Can I override the companion object `apply` method from a Scala trait? - scala

I want to restrict creation of a Scala class to use the companion object constructor:
case class Foo private (bar: String, baz: Int)
Now I can't use the new keyword; I can only create a foo like Foo("catch", 22). But let's say I want to hook into the apply method on object creation to provide some additional functionality whenever an instance is created. Can I do that in the trait?
object Foo extends SpecialApply[Foo]
trait SpecialApply[C] {
override def apply(args: ???) = ???
The central problem is that it seems like I don't know the constructor argument types (String and Int) in the trait. I could pass them in as a tuple, say, like this:
object Foo extends SpecialApply[(String, Int), Foo]
trait SpecialApply[A, C] {
override def apply(args: ???) = <companion object>
Or I could get them by reflection. Either way, I'm not sure how to define the apply method over the tuple.
Is there some combination of reflection, .tupled functions, macro, and/or shapeless magic that will make this work?


Scala type bound on implemented function

I have a generic class that looks like:
class GenericClass[T <: AnyRef] {
def getHash(obj: T): String = obj.toString
As you can see, type T needs to have implemented the toString function in order for getHash to work properly. My question: is that possible to apply type bound/constraints so that type T always have toString implemented?
One way that I can think of is to use type class and context bound:
class GenericClass[T : ClassWithToString] {...}
trait ClassWithToString[T] {
def toString(t: T): String
implicit object SomeTypeWithToString extends ClassWithToString[SomeType] {
override def toString(a: SomeType): String = a.toString()
However, this approach requires clients to define new implicit objects whenever they want to use GenericClass with a new type, which is not ideal in my case. Especially given toString is a very common function that's being implemented by many types. Wanted to get some advice from you on how to solve this issue elegantly!

Scala: Maintain child class in parent methods?

When you have a parent:
abstract class Parent {
def something(arg: ???): Parent = ???
class Child extends Parent {}
I would like
val updatedChild = new Child().something(...)
updatedChild to be of type Child and not of type Parent, is it possible ?
One way to do it, is to parametrize the parent:
abstract class Parent[T <: Parent[T]] {
def something(arg: Foo): T
class Child(val foo: String) extends Parent[Child] {
def something(arg: String) = return new Child(arg)
Sometimes, you can also get away with using this.type:
class Parent {
def something(arg: Foo): this.type = this
class Child {
override def something(arg: Foo) = this
But the latter method only works if all you ever want to return is this (this.type is not Parent or Child, but a specific type that only has one instance - this).
Here is a proposal that actually compiles:
abstract class Parent[Repr <: Parent[Repr]] {
def something(arg: Int): Repr
This is something you can do, at least it's not explicitly discouraged. Standard collection library uses it a lot, see e.g. IterableLike as a typical example of such F-bounded polymorphism.
It seems that you can do :
class Parent[THIS <: Parent[THIS]] {
def something: THIS
And that seems to work.
I am not sure if this is something you should do tho.
Both Andrey's and Dima's answers cover one way to solve the problem using only oo-patterns.
However I would like to point out another approach called typeclasses (which is more common in functional languages), that would be helpful if you are planning to write generic functions using your interface.
First, instead of having a parent class, you have an interface that describes the operations that can be performed on instances of the typeclass.
trait Typeclass[T] {
def something(t: T)(arg: Foo): T
Then, you would define your types, this time they don't extend any parent class, thus they don't have to override nothing.
class Child {
Now, you have to prove that your type is an instance of the type class.
(A common place to do that is in the companion object of the class).
object Child {
implicit final val ChildTypeclass: Typeclass[Child] = new Typeclass[Child] {
override def something(child: Child)(arg: Foo): Child = ???
Finally, you define a generic method that can operate on any type T as long as there is an instance of your typeclass for that type.
def generic[T](t: T, arg: Foo)(implicit tt: Typeclass[T]): T =
Bonus, if you want to recover the "dot notation" you can add an Ops pattern to your Typeclass.
object syntax {
object typeclass {
implicit final class TypeclassOps[T](val t: T) extends AnyVal {
final def something(arg: Foo)(implicit tt: Typelcass[T]) =
import syntax.typeclasss._
def generic[T: Typelcass](t: T, arg: Foo): T
val newChild = generic(new Child, new Foo)
// newChild: Child = ???
Also, a common approach is to define the something method in your class and the typeclass instance forwards the call to the one defined in the class, this way you can use your method in any instance of Child without having to put all the typeclass machinery.
I must say that this is useful for very high-level abstractions to which you plan to provide instances for many types (even types outside your control like any of the standard collection types) and write very generic functions that can operate on any of these.
If not, F-bounded types seems like the more rational solution.

Restrict Construction of Scala Class

class Foo(x: Int) {}
object Foo {
def apply(x: Int) = new Foo(x)
Besides marking Foo's constructor as private, how can I present a warning or compile-time failure when calling new Foo(...)?
In other words, I'd like to restrict (either by compile-time warning or error) construction of Foo to Foo.apply.
Is this possible?
In scala there are two idiomatic ways how to achieve that.
Constructor private to the class and companion object.
Factory has access to constructor, while anyone else doesn't:
class Foo private[Foo](val x: Int)
object Foo {
def apply(x:Int) = new Foo(x)
val foo = new Foo(1) // cannot compile
val foo1 = Foo(1) //compiles fine
Sealed abstract class.
In scala sealed class can be extended only in the same source file it is defined.
I suggest to make Foo sealed abstract class and return anonymous child of Foo in object's apply method.
sealed abstract class Foo(val x:Int)
object Foo {
def apply(x:Int):Foo = new Foo(x) {}
In this case Foo can be created nowhere except the file where it is defined.
UPD: Actually, this question was already discussed on stackoverflow.
UPD2: Added brief overview of both methods.

Return class instance using generic inside companion object for method specified in trait

In Scala I want to return a instance of a class for a method defined in a trait which uses generics, the code example I have is this:
File 1
package packOne
import packTwo.A
trait MyTrait[T <: MyTrait[T <: A]] {
def otherFunct(): String
def funct[T <: A](): T
File 2
package packTwo
import packOne.MyTrait
abstract class A(someParameter: String) {}
class B(someParameter: String) extends A(someParameter) {}
object B extends MyTrait[B] { // <--- the B inside MyTrait here is the class not the object, or at least that is what I want
def otherFunct(): String = "Hello"
def funct[B](): C = new B("hi") // <--- I think here is the key
basically what I want is an interface that have method to return a concrete implementation of class A, in an implementing object (which happen to be a companion object for a class extending A).
Why do I want that to be on an object?, is because I want to call that method without the need of an instance (like an static method in java), so that I can call B.funct() and have an instance of B class kind of like a factory method, for other classes extending A for example a call to X.funct will return an instance of class X.
I have tried to remove the generic type from the function definition except on the return type of the function and just leave it in the trait definition (like def funct(): T) but that does not work either.
I am quite new to Scala so if you could explain it for dummies and avoid complex scala unique concepts I would appreciate
How about simply:
trait A
class B(someParameter: String) extends A
trait MyTrait[T <: A] {
def otherFunct: String //Parentheses on parameterless methods with no side effects and no serious computation are generally unidiomatic in Scala
def funct: T //Note, no generic parameter on this method
object B extends MyTrait[B] {
def otherFunct = "Hello"
def funct = new B("hi")
And then:
B.funct //returns a new `B`
The apply method is often used in this factory style (e.g. Seq.apply() which is equivalent to Seq())

Can I do structural refinement over a constructor?

In my code I have something like this:
trait MyObj
trait Companion {
type C <: MyObj
Then I have several pairs of classes and companion objects, where the companions extend Companion and the classes extend MyObj and define a constructor with a String parameter. I can't just make case classes inheriting from MyObj, cause then I can't make the companions extend Companion, but I end up repeating the same code in every companion:
class Foo(name: String) extends MyObj
object Foo extends Companion {
type C = Foo
def apply(name: String) = new Foo(name)
// new C(name) works too
I'd like to move the implementation of apply to the Companion trait:
trait Companion {
type C <: MyObj { def this(name: String) }
def apply(name: String) = new C(name)
and now the inheriting objects just need to specify the type of C. But this doesn't compile. Is there any way of telling the compiler that C must have a specific constructor, so that I can call new C, without having to manually resort to reflection?
What about adding ClassTag or TypeTag? It can be some sort of intermediate solution towards reflection:
abstract class Companion[C <: MyObj](implicit ct:ClassTag[C]) {
def apply(name: String):C =
(not sure in the exact syntax)