How do I add the sed command inside a bash script? - sed

I want to add below line to file to a line number 26
sed -i 's/-DskipTests //' dev/
I tried with this command
sed "26 a sed -i 's/-DskipTests //' dev/"
But this is giving error
sed: 1: "26 a sed -i 's/-DskipTe ...": command a expects \ followed by text`

Try putting it in as if it were multiline add as a workaround. Does this work for you?
sed "26 a\\sed -i 's/-DskipTests //' dev/"
You need to quote your quote since you are compounding quote-types.
c.f. the manual, though - it ought to work as it is.


Sed unterminated 's command in script

inside minor1.sed
sed -r 's/8/1/g' phone.txt
inside phone.txt
(866) 879-7647
(888) 474-7424
(371) 670-6006
(866) 266-5588
(844) 415-3955
(800) 237-2747
command issued
sed -r -f minor1.sed phone.txt
no matter what I do im given the unterminated 's command error.
minor1.sed should contain only sed expression, s/8/1/g in your case:
val#chi:~$ cat minor1.sed
val#chi:~$ sed -r -f minor1.sed phone.txt
(166) 179-7647
(111) 474-7424
(371) 670-6006
(166) 266-5511
(144) 415-3955
(100) 237-2747

SED inplace file change inside make - How?

sed inplace change on a file is not working inside Make object.
I want to replace a line in a file with sed called in a make object. But it does not seem to be working. How can I fix this?
ifeq ($(run_TESTNAME), diagnostics)
ifeq ($(run_TESTCASE), 1)
sed -i -e "s/SIM_MULTI\==[a-z,A-Z]*/SIM_MULTI=TRUE/" ./generics.f
else ifeq ($(TESTCASE), 2)
sed -i -e "s/SIM_MISSED\==[a-z,A-Z]*/SIM_MISSED=TRUE/" ./generics.f
I would like the generics.f file changed with that one line change. But it remains the same as the original. The sed command works outside make.
I can't reproduce this using GNU sed 4.2.2 and GNU make 3.82, or at least, I can't reproduce any scenario where the same sed command works from the command line but not in a Makefile.
Simpler Makefile:
# Contrived just so I can test your 2 sed commands.
sed -i -e "s/SIM_MULTI\==[a-z,A-Z]*/SIM_MULTI=TRUE/" ./generics.f
sed -i -e "s/SIM_MISSED\==[a-z,A-Z]*/SIM_MISSED=TRUE/" ./generics.f
Sample file content in generics.f:
$ make all
sed -i -e "s/SIM_MULTI\==[a-z,A-Z]*/SIM_MULTI=TRUE/" ./generics.f
sed -i -e "s/SIM_MISSED\==[a-z,A-Z]*/SIM_MISSED=TRUE/" ./generics.f
Confirmed that both sed commands fail to edit a file with this content.
To fix:
Probably, you need to simply remove the \= from your regular expression. The backslash there has no effect, and causes your regex to simply match two equals signs ==. Thus this works:
sed -i 's/SIM_MULTI=[a-zA-Z]*/SIM_MULTI=TRUE/' ./generics.f
sed -i 's/SIM_MISSED=[a-zA-Z]*/SIM_MISSED=TRUE/' ./generics.f
$ make all
sed -i 's/SIM_MULTI=[a-zA-Z]*/SIM_MULTI=TRUE/' ./generics.f
sed -i 's/SIM_MISSED=[a-zA-Z]*/SIM_MISSED=TRUE/' ./generics.f
$ cat generics.f
Further explanation:
There is no need to specify -e there.
There is no need to enclose the script in double quotes, which is riskier because it allows the contents to be modified by the shell.
The bug appears to be \= and I deleted those characters, as mentioned above.
Note that I removed the comma , as well in [a-z,A-Z]. I think that probably isn't what you meant, and it would cause a class of characters including a-z, A-Z and a comma , to be matched by the regex. (And if it is what you mean, you might consider writing it as [a-zA-Z,] as that would be less confusing.)
If this has not resolved your issue, I would need to know things like:
What is the version of your sed.
What is the contents in generics.f.
POSIX/GNU sed have c for "change":

Sed remove matching lines script

I'm requesting help with a very simple script...
#!/usr/bin/sed -f
sed '/11,yahoo/d'
sed '/2506,stackover flow/d'
sed '/2536,reddit/d'
Just need it to remove three matches that account for 18408 in my file, data.csv
% sed -f remove.sed < data.csv
sed: 3: remove.sed: unterminated substitute pattern
Doing these same lines individually is no problem at all, so what am I doing wrong with this?
Using freeBSD 10.1 and its implementation of sed, if that matters.
This, being a sed script, should not have "sed" at each line.
Either change it to:
#!/usr/bin/sed -f
/2506,stackover flow/d
Or to
sed -e /11,yahoo/d \
-e /2506,stackover flow/d \
-e /2536,reddit/d

how to replace softtabs with hardtabs in sed

I am trying to replace softtabs with hardtabs in sed. I have tried the following but to no avail:
sed -i 's/ /\t/g' path/to/file
What am I doing wrong?
It appears what I was looking for was the unexpand command.
unexpand -a -t4 file > newfile
If you have a file like this where all space is spaces and not tabs:
cat file
test more data
here are more
You can use
sed 's/ */\t/g'
sed -r 's/ +/\t/g'
and get
test more data
here are more
Where it now have changed multiple spaces to tab

how to find replace value with whitespace using sed in a bash script

I have values in a file like this ' value-to-remove '(without the ' characters). I want to use sed to run through the file and replace the values including the space before and after. I am running this via a bash script.
How can I do this?
The sed command I'm using at the moment replaces the values but leaves behind the two spaces.
sed -i 's/ '$value' / /g' test.conf
In script I have
sed -i -e 's/\s'$DOMAIN'-'$SITE'\s/\s/g' gitosis.conf
echoed as
sed -i -e s/\\s/\s/g test.conf
Not working though.
IMHO your sed does not know '\s', so use [ \t], and use double quotes, otherwise your variables will not expand. e.g.:
sed -i -e "s/[ \t]'$DOMAIN'-'$SITE'[ \t]/ /g" gitosis.conf
Let me know if this is what you need
echo 'Some values to remove value-to-remove and more' | sed -e 's/\svalue-to-remove\s/CHANGED/g'
output: Some values to removeCHANGEDand more