I am having trouble with my postgresql query - postgresql

I have a query in mysql works well, but when I go to postgresql does not update me, I want to know where is my error.
I leave my php file the query update does not work
require_once "Controllers/conexion.php";
$resultado=pg_query("SELECT nextval('user_id_seq') as key");
$row=pg_fetch_array($resultado, 0);
try {
$resultado = pg_query($conexion,"select * from encuesta_respuesta where id_user = '".$_SESSION['user']."' and id_encuesta = '".$_POST['id_encuesta']."'");
while( $row = pg_fetch_assoc($resultado)){
$data = $row;
if ($data['estado']=='F') {
header("Location: Inicio.php");
foreach($_POST['pregunta'] as $id_pregunta=>$valor){
$query="insert into encuesta_respuesta_opcion values (".$key.",".$_POST['id_encuesta'].",".$id_pregunta.",".$valor.")";
$resultado = pg_query($conexion,$query);
$query="update encuesta_respuesta set estado='F' where id_user=".$_SESSION['user']." and id_encuesta = ".$_POST['id_encuesta'];
$resultado = pg_query($conexion,$query);
} catch (Exception $e) {
header("Location: Inicio.php");

Directly try to update data in your database, check this query works or not. If it works, then you have to change your query building procedure in your application. For example:
postgres=# create table test (id_user VARCHAR (50) PRIMARY KEY, id_encuesta VARCHAR (50), estado VARCHAR (10));
postgres=# insert into test values ('anower','engg.','A');
postgres=# update test set estado='F' where id_user='anower' and id_encuesta='engg.';

The query should work the same in MySql and postgres.
If you are getting different results during updates then your survey tables arent the same.
Most liked id_user and id_encuesta are autoincrement fields. So they dont necesary have the same values.
Try using a Select to see if they have same survey information.
FROM survey
where id_user=".$_SESSION['user']."
and id_encuesta = ".$_POST['id_encuesta'];


Insert UUID to PostgreSQL table using PDO

I am using UUID's in PostgreSQL as Primary Key for my tables. I am trying to insert the UUID using PDO and prepared statement. However, I am not able to bind the value using bindValue. These are the steps I am trying to follow:
$sql = "INSERT INTO customers.customers(customer_id, first_name, last_name, email_address)";
$sql .= " VALUES(":customer_id", ":first_name", ":last_name", ":email_address")";
$this->stmt = prepare($sql);
$this->stmt = bindValue(":customer_id", $customer_uuid); //*** WHAT PDO value to use Here??????
$this->stmt = bindValue(":first_name", $first_name, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$this->stmt = bindValue(":last_name", $last_name, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$this->stmt = bindValue(":email_address", "$email_address, PDO::PARAM_STR);
As can be seen here, each "bindValue" statement required to have a PDO parameter type value. I have not been able to find what value can be used for a UUID type column. I tried using the PDO::PARAM_STR, but this creates a Data Type error when inserting the UUID int he column as the column type for customer_id is UUID.
Any suggestions from the community here?
I tried converting the UUID to string and then back to UUID, but it did not work. From here, I don't know what else I can try.

postgres return last id codeigniter

I'm new with postgres database codeigniter
for return last id in mysql
im using this in my model
public function daftar($data){
$this->db->insert('akun', $data);
return $this->db->insert_id();
but I'm confuse how to return las id ($this->db->insert_id) in postgres?
From the CodeIgniter documentation:
If using the PDO driver with PostgreSQL, or using the Interbase driver, this function requires a $name parameter, which specifies the appropriate sequence to check for the insert id.
In your case you need return $this->db->insert_id('akun_id_akun_seq'); if "akun_id_akun_seq" is the name of the respective sequence.
If your INSERT is something like this:
INSERT INTO public."MyTable"
And MyTable has a serial like MyTableId as primary key, then in your model you can do this:
$id= $this->db->insert_id('public."MyTable_MyTableId_seq"');
to get the last insert id.
That works for me.
More info you can find in this post.

postgresql RETURNING in zf2 table gateway

How would one add a RETURNING clause in insert via table gateway ?
INSERT INTO users (name, age) VALUES ('Liszt', 10) RETURNING id;
$dataArray = array('name'=> 'Liszt','age' => 10);
$userId = $this->tableGateway->lastInsertValue;
Another method is :
$userId = $this->tableGateway->getLastInsertValue();
if you want to get last insert id in postgresql when inserting into tablegateway you have to use SequenceFeature.
$myTable = new TableGateway('table_name', $dbAdapter, new Feature\SequenceFeature('primary_key', 'sequence_name'));
$id = $myTable->insert(array(/*your data*/));

Zend: Inserting Large data in CLOB and BLOB?

I am pulling data from Google Places API and trying to insert reviews into oracle database using zend framework. But reviews that are very long are giving error like :
ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG
When i try to run the insert query in Orqcle SQL Developer its giving the following error:
I tried some of the solutions i got on google and stackoverflow but still not working.
Here is my db code in zend:
public function addReview($bind) {
$bind['STATUS'] = 1;
$bind['CREATED_TIME'] = $this->_curDate;
$text = htmlentities($bind['TEXT']);
VALUES (".$bind['LID'].",
try {
$insert = $this->_dbAdpt->query($query);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $query; exit;
Somehow creating a procedure for inserting the reviews worked! Below is the procedure :
create or replace procedure google_review (lid in int,author_name in varchar2, author_url in varchar2,ratings in varchar2,
type in varchar2,time in varchar2,status int,text in varchar2)

How can I receive bytea data from PostgreSQL through Zend_Db_Select?

I wrote a website with Zend Framework + Postgres. In PostgreSQL there is this table:
create table images(
id serial,
title TEXT DEFAULT '',
thumbnail bytea NOT NULL,
original bytea NOT NULL,
Where I'm planning to store image data.
But when I try to receive anything from the table (select thumbnail from images where id = $id):
$table = $mapper->getDbTable();
$select = $table->select();
$select->where('id = ?',$id);
$res = $table->fetchRow($select);
I receive something like:
Resource id #12_
but not the containing data.
How could I (using Zend_Db_Select) receive this data, but not a Resource id #129?
Sorry for my bad english ...
if the problem remains, replace this line:
by this:
$stream = $res['thumbnail'];
while (($buffer = (fgets($stream, 8192))) !== false) {
file_put_contents($pathFile, $buffer, FILE_APPEND);