Extended events not capturing Entity Framework queries (read/updates) - entity-framework

I had added the Extended event to track sql calls which is slowing down my system leading to Timeout exceptions and other
CREATE EVENT SESSION [longrunning_statements] ON SERVER
ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_statement_completed(
WHERE ([duration]>(2000000) AND [database_id]=(9)))
ADD TARGET package0.event_file(SET filename=N'c:\capture\xe_longrunning_statement.xel',metadatafile=N'c:\capture\xe_longrunning_statement.xem')
But i noticed it does not register sql server updates/read queries/procedures calls from Entity Framework but only logged my sql queries run using SSMS.
Any ideas are appreciated
I use EF6.1 which used i think batches to save data.

Instead of trying to capture sqlserver.sql_statement_completed I would capture sqlserver.sql_batch_completed and sqlserver.rpc_completed for application/API issued queries/stored procedures.
If that does not work then removing the filters(or at least the duration filter (as Andrey is suggesting in the comments) would probably give us more insight on why the queries are not being captured.


How to avoid Mongo DB NoSQL blind (sleep) injection

While scanning my Application for vulnerability, I have got one high risk error i.e.
Blind MongoDB NoSQL Injection
I have checked what exactly request is sent to database by tool which performed scanning and found while Requesting GET call it had added below line to GET request.
{"$where":"sleep(181000);return 1;"}
Scan received a "Time Out" response, which indicates that the injected "Sleep" command succeeded.
I need help to fix this vulnerability. Can anyone help me out here? I just wanted to understand what I need to add in my code to perform this check before connecting to database?
Similar to SQL injection, or any other type of Code Injection, don't copy untrusted content into a string that will be executed as a MongoDB query.
You apparently have some code in your app that naively accepts user input or some other content and runs it as a MongoDB query.
Sorry, it's hard to give a more specific answer, because you haven't shown that code, or described what you intended it to do.
But generally, in every place where you use external content, you have to imagine how it could be misused if the content doesn't contain the format you assume it does.
You must instead validate the content, so it can only be in the format you intend, or else reject the content if it's not in a valid format.

AsyncQuery with postgresql and dapper using npqsql

I was trying dapper orm and recently they added asyncquery support. I googled it about that. It is wonderful if you have heavy traffic on your site. I was trying that with postgressql and dapper. Now, in connection if I am passing simple connection string it works fine. But as per couple of articles it is not true async if I want to use it, I need async connection string.
Now, I don't know how to use with Postgresql and npgsql. Here is complete article for reference where author explains how to do it with Sql Server.
What I need to do if I want same with Postgresql?
Please let me know if any further requirement needed.
The author of this article is somewhat wrong - in .NET 4.5 the AsynchronousProcessing property is ignored because it is no longer required. You can just start calling the Async methods of SqlClient without any special connection strings.
Whether the operations will execute asynchronously, depends on the database provider. For example, the default implementation of DbCommand.ExecuteDbDataReaderAsync actually executes synchronously and blocks the calling thread. SqlCommand overrides this method and executes asynchronously.
Unfortunately, NpgsqlCommand doesn't override this method so you are left with synchronous execution only.

How to get list of aggregates using JOliviers's CommonDomain and EventStore?

The repository in the CommonDomain only exposes the "GetById()". So what to do if my Handler needs a list of Customers for example?
On face value of your question, if you needed to perform operations on multiple aggregates, you would just provide the ID's of each aggregate in your command (which the client would obtain from the query side), then you get each aggregate from the repository.
However, looking at one of your comments in response to another answer I see what you are actually referring to is set based validation.
This very question has raised quite a lot debate about how to do this, and Greg Young has written an blog post on it.
The classic question is 'how do I check that the username hasn't already been used when processing my 'CreateUserCommand'. I believe the suggested approach is to assume that the client has already done this check by asking the query side before issuing the command. When the user aggregate is created the UserCreatedEvent will be raised and handled by the query side. Here, the insert query will fail (either because of a check or unique constraint in the DB), and a compensating command would be issued, which would delete the newly created aggregate and perhaps email the user telling them the username is already taken.
The main point is, you assume that the client has done the check. I know this is approach is difficult to grasp at first - but it's the nature of eventual consistency.
Also you might want to read this other question which is similar, and contains some wise words from Udi Dahan.
In the classic event sourcing model, queries like get all customers would be carried out by a separate query handler which listens to all events in the domain and builds a query model to satisfy the relevant questions.
If you need to query customers by last name, for instance, you could listen to all customer created and customer name change events and just update one table of last-name to customer-id pairs. You could hold other information relevant to the UI that is showing the data, or you could simply hold IDs and go to the repository for the relevant customers in order to work further with them.
You don't need list of customers in your handler. Each aggregate MUST be processed in its own transaction. If you want to show this list to user - just build appropriate view.
Your command needs to contain the id of the aggregate root it should operate on.
This id will be looked up by the client sending the command using a view in your readmodel. This view will be populated with data from the events that your AR emits.

How to inspect every query going to DB from Zend Framework

I have a complex reporting application that allows clients to login and view reports for their client data. There are several sections of the application where there are database calls, using various controllers. I need to make sure that client A doesn't get client B's information via header manipulation.
The system authenticates, and assignes them a clientID and roleID. If your roleID >1, that means you work for the company hosting the data, and you can see all client info. I want to create a catch-all that basically works like this:
if($roleID > 1) {
...send query to database
}else {
if(...does this query select a record with clientID other than my $auth->clientID){
do not execute query
}else {
execute query
The problem is, I want this to run for every query that goes to the server... how can I place this code as a "roadblock" between the application and the DB? I already use Zend_Profiler to look at queries, so I know it is somehow possible, but cannot discern this from the Profiler code...
I can always write an authentication function and pass selected queries that way, but this catch-all would be easier to implement across all of the calls and would be future proof. Any help is appreciated.
it's application design fault.
you shoud use 'service architecture' - the only one entry point for queries would be a service. and any checks inside it.
If this is something you want run on every query, I'd suggest extending Zend_Db_Select and overwrite either the query() or assemble() functions to add in your logic. You'll also want to add a way for it to be aware of your $auth object.
Another option is to extend your database adapter so you can intercept the queries directly. IMO, you should try and do this at the application level though.
Depending on your database server, you can put a trace on the DB side.
Here's an example for Oracle:

How do I pretend duplicate values in my read database with CQRS

Say that I have a User table in my ReadDatabase (use SQL Server). In a regulare read/write database I can put like a index on the table to make sure that 2 users aren't addedd to the table with the same emailadress.
So if I try to add a user with a emailadress that already exist in my table for a diffrent user, the sql server will throw an exception back.
In Cqrs I can't do that since if I decouple the write to my readdatabas from the domain model, by puting it on an asyncronus queue I wont get the exception thrown back to me, and I will return "OK" to the UI and the user will think that he is added to the database, when infact he will never be added to the read database.
I can do a search in the read database checking if there is a user already in my database with the emailadress, and if there is one, then thru an exception back to the UI. But if they press the save button the same time, I will do 2 checks to the database and see that there isn't any user in the database with the emailadress, I send back that it's okay. Put it on my queue and later it will fail (by hitting the unique identifier).
Am I suppose to load all users from my EventSource (it's a SQL Server) and then do the check on that collection, to see if I have a User that already has this emailadress. That sounds a bit crazy too me...
How have you people solved it?
The way I can see is to not using an asyncronized queue, but use a syncronized one but that will affect perfomance really bad, specially when you have many "read storages" to write to...
Need some help here...
Searching for CQRS Set Based Validation will give you solutions to this issue.
Greg Young posted about the business impact of embracing eventual consistency http://codebetter.com/gregyoung/2010/08/12/eventual-consistency-and-set-validation/
Jérémie Chassaing posted about discovering missing aggregate roots in the domain http://thinkbeforecoding.com/post/2009/10/28/Uniqueness-validation-in-CQRS-Architecture
Related stack overflow questions:
How to handle set based consistency validation in CQRS?
CQRS Validation & uniqueness