Rolling back the transaction when API call was already executed - rest

Recently I've encountered with some problem working with microservices. My main application works with relational databases, the microservice works with Mongo DB and provides ReST API with CRUD methods for some model. CRUD methods are also implemented in the application. A call from the front-end goes to the application first, a new record is created in the relational db (only some of the fields are saved there), then the model is saved externally - in Mongo DB. In the end the transaction is committed. So if something goes wrong and the transaction is rolled back, the API call would already be executed. In the case of creation I can just delete the newly created record from Mongo DB, but in case of Edit I have no idea what to do.
One of the ideas was to overwrite the model in the Mongo DB with the record from the relational database, but in this case the data would be incosistent, as not all the fields are saved there.
Any ideas about this?

There are multiple ways of doing this:
Using a 2PC (2 phase commit): you basically request an operation in any distributed service and then confirm/rollback it afterwards.
Using sagas: With sagas, you are meant to provide some sort of "rollback operation" for operations you did in your distributed services. When you need to roll back an operation that has already been perform you call the service and indicate a rollback.
More information about sagas here:


Update and retrieve records from Postgres

I am a new for Postgres. Currently I hit a situation, I need to retrieve a record from DB/table, then update this record with some changes, then retrieve the updated record again to return to customer, these 3 operations are executed sequentially.
After I run the above 3 steps, sometimes it seems the record has not been updated. But in fact the record has been updated, I suspect when I retrieve the record, Postgres return a cached data rather than fresh data. Actually all DB operations are correct, I guess just Postgres returns cached records.
I am wondering if there is any mechanism to flush my updated data immediately?
Another question is, I am wondering which one is a good practice:
Update a record (actually write to DB), then immediately retrieve the record from DB, both operations are using statement to operate.
Update a record (actually write to DB), then don't retrieve record from DB, because we know updated data, we just use these data to return to customer. However, the record might fail to write DB.
Any ideas for the above?
Some programming languages do db calls asynchronously, meaning that your code is moving on to the next db operation without waiting for the first to finish. So, it could be as simple as using your language's "await" keyword to make sure you are waiting for your db to finish the "update record" before trying to read it again.
If you are writing raw sql or you know it is not an issue with making several db call asynchronously, you could try writing your update and read calls as a single transaction.
See if you're unfamiliar with writing transactions.

How to query axon aggregates

Is there a way to see the current state of the aggregates stored in axon?
Our application uses a Oracle backed axon event store.
I tried querying the domainevententry and snapshotevententry tables, but they are empty.
Is there a way to see the current state of the aggregates stored in axon?
In short, yes, although it is not recommended. Granted, if you are planning to employ CQRS. CQRS, or Command-Query Responsibility Separation, dictates that the Command Model and the Query Model are separate.
The aggregate support Axon delivers supplies an easy means to construct a Command Model. As the name suggests, it's intended for commands. On the flip side, you have Query Models, which are designed for queries. AxonIQ has this to say on CQRS; maybe that clarifies some things.
I tried querying the domainevententry and snapshotevententry tables, but they are empty.
That's interesting on its own account! When you publish events in Axon, either through the AggregateLifecycle#apply(Object...) or EventGateway#publish(Object...) method, the published event should end up in your domain_event_entry table. If that's not the case, then either your JPA/JDBC configuration has a misser or some other exceptions occurring in your application.
Would you be able to update your issue with samples of your configuration and/or stack traces that you are seeing?
Replaying production issues locally
What I've done in the past to be able to replay behavior occurring in a production environment is by loading the Aggregate's event stream from that environment into a local dev/test event store. To be able to query this, you only need the aggregate identifier. As the aggregate identifier is indexed, retrieving all events for a specific aggregate (differently named, the aggregate stream) is straightforward.
By doing so, I could run the application locally to flow through the aggregate step-by-step. This gave the benefit of knowing exactly which event caused what state change, leading to the problematic scenario.
However, why your events are not present in your domainevententry is unclear to me. If you're still facing issues with that, I still recommend that you update the question with more specifics on your project.

Spring batch with MongoDB and transactions

I have a Spring Batch application with two databases: one SQL DB for the Spring Batch meta data, and another which is a MongoDB where all the business data is stored. The relation DB still uses DataSourceTransactionManager.
However I dont think the Mongo writes are done within an active transaction with rollbacks. Here is the excerpt from the official Spring Batch documentation on MongoItemWriter:
A ItemWriter implementation that writes to a MongoDB store using an implementation of Spring Data's MongoOperations. Since MongoDB is not a transactional store, a best effort is made to persist written data at the last moment, yet still honor job status contracts. No attempt to roll back is made if an error occurs during writing.
However this is not the case any more; MongoDB introduced ACID transactions in version 4.
How do I go about adding transactions to my writes? I could use #Transactional on my service methods when I use ItemWriterAdapter. But still dont know what to do with MongoItemWriter... What is the right configuration here? Thank you.
I have a Spring Batch application with two databases: one SQL DB for the Spring Batch meta data, and another which is a MongoDB where all the business data is stored.
I invite you to take a look at the following posts to understand the implications of this design choice:
How to java-configure separate datasources for spring batch data and business data? Should I even do it?
How does Spring Batch transaction management work?
In your case, you have a distributed transaction across two data sources:
SQL datasource for the job repository, which is managed by a DataSourceTransactionManager
MongoDB for your step (using the MongoItemWriter), which is managed by a MongoTransactionManager
If you want technical meta-data and business data to be committed/rolled back in the scope of the same distributed transaction, you need to use a JtaTransactionManager that coordinates the DataSourceTransactionManager and MongoTransactionManager. You can find some resources about the matter here:
BTW, there is a feature request to use MongoDB as a job repository in Spring Batch: When this is implemented, you could store both business data and technical meta-data in the same datasource (so no need for a distributed transaction anymore) and you would be able to use the same MongoTransactionManager for both the job repository and your step.

Meteor app as front end to externally updated mongo database

I'm trying to set up an app that will act as a front end to an externally updated mongo database. The data will be pushed into the database by another process.
I so far have the app connecting to the external mongo instance and pulling data out with on issues, but its not reactive (not seeing any of the new data going into the mongo database).
I've done some digging and it so far can only find that I might need to set up replica sets and use oplog, is there a way to do this without going to replica sets (or is that the best way anyway)?
The code so far is really simple, a single collection, a single publication (pulling out the last 10 records from the database) and a single template just displaying that data.
No deps that I've written (not sure if that's what I'm missing).
Any reason not to use Oplog? For what I've read it is the recommended approach even if your DB isn't updated by an external process, and a must if it does.
Nevertheless, without Oplog your app should see the changes on the DB made by the external process anyway. It should take longer (up to 10 seconds), but it should update.

CQRS: Synchronizing the Write and Read databases

Can anyone please give me some direction in regards to various ways to
synchronize the Write and Read databases?
What are different technologies out there, and how do you evaluate each, in
terms of realiability, performance, cost to implement, etc.
Typically in CQRS, the write DB is used to store transitional data for long running processes (sagas). If you are synchronizing the read and write DB (I'm assuming you mean both ways), you might be doing something wrong.
For a long running process where a service expects multiple messages, it needs a way to temporary store data before the all the messages arrives. An example of this is customer registration where an approval from manager, which takes a week to process, is required. The service needs a way to temporarily store the customer information before the approval arrives. This is where the write DB is used to store this piece of temporary data. Note that before the customer is approved, nothing is written to the read DB yet.
When the approval finally arrives, the service will take the customer information from the write DB, complete the registration process and write it to the read DB. At this time, the temporary customer information in the write DB has done its job and can be removed from the write DB. Notice that there isn't any two-way sync'ing involved.
For simpler process such as change customer first name, the change can be written to the read DB right away. Writing to the write DB is not required because there is no temporary data in this case.
Query model need not be consistent.. it needs to be eventually consistent. Query model is also the view model, i.e. tables are already joined as per requirement of user interface. So you can use even an in memory cache, or like Redis.
Command side is like command objects which contain all relevant information to update database. These objects may fill up a messaging queue. The command objects are processed by a command processor which transactionally updates the query cache and the write database. The write database can be an RDBMS.. but as is apparent, should be write optimized like MongoDB.
You can update read database via a messaging system too.
Some good messaging systems for this purpose are RabbitMQ and 0MQ.
If you, like me see the read store as the db that the Query service use (and its denormalized)
and the write db as the database where the Domain events are stored , then if you need to Synch them to a particular moment then what you can do is just replay the events that you have stored.
In the case you want to be as up to date as possible then you need not to restrict by version
If you are using CQRS, then probably you will have a repository that looks somewhat like this
public interface IRepository<T> where T : AggregateRoot, new()
void Save(AggregateRoot aggregate, int expectedVersion);
T GetById(Guid id);
T GetById(Guid id, int version);
Hope this helps