ARKit Persistence worldMappingStatus Always Limited - persistence

I am developing an ARKit application using World Tracking. However, the worldMappingStatus is always limited. Does anyone have the same issue or know how it can be solved?
Best regards,

That's not normal but I'd need a bit more info to properly answer your question. 1- How do you know it's always limited? 2- are you moving the phone around when you launch the app to "understand the surroundings" 3- what code have you tried?


Beacon and Flutter can works?

I have a question, I want to buy a beacon and send the signal from the beacon to the flutter application and then do something.
Is that possible with flutter?
Thank you very much!
Yes, it is possible. I tried for myself interest once when covid-19 declared a pandemic by WHO to solve Handshake problem.
I was converting the existing device as a beacon and then used "flutter_beacon" package to get the list of beacons in a defined region. So yeah, it is possible to do it flutter also. You can customize it as per your need further. But basic things are possible like getting the list of beacons in reason.
If asked whether or not, the answer is yes. but there are some obstacles or limits, such as Bluetooth will not scan in the background as in this article, this is indeed from Android and IOS which causes the limit. I am also working on this project, but there are still some problems as I have described above.
This link also can help Beacon scanning in background - Android O

Alternative for Multipeer-connectivity tvOS swift

I have been looking around trying to figure out how crossy road developers and beat sports developers have made their remote controller "add-on." First I thought Multipeer-connectivity, but after trying to test it on the Apple TV realized the framework was not support, why? Makes no sense to me, but anyways. So my question is, does anyone know what cross road developers did?
Thanks in advance.
If you only need to create a software-based game controller, you don't really need peer-to-peer. I've used NSNetService and made my framework available as open source:
Core Bluetooth would also work but will not give you the same performance as WiFi (NSNetService).

How to establish app to app communicaiton using socket on same device in iPhone without any server component?

I want my app to intercommunicate with my service,send and receive data to and from service
Check this:
How can I transfer files from one application to another in the same iOS device?
UIDocumentInteractionController class reference
Hope this might help to achieve your goal
There's plenty of references about that'll help you with what you're trying to achieve, I'd recommend doing a little research and attempting to get something basic working.
To get any help, you'll need to provide a bit more information - what protocol does your service operate on? what is the function of the app? what have you tried?
This place is an invaluable resource to programmers who ask for help, rather than an entire solution. :)
Good Luck!

iPhone Cache Manager

I am trying to create a reusable Cache Manager component which can be plugged into other iPhone projects. My cache manager should support caching of Screens(with data in them) as well as images. The primary idea would be to reduce network activity.
I am comparatively new to iPhone and have some basic iPhone programming knowledge. Please let me know of the following-
1. Am I thinking in the right direction?
2. Does iPhone architecture supports this kind of caching? If so, how?
3. Also, any pointers towards related iPhone code samples or URLs?
Thanks in advance for your time
Looks like you want to roll your own solution but I'll recommend a project on Github to get you started with the code. SDWebImage has some great code for using the cache.
You are going to be dealing with the NSFileManager a lot. Specifically check out SDImageCache.m

What's the best way to do a mapping application for the iPhone

So I'm looking at writing an iPhone application that shows things on a map. What frameworks/methodologies are out there for doing this?
Searching around on Google, I could only find this one:
Which according to the issues list is slow, and stops working after a while. Does anyone know of something better, or have any experience with the library above?
I'm pretty sure your only options for now are:
Call openURL: to switch to the Maps app
Use the Google Maps component you linked to
Roll your own thing
Wait for Apple to expose a "MapKit" framework
WARNING: Embedding Google Maps inside an application may violate the Google Maps terms of service.
I have written a full mapping UIView on the iPhone (the application is on the AppStore) and it is not easy (this would be option #3 "Roll your own thing"). Getting good performance is really difficult. I would like to OpenSource my map component but right now the F-NDA is preventing that.
I have been chasing this for a while now, and here's the best solution I've found out there:
There is a component in there called TouchMap and it comes with a demo that shows it off. It's tiles are loaded directly from Microsoft Virtual Earth.
Edit: #schwa, I just a look at your profile to find your email address, and then realised that you actually released this software. Nice work
I've just found route-me which looks like a large(30+) active community of ppl developing an open source mapping app for the iPhone. It can take tiles from OpenStreetMap, Virtual Earth(Bing) or Cloudmade.
just use mapkit framework.really good
alternatively: [[uiapplication sharedapplication]openurl:#"];
that will open the google map,but one problem with this is that it will navigate you to safari and your application will be exited and if you want to move back to your application from this web page,then it won't be possible .you again need to run the app.