Ionic 3 Uncaught (in promise) : plugin_not_installed - ionic-framework

I have a problem my fingerprint project does not work for me, it generates this error plugin_not_installed
enter image description here
Well friends any doubt I will be waiting for your answers for hours trying to solve my problem, thank you for your attention

It seems the plugin you are using in that view is not installed as a cordova plugin. You may have it installed as an npm module but not as a plugin in the platform.
Verify this with:
ionic cordova plugin ls
The plugin may be not correctly installed in the platform, in this case in iOS. Each platform folder has a plugin folder. Ensure your plugin is inside that folder.

It seems that you may have set your FCM in your constructor as private, just replace (private fcm: FCM) with (public fcm: FCM )
then save it , I hope it may solve your problem.


I am Usign flutter_facebook_auth but It says No implementation found for method login on channel app.meedu/flutter_facebook_auth

Itssays IMPORTANT: When you install this plugin you need to configure the plugin on Android before run the project again . If you don't do it you will have a No implementation found error because the facebook SDK on Android throws an Exception when the configuration is not defined yet and this locks the other plugins in your project. If you don't need the plugin yet please remove or comment it. I didnot get how to configure it
seems you needs to do this
Kindly refer to this

Package android. support.v4.content does not exist

I am getting this error please help
It error become when i convert ionic to apk in android studio.
I have tried a lot but cant solve still.
This was my problem too. this is caused because of Google servers is blocking you. follow these steps:
use a VPN (crucial)
run your CMD and navigate to project root (only CMD)
run ionic cordova build android
inform me of the result. Good Luck!

Local notifications not working in Ionic 3

I am new to Ionic 3 and I implemented Local notifications using plugin and it works just as expected, but every time I push my changes and take a pull again, I need to re-install the plugin and build again.
Any solutions?
Referring to this link, the correct way to install local notification plugin for Ionic 3 is by using ionic cordova plugin add de.appplant.cordova.plugin.local-notification
Most Ionic 3 users have CLI version 3 and above. Hope this help to others too!
As mentioned in the first comment in my question itself, the problem was resolved, so I am closing this topic by posting an answer.
I got the fix, it was this line in my package.json file that was causing the problem:
"cordova-plugin-app-event": "file:node_modules/cordova-plugin-app-event"Changing the path of the plugin fixed the issue.

onesignal plugin initialization

Hello I am facing problem during onesignal init, please help how to solve this error. I can't find anything related to onesignal in my config.xml file. I installed onesignal plugin in my ionic app as per documentation provided and it installed successfully.
I am developing Ionic app on android platform.
There are a few troubleshooting steps that could help resolve this issue:
Double check that you have followed all of the OneSignal setup
instructions for your platform correctly.
Take a look at your
application log to see if there are any errors explained there.
Take a look at the troubleshooting guides here

Ionic missing InAppBrowser plugin error When doing custom authentication

I've created an Ionic app and I'm trying to use the Custom Authentication option eg. Ionic.Auth.login('custom', authOptions, data).then(success, failure); However, I get an error message in the failure saying "Missing InAppBrowser plugin".
The plugin is installed and I've tried to uninstall and reinstall the plugin with no luck. When I use 'basic' the request goes through fine.
How do I fix this or get around it?
Plugins only work when running in native devices. You can't use them on browser with ionic serve.
You may want to start testing on a real android device or emulator.
Alternatively, there's a chrome plugin called Ripple that emulate an real devices with native-like features, allowing you to use some plugins on browser.