Spark Scala Dataset Validations using UDF and its Performance - scala

I'm new to Spark Scala. I have implemented an solution for Dataset validation for multiple columns using UDF rather than going through individual columns in for loop. But i dint know how this is working faster and i have to explain it was the better solution.
The columns for data validation will be received at run time, so we cannot hard-coded the column names in code. And also the comments column needs to be updated with the column name when column value got failed in validation.
Old Code,
def doValidate(data: Dataset[Row], columnArray: Array[String], validValueArrays: Array[String]): Dataset[Row] = {
var ValidDF: Dataset[Row] = data
var i:Int = 0
for (s <- columnArray) {
var list = validValueArrays(i).split(",")
ValidDF = ValidDF.withColumn("comments",when(ValidDF.col(s).isin(list: _*),concat(lit(col("comments")),lit(" Error: Invalid Records in: ") ,lit(s))).otherwise(col("comments")))
i = i + 1
return ValidDF;
New Code,
def validateColumnValues(data: Dataset[Row], columnArray: Array[String], validValueArrays: Array[String]): Dataset[Row] = {
var ValidDF: Dataset[Row] = data
var checkValues = udf((row: Row, comment: String) => {
var newComment = comment
for (s: Int <- 0 to row.length-1) {
var value = row.get(s)
var list = validValueArrays(s).split(",")
newComment = newComment + " Error:Invalid Records in: " + columnArray(s) +";"
ValidDF = ValidDF.withColumn("comments",checkValues(struct(columnArray.head, columnArray.tail: _*),col("comments")))
return ValidDF;
columnArray --> Will have list of columns
validValueArrays --> Will have Valid Values Corresponding to column array position. The multiple valid values will be , separated.
I want to know which one better or any other better approach to do it. When i tested new code looks better. And also what is the difference between this two logic's as i read UDF is a black-box for Spark. And in this case the UDF will affect performance in any case?

I need to correct some closed bracket before running it. One '}' to be removed when you return the validDF. I still get a runtime analysis error.
It is better to avoid UDF as a UDF implies deserialization to process the data in classic Scala and then reserialize it. However, if your requirement cannot be archived using in build SQL function, then you have to go for UDF but you must make sure you review the SparkUI for performance and plan of execution.


Spark: Transforming JSON files to correct format

I've 100+ million records stored in files with the following JSON structure (real data has way more columns, rows and is also nested)
The function is unable to parse this since the records aren't on multiple lines but on one big line. The solution below solves this problem, but is a big performance killer. What would be the best way, performance wise, to handle this issue in Apache Spark?
val rdd = sc.wholeTextFiles("s3://some-bucket/**/*")
val validJSON = rdd.flatMap(_._2.replace("}{", "}\n{").split("\n"))
val df =
This is a riff on Antot's answer, which should handle nested JSON
.foldLeft((false, Vector.empty[Char], Vector.empty[String])) {
case ((true, charAccum, strAccum), '{') => (false, Vector('{'), strAccum :+ charAccum.mkString);
case ((_, charAccum, strAccum), '}') => (true, charAccum :+ '}', strAccum);
case ((_, charAccum, strAccum), char) => (false, charAccum :+ char, strAccum)
Basically what it does is split the data into a Vector[Char], and uses foldLeft to aggregate the input into substrings. The trick is to keep track of just enough information about the previous character to figure out if a { marks the start of a new object.
I used this input to test it (basically the OP's sample input, with a nested object thrown in):
val input = """{"id":"2-2-3","key":{ "test": "value"}}{"id":"2-2-3","key":"value"}{"id":"2-2-3","key":"value"}{"id":"2-2-3","key":"value"}{"id":"2-2-3","key":"value"}"""
And got this result, which looks good:
Vector({"id":"2-2-3","key":{ "test": "value"}},
The problem with the original approach is the call _._2.replace("}{", "}\n{", which creates another huge string from the input one, with new line chars inserted, which is then split once again into an array.
An improvement is possible by minimizing the creation of intermediate strings and retrieving the target ones as soon as possible. For this, we can play a bit with substrings:
val validJson = rdd.flatMap(rawJson => {
// functions extracted to make it more readable.
def nextObjectStartIndex(fromIndex: Int):Int = rawJson._2.indexOf('{', fromIndex)
def currObjectEndIndex(fromIndex: Int): Int = rawJson._2.indexOf('}', fromIndex)
def extractObject(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): String = rawJson._2.substring(fromIndex, toIndex + 1)
// the resulting strings are put in a local buffer
val buffer = new ListBuffer[String]()
// init the scanning of the input string
var posStartNextObject = nextObjectStartIndex(0)
// main loop terminates when there are no more '{' chars
while (posStartNextObject != -1) {
val posEndObject = currObjectEndIndex(posStartNextObject)
val extractedObject = extractObject(posStartNextObject, posEndObject)
posStartNextObject = nextObjectStartIndex(posEndObject)
buffer += extractedObject
Please note that this approach would work only if the objects in the input JSON are not nested, supposing that all curly braces separate objects of same level.

Scala Spark not returning value outside loop [duplicate]

I am new to Scala and Spark and would like some help in understanding why the below code isn't producing my desired outcome.
I am comparing two tables
My desired output schema is:
case class DiscrepancyData(fieldKey:String, fieldName:String, val1:String, val2:String, valExpected:String)
When I run the below code step by step manually, I actually end up with my desired outcome. Which is a List[DiscrepancyData] completely populated with my desired output. However, I must be missing something in the code below because it returns an empty list (before this code gets called there are other codes that is involved in reading tables from HIVE, mapping, grouping, filtering, etc etc etc):
val compareCols = Set(year, nominal, adjusted_for_inflation, average_private_nonsupervisory_wage)
val key = "year"
def compare(table:RDD[(String, Iterable[Row])]): List[DiscrepancyData] = {
var discs: ListBuffer[DiscrepancyData] = ListBuffer()
def compareFields(fieldOne:String, fieldTwo:String, colName:String, row1:Row, row2:Row): DiscrepancyData = {
if (fieldOne != fieldTwo){
row1.getAs(key).toString, //fieldKey
colName, //fieldName
row1.getAs(colName).toString, //table1Value
row2.getAs(colName).toString, //table2Value
row2.getAs(colName).toString) //expectedValue
else null
def comparison() {
for(row <- table){
var elem1 = row._2.head //gets the first element in the iterable
var elem2 = row._2.tail.head //gets the second element in the iterable
for(col <- compareCols){
var value1 = elem1.getAs(col).toString
var value2 = elem2.getAs(col).toString
var disc = compareFields(value1, value2, col, elem1, elem2)
if (disc != null) discs += disc
I'm calling the above function as such:
var outcome = compare(groupedFiltered)
Here is the data in groupedFiltered:
(1991,CompactBuffer([1991,7.14,5.72,39%], [1991,4.14,5.72,39%]))
(1997,CompactBuffer([1997,4.88,5.86,39%], [1997,3.88,5.86,39%]))
(1999,CompactBuffer([1999,5.15,5.96,39%], [1999,5.15,5.97,38%]))
(1947,CompactBuffer([1947,0.9,2.94,35%], [1947,0.4,2.94,35%]))
(1980,CompactBuffer([1980,3.1,6.88,45%], [1980,3.1,6.88,48%]))
(1981,CompactBuffer([1981,3.15,6.8,45%], [1981,3.35,6.8,45%]))
The table schema for groupedFiltered:
(year String,
nominal Double,
adjusted_for_inflation Double,
average_provate_nonsupervisory_wage String)
Spark is a distributed computing engine. Next to "what the code is doing" of classic single-node computing, with Spark we also need to consider "where the code is running"
Let's inspect a simplified version of the expression above:
val records: RDD[List[String]] = ??? //whatever data
var list:mutable.List[String] = List()
for {record <- records
entry <- records }
{ list += entry }
The scala for-comprehension makes this expression look like a natural local computation, but in reality the RDD operations are serialized and "shipped" to executors, where the inner operation will be executed locally. We can rewrite the above like this:
records.foreach{ record => //RDD.foreach => serializes closure and executes remotely
record.foreach{entry => //record.foreach => local operation on the record collection
list += entry // this mutable list object is updated in each executor but never sent back to the driver. All updates are lost
Mutable objects are in general a no-go in distributed computing. Imagine that one executor adds a record and another one removes it, what's the correct result? Or that each executor comes to a different value, which is the right one?
To implement the operation above, we need to transform the data into our desired result.
I'd start by applying another best practice: Do not use null as return value. I also moved the row ops into the function. Lets rewrite the comparison operation with this in mind:
def compareFields(colName:String, row1:Row, row2:Row): Option[DiscrepancyData] = {
val key = "year"
val v1 = row1.getAs(colName).toString
val v2 = row2.getAs(colName).toString
if (v1 != v2){
row1.getAs(key).toString, //fieldKey
colName, //fieldName
v1, //table1Value
v2, //table2Value
v2) //expectedValue
} else None
Now, we can rewrite the computation of discrepancies as a transformation of the initial table data:
val discrepancies = table.flatMap{case (str, row) =>
compareCols.flatMap{col => compareFields(col,, }
We can also use the for-comprehension notation, now that we understand where things are running:
val discrepancies = for {
(str,row) <- table
col <- compareCols
dis <- compareFields(col,,
} yield dis
Note that discrepancies is of type RDD[Discrepancy]. If we want to get the actual values to the driver we need to:
val materializedDiscrepancies = discrepancies.collect()
Iterating through an RDD and updating a mutable structure defined outside the loop is a Spark anti-pattern.
Imagine this RDD being spread over 200 machines. How can these machines be updating the same Buffer? They cannot. Each JVM will be seeing its own discs: ListBuffer[DiscrepancyData]. At the end, your result will not be what you expect.
To conclude, this is a perfectly valid (not idiomatic though) Scala code but not a valid Spark code. If you replace RDD with an Array it will work as expected.
Try to have a more functional implementation along these lines:
val finalRDD: RDD[DiscrepancyData] =

Pass columnNames dynamically to cassandraTable().select()

I'm reading query off of a file at run-time and executing it on the SPark+Cassandra environment.
I'm executing :
sparkContext.cassandraTable.("keyspaceName", "colFamilyName").select("col1", "col2", "col3").where("some condition = true")
Query in FIle :
select col1, col2, col3
from keyspaceName.colFamilyName
where somecondition = true
Here Col1,col2,col3 can vary depending on the query parsed from the file.
Question :
How do I pick columnName from query and pass them to select() and runtime.
I have tried many ways to do it :
1. dumbest thing done (which obviously threw an error) -
var str = "col1,col2,col3"
var selectStmt = str.split("\\,").map { x => "\"" + x.trim() + "\"" }.mkString(",")
var queryRDD = sc.cassandraTable().select(selectStmt)
Any ideas are welcome.
Side Notes :
1. I do not want to use cassandraCntext becasue it will be depricated/ removed in next realase (
2. I'm on
- a. Scala 2.11
- b. spark-cassandra-connector_2.11:1.6.0-M1
- c. Spark 1.6
Use Cassandra Connector
Your use case sounds like you actually want to use CassandraConnector Objects. These give you a direct access to a per ExecutorJVM session pool and are ideal for just executing random queries. This will end up being much more efficient than creating an RDD for each query.
This would look something like
rddOfStatements.mapPartitions( it =>
CassandraConnector.withSessionDo { session => =>
But you most likely would want to use executeAsync and handle the futures separately for better performance.
Programatically specifying columns in cassandraTable
The select method takes ColumnRef* which means you need to pass in some number of ColumnRefs. Normally there is an implicit conversion from String --> ColumnRef which is why you can pass in just a var-args of strings.
Here it's a little more complicated because we want to pass var args of another type so we end up with double implicits and Scala doesn't like that.
So instead we pass in ColumnName objects as varargs (:_*)
Keyspace: test
Table: dummy
- id : java.util.UUID (partition key column)
- txt : String
val columns = Seq("id", "txt")
columns: Seq[String] = List(id, txt)
//Convert the strings to ColumnNames (a subclass of ColumnRef) and treat as var args
Array(CassandraRow{id: 74f25101-75a0-48cd-87d6-64cb381c8693, txt: hello world})
//Only use the first column
Array(CassandraRow{id: 74f25101-75a0-48cd-87d6-64cb381c8693})
//Only use the last column
Array(CassandraRow{txt: hello world})

HBase Table Retrieval Data

If I am trying to retrieve data from an HBase table using this code:
val get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(extracted.user.rowKey.toString))
val res = table.get(get)
I am not sure if the val res = table.get(get) line will return a result or not since a row with this row key: extracted.socialUser.socialUserConnectionId.toString passed to the Get constructor may not exist in the HBase table.
I am trying something like this:
val get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes(extracted.socialUser.socialUserConnectionId.toString))
val res = table.get(get)
if (!res) {
/* Create the row in the HBase table */
But it is giving me the error in that if statement saying: Expression of this type result doesn't convert to type Boolean. Is there a way I can solve this problem?
At first glance, it appears val res = table.get(get) would return a type Optional.
Given that, you should be calling res.isEmpty instead of !res
Better still, you could use getOrElse instead of get :
val res = table.getOrElse{
// Create the row in the HBase table

Create new column with function in Spark Dataframe

I'm trying to figure out the new dataframe API in Spark. Seems like a good step forward but having trouble doing something that should be pretty simple. I have a dataframe with 2 columns, "ID" and "Amount". As a generic example, say I want to return a new column called "code" that returns a code based on the value of "Amt". I can write a function something like this:
def coder(myAmt:Integer):String {
if (myAmt > 100) "Little"
else "Big"
When I try to use it like this:
val myDF = sqlContext.parquetFile("hdfs:/to/my/file.parquet")
myDF.withColumn("Code", coder(myDF("Amt")))
I get type mismatch errors
found : org.apache.spark.sql.Column
required: Integer
I've tried changing the input type on my function to org.apache.spark.sql.Column but I then I start getting errors with the function compiling because it wants a boolean in the if statement.
Am I doing this wrong? Is there a better/another way to do this than using withColumn?
Thanks for your help.
Let's say you have "Amt" column in your Schema:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val myDF = sqlContext.parquetFile("hdfs:/to/my/file.parquet")
val coder: (Int => String) = (arg: Int) => {if (arg < 100) "little" else "big"}
val sqlfunc = udf(coder)
myDF.withColumn("Code", sqlfunc(col("Amt")))
I think withColumn is the right way to add a column
We should avoid defining udf functions as much as possible due to its overhead of serialization and deserialization of columns.
You can achieve the solution with simple when spark function as below
val myDF = sqlContext.parquetFile("hdfs:/to/my/file.parquet")
myDF.withColumn("Code", when(myDF("Amt") < 100, "Little").otherwise("Big"))
Another way of doing this:
You can create any function but according to the above error, you should define function as a variable
val coder = udf((myAmt:Integer) => {
if (myAmt > 100) "Little"
else "Big"
Now this statement works perfectly:
myDF.withColumn("Code", coder(myDF("Amt")))