Can't extract var from firebase reading method - swift

How can I get the numberOfMarkers out of the reading method of Firebase in Swift?
if I use the function in the {} this will save and I will be can use it not in the {}?
docRef = Firestore.firestore().document("Markol/Markers")
docRef.getDocument{ (docSnapshot, error) in
guard let docSnapshot = docSnapshot, docSnapshot.exists else {return}
let myData =
let numberOfMarkers = myData?["NumberofMarkers"] as? Int ?? 0
//Here i want to get the let numberOfMarkers
var markerArrayList = [GMSMarker]()
func makeAMarker(_ Latitude:Double , _ Longitude:Double , _ Title:String,Snippet:String) -> GMSMarker{
let GmMarker = GMSMarker()
GmMarker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: CLLocationDegrees(Latitude), longitude: CLLocationDegrees(Longitude))
GmMarker.title = Title
GmMarker.snippet = Snippet
GmMarker.icon = UIImage(named: "smallStoreIcon")
return GmMarker

getDocument is an asynchronous task, so numberOfMarkers is only accessible before the closing }.
Do whatever you want with numberOfMarkers inside the getDocument listener, you may need to refactor your existing code to accommodate this. For example:
docRef = Firestore.firestore().document("Markol/Markers")
docRef.getDocument{ (docSnapshot, error) in
guard let docSnapshot = docSnapshot, docSnapshot.exists else {return}
let myData =
let numberOfMarkers = myData?["NumberofMarkers"] as? Int ?? 0
processMarkers(numberOfMarkers, myData)
If this approach isn't clear, try posting more of your code in your question so others can help you restructure.

No you can't. Variable/constant is always visible just inside scope where is declared, between curly braces {...}.
What you probably want to do is to get this value to return it or use somewhere else. Don't do it, since getting data from Firestore is asynchronus task, use completion handler instead and return value (or nil if you don’t have value) as completion's parameter when you have it
func call(completion: #escaping (Int?) -> Void) {
docRef.getDocument{ docSnapshot, error in
guard let docSnapshot = docSnapshot, docSnapshot.exists else {
let myData =
let numberOfMarkers = myData?["NumberofMarkers"] as? Int
then when you need to call it
call { numberOfMarkers in // code inside this closure is called with parameter of type `Int?` when you receive data and call completion from inside `call`
if let number = numberOfMarkers {
... // do something with it
... here you can use it for next purpose


Swift: How to return a dictionary in swift

i want to return a dictionary but not could not get it work. I am calling a firebase fetch function
func fetch(childpath:String) -> NSDictionary {
let firebaseUID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
let ref = Database.database().reference()
let path = childpath.replacingOccurrences(of: "uid", with: firebaseUID!)
var result = [:] as NSDictionary
var children = [String]()
var childrenPath = path.split(separator: "/")
let childref = ref.child("\(childrenPath[0])").child("\(childrenPath[1])")
childref.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
// Get user value
let value = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
result = value!
}) { (error) in
return result
I am calling the function above with this
var FirebaseVal = FirebaseManager().fetch(childpath: "customers/uid")
I want FirebaseVal to be the dictionary returned in fetch() but all I am getting is empty. The value is displayed inside the function but not at FirebaseVal.
How can I get it to return a dictionary?
The result inside your fetch(childpath:) method is set asynchronously, you cannot use return in this case - you'll always return nil because the value is not set "on the fly".
What you should do is pass a closure as the second parameter to this method and call it when you wish to notify of the method's completion. Try this:
func fetch(childpath:String, completion: #escaping (NSDictionary?) -> Void) {
let firebaseUID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
let ref = Database.database().reference()
let path = childpath.replacingOccurrences(of: "uid", with: firebaseUID!)
var children = [String]()
var childrenPath = path.split(separator: "/")
let childref = ref.child("\(childrenPath[0])").child("\(childrenPath[1])")
childref.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
let value = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
}) { (error) in
And now you use the method like this:
FirebaseManager().fetch(childpath: "customers/uid") { result in
if let result = result {
// use your dictionary

Turning a firebase database value into a variable Swift

I have a var declared and I can retrieve the value from Firebase Database but when I then print the var in ViewDidLoad, it is empty, I don't understand what's wrong. Thanks everyone
This is the answer I get when I print the var : this is the language
var language: String = ""
func getUserLanguage(completion:((String) -> Void)?) {
let ref = Database.database().reference()
let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser!.uid
ref.child("users").child(uid).observe(.value, with: { (snapshot) in
let value = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
let languageResult = value?["language"] as? String ?? ""
getUserLanguage { (languageResult) in
self.language = languageResult
// I print the value in ViewDidload
print("this is the language\(self.language)")
Try to print languageResult in function - maybe you don't get it inside the function and the variable is not assigned
Make language variable public
I think you are missing the asynchronous nature of your code here. The getUserLanguage function will call the completion only when it gets callback from observe(.value, with: { (snapshot) method of firebase. It is asynchronous. You won't get the value of language right after you call getUserLanguage in viewDidLoad.
override func viewDidLoad() {
getUserLanguage { (language) in
print(language) // --> prints the expected value
self.language = language
print(language) // --> prints ""
func getUserLanguage(completion: #escaping (String) -> Void) {
let ref = Database.database().reference()
let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser!.uid
ref.child("users").child(uid).observe(.value, with: { (snapshot) in
let value = snapshot.value as? [String: Any]
let languageResult = value?["language"] as? String ?? ""
print("language: ", languageResult) // --> prints the expected value

Can't add items to array

I'm having some trouble with an array. I created an array called 'coins'
var coins = [Coin]()
then appended objects to it within a function
func getCoinData() {
AF.request("", encoding: JSONEncoding.default).responseJSON { response in
if let json = response.result.value{
let responseDictionary = json as! [String : Any]
let data = responseDictionary["Data"] as! [Any]
for index in data {
let coin = index as! Dictionary<String, Any>
let coinInfo = coin["CoinInfo"] as! Dictionary<String, Any>
let displayInfo = coin["DISPLAY"] as! Dictionary<String, Any>
let usdDisplayInfo = displayInfo["USD"] as! Dictionary<String, Any>
let name = coinInfo["Name"]
let fullName = coinInfo["FullName"]
let imageUrl = coinInfo["ImageUrl"]
let price = usdDisplayInfo["PRICE"]
let marketCap = usdDisplayInfo["MKTCAP"]
let change24Hr = usdDisplayInfo["CHANGE24HOUR"]
let newCoin = Coin()
if let newCoinName = name, let newCoinFullName = fullName, let newCoinImageUrl = imageUrl, let newCoinPrice = price, let newCoinMarketCap = marketCap, let newCoinChange24hr = change24Hr {
let coinName = newCoinName
let coinFullName = newCoinFullName
let coinImageUrl = newCoinImageUrl
let coinPrice = newCoinPrice
let coinMarketCap = newCoinMarketCap
let coinChange24Hr = newCoinChange24hr = "\(coinName)"
newCoin.fullName = "\(coinFullName)"
newCoin.imageURL = "\(coinImageUrl)"
newCoin.price = "\(coinPrice)"
newCoin.marketCap = "\(coinMarketCap)"
newCoin.change24Hr = "\(coinChange24Hr)"
When i print 'self.coins.count' within the scope of the function i can see the count incrementing. Outside the function it's reading 0 items in the array.
Written for Swift 5
The problem is that you have a URL request which is Asynchronous. This means that the task is not waited for to complete.
In your problem, inside the function coins is printed after it has been assigned, after the URL request. However, when coins is printed outside the function, it is printed before it has been changed, as the URL request has not yet completed.
To solve this, you need to create a completion handler. A basic one is shown here:
// Our errors which could occur
enum SomeError: Error { case unknown }
// Function which is ASYNCHRONOUS
func someAsyncFunction(completion: #escaping (Result<Int, SomeError>) -> ()) {
// Temporary for this example
let success = true
let myNum = 3
// Return value if it is a success, otherwise return the error
if success {
} else {
// Call
someAsyncFunction { (result) in
print("Result: \(result)")
See a full guide on completion handlers using Result in Swift 5 at

Firebase one of two observers not working

I have two observers, the second observer is dependent on the first observers value. I can't seem to get the first observer to work, I am not getting any errors on Xcode. The first function has to check the Users profile for information and then use that information to search for different information in the database. Here is my code:
func loadposts() {
ref = Database.database().reference()
let trace = Performance.startTrace(name: "test trace")
let userID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
ref.child("Users").child(userID!).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
// Get user value
let value = snapshot.value as? NSDictionary
let one1 = value?["Coupon Book"] as? String ?? ""
print("one1: \(one1)")
self.bogus.set(one1, forKey: "bogus")
}) { (error) in
delay(0.1) {
print("bogus: \(self.bogus.string(forKey: "bogus"))")
Database.database().reference().child("Coupons").child(self.bogus.string(forKey: "bogus")!).observe(.childAdded) { (Snapshot : DataSnapshot) in
if let dict = Snapshot.value as? [String: Any] {
let captiontext = dict["company name"] as! String
let offerx = dict["offer count"] as! String
let logocomp = dict["logo"] as! String
let actchild = dict["childx"] as! String
let post = Post(captiontext: captiontext, PhotUrlString: actchild, offertext: offerx, actualphoto: logocomp)
Any help is appreciated.
self.bogus.string(forKey: "bogus"))" is nil because observeSingleEvent is an async method, so to get the required results you need to call the second observer inside the first observer or you can use the completion handler
You can use the completionHandler like this:
guard let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else {
func firstObserverMethod(completionCallback: #escaping () -> Void) {
ref.child("Users").child(uid).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
// Get user value
if let value = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] {
let one1 = value["Coupon Book"] as? String
print("one1: \(one1)")
self.bogus.set(one1, forKey: "bogus")
}) { (error) in
Now using the above method:
firstObserverMethod {
print("bogus: \(self.bogus.string(forKey: "bogus"))")
guard let bogusString = self.bogus.string(forKey: "bogus") else {
print("bogus is not set properly")
Database.database().reference().child("Coupons").child(bogusString).observe(.childAdded) { (Snapshot : DataSnapshot) in
if let dict = Snapshot.value as? [String: Any] {
let captiontext = dict["company name"] ?? ""
let offerx = dict["offer count"] ?? ""
let logocomp = dict["logo"] ?? ""
let actchild = dict["childx"] ?? ""
let post = Post(captiontext: captiontext, PhotUrlString: actchild, offertext: offerx, actualphoto: logocomp)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Note: You should use optional binding to get the values from optional
Since you are using the result of the 1st observer in the reference of your 2nd observer, it's a very bad idea to add the 2nd observer right below the first observer. And adding a delay won't be a viable solution : these two calls are asynchronous, which means that the reason why you are not getting might very likely be because the 2nd observer is triggered even before the 1st has returned any data.
The solution here, would be using a completion handler, or you could just incorporate your 2nd observer inside the completion block of the 1st, to be make sure that the proper order (1st observer -> 2nd observer) will always be respected.
It would look somehow like this:
func loadposts() {
// ...
// 1st Observer here
ref.child("Users").child(userID!).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
// Get your value here
guard let one1 = snapshot.childSnapshot(forPath: "Coupon Book").value as? String else { return }
// 2nd Observer here. Now you can use one1 safely:
Database.database().reference().child("Coupons").child(one1).observe(.childAdded) { (Snapshot : DataSnapshot) in
// ...
Now, a couple of things that you could also improve in your code, while not directly related to the question:
I would suggest you to make use of guard statements instead force-unwrapping, which may end up in crashing your app at some point.
For example, you could check whether your current user exist or not like so:
guard let currentUserID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else {
// Now you can use safely currentUserID
Also, when you try to get the data out of the snapshot, it's not a good idea either, to use force-casting. You would better write it in this way:
yourRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
for child in snapshot.children.allObjects as! [DataSnapshot] {
guard let text = child.childSnapshot(forPath: "text").value as? String, let somethingElse = child.childSnapshot(forPath: "otherValue").value as? NSNumber else {
// And so on, depending of course on what you have in your database.

Calling method with error: Expected argument (Variable) ->()

I am trying to call a method with a completion handler, but I can't seem to call it without this error. I am confused on what its asking for.
Here is the method I can calling:
func fillFromFile(completionBlock: #escaping ([Asset_Content]) -> ()) {
let url = "URLSTRING"
LoadJSONFile(from: url) { (result) in
// The code inside this block would be called when LoadJSONFile is completed. this could happen very quickly, or could take a long time
//.map is an easier way to transform/iterate over an array
var newContentArray = [Asset_Content]()
for json in result{
let category = json["BIGCATEGORY"] as? String
let diagnosis = json["DIAGNOSIS"] as? String
let perspective = json["PERSPECTIVE"] as? String
let name = json["NAME"] as? String
let title = json["Title"] as? String
let UnparsedTags = json["TAGS"] as? String
let filename = json["FILENAME"] as? String
let tagArray = UnparsedTags?.characters.split(separator: ",")
for tag in tagArray!{
let asset = Asset_Content(category!, diagnosis!, perspective!, name!, title!, filename!)
// This is a return to the map closure. We are still in the LoadJSONFile completion block
print("return count ", newContentArray.count)
// This is the point at which the passed completion block is called.