Change font size in Primefaces 5.2 <p:chart jqplot-xaxis-tick - charts

How to change font size in p:chart bar jqplot-xaxis-tick? I use Primefaces 5.2 and overwrite style class not working.

According to JQPlot you can change the Font Size and Font Family:
So in PF you can use the Chart Extender feature and do this...
final LineChartModel model = new LineChartModel();
function chartExtender() {
this.cfg.axesDefaults = {
tickOptions: {
fontFamily: 'Georgia',
fontSize: '10pt',
angle: -30


Is there a way to combine these 3 attributes into 1 line of code?

i am using import { makeStyles } from '#mui/styles'
This is my theme typography config
enter image description here
This is file, i want to combine these 3 attributes into 1 line of code.enter image description here
Sorry that my English is not good, so it may cause misunderstandings for everyone. Looking forward to support
i want to combine these 3 attributes into 1 line of code
const a =
fontSize: theme.typography.text12Medium16.fontSize;
lineHeight: theme.typography.text12Medium16.lineHeight;
fontWeight: theme.typography.text12Medium16.fontWeight;
this is what you are passing to MuiDataGrid-main
and this is your text12Mediul16 object :
const text12Mediul16 =
fontSize: '12px',
lineHeight: '16px',
fontWeight: FONT_MEDIUM
and since :
theme.typography.text12Medium16.fontSize = '12px'
theme.typography.text12Medium16.lineHeight = '16px'
theme.typography.text12Medium16.fontWeight = FONT_MEDIUM
then a = text12Mediul16 so you can replace it like this :
'& .MuiDataGrid-main: theme.typography.text12Medium16'
and if your object contains other properties apart from fontSize, fontWeight and lineHeight that are not shown in your code example, then you can't do better than you did

How do you change the default spacing unit in materialui

I've just started using material ui and am trying to change the base spacing unit from 8 to 10px. Where in my theme do I set this?
const theme = createMuiTheme({
spacing: 4,
theme.spacing(2) // = 4 * 2

TinyMCE get font size of selection

I'm currently building my own custom toolbar for TinyMCE, getting & setting the formats through the JS API.
For example, I can set the selected text to bold like this:
Afterwards I can get the format and set the state of my bold-button accordingly like this when the selection changes:
this.isBold = this._editor.formatter.match('bold');
To support font sizes I have a dropdown which applies the correct font size on change:
this._editor.formatter.apply('fontsize', {value: this.fontSize});
But now I need to be able to read the fontsize when the selection changes and I don't know how to achieve this. How can I read the fontsize of the current selection?
As a workaround I'm trying to match the format of the selected node against a list of supported font sizes.
const supportedFontSizes = ['10px', '11px', '12px', '14px', '16px', '18px', '20px', '24px'];
const defaultFontSize = '16px';
let foundFontSize = false;
let fontSize;
supportedFontSizes.some(size => {
if (editor.formatter.match('fontsize', { value: size })) {
fontSize = size;
foundFontSize = true;
return true;
return false;
if (!foundFontSize) {
fontSize = defaultFontSize;

How to increase the font size for the Table component

I'm beginning to evaluate material-ui as an alternative for a project and I would like to know what is the recommended way to change the font size for a table.
Currently I'm playing with the component's sandbox (available at but I couldn't find what to change in order to enlarge the font size.
I tried to change the theme in demo.js adding a fontSize key to the table element, as follows, but it didn't work:
const styles = theme => ({
root: {
width: '100%',
marginTop: theme.spacing.unit * 3,
overflowX: 'auto',
table: {
minWidth: 700,
fontSize: '40pt'
Thanks in advance for any help in figuring this out.
It seems that it does not work for Table but it works for the TabelRow or for the TableCell.
Add a class to the TableRow element and set the fontSize param on it
<TableRow key={} className={classes.tablecell}>
const styles = theme => ({
tablecell: {
fontSize: '40pt',

How do you make the floating label text black for material-ui V1

Simply need to use withStyles some how to edit the default color from the primary/error color to simply just use black. But since the update from 0.19.0 to beta 1 this doesn't seem possible now.
The error message (the one under the text input) is using the object under theme.palette.error (see source) to choose which color to use.
That same palette color is used for the text field label too.
If you want to change both at the same time the right approach would be to use a custom theme that rewrites the theme.palette.error to something else.
import { createMuiTheme, createPalette } from 'material-ui/styles';
import grey from 'material-ui/colors/grey';
const theme = createMuiTheme({
palette: createPalette({
error: grey
If you want to change just the FormHelperText color then you could customize it in theme by using the overrides parameter.
const theme = createMuiTheme({
overrides: {
MuiFormHelperText: {
error: {
color: 'black'
To change the Label of the TextField in the current version (v1.2.1)
You have to set the the color like this:
const theme = createMuiTheme({
palette: {
text: {
secundary: 'black'
for error the path is palette.error.main
the easiest way to find the right variables is to look directly into the code