Scheduling a controller to run every one hour in Kubernetes - kubernetes

I have a console application which does some operations when run and I generate an image of it using docker. Now, I would like to deploy it to Kubernetes and run it every hour, is it possible that I could do it in K8?
I have read about Cron jobs but that's being offered only from version 1.4

The short answer. Sure, you can do it with a CronJob and yes it does create a Pod. You can configure Job History Limits to control how many failed, completed pods you want to keep before Kubernetes deletes them.
Note that CronJob is a subset of the Job resource.


How to delete kubernetes failed/completed jobs

How can I clean up the failed and completed pods created by kubernetes job automatically without using cronjob. I want to keep only the last pod created by job.
How can we accomplish that?
...clean up the failed and completed pods created by kubernetes job automatically without using cronjob
If you specify ttlSecondsAfterFinished to the same period as the Job schedule, you should see only the last pod until the next Job starts. You can prolong the duration to keep more pods in the system this way and not wait until they are explicitly delete.

kubernetes schedule job after cron

I have Cron name "cronX" and a Job name "JobY"
how can I configure kubernetes to run "JobY" after "cronX" finished?
I know I can do it using API call from "cronX" to start "JobY" but I don't want to do that using an API call.
Is there any Kubernetes configuration to schedule this?
is it possible that this pod will contain 2 containers and one of them will run only after the second container finish?
Negative, more details here. If you only have 2 containers to run, you can place the first one under initContainers and another under containers and schedule the pod.
No built-in K8s configuration available to do workflow orchestration. You can try Argo workflow to do this.

Kubernetes Deployment Terminate Oldest Pod

I'm using Azure Kubernetes Service to run a Go application that pulls from RabbitMQ, runs some processing, and returns it. The pods scale to handle an increase of jobs. Pretty run-of-the-mill stuff.
The HPA is setup like this:
production Deployment/production 79%/80% 2 10 10 4d11h
staging Deployment/staging 2%/80% 1 2 1 4d11h
What happens is as the HPA scales up and down, there are always 2 pods that will stay running. We've found that after running for so long, the Go app on those pods will time out. Sometimes that's days, sometimes it weeks. Yes, we could probably dig into the code and figure this out, but it's kind of a low priority for that team.
Another solution I've thought of would be to have the HPA remove the oldest pods first. This would mean that the oldest pod would never be more than a few hours old. A first-in, first-out model.
However, I don't see any clear way to do that. It's entirely possible that it isn't, but it seems like something that could work.
Am I missing something? Is there a way to make this work?
In my opinion(I also mentioned in comment) - the most simple(not sure about elegance) way is to have some cronjob that will periodically clean timed out pods.
One CronJob object is like one line of a crontab (cron table) file. It
runs a job periodically on a given schedule, written in Cron format.
CronJobs are useful for creating periodic and recurring tasks, like
running backups or sending emails. CronJobs can also schedule
individual tasks for a specific time, such as scheduling a Job for
when your cluster is likely to be idle.
Cronjobs examples and howto:
How To Use Kubernetes’ Job and CronJob
Kubernetes: Delete pods older than X days <-- real example

How will a scheduled (rolling) restart of a service be affected by an ongoing upgrade (and vice versa)

Due to a memory leak in one of our services I am planning to add a k8s CronJob to schedule a periodic restart of the leaking service. Right now we do not have the resources to look into the mem leak properly, so we need a temporary solution to quickly minimize the issues caused by the leak. It will be a rolling restart, as outlined here:
How to schedule pods restart
I have already tested this in our test cluster, and it seems to work as expected. The service has 2 replicas in test, and 3 in production.
My plan is to schedule the CronJob to run every 2 hours.
I am now wondering: How will the new CronJob behave if it should happen to execute while a service upgrade is already running? We do rolling upgrades to achieve zero downtime, and we sometimes roll out upgrades several times a day. I don't want to limit the people who deploy upgrades by saying "please ensure you never deploy near to 08:00, 10:00, 12:00 etc". That will never work in the long term.
And vice versa, I am also wondering what will happen if an upgrade is started while the CronJob is already running and the pods are restarting.
Does kubernetes have something built-in to handle this kind of conflict?
This answer to the linked question recommends using kubectl rollout restart from a CronJob pod. That command internally works by adding an annotation to the deployment's pod spec; since the pod spec is different, it triggers a new rolling upgrade of the deployment.
Say you're running an ordinary redeployment; that will change the image: setting in the pod spec. At about the same time, the kubectl rollout restart happens that changes an annotation setting in the pod spec. The Kubernetes API forces these two changes to be serialized, so the final deployment object will always have both changes in it.
This question then reduces to "what happens if a deployment changes and needs to trigger a redeployment, while a redeployment is already running?" The Deployment documentation covers this case: it will start deploying new pods on the newest version of the pod spec and treat all older ones as "old", so a pod with the intermediate state might only exist for a couple of minutes before getting replaced.
In short: this should work consistently and you shouldn't need to take any special precautions.

Kubernetes: run a job on node reboot only once

Is there a way to run a job only once upon machine reboot in Kubernetes?
Thought of running a cronjob as static pod but seems kubelet does not like it.
Edit: Based on the replies, I'd like to clarify. I'm only looking at doing this through native Kubernetes. I'm ok writing a cronjob in Kubernetes but I need this to run only once and upon node reboot.
Not sure your platform.
For example, in AWS, ec2 instance has user_data (
It will run commands on Your Linux/Windows Instance at Launch
You should be fine to find the similar solutions for other cloud providers or on-premise servers.
If I understand you correctly you should consider using DaemonSet:
A DaemonSet ensures that all (or some) Nodes run a copy of a Pod. As
nodes are added to the cluster, Pods are added to them. As nodes are
removed from the cluster, those Pods are garbage collected. Deleting a
DaemonSet will clean up the Pods it created.
That way you could create a container with a job that would be run from a DaemonSet.
Alternatively you could consider DaemonJob:
This is an example CompositeController that's similar to Job, except
that a pod will be scheduled to each node, similar to DaemonSet.
Also there are:
Kubebuilder is a framework for building Kubernetes APIs using custom
resource definitions (CRDs).
Metacontroller is an add-on for Kubernetes that makes it easy to write
and deploy custom controllers in the form of simple scripts.
But the first option that I have provided would be easier to implement in my opinion.
Please let me know if that helped.
Consider using CronJob for this. It takes the same format as normal cron scheduler on linux.
Besides the usual format (minute / hour / day of month / month / day of week) that is widely used to indicate a schedule, cron scheduler also allows the use of #reboot.
This directive, followed by the absolute path to the script, will cause it to run when the machine boots.