Exlusive client affinity - kubernetes

I am aware that client affinity is possible for a LoadBalancer type service in Kubernetes. The thing is that this affinity doesn't forbid that two different clientes access the same pod.
Is it possible to associate a pod exclusively always to the same client?
Thanks in advance and have a really nice day!

To only allow a specific external client/s to access a specific Pod/Deployment you can use whitelisting/source ranges. Restrictions can be applied to LoadBalancers as loadBalancerSourceRanges. You add a section to the Service like:
But not all cloud providers currently support it.
Alternatively you could expose the Pod with an Ingress and apply whitelisting on the Ingress. For whitelisting with an nginx Ingress you can add annotation to the Ingress such as nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/whitelist-source-range: 49.36.X.X/32

No, this would imply that you’re running one copy of the service for every client which is a very non standard way to do things so you’ll have to build it yourself.

Not exactly to a POD.
You can use session affinity based on Client IP, that is of course only if the Client IP is static and only one client per IP.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: wlp-service
app: wlp-service
type: LoadBalancer
sessionAffinity: ClientIP
- port: 443
targetPort: 7443
name: https
- port: 80
targetPort: 7080
name: http
Second option is session affinity based on Cookies. This will work if there are several clients from the same IP, as cookies are stored locally on Client computer.
You will need to use an Ingress object and generate cookies. Your Ingress deployment will need to have:
affinity: cookie
session-cookie-hash: sha1/md5/index #choose one
session-cookie-name: INGRESSCOOKIE #name used in cookie value
You can read more about those two way on Redirect your users to the same pod by using session affinity on Kubernetes by medium.com
If I'm not mistaken Session Affinity will work only if IPVS kernel modules are installed on the node before running kube-proxy.
Run kube-proxy in IPVS Mode
Currently, local-up scripts, GCE scripts, and kubeadm support switching IPVS proxy mode via exporting environment variables (KUBE_PROXY_MODE=ipvs) or specifying flag (--proxy-mode=ipvs). Before running IPVS proxier, please ensure IPVS required kernel modules are already installed.
Finally, for Kubernetes v1.10, feature gate SupportIPVSProxyMode is set to true by default. For Kubernetes v1.11, the feature gate is entirely removed. However, you need to enable --feature-gates=SupportIPVSProxyMode=true explicitly for Kubernetes before v1.10.
Please check this StackOverflow question Is it possible to route traffic to a specific Pod?, also you can read more about IPVS on IPVS-Based In-Cluster Load Balancing Deep Dive


Minikube service expose to public IP

I am learning Kubernetes and trying to deploy an app using MiniKube.
I have managed to expose the service mapped to nginx pod on Minikube IP. I can access the nginx service on url $(minikube ip):$(serviceport). which is fine, however I am looking to expose this to the public network. Currently this service is only accessible via my local machine, any other machine on my wifi network is not able to access it as it is exposed only on minikube ip. I dont want to forward the port in my local linux via IPtables, and I am looking for a built in solution to expose the port to world (and not just on minikube ip). I know it can be achieved as minikube dashboard by default expose the service on localhost, this implies that minikube can talk to other network adapters and can register the port, I am not sure how.
Here is my service yaml:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
service.alpha.kubernetes.io/tolerate-unready-endpoints: "true"
name: nginxservice
app: nginxservice
type: NodePort
- port: 80
name: http
targetPort: 80
nodePort: 32756
app: nginxcontainer
#subudear is right - you need Ingress.
An API object that manages external access to the services in a
cluster, typically HTTP. Ingress may provide load balancing, SSL
termination and name-based virtual hosting.
Ingress exposes HTTP and
HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster.
Traffic routing is controlled by rules defined on the Ingress
To be able use regularly use ingress(Im not talking about minikube right now) - it is not enough simply create Ingress object. You should first install related ingress controller.
There are lot of them, most popular are:
NGINX Ingress Controller
Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Controller
Istio Ingress Controller
First 2 are very similar, but use absolutely different annotations. It often happens people confuse them
Talking about minikube:
As per guidelines, in order to install ingress the only you have to do is
minikube addons enable ingress
Please note that by default, minikube installing exactly NGINX Ingress controller
nginx-ingress-controller-5984b97644-rnkrg 1/1 Running 0 1m
You have to create ingress.
Follow the steps in this doc - https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/ingress-minikube/

Kubernetes - Expose Website using nginx-ingress

I have a website running inside a kubernetes cluster.
I can access it localy, but want to make it available over the internet. (I have a registered domain), but the external IP keeps pending
I worked with this instruction: https://dev.to/peterj/expose-a-kubernetes-service-on-your-own-custom-domain-52dd
This is the code for the service and ingress
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: app-service
app: website
- name: http
protocol: TCP
port: 3000
targetPort: 3000
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: app-ingress
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
- host: www.carina.bernrieder.de
- path: /
serviceName: app-service
servicePort: 3000
So I'm using helm to install the nginx-controller, but after that Kubectl get all the external IP of the nginx controller keeps pending.
EXTERNAL-IP is expected to be pending in a non cloud environment such as minikube. You should be able to access the application using curl www.carina.bernrieder.de
Here is guide on using nginx ingress to expose an application on minikube
As #Arghya Sadhu mentioned, in local environment it is the expected behaviour. Maybe it will be easier to understand when you look a bit more deeply on how it works in cloud environments. Without going into details, if you apply an Ingress resource on GKE, EKS or AKS, a few more things happen "under the hood". A loadbalancer with an external IP is automatically created so your ingress can use it to forward external traffic to Pods deployed on your kubernetes cluster.
Minikube doesn't have such capabilities as it cannot make any call to any API for additional infrastructure resources to be created, as it happens on cloud environments.
But let's start from the beginning. You didn't mention in your question anything about your external IP or domain configuration. If you don't have an external static IP to which your domain has been redirected, it have no chances to work anyway.
As to this point, I won't fully agree:
You should be able to access the application using curl
Yes, you will be able to access it via your domain (actually via any domain that you don't even need to own) provided you add the following entry in your /etc/hosts file so DNS won't be used and it will be resolved based on this locally defined mapping: www.carina.bernrieder.de
As you can read here:
Note: If you are running Minikube locally, use minikube ip to get the
external IP. The IP address displayed within the ingress list will be
the internal IP.
But keep in mind that both those IPs will be private IPs. The one, that is displayed within the ingress list will be internal cluster ip and the external one will be extarnal only from your Minikube cluster perspective. It will be still the IP in your local network assigned to your Minikube vm.
And as you said in your question you want to make it available over the Internet. As you can see it has no chances to work without additional configuration.
Another important thing. You didn't mention where your Minikube is actually installed, so I guess you set it up on your local computer and most probably you're behind NAT router. If this is your case, it won't be so easy to expose it on a public internet. You will need to configure proper port forwarding rules on your router and of course you need a static IP or you need to configure dynamic DNS to be able to access your computer on the Internet via your dynami public IP.
Minikube was designed mainly for playing locally with kubernetes and not for production environments. Of course you can use it to run your small app, but then you may think about installing it on a VM in a cloud environment or some sort of VPS server.

Exposed Service and Replica Set Relation in Kubernetes

I have a question about how kubernetes decides the serving pod when there are several replicas of the pod.
For Instance, let's assume I have a web application running on a k8s cluster as multiple pod replicas and they are exposed by a service.
When a client sends a request it goes to service and kube-proxy. But where and when does kubernetes make a decision about which pod should serve the request?
I want to know the internals of kubernetes for this matter. Can we control this? Can we decide which pod should serve based on client requests and custom conditions?
can we decide which pod should serve based on client requests and custom conditions?
As kube-proxy works on L4 load balancing stuff thus you can control the session based on Client IP. it does not read the header of client request.
you can control the session with the following field service.spec.sessionAffinityConfig in service obejct
following command provide the explanation
kubectl explain service.spec.sessionAffinityConfig
Following paragraph and link provide detail answer.
Client-IP based session affinity can be selected by setting service.spec.sessionAffinity to “ClientIP” (the default is “None”), and you can set the max session sticky time by setting the field service.spec.sessionAffinityConfig.clientIP.timeoutSeconds if you have already set service.spec.sessionAffinity to “ClientIP” (the default is “10800”)-service-proxies
Service object would be like this
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: my-service
app: my-app
- name: http
protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 80
sessionAffinity: ClientIP
timeoutSeconds: 10000
Kubernetes service creates a load balancer(and an endpoint for it) and will use round robin by default to distribute requests among pods.
You can alter this behaviour.
As Suresh said you can also use sessionAffinity to ensure that requests for a particular session value always go to the same pod.

HAProxy with Kubernetes in a DR setup

We have Kubernetes setup hosted on premises and are trying to allow clients outside of K8s to connect to services hosted in the K8s cluster.
In order to make this work using HA Proxy (which runs outside K8s), we have the HAProxy backend configuration as follows -
backend vault-backend
server k8s-worker-1 worker1:32200 check
server k8s-worker-2 worker2:32200 check
server k8s-worker-3 worker3:32200 check
Now, this solution works, but the worker names and the corresponding nodePorts are hard-coded in this config, which obviously is inconvenient as and when more workers are added (or removed/changed).
We came across the HAProxy Ingress Controller (https://www.haproxy.com/blog/haproxy_ingress_controller_for_kubernetes/) which sounds promising, but (we feel) effectively adds another HAProxy layer to the mix..and thus, adds another failure point.
Is there a better solution to implement this requirement?
Now, this solution works, but the worker names and the corresponding nodePorts are hard-coded in this config, which obviously is inconvenient as and when more workers are added (or removed/changed).
You can explicitly configure the NodePort for your Kubernetes Service so it doesn't pick a random port and you always use the same port on your external HAProxy:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: <my-nodeport-service>
<my-label-key>: <my-label-value>
<my-selector-key>: <my-selector-value>
type: NodePort
- port: <service-port>
nodePort: 32200
We came across the HAProxy Ingress Controller (https://www.haproxy.com/blog/haproxy_ingress_controller_for_kubernetes/) which sounds promising, but (we feel) effectively adds another HAProxy layer to the mix..and thus, adds another failure point.
You could run the HAProxy ingress inside the cluster and remove the HAproxy outside the cluster, but this really depends on what type of service you are running. The Kubernetes Ingress is Layer 7 resource, for example. The DR here would be handled by having multiple replicas of your HAProxy ingress controller.

GKE Load Balancer - Ingress - Service - Session Affinity (Sticky Session)

I had sticky session working in my dev environment with minibike with following configurations:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: gl-ingress
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/affinity: cookie
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "gce"
kubernetes.io/ingress.global-static-ip-name: "projects/oceanic-isotope-199421/global/addresses/web-static-ip"
serviceName: gl-ui-service
servicePort: 80
- http:
- path: /api/*
serviceName: gl-api-service
servicePort: 8080
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: gl-api-service
app: gl-api
ingress.kubernetes.io/affinity: 'cookie'
type: NodePort
- port: 8080
protocol: TCP
app: gl-api
Now that I have deployed my project to GKE sticky session no longer function. I believe the reason is that the Global Load Balancer configured in GKE does not have session affinity with the NGINX Ingress controller. Anyone have any luck wiring this up? Any help would be appreciated. I wanting to establish session affinity: Client Browser > Load Balancer > Ingress > Service. The actual session lives in the pods behind the service. Its an API Gateway (built with Zuul).
Session affinity is not available yet in the GCE/GKE Ingress controller.
In the meantime and as workaround, you can use the GCE API directly to create the HTTP load balancer. Note that you can't use Ingress at the same time in the same cluster.
Use NodePort for the Kubernetes Service. Set the value of the port in spec.ports[*].nodePort, otherwise a random one will be assigned
Disable kube-proxy SNAT load balancing
Create a Load Balancer from the GCE API, with cookie session affinity enabled. As backend use the port from 1.
Good news! Finally they have support for these kind of tweaks as beta features!
Beginning with GKE version 1.11.3-gke.18, you can use an Ingress to configure these properties of a backend service:
Connection draining timeout
Session affinity
The configuration information for a backend service is held in a custom resource named BackendConfig, that you can "attach" to a Kubernetes Service.
Together with other sweet beta-features (like CDN, Armor, etc...) you can find how-to guides here:
Based on this: https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-gce/blob/master/docs/annotations.md
there's no annotation available, which could effect the session affinity setting of the Google Cloud LoadBalancer (GCLB), that is created as a result of the ingress creation. As such:
This have to be turned on by hand: either as suggested above by creating the LB yourself, or letting the ingress controller do so and then changing the backend configuration for each backend (either via GUI or gcloud cli). IMHO the later seems faster and less prone to errors. (Tested, and cookie "GCLB" was returned by LB after the config change got propagated automatically, and subsequent requests including the cookie were routed to the same node)
As rightfully pointed out by Matt-y-er: service.spec "externalTrafficPolicy" has to be set to local "Local" to disable forwarding from the Node the GCLB selected to another. However:
One would still need to ensure:
The GCLB should not send traffic to nodes, which doesn't run the pod or
make sure there's a pod running on all nodes (and only a single pod as the externalTrafficPolicy setting would not prevent loadbalancing over multiple local pods)
With regard to #3,the simple solution:
convert the deployment to a daemonset -> there will be exactly one pod on each node (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/daemonset/) at all times
The more complicated solution (but which allows to have less pods than nodes):
It seems, that GCLB's health check doesn't need to be adjusted as Ingress rule definition automatically sets up a healthcheck to the backend (and not to the default healthz service)
supply anti-affinity rules to make sure there's at most a single instance of a pod on each node (https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/)
Note: The above anti-affinity version was tested on 24th July 2018 with 1.10.4-gke.2 kubernetes version on a 2 node cluster running COS (default GKE VM image)
I was trying the gke tutorial for that on version: 1.11.6-gke.6 (the latest availiable).
stickiness was not there... the only option that was working was only after sessing externalTrafficPolicy":"Local" on the service...
type: NodePort
externalTrafficPolicy: Local
i opened defect to google about the same, and they accepted it, without commiting on eta.
For the BackendConfig of the ingress loadbalancer, documentation can be found here:
An example snippet for type generated cookie is :
timeoutSec: 1800
drainingTimeoutSec: 1800
affinityType: "GENERATED_COOKIE"
affinityCookieTtlSec: 1800