Stackdriver scheduled uptime check - scheduler

I would like to run uptime checks using Stackdriver only when my google cloud instance is running (it is service that only runs a few hours every day). Is that possible?

No, Stackdriver uptime check run according to your check interval "Check every" field.
You can choose between 1, 5, 10, or 15 minutes. For example, choosing 5 minutes will cause each geographic location to attempt to reach your service once in every 5 minute period. Using the default six locations, and checking every 5 minutes, your service sees an average of 1.2 requests per minute. Checking every 1 minute, your service sees an average of 6 requests per minute.
See the documentation Here


resource utilization as per schedule in anylogic

I am working on car wash model, and I am running it for 100 hours but I want to store the data on daily basis ( after every 10 hours ) how can we do that. for example for every service block I have resource pool I want to see the utilization of resource pool in every 10 hours.
Create a cycle event that triggers every 10 hrs and writes data as you need it.
One simple way to print to the console: traceln(myResourcePool.utilization()
If you want to write to the dbase, check this help article.

How to correctly scrape and query metrics in Prometheus every hour

I would like Prometheus to scrape metrics every hour and display these hourly scrape events in a table in a Grafana dashboard. I have the global scrape interval set to 1h in the prometheus.yml file. From the prometheus visualizer, it seems like Prometheus scrapes around the 43 minute mark of every hour. However, it also seems like this data is only valid for about 3 minutes: Prometheus graph
My situation, then, is this: In a Grafana table, I set the min step of a query on this metric to 1h, but this causes the table to say that there are no data points. However, if I set the min step to 5 minutes, it displays the hourly scrape events with a timestamp on the 45 minute mark. My guess as to why this happens is that Prometheus starts on the dot of some hour and steps either forward or backward by the min step.
This does achieve what I would like to do, but it also has potential for incorrect behavior if Prometheus ever does something like can been seen at the beginning of the earlier graph. I also know that I can add a time shift, but it seems like it is always relative to the current time rather than an absolute time.
Is it possible to increase the amount of time that the scrape data is valid in Prometheus without having to scrape again every 3 minutes? Or maybe tell Prometheus to scrape at the 00 minute mark of every hour? Or if not, then can I add a relative time shift to the table so that it goes from the 45 minute mark instead of the 00 minute mark?
On a side note, in the above Prometheus graph, the irregular data was scraped after Prometheus was started. I had started Prometheus around 18:30 on the 22nd, but Prometheus didn't scrape until 23:30, and then it scraped at different intervals until it stabilized around 2:43 on the 23rd. Does anybody know why?
Your data disappear because of the staleness strategy implemented in Prometheus. Once a sample has been ingested, the metric is considered stale after 5 minutes. I didn't find any configuration to change that value.
Scraping every hour is not really the philosophy of Prometheus. If your really need to scrape with such a low frequency, it could be a better idea to schedule a job sending the data to a push gateway or using a prom file fed to a node exporter (if it makes sense). You can then scrape this endpoint every 1-2 minutes.
You could also roll your own exporter that memorize the last scrape and scrape anew only if the data age exceeds one hour. (That's the solution I would prefer)
Now, as a quick solution you can request the data over the last hour and average on it. That way, you'll get the last (old) scrape taken into account:
It should work or have some transient incorrect values if there is some jitters in the scheduling of the scrape.
Regarding the issues you had about late scraping, I suspect the scraping failed at those dates. Prometheus retries only at the next schedule (1h in your case).
If the metric is scraped with intervals exceeding 5 minutes, then Prometheus would return gaps to Grafana because of staleness mechanism. These gaps can be filled with the last raw sample value by wrapping the queried time series into last_over_time function. Just specify the lookbehind window in square brackets, which equals or exceeds the interval between samples. For example, the following query would fill gaps for my_gauge time series with one hour interval between samples:
See these docs for time durations format, which can be used in square brackets.

select prometheus alerts newer than a given time

I am working with grafana, trying to show a list of pods that are triggering a custom prometheus alert.
This query do the trick:
sum(ALERTS{alertname="myCustomAlert"}) BY (pod_name)
The problem is, it list all the alerts, and don't seems affected if I change the time interval to see only the ones launched in the last 5 minutes, or last hour
There is any way to limit in time the alert list? Lot of thanks!!
That expression will produce the number of alerts by pod_name firing at the current time (just as you would expect up{instance="foo"} to tell you whether instance foo is up now, whether you're looking at a dashboard that shows the last 5 minutes or the last hour).
If you want to see the values change over time, you could e.g. graph it. Then you'd see it change over time. And when the alert started and stopped firing for each pod.
And if you want the value at some past time, simply set the end time of the Grafana dashboard range to that time. (E.g. if your dashboard was showing the time range between 2 PM and 3 PM on January 1st, then your query would return the alerts firing at 3 PM on January 1st.

Stability testing of REST API

I have a registration REST API which i want to test as -
Register 15000 users and pound the server with repeated incident reports (varying traffic with max being 100 per minute, min being 1 per 24 hrs and avg being one per minute ) over a period of 48 hours.
Which tool can I use to test stability of my REST API?
For pounding the server with incidents over a period of time, you can use .
It is helpful for testing APIs. You can just trigger events in runscope over a period time or schedule it to hit the server as required.

How to test the page loading time with Gatling

For example- I need to check that for 1000 users it responds in 3 seconds.
Is the number of users and response times configurable?
This answer targets Gatling 2.
You can set the target number of users by configuring the "injection profile" of your simulation:
setUp(scn.inject(atOnceUsers(1000)) // To start all users at the same time
setUp(scn.inject(rampUsers(1000) over (30 seconds) // To start gradually, over 30 seconds
For more information, please refer to the injection DSL documentation
If you want to check that all your users responds in less than 3 seconds, one way to ensure this is Gatling's assertions:
If this assertion fails, meaning at least one user responded in more than 3 seconds, Gatling will clearly indicate the failure after your simulation is completed.