Having trouble instantiating using Strings - instantiation

I am trying to instantiate a student, gradstudent, and an MBAstudent in my main class and call the setter to set their first and last names, but im running into an error "The method setFirstName(String) in the type Student is not applicable for the arguments (Student)"
My Main class is as follows:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Student bob = new Student();
GradStudent john = new GradStudent();
MBAstudent michael = new MBAstudent();
My Student Class:
public class Student {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private int mNumber;
private boolean matriculated;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
public int getmNumber() {
return mNumber;
public void setmNumber(int mNumber) {
this.mNumber = mNumber;
public boolean isMatriculated() {
return matriculated;
public void setMatriculated(boolean matriculated) {
this.matriculated = matriculated;
public String toString() {
return (firstName + " " + lastName + " has an MNumber of " +
mNumber + " and is enrolled");
My GradStudent Class:
public class GradStudent extends Student {
private int age;
public int getAge() {
return age;
public void setAge(int age) {
this.age = age;
public String toString() {
return (getFirstName() + " " + getLastName() + " has an MNumber of " +
getmNumber() + " and is " + age + " years old and is enrolled");
and my MBAstudent Class:
public class MBAstudent extends Student {
private double gpa;
public double getGpa() {
return gpa;
public void setGpa(double gpa) {
this.gpa = gpa;
public String toString() {
return (getFirstName() + " " + getLastName() + " has an MNumber of " +
getmNumber() + " and has a GPA of " + gpa + " years old and is enrolled");

you might be having this problem due to not putting your String parameters inside double-quotes(e.g., michael.setFirstName("michael");
michael.setLastName("scott");). Put all arguments of functions setFirstName() and setLastName() inside double-quotes and your problem will be solved. Have a nice day! You can also print each instance's members with get functions to be sure


How to use optional attributes in Spring Data / Webflux

I´m trying to work with joins in Spring-Webflux. I have two tables, comments and votes.
My Comment Entity has an attribute named score, which is the calculated number of votes.
The problem is this score isn´t a field inside the database, but at the moment a transient marked field in the Comment Object which is calculated by my application with bad performance.
My goal is to calculate this with a Join and not in my Application.
My Problem is that Spring doesn´t map the score field because of the transient annotation, which is needed because other Operations (patch or update) doesn´t provide this score field.
My Repository looks like this:
public interface CommentRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<Comment, UUID> {
#Query("SELECT C.*, COALESCE(SUM(v.vote), 0) as score FROM comment c LEFT JOIN vote v ON c.id = v.comment_id WHERE c.room_id = $1 GROUP BY c.id")
Flux<Comment> findByRoomIdWithScore(UUID roomId);
Flux<Comment> findByRoomId(UUID roomId);
Flux<Void> deleteByRoomId(UUID roomId);
and my Comment Object is this:
public class Comment implements Persistable<UUID> {
private UUID id;
private UUID roomId;
private UUID creatorId;
private String body;
private Timestamp timestamp;
private boolean read;
private boolean favorite;
private int correct;
private boolean ack;
private int score;
private String tag;
private String answer;
public boolean isNew() {
return id == null;
public UUID getId() {
return id;
public void setId(UUID id) {
this.id = id;
public UUID getRoomId() {
return roomId;
public void setRoomId(UUID roomId) {
this.roomId = roomId;
public UUID getCreatorId() {
return creatorId;
public void setCreatorId(UUID creatorId) {
this.creatorId = creatorId;
public String getBody() {
return body;
public void setBody(String body) {
this.body = body;
public Timestamp getTimestamp() {
return timestamp;
public void setTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
public boolean isRead() {
return read;
public void setRead(boolean read) {
this.read = read;
public boolean isFavorite() {
return favorite;
public void setFavorite(boolean favorite) {
this.favorite = favorite;
public int getCorrect() {
return correct;
public void setCorrect(int correct) {
this.correct = correct;
public boolean isAck() {
return ack;
public void setAck(boolean ack) {
this.ack = ack;
public int getScore() {
return score;
public void setScore(int score) {
this.score = score;
public String getTag() {
return tag;
public void setTag(String tag) {
this.tag = tag;
public String getAnswer() {
return answer;
public void setAnswer(String answer) {
this.answer = answer;
public String toString() {
return "Comment{" +
"id='" + id + '\'' +
", roomId='" + roomId + '\'' +
", creatorId='" + creatorId + '\'' +
", body='" + body + '\'' +
", timestamp=" + timestamp +
", read=" + read +
", favorite=" + favorite +
", correct=" + correct +
", ack=" + ack +
", score=" + score +
", tag=" + tag +
", answer=" + answer +
I´ve already tried to make another Comment class without the transient annotation, but that doesn´t work because of the used Repository i guess: reactor.core.Exceptions$ErrorCallbackNotImplemented: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Property must not be null!
The solution was to create another Class which extends Comment with the non transient score attribute. This could be casted back into a comment and the score is set

A CallableStatement function was executed and the out parameter 1 was of type java.sql.Types=2001 however type java.sql.Types=1111 was registered

I am trying to call a STORED PROCEDURE(with a out refcursor parameter) in postgresql through JPA2.1 like this:
public class JpaINParam {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
EntityManagerFactory emfactory = Persistence
EntityManager entitymanager = emfactory.createEntityManager();
StoredProcedureQuery q = entitymanager.createNamedStoredProcedureQuery("get_hibernate_dtl");
q.setParameter("modeval", "1");
List<Student> students = (List<Student>) q.getOutputParameterValue("resultset");
for (Student student : students) {
try {
// storedProcedure.executeUpdate();
} catch (Exception e) {
i get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services -
2.5.2.v20140319-9ad6abd): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: A CallableStatement function was executed and the out parameter 1 was of
type java.sql.Types=2001 however type java.sql.Types=1111 was
Error Code: 0
Call: {?= CALL get_hibernate_dtl(?)}
bind => [2 parameters bound]
Query: ResultSetMappingQuery(name="get_hibernate_dtl" )
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.QueryImpl.getDetailedException(QueryImpl.java:378)
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.QueryImpl.executeReadQuery(QueryImpl.java:260)
at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.StoredProcedureQueryImpl.execute(StoredProcedureQueryImpl.java:316)
at com.javacodegeeks.examples.jpa.service.JpaINParam.main(JpaINParam.java:36)
the following is my entity class:
#NamedStoredProcedureQuery(name="get_hibernate_dtl", procedureName="get_hibernate_dtl", resultClasses={Student.class}, returnsResultSet = true, parameters={
#StoredProcedureParameter(queryParameter="resultset", name="resultset", mode=ParameterMode.REF_CURSOR,type=Class.class),
#StoredProcedureParameter(queryParameter="modeval", name="modeval", mode=ParameterMode.IN,type=String.class)
public class Student {
#GeneratedValue(strategy= GenerationType.AUTO)
private int sid;
private String fname;
private String lname;
private String dept;
private int year;
private String email;
public Student() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public Student(int sid, String fname, String lname, String dept, int year,
String email) {
this.sid = sid;
this.fname = fname;
this.lname = lname;
this.dept = dept;
this.year = year;
this.email = email;
public int getSid() {
return sid;
public void setSid(int sid) {
this.sid = sid;
public String getFname() {
return fname;
public void setFname(String fname) {
this.fname = fname;
public String getLname() {
return lname;
public void setLname(String lname) {
this.lname = lname;
public String getDept() {
return dept;
public void setDept(String dept) {
this.dept = dept;
public int getYear() {
return year;
public void setYear(int year) {
this.year = year;
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public void setEmail(String email) {
this.email = email;
public String toString() {
return "Student [sid=" + sid + ", fname=" + fname + ", lname=" + lname
+ ", dept=" + dept + ", year=" + year + ", email=" + email
+ "]";
this is my procedure in postgresql:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE dwh.get_hibernate_dtl(resultset OUT ahis_type.refcursor, modeval IN character varying DEFAULT '1'::character varying) AS
query VARCHAR2 (6000);
v_type NUMERIC(3,0);
v_dwh_type_id VARCHAR2(100);
IF (modeval = 1) THEN
INSERT INTO tmp_table values ( 'get_hibernate_dtl----Modeval-->'||modeval||'query--->'||QUERY );
OPEN resultset FOR QUERY;

Spring Batch:- One reader multiple writers

File structure I have a flat file which has two types of data. such as I have a Comma delimited file that has information of a students. There are multiple files like class A students, class B students etc.
Data in file is like first line has the class information and the rest has student information. So I want to put the class information to class table and student information to student table.
First line would always be of HeaderDataDAO type and all other would be of StudentDataDAO.
How can I achieve this?
My File structure
public class StudentDataDAO {
private long id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private Date birthDate;
public long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(long id) {
this.id = id;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
public String getLastName() {
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String lastName) {
this.lastName = lastName;
public Date getBirthDate() {
return birthDate;
public void setBirthDate(String birthDate) throws ParseException {
if (!birthDate.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
SimpleDateFormat spf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
this.birthDate = spf.parse(birthDate);
} else {
this.birthDate = null;
public String toString() {
return "CustomerData [id=" + id + ", firstName=" + firstName + ", lastName=" + lastName + ", birthDate=" + birthDate
+ "]";
public class HeaderDataDAO {
private String className;
private String numberOfStudent;
private String batch;
public String getClassName() {
return className;
public void setClassName(String className) {
this.className = className;
public String getNumberOfStudent() {
return numberOfStudent;
public void setNumberOfStudent(String numberOfStudent) {
this.numberOfStudent = numberOfStudent;
public String getBatch() {
return batch;
public void setBatch(String batch) {
this.batch = batch;
public String toString() {
return "HeaderData [className=" + className + ", numberOfStudent=" + numberOfStudent + ", batch=" + batch + "]";
You can use CompositeItemWriter below is sample config
<bean id="compositeWriter"
<property name="delegates">
<ref bean="classWriter" />
<ref bean="studentWriter" />
Using CompositeItemWriter. Find sample over here: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-batch/blob/master/spring-batch-samples/src/main/resources/jobs/compositeItemWriterSampleJob.xml

The name of the variable is added to the name of the column

I have two entities - Group and UserGroup, they are connected with groupId.
"\" are because postgre is case sensitive and this way we correct this fact.
#Table(name = "\"Group\"")
public class Group {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
#Column(name = "\"groupId\"")
private int groupId;
#Column(name = "\"groupName\"")
private String groupName;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "group")
List<Project> projects;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "group")
private List<UserGroup> members;
public Group(String groupName) {
this.groupName = groupName;
public Group() {
public int getGroupId() {
return groupId;
public void setGroupId(int groupId) {
this.groupId = groupId;
public String getGroupName() {
return groupName;
public void setGroupName(String groupName) {
this.groupName = groupName;
public List<Project> getProjects() {
return projects;
public void setProjects(List<Project> projects) {
this.projects = projects;
public List<UserGroup> getMembers() {
return members;
public void setMembers(List<UserGroup> members) {
this.members = members;
public String toString() {
return "Group{" +
"groupId=" + groupId +
", groupName='" + groupName + '\'' +
And UserGroup
#Table(name = "\"UserGroup\"")
public class UserGroup {
#Column(name = "\"userId\"")
private int userId;
#Column(name = "\"groupId\"")
private int groupId;
#PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name = "\"userId\"", referencedColumnName = "\"userId\"")
private User member;
#PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name = "\"groupId\"", referencedColumnName = "\"groupId\"")
private Group group;
#JoinColumn(name = "\"accessId\"")
private Access access;
public UserGroup(Group group, User member, Access access) {
this.group = group;
this.member = member;
this.access = access;
public UserGroup() {
public int getUserId() {
return userId;
public void setUserId(int userId) {
this.userId = userId;
public int getGroupId() {
return groupId;
public void setGroupId(int groupId) {
this.groupId = groupId;
public User getMember() {
return member;
public void setMember(User member) {
this.member = member;
public Group getGroup() {
return group;
public void setGroup(Group group) {
this.group = group;
public Access getAccess() {
return access;
public void setAccess(Access access) {
this.access = access;
public String toString() {
return "UserGroup{" +
"userId=" + userId +
", groupId=" + groupId +
", access=" + access.getAccessName() +
When I try to create a row in a table UserGroup I get a mistake:
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "group_groupId" of relation "UserGroup" does not exist
Why? This happens on the string "em.getTransaction().commit(). It is really strange.
In the table UserGroup, a column:
was generated (because you are using "" to preserve case sensitive.
You can edit in postgres the name for the column (and the foreing key too):
"group_`groupId`" ---> "group_groupId"
JPA is looking for group_groupId.
I've managed to answer this question. The problem was in sequence generation. When generating in embedded database, I don't know why, the generation type sequence doesn't work. Instead I used Identity type and everything started working

Rest Client: Javax.ws.rs

i'm starting with Rest and don't have no idea how to implement it properly. I got an exercise: i must implement a Rest-Client with the RestClient-API from javax.ws.rs standard library and i tried by using the code below, but i'm getting a null pointer exception. But the resource are there and when i try directly from the browser (http://localhost:8080/sep/rest/customers/112). Now my question how can i do it properly. Some constraints, i must use XML (not JSON) for the Data-support.
Hier my client-code:
public Response createCustomer(Customer customer){
log.info("Starting: Rest Create a Customer with Name: " + Customer.class.getName());
this.customerWebTarget = this.client.target(URL);
Response response = this.customerWebTarget.request().
buildPost(Entity.entity(customer, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML)).invoke();
log.info("Ending: Rest Create a Customer with Name: " + response.getEntity().getClass().getName());
return response;
public class CustomerResource implements IAllowedMethods<Customer> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6367055402693237329L;
private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CustomerResource.class.getName());
private CustomerService service;
public CustomerResource() {
logger.info("create of instance " + this.getClass().getName());
#Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public Response get() {
List<Customer> list = service.loadAll(Customer.FINDALL, Customer.class);
if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
ResponseCustomerList responseList = new ResponseCustomerList();
return Response.ok(responseList).build();
return Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();
Customer Code:
import de.ostfalia.sep.adapter.XMLIntegerAdapter;
public class Customer implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 80668466040239995L;
private Integer customerNumber;
private String customerName;
private String contactLastName;
private String contactFirstName;
private String phone;
private String addressLine1;
private String addressLine2;
private String city;
private String state;
private String postalCode;
private String country;
private Employee salesRepEmployee;
private BigDecimal creditLimit;
private Set<Payment> payments;
private Set<Order> orders;
public Customer() {
public Customer(Integer customernumber) {
this.customerNumber = customernumber;
public Customer(Integer customerNumber, String customerName, String contactLastName, String contactFirstName,
String phone, String addressLine1, String city, String country) {
this.customerNumber = customerNumber;
this.customerName = customerName;
this.contactLastName = contactLastName;
this.contactFirstName = contactFirstName;
this.phone = phone;
this.addressLine1 = addressLine1;
this.city = city;
this.country = country;
public Integer getCustomerNumber() {
return customerNumber;
public void setCustomerNumber(Integer customerNumber) {
this.customerNumber = customerNumber;
public String getCustomerName() {
return customerName;
public void setCustomerName(String customerName) {
this.customerName = customerName;
public String getContactLastName() {
return contactLastName;
public void setContactLastName(String contactLastName) {
this.contactLastName = contactLastName;
public String getContactFirstName() {
return contactFirstName;
public void setContactFirstName(String contactFirstName) {
this.contactFirstName = contactFirstName;
public String getPhone() {
return phone;
public void setPhone(String phone) {
this.phone = phone;
public String getAddressLine1() {
return addressLine1;
public void setAddressLine1(String addressLine1) {
this.addressLine1 = addressLine1;
public String getAddressLine2() {
return addressLine2;
public void setAddressLine2(String addressLine2) {
this.addressLine2 = addressLine2;
public String getCity() {
return city;
public void setCity(String city) {
this.city = city;
public String getState() {
return state;
public void setState(String state) {
this.state = state;
public String getPostalCode() {
return postalCode;
public void setPostalCode(String postalCode) {
this.postalCode = postalCode;
public String getCountry() {
return country;
public void setCountry(String country) {
this.country = country;
public Employee getSalesRepEmployee() {
return salesRepEmployee;
public void setSalesRepEmployee(Employee salesRepEmployee) {
this.salesRepEmployee = salesRepEmployee;
public BigDecimal getCreditLimit() {
return creditLimit;
public void setCreditLimit(BigDecimal creditLimit) {
this.creditLimit = creditLimit;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 0;
hash += (customerNumber != null ? customerNumber.hashCode() : 0);
return hash;
public boolean equals(Object object) {
// TODO: Warning - this method won't work in the case the id fields are
// not set
if (!(object instanceof Customer)) {
return false;
Customer other = (Customer) object;
if ((this.customerNumber == null && other.customerNumber != null)
|| (this.customerNumber != null && !this.customerNumber.equals(other.customerNumber))) {
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
return customerNumber.toString();
public Set<Payment> getPayments() {
return payments;
public void setPayments(Set<Payment> payments) {
this.payments = payments;
public Set<Order> getOrders() {
return orders;
public void setOrders(Set<Order> orders) {
this.orders = orders;
Instead of response.getEntity(), use response.readEntity(String.class) to get the data as a String. If you want to deserialize it to a POJO, then just pass that class to the readEntity.
Also you should make sure to check the status code (response.getStatus()) to make sure it's a success status.