How can I get AJV (v5.0.0) to resolve $schema? - json-schema-validator

I'm having trouble getting this line to resolve at the top of my JSON Schema when compiling it with AJV:
"$schema": "node_modules/ajv/lib/refs/json-schema-draft-04#"
I've also tried this line to work, to no avail:
"$schema": ""
(And a lot of other permutations of the above.)
No matter what I put, AJV says:
"Error: no schema with key or ref..."
What exactly needs to go in this property?
Thank you (BTW AJV is great, thank you.)


pytesseract doesn't use user-words

Im trying to use a created 'bazaar' config file with this format (I tryed setting T and F):
load_system_dawg F
load_freq_dawg F
user_words_suffix user-words
I'm using as Latin.traineddata language and created a Latin.user-words in same directory /tessdata
with some words, like:
Monotributista (with and without comma)
tesseract without config paramethers game me this, around other words, is a 5 pages text Nfonotributista,
So I tried with the user-words, maybe it can correct that, using this code:
import pytesseract
pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd =r'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract'"page-1.png")
text=pytesseract.image_to_string(imagen, lang='Latin', config='bazaar')
No errors, but same result, I cannot find much documentation to know what's happening behind, is it using the config? is it trying the OCRed words against the dictionary?
Is there anything wrong on my code?
I appreciate any help
Thank you!
Edit: added some character with bad recognition:
First one detects LIL or LII
Seccond detects LI

iTextSharp error, casting IncCell to Rectangle

I've been asked to look at C# code that's returning the following error:
Unable to cast object of type
'iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.IncCell' to type 'iTextSharp.text.Rectangle'.
at iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfDocument.Add(IElement element)
at iTextSharp.text.Document.Add(IElement element)
It looks like they're using iTextSharp v5.0.2 and have not yet moved from HtmlWorker to XmlWorker.
What is IncCell? I see it in the source docs but can't find any info about what it is - I'm assuming it's just for internal use.
Is this related to a cell in a table? A need for a Div or Paragraph within a cell?
What can they do to diagnose issues like this down to the HTML source that caused the error? I suspect this is an issue with not conforming to XHTML, but I can't verify that without knowing exactly what IElement that code was working on when it choked. It could be due to bad styling too, I have no idea at this time. Is there any kind of detail logging that will tell us what element is being processed at any given time? Should I just get them to load source and trace through it?
Is it probable that this will be fixed with an update to the latest version (currently 5.5.9), and a re-fit of XmlWorker?
Other recommendations?

mingw winsock2.h and ws2tcpip.h

c:\mingw\bin\../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.6.2/../../../../include/ws2tcpip.h:38:2: error
: #error "ws2tcpip.h is not compatible with winsock.h. Include winsock2.h instea
I been trying to compile an alt coin that is of keccak sha 3 algorithm, but I keep get this error when trying to compile, it say ws2tcpip.h is not compatible with winsock.h , been trying for the past 2-3 days, but still not able get past this.
Got once I tried to replace ws2tcpip.h file with winsock2.h content, end up I get an error at netbase.cpp where it require the header of ws2tcpip.h on getaddrinfo
Hope someone can help on how to resolve this. I trying to fork max coin . Thanks !
windows.h includes winsock.h so you'll need to put the ws2tcpip.h include before any windows.h include.
Alternatively to danron's answer you can include winsock2.h in any order as long as WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN is defined

SuspectScore in Email Headers

I've Googled quite a bit and cannot find a definition to tell me what this means or how I can fix it.
I'm setting up some follow up emails, using as my SMTP provider and in the header I'm receiving this:
X-Proofpoint-Spam-Details: rule=notspam policy=default score=0
spamscore=0 suspectscore=99 phishscore=0 adultscore=0 bulkscore=100
classifier=spam adjust=0 reason=mlx scancount=1
engine=7.0.1-1308280000 definitions=main-1310230044
All of that looks fine with the exception of suspectscore=99 I can't find a definition for this, but it can't be a good thing to be a 99% suspect.
Anyone can enlighten me or point me to an accurate definition of suspectscore?
That's a header specific to a vendor product: Proofpoint. You'll have to work with them to understand what's going on.

RedDot LiveServer dynament error

How do I go about debugging what a return code of -26504 means? It's the result of a 'content' dynament of type 'import'.
Sounds like the import dynament had some issues with the content it was trying to import. I would examine this file for any possible syntax issues (if the type is XSL or XML, it will need to be valid.)
I recommend checking your rde.log for a little more information. You can probably just search for the name of the content item you're trying to import.