Get App Store rankings by API or RSS generator - app-store

I want to track my app's ranking on the App Store and have found
It pretty much does what I need except for the fact that it only distinguishes between "games" and "all" - there is no option to just say "apps" (excluding games).
Also, I cannot set categories e.g. "Finance" etc.
My workaround would be to get both lists, make a new list that filters all "games" list entries from the "all" list and then check for each app's category by scraping the iTunes website.
However, I don't think that this is the way to do it.
Is there another API to use or an undocumented part in the rss generator that allows for what I am looking for?


Facebook URL Graph Search - Page Queries

I am looking to generate a list of URLS or FB ID's for a set of existing Facebook Pages. Ultimately the initial query I am looking to run is simple: Find all NEW facebook pages created in City XYZ.
The term NEW, is open to interpretation. It could mean "Created this month" Or newer relative others in a set (these details are not important at the moment) . Also, "Pages" refers to fan pages (not user profiles).
I have identified 3 possible approaches. Both of which I am hoping to get some input on. Regarding feasibility and process.
Option 1) Somehow leverage Facebook's Graph API and develop some time of web application to generate a list of all Pages, then filter by city, then filter by date created.
Option 2 (Best Case)) Write or generate a custom Graph Search URL with embedded search criteria and leverage FBs existing search feature to get results. A great example of this approach is used by the tool Only this tool is used to do advanced searches on People, but I need advanced searches on Pages.
Option 3) Locate a tool that already does this that I can use.
I again hoping to get some input and possible some direction/recommendations.
I should also mention that I actually know very little about Facebook APIs and Facebook Development. My position right now is of some who knows what they want to do, but no idea how to do it.
Option 1: Not possible, you can only search for Pages by name, the Graph Search is not available with the API. Those are all the options:
Option 2: See answer to option 1.
Option 3: There are tools that list Pages, but they all have to add them manually. So there is not really a tool that does what you want to achieve.
In short: What you want to do is not possible.

Facebook - interests required List<unsigned int32> although Page ID are strings

I currently developed a solution for custom uploading videos for specific customers.
One of my customers need the ability to specify "interests" for a video he upload.
From the API documentation, interests are:
One or more IDs of pages to target fans of pages.Use type of page to get possible IDs as find Targeting Options and use the returned id to specify.
There is some mis-documentation regarding this feature: "find Targeting Options" does not talks about type=page.
But, still, I can search for page, using the "search" endpoint: /2.5/search?q=gsw&type=page and get the ID of the page.
As to my understanding, I can specify a page, for example "Golden State Warriors" fan page, specify its id, and then every user which follows this page will be considered as interested in my post.
So, I think my flow should be:
1) Search for the requested page using the "search" api. Get the page's IDS.
2) When creating the video, specify the ID in the "interests" parameter list.
Now, I need to know how to specify the ID in the interests list - The documentation says it list, but the page ID as a number string...
So in conclusion, I would like some help in verifying that all that I have written is correct and make sense, and also to know how to get the int32 id of a page - is it just mistake in the documentaion?

Google Analytics API, filter by parameter

Our app uses the Google Analytics Rest API. We'd like to get the number of page views generated by different links to the site.
For example, one link to our site might be:
and another might be:
We'd like to track the number of page views by all visitors who click on each link, so we need a way to filter by parameter.
So far, we just get the number of page views for all visitors without any filters:
curl ' id) &metrics=ga:pageviews&start-date=2014-4-26&end-date=2011-12-08&access_token=(our access token)'
The best way to learn the API is to use the query explorer at
For your analysis, add dimension=ga:pagePath and sort=ga:pageviews.
In addition, you could ask for pages which match a filter expression.
For example filter=ga:pagePath=#linknum to only include pages with linknum.

How to post Movies I've "Watched" or "Want to Watch" via Open Graph?

I would like to be able to have my application's users have the ability to add movies they've "Watched" to their Timeline - specifically in the "Movies" collection of their Timeline, as show here:
It appears that these activities are solely published via the "Movies" application (an internal Facebook-controlled application). Is there no way to programmatically add a movie to one of these collections via the video_watches or video_wants_to_watch action?
I can see that any application can post via these actions via the documentation
but they end up "sandboxed" under a different application's Collection (if the application has a Collection set up for that particular action/object pair).
Additionally, there seems to be no way to tie an application's collection data to the Movies collection like the Music collection seems to - which is how I would assume the third-party application's video_watches data would append or combine with Facebook's "Movies" application data.
I have tried to follow the documentation at to create a URL with which to integrate the application data, but it does not appear to function at all.[appname] simply does nothing. It just brings you to the "Movies" collection on your Timeline with no option to add your app's data to that section. Nothing like what's shown here (from the Facebook documentation) for Music, giving you the option to add your application's data to the Movies collection:
Is this something exclusive only to the "Music" collection at this point? When will the other "first-party" collections (other than Music) accept "third-party" application data?
See also related questions:
You need open graph items to use this method:
If you use a open graph object of type movie.other you can use:
I use to get the movie open graph objects. For example if you want to add Star Wars Episode VI to your whatchlist on facebook you can use:
Note that in the open graph is movie.
You can also do the same to add watched movies, rate it, add books, music...

Facebook note shared info

My client need to randomize over everyone that shared a specific note on his facebook page, it's like a raffle, however, i didn't found a way to get any info, even the name in a way that i can randomize over them, is there any way that i can fetch this information?
You can query the note for the comments or likes if you are looking at a specific note. Or you can query the user for all their notes and loop over that.
Depending on what language you are using, randomly choosing from an array of items should be trivial.