows that x and y are used, which is the error.
We need to evaluate them inside the macro function:
CL-USER 5 > (defmacro += (x y)
(list 'setf x (list '+ x y)))
CL-USER 6 > (macroexpand-1 '(+= a 1))
(SETF A (+ A 1))
Above looks better. Note btw. that the macro already exists in standard Common Lisp. It is called incf.
Note also that you don't need it, because the side-effect is not needed in your iterate code. We can just use the + function without setting any variable.
You might want to adjust a bit more to Lisp style:
no camelCase -> default reader is case insensitive anyway
speaking variable names -> improves readability
documentation string in the macro/function - improves readability
GENSYM takes an argument string -> improves readability of generated code
no dangling parentheses and no space between parentheses -> makes code more compact
better and automatic indentation -> improves readability
the body is marked with &body and not with &rest -> improves automatic indentation of the macro forms using iterate
do does not need the += macro to update the iteration variable, since do updates the variable itself -> no side-effects needed, we only need to compute the next value
generally writing a good macro takes a bit more time than writing a normal function, because we are programming on the meta-level with code generation and there is more to think about and a few basic pitfalls. So, take your time, reread the code, check the expansions, write some documentation, ...
Applied to your code, it now looks like this:
(defmacro iterate (variable start end step &body body)
"Iterates VARIABLE from START to END by STEP.
For each step the BODY gets executed."
(let ((end-variable (gensym "END"))
(step-variable (gensym "STEP")))
`(do ((,variable ,start (+ ,variable ,step-variable))
(,end-variable ,end)
(,step-variable ,step))
((> ,variable ,end-variable) t)
In Lisp the first part - variable, start, end, step - usually is written in a list. See for example DOTIMES. This makes it for example possible to make step optional and to give it a default value:
(defmacro iterate ((variable start end &optional (step 1)) &body body)
"Iterates VARIABLE from START to END by STEP.
For each step the BODY gets executed."
(let ((end-variable (gensym "END"))
(step-variable (gensym "STEP")))
`(do ((,variable ,start (+ ,variable ,step-variable))
(,end-variable ,end)
(,step-variable ,step))
((> ,variable ,end-variable) t)
Let's see the expansion, formatted for readability. We use the function macroexpand-1, which does the macro expansion only one time - not macro expanding the generated code.
CL-USER 10 > (macroexpand-1 '(iterate (i 1 10 2)
(print i)
(print (* i 2))))
(DO ((I 1 (+ I #:STEP2864))
(#:END2863 10)
(#:STEP2864 2))
((> I #:END2863) T)
(PRINT (* I 2)))
You can see that the symbols created by gensym are also identifiable by their name.
We can also let Lisp format the generated code, using the function pprint and giving a right margin.
CL-USER 18 > (let ((*print-right-margin* 40))
'(iterate (i 1 10 2)
(print i)
(print (* i 2))))))
(DO ((I 1 (+ I #:STEP2905))
(#:END2904 10)
(#:STEP2905 2))
((> I #:END2904) T)
(PRINT (* I 2)))
I figured it out. Turns out I had a problem in my += macro and a couple of other places in my iterate macro. This is the final working result. I forgot about the , while i was writing the += macro. The other macro declerations where out of order.
(defmacro += (x y)
`(setf ,x (+ ,x ,y)))
(defmacro iterate2 (control beginExpr endExpr incrExpr &rest bodyExpr)
(let ((incr(gensym))(end(gensym)) )
`(do ((,incr ,incrExpr)(,end ,endExpr)(,control ,beginExpr(+= ,control ,incr)))
((> ,control ,end) T)
,# bodyExpr

Defining setf for function in closure

If I create a closure like this,
(let ((A (make-array '(10) :initial-element 5)))
(defun h (i)
(aref a i))
(defsetf h (i) (x) `(setf (aref ,a ,i) ,x)))
then, as I expect, (h i) will return the i-th element of a:
(h 1) ;; => 5
(h 2) ;; => 5
Butalthough the setf expansion semes to work and correctly set the i-th element of a, it also produces a warning in SBCL:
(setf (h 1) 10)
; in: SETF (H 1)
; (SETF (AREF #(5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5) 1) #:G1124)
; ==>
; ((SETF AREF) #:NEW0 #(5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5) 1)
; caught WARNING:
; Destructive function (SETF AREF) called on constant data.
; See also:
; The ANSI Standard, Special Operator QUOTE
; The ANSI Standard, Section
; compilation unit finished
; caught 1 WARNING condition
In GCL an error is signalled:
>(setf (h 1) 10)
Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Signalled by LAMBDA-CLOSURE.
Condition in LAMBDA-CLOSURE [or a callee]: INTERNAL-SIMPLE-UNBOUND-VARIABLE: Cell error on A: Unbound variable:
Broken at LIST. Type :H for Help.
1 Return to top level.
In CLISP and ECL, the example works just fine.
I am returning to Common Lisp after writing Scheme for a couple of years, so I may be mixing the two languages, conceptually. I suppose I have triggered behavior that is undefined according to the spec, but I can't see exactly what I did wrong. I would appreciate any help with this!
Your Problem
It is often instructive to try macroexpand:
(macroexpand '(setf (h 2) 7))
(LET* ()
(SETF (AREF #(5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5) 2) #:G655)))
As you can see, your setf call expands into a form which calls setf on a literal array which is a bad idea in general and, in fact, this is precisely what SBCL is warning you about:
Destructive function (SETF AREF) called on constant data.
Note that despite the warning SBCL (and other conformant implementations like CLISP and ECL) will do what you expect them to do.
This is because the literal array is referred to by the local variable which is accessible to the function h.
I suggest that you use a function instead
(let ((A (make-array '(10) :initial-element 5)))
(defun h (i)
(aref a i))
(defun (setf h) (x i)
(setf (aref a i) x)))

Function that is always evaluated to t (or any value)

Say, we would like to use a function that requires a predicate, but for some reason we're interested in other features of the function (like :start and :end parameters), so we need to supply a predicate, that always returns true.
Obviously, it's not a problem at all:
CL-USER> (defparameter *list* '(0 1 2 3 4 5))
CL-USER> (remove-if (lambda (x) t) *list* :start 1 :end 3)
(0 3 4 5)
Works, but not beautifully at all. And we may get ugly message that variable x is not used. Since I'm in LISP for beauty, I'm curious if there is a 'always t' predicate?
We can define it:
(defun tp (&rest rest)
(declare (ignore rest))
..but may be it exists?
You're looking for the function constantly that takes an argument and returns a function that always returns that value. The predicate you need, then is (constantly t). Thus:
CL-USER> (remove-if (constantly t) '(0 1 2 3 4 5) :start 1 :end 3)
(0 3 4 5)
The notes on constantly show that you were absolutely on the right track with your proposed implementation. (You did even better, though, by adding the (declare (ignore …)).)
constantly could be defined by:
(defun constantly (object)
#'(lambda (&rest arguments) object))
After writing this, it occurred to me that this might be a duplicate. I didn't find a proper duplicate, found a similar, more specific, question that was looking to remove a single element at a position, Is there a common lisp macro for popping the nth element from a list?, in which Rainer Joswig's answer includes:
Removing the nth element of a list:
(defun remove-nth (list n)
(remove-if (constantly t) list :start n :end (1+ n)))
This is really just a generalization of that approach, since you're working with arbitrary sequence boundaries. Thus we could have (making the boundary argument analogous to subseq's):
(defun remove-subseq (sequence &optional (start 0) end)
(remove-if (constantly t) sequence :start start :end end))
(defun remove-nth (sequence n)
(remove-subseq sequence n (1+ n)))
CL-USER> (remove-subseq '(0 1 2 3 4 5) 1 3)
(0 3 4 5)
CL-USER> (remove-nth '(0 1 2 3 4 5) 3)
(0 1 2 4 5)

Recursive range in Lisp adds a period?

(define ..
(lambda (start stop)
(cond ((> (add1 start) stop) (quote ()))
((eq? (add1 start) stop) (sub1 stop))
(else (cons start (.. (add1 start) stop))))))
I have defined a simple range function.
The intent is for
(.. 1 5) --> (1 2 3 4)
Instead, a bizarre period is being added to my tuple and I have no idea why:
(.. 1 5) --> (1 2 3 . 4)
I don't understand why this is happening. Any help is appreciated
A list in Scheme is either the empty list () (also known as nil in some Lisps), or a cons cell whose car (also known as first) is an element of the list and whose cdr (also known as rest) is either the rest of the list (i.e., another list), or an atom that terminates the list. The conventional terminator is the empty list (); lists terminated by () are said to be "proper lists". Lists terminated by any other atom are called "improper lists". The list (1 2 3 4 5) contains the elements 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and is terminated by (). You could construct it by
(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 (cons 5 ())))))
Now, when the system prints a cons cell, the general case is to print it by
(car . cdr)
For instance, the result of (cons 1 2) is printed as
(1 . 2)
Since lists are built of cons cells, you can use this notation for lists too:
'(1 2 3 4 5) ==
'(1 . (2 . (3 . (4 . (5 . ())))))
That's rather clunky, though, so most lisps (all that I know of) have a special case for printing cons cells: if the cdr is a list (either another cons cell, or ()), then don't print the ., and don't print the surrounding parenthesis of the cdr (which it would otherwise have, since it's a list). So, if you're seeing a result like
(1 2 3 . 4)
it means you've got an improper list that is terminated by the atom 4. It has the structure
(1 . (2 . (3 . 4)))
Now the question is: where in your code did the list construction go awry? .. is always supposed to return a proper list, so let's look at the cases: The first case always returns a proper list (the empty list):
((> (add1 start) stop) (quote ()))
The second case looks like it can return something that's not a list (assuming that (sub1 stop) == (- stop 1)):
((eq? (add1 start) stop) (sub1 stop))
Now, if .. were functioning correctly, then the third case would always be returning a proper list (since (cons x y) is a proper list if y is):
(else (cons start (.. (add1 start) stop)))
Make your second case return a list and you should be all set.
Your expression (sub1 stop) needs to read (list (sub1 stop))
In order for cons to build up a proper list, the second element needs to be a list itself. Thus, your function .. should return a list of some type for every cond clause.
Remove this part of the cond
((eq? (add1 start) stop) (sub1 stop))
It's causing a premature finish.

I don't know how lisp macro construct its expansion? what's the exact step?

I tried to write a macro and execute it as follow. but it failed to execute.
(defmacro times_two (var) (* 2 var))
(times_two '(+ 1 2))
In my imagination, I think the expansion would be (* 2 (+ 1 2)). and after execution, the result would be 6. But failed.
I don't know why. I read the Emacs lisp manual, but I still can't understand them. I want to know what on earth the exact steps is while constructing expansion. What did the interpreter do?
When I evaluate these forms in Emacs, I get this error message when evaluating the second one:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p (quote (+ 1 2)))
*(2 (quote (+ 1 2)))
(lambda (var) (* 2 var))((quote (+ 1 2)))
(times_two (quote (+ 1 2)))
eval((times_two (quote (+ 1 2))))
call-interactively(eval-last-sexp nil nil)
This is showing you how it expanded the macro, which should tell you what went wrong. (The final expansion is at the top.)
The quoted expression '(+ 1 2) gets passed to the times_two macro, but a quoted list is not a valid argument to the * function.
What you actually want here is:
(defmacro times_two (var) `(* 2 ,var))
(times_two (+ 1 2))
Keep in mind that, generally, the result of a macro will be new Lisp code, not a final value. Your goal in writing a macro is to construct the form that will give you the result you want. Thus, most of the time your macro will end up using the quasiquote (`) syntax.
I suspect that you're confusing compile-time and run-time. Macros run at compile time, producing code to be executed at run-time. Generally speaking it's hard to keep these straight and it makes writing macros difficult.
In any event, when I put this into ielm, I get:
ELISP> (defmacro times_two (var)
(* 2 var))
ELISP> (times_two '(+ 1 2))
*** Eval error *** Wrong type argument: number-or-marker-p, (quote (+ 1 2))
At least part of the problem then is the '(+ 1 2), but then when I remove the quote the following is no better:
ELISP> (times_two (+ 1 2))
*** Eval error *** Wrong type argument: number-or-marker-p, (+ 1 2)
It seems that elisp is looking for a number or a marker in the place where we are putting '(+ 1 2) and (+ 1 2). Let's try using a number:
ELISP> (times_two 3)
That works.
Interestingly, the macro expansion of this gives:
ELISP> (macroexpand '(times_two 3))
Which is probably not really what we want.
When we write macros we want to return expressions to be evaluated at run time. So rather than returning a number we can try this:
ELISP> (defmacro times_two (var)
`(* 2 ,var))
The backtick (quasiquote) is a way of creating a list, but also allowing interpolation with the use of a comma. Defining times_two in this way gives:
ELISP> (times_two (+ 1 2))
And the expansion of:
ELISP> (macroexpand '(times_two (+ 1 2)))
(* 2
(+ 1 2))
Which is exactly how you imagined it.