Terraform, Kubernetes, Mesos etc - how are they connected - kubernetes

Reading a lot on internet but the information is not clear or mixedup so I thought I will ask the question here.
I am trying to understand how Terraform is same or different from container orchestration tools like Kubernetes, Mesos etc.
Can Terraform work independently or Kube and Mesos? How is it connected to docker containers?
Can someone please shed the light?

I don't know enough about Mesos as I would like, but I do know about Kubernetes and Terraform. Despite I'm not an expert the general basics between this tools have a different purpose. While Terraform deals with the generation of the infrastructure in the cloud by using their apis, Kubernetes deals with the administration and orchestration of containers in the undergroown infrastructure by using the api of the container daemon such the docker daemon.
So generally talking the Terraform main point is to make transparent the creation of the cloud infrastructure where you write what you want to have, servers, network, security policies, some PaaS Service and Kubernetes is the orchestrator of containers.
Hope this helps you. Please, in the case of someone saws a mistake. Remark it so we all improves.

Terraform - A Tools to Build your Infrastructure an open-source project Hashicorp labs if you are aware with AWS and heard of CloudFormation both work in same manner but Terraform have some better feature you can write your whole Infrastructure as a Code run it in one click and decommissioned it in one click.
For more you must visit the site: https://www.terraform.io
Now Kubernetes (An open source project by Google) and Apache-Mesos( Or DC/OS) An project by Apache foundation both are used for Container orchestration (and I’m purposely avoiding using the word Docker) is not for everyone and does not answer every need.
Mesos was launched first but it was really hard to manage Mesos networking that time. and In 2014 there was the first Release of Kubernetes comes in.
Now, DC/OS (the Distributed Cloud Operating System) is an open-source, distributed operating system based on the Apache Mesos distributed systems kernel.
It's in the race with Kubernetes .
I would suggest you must go through this article to get a better understanding of Kubernetes vs Mesos : https://logz.io/blog/kubernetes-vs-mesos/
And Yes they are not related to Terraform at all.


Good solutions to automate infrastructure deployment locally?

I have recently been reading more about infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) and had some questions. I see when we opt for a PaaS solution, it is generally very easy to create the infrastructure as the cloud providers handle that for us and we can even automate the deployment using an infrastructure as code solution like Terraform.
But if we use an IaaS solution or even a local on premise cluster, we lose a lot of the automation it seems that PaaS allows. So I was curious, are there any good tools out there for automating infrastructure deployment on a local cluster that is not in the cloud?
The best thing I could think of was to run a local Kubernetes cluster and then Dockerize each of the infrastructure components, but this seems difficult as each node in the cluster will need its own specific configuration files.
From my basic Googling, it seems like there is not a good solution to this.
I was not clear enough with my original intentions. I have two problems I am trying to solve.
How do I automate infrastructure deployment locally? For example, suppose I wanted to create a Hadoop HDFS cluster. I would need to configure one node to be the namenode with an accessible IP, and the other nodes to be datanodes that are aware of the namenode's IP. At the moment, I have to do this manually by logging into each node, checking it's IP, and then configuring each one. How would I automate this? If I were to use a Kubernetes approach, how do I specify that one of the running pods needs to be the namenode and the others are datanodes? How do I find the pods' IPs and have them be aware of the namenode IP?
The next problem I have is very similar to the first, but a slight modification. How would I deploy specific configuration files to each node. For instance in Kafka, the configuration file for one node, requires the IPs of the Zookeeper nodes, as well as the IP it should listen on. This may be different for every node in the cluster. Is there a good way to make these config files pod specific, so that I do not have to do bash text processing to insert the correct contents into each pod's config files?
You can use Terraform for all of your on-premise Infra. Automation, and Ansible for configuration management.
Let's say you have three HPE servers, Install K8s or VMware on them using Ansible, then you can treat them as three Avvaliabilty zones in one region, same as AWS. from this you can start deploying dockerize apps, or helm charts using Terraform.
Ansbile for installing and configuration K8s.
Terraform for provisioning K8s.
Helm for installing apps on K8s.
After this you gonna have a base automated on-premise Infra.

High available kubernetes cluster? bootkube or kubeadm self-hosting

I am already running a single master kubernetes cluster now and I am doing research about setting up Highly available Kubernetes clusters. I was thinking of Multi master cluster setup then realized self-hosted cluster might be a better option to go future ready.
Additional challenge is I am doing it in Bare Metal (Meaning, I am going to use cloud vms from these cloud provider, Hetzner, Linode, DigitialOcean and they have CSI driver, cloud controller manager etc., )
In this case, I see 2 options.
Setup with bootkube (https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/bootkube)
Setup with kubeadm self-hosting. (https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/self-hosting/)
I assume this is still an early topic hence I am not able to find guidance to choose the right approach and then correct documentation. I need this for a scalable production environment where I will start small with at least 8 nodes and can grow faster.
Is bootkube considerable for future readiness?
or kubeadm self-hosting is still in alpha stage, am I getting into a risk running a production environment?
Any good, documentation, blog, article to go in this direction?
I use Keepalived + Haproxy and Ansible to deploy HA kubernetes cluster. Now kubeadm supports join control plane command, so it easy to integrate with ansible.
You can also refer: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kubespray.

Azure Service Fabric - connect to local service fabric cluster from outside the VM it's running on?

We have a 5-node Azure Service Fabric Cluster as our main Production microservices hub. Up until now, for testing purposes, we've just been pushing out separate versions of our applications (the production application with ".Test" appended to the name) to that production SFC.
We're looking for a better approach, namely a separate test Service Fabric Cluster. But the issue comes down to costs. The smallest SFC you can create in Azure is 3 nodes. Further, you can't shutdown a SFC when it's not being used, which we would also need to do to save on costs.
So now I'm looking at just spinning up a plain Windows VM in Azure and installing the local Service Fabric Cluster app (which allows just one-node setup). Is it possible to do this and be able to communicate with the cluster from outside the VM?
What you are trying to accomplish is setup a standalone cluster. The steps to do it is documented in this docs.
Yes, you can access the cluster from outside the VM, In simple terms enable access to the network and open the firewall ports.
Technically both deployments(Guide and DevCluster) are very similar, the main difference is that you have better control on the templates following the standalone guide, using the development setup you don't have much options and all the process is automated.
PS: I would highly recommend you have a UAT\Staging cluster with the
exact same specs as the production version, the approach you used
could be a good idea for staging environment. Having different
environments increase the risk of issues, mainly related to
configuration and concurrency.

Clusters and nodes formation in Kubernetes

I am trying to deploy my Docker images using Kubernetes orchestration tools.When I am reading about Kubernetes, I am seeing documentation and many YouTube video tutorial of working with Kubernetes. In there I only found that creation of pods, services and creation of that .yml files. Here I have doubts and I am adding below section,
When I am using Kubernetes, how I can create clusters and nodes ?
Can I deploy my current docker-compose build image directly using pods only? Why I need to create services yml file?
I new to containerizing, Docker and Kubernetes world.
My favorite way to create clusters is kubespray because I find ansible very easy to read and troubleshoot, unlike more monolithic "run this binary" mechanisms for creating clusters. The kubespray repo has a vagrant configuration file, so you can even try out a full cluster on your local machine, to see what it will do "for real"
But with the popularity of kubernetes, I'd bet if you ask 5 people you'll get 10 answers to that question, so ultimately pick the one you find easiest to reason about, because almost without fail you will need to debug those mechanisms when something inevitably goes wrong
The short version, as Hitesh said, is "yes," but the long version is that one will need to be careful because local docker containers and kubernetes clusters are trying to solve different problems, and (as a general rule) one could not easily swap one in place of the other.
As for the second part of your question, a Service in kubernetes is designed to decouple the current provider of some networked functionality from the long-lived "promise" that such functionality will exist and work. That's because in kubernetes, the Pods (and Nodes, for that matter) are disposable and subject to termination at almost any time. It would be severely problematic if the consumer of a networked service needed to constantly update its IP address/ports/etc to account for the coming-and-going of Pods. This is actually the exact same problem that AWS's Elastic Load Balancers are trying to solve, and kubernetes will cheerfully provision an ELB to represent a Service if you indicate that is what you would like (and similar behavior for other cloud providers)
If you are not yet comfortable with containers and docker as concepts, then I would strongly recommend starting with those topics, and moving on to understanding how kubernetes interacts with those two things after you have a solid foundation. Else, a lot of the terminology -- and even the problems kubernetes is trying to solve -- may continue to seem opaque

Deploy Kubernetes on Self-host Production environment

I am trying to install kubernetes on Self-hosted production environment running on Ubuntu 16.04. I am not able to find any helpful guide to setup production grade kubernetes master and connect worked nodes to it.
any help is much appreciated.
you can use the kubespray to self Host production environment.
Depends on what you understand by saying "self-host". The most people think it's about deploying kubernetes in the own environment.
If you want to compare different approaches to deploy k8s in a custom environment, refer to this article which covers a bunch of options suitable for that.
If you are interested in how to set up an HA Kubernetes cluster using kubeadm, refer to this article.
However, in kubernetes, there is a different definition of "self-hosted". It means running kubernetes itself as a workload in kubernetes. If you are interested in a real self-hosted approach (on a custom environment), refer to this article
Hope this helps
You can use typhoon which can be used to provision an HA kubernetes cluster.
Here is a sample configuration which I used to bring up my own home cluster.
A few advantages of typhoon are that you have the option of choosing your choice of a cloud provider for provisioning your infrastructure, which is done using terraform and the fact that it gives you upstream k8s is a big plus too.
Internally, it uses bootkube to bring up the temporary control plane, which would consist of
and then when we have the temporary control plane object, we inject the objects to the API server to have our k8s cluster.
Have a look at this kubecon talk given by CoreOS which explains how this is working.