The metrics of kubectl top nodes is not correct? - kubernetes

I try to get CPU/Memory usage of the k8s Cluster Nodes via metrics-server API, but I found the returned values of metrics-server is lower than actual used CPU/Memory.
The output of kubectl top command : kubectl top nodes
The following is the output of the free command, from which you could see the memory usage is great than 90%.
Why the difference is so high?

kubectl top nodes is reflecting the actual usage of your Kubernetes Nodes.
For example:
Your node has 60GB memory and you actually use 30GB so it will be 50% of usage.
But you can request for example:
100 MB and have a limit 200MB memory.
This doesn't mean you only consume 0.16% (100 / 60000) memory, but the amount of your configuration.

I know this is an old topic, but I think the problem is still remaining.
To answer simply, the kubectl top command shows ONLY the actual resource usage, and it is not related to the request/limits configurations in your manifests.
for example:
you could obtain a 400m:1Gi (cpu/memory) usage for a specifique node while total requests/limits are 1.5:4Gi (cpu/memory).
You will observe enougth available resources to schedule but actually it will not work.
requests/limits are impacting directly node resources (resources reservation) but it does not means they are completly used (what kubectl top nodes is showing).


Check the maximum usage of kubernetes pod

I want to check the maximum and average of kubernetes Pod. and I tried to find it but cannot get any relevant information. Also, I checked the Lens (third-party software) but only get the current usage and it only shows usage, limit for past 1 hour.
How to find the maximum usage of Pod?
If you don't specify the ressources Limits in your config creation yaml file, it will takes by default those values :
Create the Pod. The output shows that the Pod's container has a memory
request of 256 MiB and a memory limit of 512 MiB. These are the
default values specified by the LimitRange
You have more infos here
You have an article here, if you want to specify your pods limit manually.
PS: if you enable promotheus in your Lens, you can visualize your different metrics (pods usage and limits for the cpu, memory, network, and filessytem)
kubectl describe quota
Or within a different namespace:
kubectl describe quota --namespace=<your-namespace>

Multiple kubectl scale command high CPU usage

I'm trying to run a 'kubectl scale' command on all the deployments in a namespace (around 30).
I'm creating a list of all deployments, and then run one by one (with xargs / foreach) with a 'kubectl scale' command.
Few technical details:
AWS EKS cluster, version 1.20.
kubectl client vesrion 1.23.5
kubectl server version 1.20.11-eks-f17b81
When I'm doing it, I can see a massive CPU usage (in many cases its also causing the app to crash).
I'm currently running it in a kubernetes pod with limits of CPU: 1200m, MEM:2Gi. (however, it's also happening when I run it locally on my computer).
To show the problem, I run the scale, and at the same time running both "kubectl get deployments" and "kubectl top pod" to show the status of the namespace scaling and the resources usage of the pod running the scales.
In this example I'm scaling all deployments replicas from 0 to 1.
As you can see here, there is a massive increase of the CPU usage after a few scale commands (in this case around 15, there are times that even with less).
After it finished running the scale commands on all deployments, and some of them finished the scale (the pod created successfully), the CPU usage started to decrease.
And even before all pods were created, the CPU returned to its normal
So the question is why the scale command causing such a massive usage of the cpu?
This command is using (as far as I understand) the kubernetes API, so its not something that actually runs on it, so why its getting so high CPU usage?
I originally thought that the CPU usage is related with some wait of the scale command to actual finish (for the pods to be recreated) and that its continue to do some stuff on the background until its happening.
However - the decrease of the CPU usage before all pods were created disproved it.

How to find metrics about CPU/MEM for the pod running on a Kubernetes cluster on Prometheus

I have Prometheus setup via Helm from Terraform and it's is configured to connect to my Kubernetes cluster. I open my Prometheus but I am not sure which metric to choose from the list to be able to view the CPU/MEM of running pods/jobs.
Here are all the pods running with the command (test1 is the kube namespace):
kubectl -n test1 get pods
When, I am on Prometheus, I see many metrics related to CPU, but not sure which one to choose:
I tried to choose one, but the namespace = prometheus and it uses prometheus-node-exporter and I don't see my cluster or my namespace test1 anywhere here.
Could you please help me? Thank you very much in advance.
I need to concentrate on this specific namespace, normally with the command:
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep hermatwin
I see the first line with namespace = jobs I think this is namespace.
No result when set calendar to last Friday:
I tried to select 2 days with starting date on last Saturday 17 April but I don't see any result:
ANd, if I remove (namespace="jobs") condition, I don't see any result either:
I tried to rerun the job (simulation jobs) again just now and tried to execute the prometheus query while the job was still running mode but I don't get any result :-( Here you can see my jobs where running.
I don't get any result:
When using simple filter, just container_cpu_usage_seconds_total, I can see the namespace="jobs"
node_cpu_seconds_total is a metric from node-exporter, the exporter that brings machine statistics and its metrics are prefixed with node_. You need metrics from cAdvisor, this one produces metrics related to containers and they are prefixed with container_:
Here are some basic queries for you to get started. Be ready that they may require tweaking (you may have different label names):
CPU Utilisation Per Pod
sum(irate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container!="POD", container=~".+"}[2m])) by (pod)
RAM Usage Per Pod
sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{container!="POD", container=~".+"}) by (pod)
In/Out Traffic Rate Per Pod
Beware that pods with host network mode (not isolated) show traffic rate for the whole node. * 8 is to convert bytes to bits for convenience (MBit/s, GBit/s, etc).
# incoming
sum(irate(container_network_receive_bytes_total[2m])) by (pod) * 8
# outgoing
sum(irate(container_network_transmit_bytes_total[2m])) by (pod) * 8

jvm heap usage history in a killed Kubernetes pod

I have a play framework based java application deployed in kubernetes. One of the pods died due to out of memory/memory leak. In local , can use some utilities and monitor jvm heap usage. I am new to kubernetes.
Appreciate if you tell how to check for heap usage history of my application in a Kubernetes pod which got killed. kubectl get events on this killed pod will give events history but I want to check object wise heap usage history on that dead pod. Thanks much
You can install addons or external tools like Prometheus or metrics-server.
Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit originally built at SoundCloud.
You can define queries:
For CPU percentage
avg((sum (rate (container_cpu_usage_seconds_total {container_name!="" ,pod="<Pod name>" } [5m])) by (namespace , pod, container ) / on (container , pod , namespace) ((kube_pod_container_resource_limits_cpu_cores >0)*300))*100)
For Memory percentage
avg((avg (container_memory_working_set_bytes{pod="<pod name>"}) by (container_name , pod ))/ on (container_name , pod)(avg (container_spec_memory_limit_bytes>0 ) by (container_name, pod))*100)
Take a look: prometheus-pod-memory-usage.
You can visualize such metrics using Grafana - take a look how to set it up with Prometheus - grafana-prometheus-setup.
Metrics-server is a scalable, efficient source of container resource metrics for Kubernetes built-in autoscaling pipelines.
Metrics Server collects resource metrics from Kubelets and exposes them in Kubernetes apiserver through Metrics API for use by Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and Vertical Pod Autoscaler. Metrics API can also be accessed by kubectl top, making it easier to debug autoscaling pipelines.
You can execute:
$ kubectl top pod <your-pod-name> --namespace=your-namespace --containers
The following command will give you both the CPU usage as well as the memory usage for a given pod and its containers.
See how to firstly install metrics-server: metrics-server-installtion.
Otherwise if you want to check cpu/memory usage without installing any third party tool then you can get memory and cpu usage of pod from cgroup.
Go to shell of running container kubectl exec pod_name -- /bin/bash
Go to cd /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu for cpu usage run cat cpuacct.usage
Go to cd /sys/fs/cgroup/memory for memory usage run cat memory.usage_in_bytes
Remember that memory usage is in bytes.
Take a look: memory-usage-kubernetes.

How to calculate Percentage utilization of particular pod in kubernetes with metrics server?

I want to calculate the CPU and Memory Percentage of Resource utilization of an individual pod in Kubernetes. For that, I am using metrics server API
From the metrics server, I get the utilization from this command
kubectl top pods --all-namespaces
kube-system coredns-5644d7b6d9-9whxx 2m 6Mi
kube-system coredns-5644d7b6d9-hzgjc 2m 7Mi
kube-system etcd-manhattan-master 10m 53Mi
kube-system kube-apiserver-manhattan-master 23m 257Mi
But I want the percentage utilization of individual pod Both CPU % and MEM%
From this output by top command it is not clear that from how much amount of cpu and memory it consumes the resultant amount?
I don't want to use Prometheus operator I saw one formula for it
sum (rate (container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{image!=""}[1m])) by (pod_name)
Can I calculate it with MetricsServer API?
I thought to calculate like this
CPU% = ((2+2+10+23)/ Total CPU MILLICORES)*100
MEM% = ((6+7+53+257)/AllocatableMemory)* 100
Please tell me if I right or wrong. Because I didn't see any standard formula for calculating pod utilization in Kubernetes documentation
Unfortunately kubectl top pods provides only a quantity values and not a percentages.
Here is a good explanation of how to interpret those values.
It is currently not possible to list pod resource usage in percentages with a kubectl top command.
You could still chose Grafana with Prometheus but it was already stated that you don't want to use it (however maybe another member of the community with similar problem would do so I am mentioning it here).
Your formulas are correct. They will calculate how much CPU/Mem is being consumed by all Pods relative to total CPU/Mem you got.
I hope it helps.