How to change OpenShift console URL and API URL - kubernetes

My company runs OpenShift v3.10 cluster consisting of 3 masters and 4 nodes. We would like to change URL of the OpenShift API and also the URL of the OpenShift web console. Which steps we need to take to successfully do so?
We have already tried to update the openshift_master_cluster_hostname and openshift_master_cluster_public_hostname variables to new DNS names, which resolve our F5 virtual hosts which load balances the traffic between our masters, and then started the upgrade Ansible playbook, but the upgrade fails. We have also tried to run the Ansible playbook which redeploys the cluster certificates, but after that step the OpenShift nodes status changes to NotReady.

We have solved this issue. What we had to do is to change the URL-s defined in the variables in the inventory file and then we executed the ANSIBLE playbook to update master configuration. The process of running that playbook is describe in the official documentation.
After that we also had to update the OpenShift Web Console configuration map with new URL-s and then scale down and scale up the web-console deployment. The process on how to update the configuration of the web-console is described here.


Logging application logs in DataDog

Using datadog official docs, I am able to print the K8s stdout/stderr logs in DataDog UI, my motive is to print the app logs which are generated by spring boot application at a certain location in my pod.
Configurations done in cluster :
Created ServiceAccount in my cluster along with cluster role and cluster role binding
Created K8s secret to hold DataDog API key
Deployed the DataDog Agent as daemonset in all nodes
Configurations done in App :
Download datadog.jar and instrument it along with my app execution
Exposed ports 8125 and 8126
Added environment tags DD_TRACE_SPAN_TAGS, DD_TRACE_GLOBAL_TAGS in deployment file
Changed pattern in logback.xml
Added logs config in deployment file
Added env tags in deployment file
After doing above configurations I am able to log stdout/stderr logs where as I wanted to log application logs in datadog UI
If someone has done this please let me know what am I missing here.
If required, I can share the configurations as well. Thanks in advance
When installing Datadog in your K8s Cluster, you install a Node Logging Agent as a Daemonset with various volume mounts on the hosting nodes. Among other things, this gives Datadog access to the Pod logs at /var/log/pods and the container logs at /var/lib/docker/containers.
Kubernetes and the underlying Docker engine will only include output from stdout and stderror in those two locations (see here for more information). Everything that is written by containers to log files residing inside the containers, will be invisible to K8s, unless more configuration is applied to extract that data, e.g. by applying the side care container pattern.
So, to get things working in your setup, configure logback to log to stdout rather than /var/app/logs/myapp.log
Also, if you don't use APM there is no need to instrument your code with the datadog.jar and do all that tracing setup (setting up ports etc).

Error when installing Spinnaker on Kubernetes on prem cluster

I'm trying to install Spinnaker on a Kubernetes setup onprem.
Following instructions from
Install and run Halyard as Docker on the Kubernetes master.
Run everything as root
mkdir ~/.hal on Kubemaster. Created the service account as instrcuted in the site.
Copied the kubeconfig file from ./kube/config into ~/.hal/kubeconfig as it didnt work with docker -v option, there was some permission issue, so made it work this way
docker run halyard command -- all up and running fine.
Ran Bash and Inside halyard.
Now when I do these two things inside halyard
Point kubectl to the kubeconfig by export KUBECONFIG command
Enable kubernetes provider "hal config provider kubernetes enable"
The command gets executed sometimes successfully or it fails with this warning after timeout error
Getting object contents of versions.yml
Unexpected error comparing versions: Could not load "versions.yml" from config bucket:*
Even if it somehow manages to run successfully. When I run these,
CONTEXT=$(kubectl config current-context)
hal config provider kubernetes account add my-k8s-account --context $CONTEXT
It fails with the same error as above.
Total weird stuff. Its intermittent. Does it have something to do with the kubeconfig file? Any pointers or help would be greatly appreciated.
As noted in comments these kind of errors could result when there lack of network connectivity from inside the container.
As Vikram mentioned in his comment:
Yes, that was the problem. Azure support recommended installing a CNI plugin and it resolved the issue. So, it seems like inside of Azure VM without a Public IP, the CNI plugin is needed for a VM To connect to internet.
To configure CNI plugin on Azure platform use this guide.
Hope it helps.

Azure Service Fabric Cluster returns nothing for code-versions and config-versions

In short: both the "sfctl cluster code-versions" and "sfctl cluster config-versions" return empty arrays. Is this a symptom of a problem with the cluster?
Background: I am attempting to follow the Create a Linux container app tutorial, for learning about Service Fabric; but I have run into a problem when the application upload fails with a timeout.
On investigating this, I found that the other sfctl cluster commands (e.g. sfctl cluster health) all worked and returned useful data - except code-versions and config-versions, which both return an empty array:
$ sfctl cluster code-versions
$ sfctl cluster config-versions
I'm not sure if that's unhealthy, or what kind of data they might be returning.
Other notes:
The cluster is secured with a self-signed certificate; this is installed locally and works correctly, but both the above commands also log a warning:
~/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See: InsecureRequestWarning)
However, the same warning is logged for the other commands (e.g. sysctl cluster health) and doesn't stop them from working.
The cluster is at version 6.4.634.1, on Linux
Service Fabric Explorer shows everything as Healthy: Cluster Health State, System Application Health State, and the 3 nodes.
The Azure portal shows the cluster status as "Baseline upgrade"
Explorer shows the cluster as having Code Version ""

Setting up Spring Cloud Data Flow on Kubernetes

Do I need to install an instance of Spring Cloud Data Flow on the master server myself, or is this getting installed "automatically" as part of the deployment?
This isn't quite clear from the description at
I've followed the guide, though removed every config for MySQL. Maybe this is required. Though I'm somewhat stuck since it's just not assigning an external IP and I do not see why, how to debug, and whether I missed to install some required component.
To clarify, I see a scdf service entry when I run
kubectl get svc
But this service never gets an external IP.
Do I need to install an instance of Spring Cloud Data Flow on the master server myself, or is this getting installed "automatically" as part of the deployment?
Spring Cloud Data Flow server needs to be setup either outside (that knows how to connect to the kubernetes environment) or you can use the Spring Cloud Data Flow server docker image to run inside the kubernetes while the latter approach is better.
Step 6 in the link you posted above runs the SCDF docker image inside the kubernetes cluster:
Deploy the Spring Cloud Data Flow Server for Kubernetes using the Docker image and the configuration settings you just modified.
$ kubectl create -f src/etc/kubernetes/scdf-config-kafka.yml
$ kubectl create -f src/etc/kubernetes/scdf-secrets.yml
$ kubectl create -f src/etc/kubernetes/scdf-service.yml
$ kubectl create -f src/etc/kubernetes/scdf-controller.yml
MySql is required, that's why it's in the steps.
Spring Cloud Data Flow uses an RDBMS instead of Redis for stream/task
definitions, application registration, and for job repositories.
You can also use any of the other supported RDMBSes.
You can install it using Helm Charts.
At first install Helm
Then install Spring Cloud Data Flow
helm install --name my-release stable/spring-cloud-data-flow
It will install and config relevant pods such as spring-cloud-dataflow-server, mysql, skipper, rabbitmq, etc.
Also you can customize versions and configurations.

How does Kubectl connect to the master

I've installed Kubernetes via Vagrant on OS X and everything seems to be working fine, but I'm unsure how kubectl is able to communicate with the master node despite being local to the workstation filesystem.
How is this implemented?
kubectl has a configuration file that specifies the location of the Kubernetes apiserver and the client credentials to authenticate to the master. All of the commands issued by kubectl are over the HTTPS connection to the apiserver.
When you run the scripts to bring up a cluster, they typically generate this local configuration file with the parameters necessary to access the cluster you just created. By default, the file is located at ~/.kube/config.
In addition to what Robert said: the connection between your local CLI and the cluster is controlled through kubectl config set, see the docs.
The Getting started with Vagrant section of the docs should contain everything you need.