Pass anonymous array as paramter in Swift - swift

I have a simple class in my application:
class MyClass{
var Name: String
var Foo1: Bar
var Foo2: Bar?
//var Foos: [Bar]
Foo1 is never nil, and Foo2 is optional, so it might be nil.
Instead of having an init like the one below, I'd like to rather have a list property Foos: [Bar], that might contain 1 or 2 elements.
init(_ Name: String, _ Foo1: Bar, _ Foo2: Bar?){
self.Name = Name
self.Foo1 = Foo1
self.Foo2 = Foo2
In C# I'd write something like MyClass m = new MyClass("m", New List<Bar>{Bar1, Bar2}) or MyClass m = new MyClass("m", New List<Bar>{Bar1, null}). I'd prefer to rather have one property in MyClass as a List, instead of two separate fields where one might be nil.
I've tried this initializer:
init(_ Name: String, _ Foos: [Bar]) {
self.Name = Name
self.Foos = Foos
But when I try to pass an anonymous List to the initializer, I get this warning:
let m = MyClass("m", [Bar]().append(B1))
Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: function call returns immutable value
How can I pass a populated anonymous list to the initializer in Swift, like I would've done in C#?

Try this code
struct Bar { }
class MyClass {
var name: String
var foos: [Bar?]
init(name: String, foos: [Bar?]) { = name
self.foos = foos
let bar0 = Bar()
let bar1: Bar? = nil
let object = MyClass(name: "String", foos: [bar0, bar1])
Hope you got the idea. And read more about how it works in Swift

The most challenging requirement, which is also not met by the accepted answer:
Instead of having an init like the one below, I'd like to rather have a list property Foos: [Bar], that might contain 1 or 2 elements.
One way of dealing with this could be a custom runtime error.
enum BarWrapperError: Error {
case emptyList
To pass the list and check if it at least contains one element, you can introduce another type
struct BarWrapper {
init(bars: [Bar]) throws {
guard bars.count > 0 else {
throw BarWrapperError.emptyList
self.bars = bars
let bars: [Bar]
var firstBar: Bar {
return bars[0]
var otherBars:[Bar] {
return Array(bars[1 ..< bars.count])
BarWrapper is initialised with a list of bars. If this list is empty, it will throw an error.
your MyClass would now look like:
class MyClass {
let name: String
let firstBar: Bar
let otherBars: [Bar]
init(name: String, barWrapper: BarWrapper) { = name
self.firstBar = barWrapper.firstBar
self.otherBars = barWrapper.otherBars
If you care for the error and want to continue the execution, you can use this like
do {
let bar0 = Bar()
let bar1 = Bar()
let barWrapper = try BarWrapper(bars: [bar0, bar1])
let object = MyClass(name: "String", barWrapper: barWrapper)
} catch BarWrapperError.emptyList {
print("empty bar list")
If you rather want to crash the app if the list is empty, you can shorten it to
let bar0 = Bar()
let bar1 = Bar()
let barWrapper = try! BarWrapper(bars: [bar0, bar1])
let object = MyClass(name: "String", barWrapper: barWrapper)
by using try!
You can also do
let bar0 = Bar()
let bar1 = Bar()
if let barWrapper = try? BarWrapper(bars: [bar0, bar1]) {
let object = MyClass(name: "String", barWrapper: barWrapper)
if you don't need error handling and your app would be still operational if the MyClass instance isn't created.


Given a Swift `Any` type can I determine if it's an `Optional`?

Given a value of type Any is it possible to check and see if it's an Optional or not?
This code doesn't work because instead of checking to see if it's optional or not it's trying to cast it, and it passes
let a: Any = "5"
switch a {
case let optional as Optional<Any>:
if case .some(let value) = optional {
print("wrapped value of `\(a)` is `\(value)`")
print("\(a) is not an optional")
Base on #dfri's solution
private func isOptional(input: Any) -> Bool {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: input)
let style = mirror.displayStyle
switch style {
case .some(.optional):
return true
return false
You can use runtime introspection using Mirror:
let foo: String? = "foo"
let bar: String = "bar"
var a: Any = foo
// if wrapping an optional, the reflection of the value has
// a displaystyle "optional"
if let displayStyle = Mirror.init(reflecting: a).displayStyle {
print(displayStyle) // optional
// for a non-optional fundamental native type: no displaystyle
a = bar
if let displayStyle = Mirror.init(reflecting: a).displayStyle {
} // prints nothing
Optional/non-optional example where the underlying type is user-defined (non native):
struct Foo {}
let foo: Foo? = Foo()
let bar: Foo = Foo()
var a: Any = foo
// if wrapping an optional, the reflection of the value has
// a displaystyle "optional"
if let displayStyle = Mirror(reflecting: a).displayStyle {
print(displayStyle) // optional
// for a non-optional non-fundamental type:
a = bar
if let displayStyle = Mirror(reflecting: a).displayStyle {
print(displayStyle) // struct
If you don't want need to use the binded displayStyle variable (e.g. for printing) but simply want check whether the wrapped value is any kind of optional, you can add a boolean clause to the if statement that holds the optional binding of the displayStyle case,
if let displayStyle = Mirror(reflecting: a).displayStyle,
displayStyle == .optional {
// is an optional ...
... or remove the binding entirely in favour of a single conditional expression using the nil coalescing operator (??)
if Mirror(reflecting: a).displayStyle ?? .class == .optional {
// is an optional
Note however that for all the methods above, this simply tells you as dev whether the type wrapped by the Any instance is optional or not: Swifts typing system still knows nothing of the sort.
let a: Any = "5"
let b: Any? = "5"
if type(of: a) == Optional<Any>.self {
print("a is optional")
} else {
print("a is not optional")
if type(of: b) == Optional<Any>.self {
print("b is optional")
} else {
print("b is not optional")
a is not optional
b is optional
another example ...
let a: Any = 5
let b: Any? = 5
let c: Any = "5"
let d: Any? = "5"
let arr: [Any] = [a,b as Any,c,d as Any]
arr.forEach { (x) in
print(type(of: x))

Swift Dictionary With Expansive Type Constraints

I would like to define a dictionary that allows multiple specific types for values. I can currently define a dictionary like this:
var foo = [String: String]
which constrains the value to one specific type
var foo = [String: AnyObject]
which constrains the value to AnyObject, which is not particularly constrained.
I'd like to do something like:
var foo = [String: <String, Int>]
which would allow me to insert only strings or ints as values in this dictionary.
I've considered the use of an enum as seen here: Generic dictionary value type in Swift but I would rather find a way that allows me to dynamically specify the types without expanding or creating a new enum.
var bar = [String: <String, Int, Bool, MyClass>]
It seems that I should be able to create a wrapper class with an internal dictionary of [String: AnyObject] that will allow for compile time type checking against an arbitrarily long list of classes that can be inserted.
class ECDictionary<T> {
private var internal_storage = [String: AnyObject]()
subscript(s: String) -> T {
get {
return internal_storage[s]
set(newValue) {
internal_storage[s] = newValue
var myECDictionary = ECDictionary<String, Int, OtherClass>()
I could build this with runtime type checking, but I'd rather it be enforced at compile time. Is this possible in any way?
If you want to a Dictionary where the value can be a String, an Int, a Bool or a MyClass you should
Define your protocol
protocol MyDictionaryValue { }
Conform String, Int, Bool and MyClass to MyDictionaryValue
extension String: MyDictionaryValue { }
extension Int: MyDictionaryValue { }
extension Bool: MyDictionaryValue { }
extension MyClass: MyDictionaryValue { }
Declare your dictionary
var dict = [String:MyDictionaryValue]()
dict["a"] = "a string"
dict["b"] = 1
dict["c"] = true
dict["d"] = MyClass()
dict["e"] = CGPointZero // error
dict["f"] = UIView() // error

Swift: Cast array of objects to array of sub type

Say I have an array of Animals and I'd like to cast it to an array of Cats. Here, Animal is a protocol that Cat adopts. I'd like something like let cats: [Cat] = animals as! [Cat] but this seg faults in compilation (btw I'm on both Linux Swift 3 and Mac Swift 2.2). My workaround is to just create a function that downcasts each item individually and adds it to a new array (see small example below). It produces the desired result, but isn't as clean as I'd like.
My questions are:
is this totally dumb and I'm just missing an easier way to do this?
how can I pass a type as the target parameter in the function below, rather than passing an instance? (e.g. I'd like to pass Cat.self rather than Cat(id:0) but doing so causes an error saying cannot convert Cat.Type to expected argument type Cat)
Here's what I have so far:
protocol Animal: CustomStringConvertible
var species: String {get set}
var id: Int {get set}
extension Animal
var description: String
return "\(self.species):\("
class Cat: Animal
var species = "felis catus"
var id: Int
init(id: Int)
{ = id
func convertArray<T, U>(_ array: [T], _ target: U) -> [U]
var newArray = [U]()
for element in array
guard let newElement = element as? U else
print("downcast failed!")
return []
return newArray
let animals: [Animal] = [Cat(id:1),Cat(id:2),Cat(id:3)]
// ERROR: cannot convert value of type '[Animal]' to specified type '[Cat]'
// let cats: [Cat] = animals
// ERROR: seg fault
// let cats: [Cat] = animals as! [Cat]
let cats: [Cat] = convertArray(animals, Cat(id:0))
Am I missing an easier way to do this?
You can use map to make the conversion:
let cats: [Cat] = { $0 as! Cat }
how can I pass a type as the target parameter in the function below, rather than passing an instance?
First, you need to remove the instance parameter:
func convertArray<T, U>(array: [T]) -> [U] {
var newArray = [U]()
for element in array {
guard let newElement = element as? U else {
print("downcast failed!")
return []
return newArray
Since you cannot specify type parameters explicitly, you need to provide the compiler with some info to deduce the type of U. In this case, all you need to do is to say that you are assigning the result to an array of Cat:
let cats: [Cat] = convertArray(animals)
As of Swift 4.1 using compactMap would be the preferred way, assuming you don't want the method to completely fail (and actually crash) when you have any other Animal (for example a Dog) in your array.
let animals: [Animal] = [Cat(id:1),Dog(id:2),Cat(id:3)]
let cats: [Cat] = animals.compactMap { $0 as? Cat }
Because compactMap will purge any nil values, you will end up with an array like so:
[Cat(1), Cat(3)]
As a bonus, you will also get some performance improvement as compared to using a for loop with append (since the memory space is not preallocated; with map it automatically is).

How to get the unwrapped type from an optional type in Swift?

I'm trying to get an unwrapped type from an optional type in runtime.
The following code would print the type of a as Optional<String>.
class MySubClass: MyClass {
var a: String? = nil
var a = MySubClass()
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: a)
for child in mirror.children {
Now I want to unwrap the type and get String, what should I do to make this happen in runtime?
Assuming you have an optional
let someVar: String?
then print(type(of: someVar)) will print
but if you add the following extension to Optional
protocol OptionalProtocol {
func wrappedType() -> Any.Type
extension Optional: OptionalProtocol {
func wrappedType() -> Any.Type {
return Wrapped.self
then print(someVar.wrappedType()) will print
No reflection whatsoever
As long as the optional is not referenced by Any or AnyObject the code will work fine.
For Any you will have to cast it to OptionalProtocol first. Running
let someVar: String?
let anyVar = someVar as Any
if let op = anyVar as? OptionalProtocol {
will print
As for AnyObject, strangely enough (at least for me), it doesn't cast to OptionalProtocol.
The original StackOverflow answer can be found here
I played with your idea a little bit, but I think there isn't a real way to do that, since you can't get the type of the associated value of an enumeration, yet. Hence Optionals are basically Enumerations, we have a problem here.
My idea would be to test for all possible value types in your model objects could be or hold. Like:
let myModelObject:Any? = someWayToGetTheData()
if let aString = myModelObject as? String {
// do everything you need to store a string
else if let anInteger = myModelObject as? Int {
// do everything you need to store an integer
// and so on ...
Since your json and your model must have a predefined number of supported conversions that is a possible way, and as far as I understand your original problem, it's basically as useful as testing for the dynamic associated value type of an Optional Enumeration, which will lead into a chain of if-else statements as well.
You can either unwrap the optional explicitly with a bang (!) or with an if let.
For example:
var foo: String? = nil
if foo == nil {
print("foo is nil")
foo = "bar"
let fooBang = foo!
print("fooBang: \(fooBang)")
if let ifLetFoo = foo {
print("ifLetFoo: \(ifLetFoo)")
This will print:
foo is nil
fooBang: bar
ifLetFoo: bar
In your context, I think print(child.value.dynamicType!) might be what you're looking for.
If you cast the value to the non-optional String, it will print you the unwrapped type.
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: a)
for child in mirror.children {
print(String(child.value).dynamicType) //String
Or you can play with the String and get the type from the Optional type.
class MySubClass: MyClass {
var a: Int? = nil
var a = MySubClass()
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: a)
for child in mirror.children {
let typeArr = String(child.value.dynamicType).characters.split{$0 == "<"}.map(String.init)
let typeArr2 = typeArr[1].characters.split{$0 == ">"}.map(String.init)
print(typeArr2[0]) // print: Int
Sorry this is lame but you can do something like this.

Generic class doesn't call overridden initializer

class Gen<T: A> {
func create() -> T {
if T.self is B.Type {
return T(id: "cool")
class A {
let id: String
init(id: String) { = id
println("class A \(id)")
class B: A {
override init(id: String) {
println("class B \(id)")
super.init(id: id)
let coll = Gen<B>()
let t = coll.create()
output is
"class A cool"
There is no output from overridden B.init.
Is that a compiler bug? Do I need to do it differently?
Xcode 6.1
That looks like a compiler bug.
If you try:
it (playground) outputs something like:
so t is of type A. More interestingly:
let t: B = coll.create()
doesn't generate any compilation error, but it's a huge compilation mistake, because if the instance is of type A, it cannot be assigned to a variable of type B (because B is a subclass of A, but the opposite is possible thanks to polymorphism).
To prove that: add any property to the B class, like:
var x = 0
if you try accessing it:
a runtime error is reported (EXC_BAD_ACCESS).
Also read this Q/A, it's a similar problem (if not the same)
You need to make initializers required, then add let realType = T.self line to create() method and replace T() with realType().
class Gen<T: A> {
func create() -> T {
let realType = T.self
return realType(id: "cool")
class A {
let id: String
required init(id: String) { = id
println("class A \(id)")
class B: A {
required init(id: String) {
println("class B \(id)")
super.init(id: id)
let coll = Gen<B>()
let t = coll.create()