syntax for unsyntax in syntax-parse - racket

can someone point me to how I can write this in syntax-parse/case?
[(list e ...) #`(list #,(f #'e) ...)]
basically I'd like each element in the list to be processed individually by f in unsyntax. I don't think the above is the right syntax?

You can use unsyntax-splicing (which can be abbreviated as #,#) to embed result of list returning expression as individual elements of outer list. Then you can use map procedure to apply f over all elements of list returned by (syntax->list #'(e ...)) expression. In the end it will look like this:
#`(list #,#(map f (syntax->list #'(e ...))))


Creating function Trim-to(symbol list) in LISP

trim-to (symbol list)
Write a function named trim-to that takes a symbol and list as parameters. Return a new list
starting from the first occurrence of the input symbol in the input list. If there is no
occurrence of the symbol, return nil.
For example:
(trim-to ‘c ‘(a b c d e))
This should return the following list:
‘(c d e)
Not quite sure how to start here. If someone could walk me through the steps they take to construct this function I would be forever grateful!
You have a symbol and a list:
if the list is the empty list you have failed;
if the first element of the list is the symbol this is the list you want;
otherwise take the rest of the list – now you have a symbol and a list ...

How to simplify those tow macro when runtime type depend?

look at the code first:
(defmacro map-remove- [v w]
(ref-set ~v (dissoc #~v (keyword ~w)))))
(defmacro set-remove- [v w]
(ref-set ~v (disj #~v ~w))))
(defmacro clean- [v]
(ref-set ~v (empty #~v))))
They work fine now , but I want write a more general macro to combine "map-remove-" and "set-remove-" in one. according my C/Java experience I chose "case" but obviously the case can't use in macro defination cause "The test-constants are not evaluated. They must be compile-time literals", the following code won't work:
(defmacro [x]
(case (type x) ;;;;;;;;;;; This will never work!directly reach to default clause
anybody has any suggestion? very appreciate.
You can use the functions map? and set? to test whether a value is a map or a set respectively.
I'm not sure I have enough perspective on what you're trying to do here though - I've substituted a macro instead of a function, because I can't see the necessity for a macro in the sample you've given.
;; Create a function to remove in a different way when given a map/set and a string
(defn remove- [v w]
(map? #v)
(ref-set v (dissoc #v (keyword w)))
(set? #v)
(ref-set v (disj #v w)))))
;; Set up some mutable refs
(def m (ref {:a 1 :b 2}))
(def s (ref #{"a" "b" "c"}))
;; Remove from the refs
(remove- m "b") => {:a 1}
(remove- s "b") => #{"a" "c"}
On a side note - are you sure you need to use refs? I know that coming from a C/Java background, mutability is the default, but I've never actually had to use it in Clojure so far. Clojure places a lot of emphasis on immutability, and most things can be done (often very elegantly) just by using functions on immutable values.

Calling a Clojure function with string inside swap?

The macro, transform!, as defined below seems to work for => (transform! ["foo" 1 2 3]). The purpose is to take in a list, with the first element being a string that represents a function in the namespace. Then wrapping everything into swap!.
The problem is that transform! doesn't work for => (transform! coll), where (def coll ["foo" 1 2 3]). I am getting this mystery exception:
#<UnsupportedOperationException java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: nth not supported on this type: Symbol>
The function:
(defmacro transform!
" Takes string input and update data with corresponding command function.
[[f & args]] ;; note double brackets
`(swap! *image* ~(ns-resolve *ns* (symbol f)) ~#args))
I find it strange that it works for one case and not the other.
Macros work at compile-time and operate on code, not on runtime data. In the case of (transform! coll), the macro is being passed a single, unevaluated argument: the symbol coll.
You don't actually need a macro; a regular function will suffice:
(defn transform! [[f & args]]
(apply swap! *image* (resolve (symbol f)) args)))
Resolving vars at runtime could be considered a code smell, so think about whether you really need to do it.
You're passing a symbol to the macro, namely coll. It will try to pull that symbol apart according to the destructuring statement [f & args], which won't be possible of course.
You can also use (resolve symbol) instead of (ns-resolve *ns* symbol).

How to generate arguments of a Clojure macro dynamically?

I am currently developing a small CMS using the wonderful Enlive as templating engine. Enlive has a macro called at that takes a node (a map) specifying the HTML snippet and an arbitrary number of tuples each consisting of a selector (a vector) and a transformation (a closure).
(at a-node
[:a :selector] a-transformation
[:another :selector] another-transformation
Now I want to generate the tuples depending upon incoming data/context. I have tried a lot of different things without success. For example
(let [this (repository/u "")
statements (repository/find-by-subject this)
context {:depth 1}]
`(at (snippet-for 'this 'context)
[root] (set-attr :about (str 'this))
~#(loop [rules []
st statements]
(if-not (seq st)
(recur (conj rules
`[:> (attr= :property ~(str (repository/predicate (first st))))]
`(content (renderit ~(repository/object (first st)) 'context)))
(rest st))))))
Any help is highly appreciated.
Clojure is a Lisp, so you can always fallback to building the code you'd want as a list, and call eval on it. I'm not 100% sure about the code you gave, but I'd guess you just want to enclose your whole syntax-quote in an eval call.
(let [this (repository/u "")
statements (repository/find-by-subject this)
context {:depth 1}]
(eval `(at (snippet-for 'this 'context)
[root] (set-attr :about (str 'this))
~#(loop [rules []
st statements]
(if-not (seq st)
(recur (conj rules
`[:> (attr= :property ~(str (repository/predicate (first st))))]
`(content (renderit ~(repository/object (first st)) 'context)))
(rest st)))))))
Not sure if they are interchangeable, but take a look at the at* function. Seems to me that your problem is at being a macro.
EDIT: They're not. Call it like this:
(at* a-node
[[:a :selector] a-transformation
[:another :selector] another-transformation

clojure: how to convert jdbc4array into clojure's seq?

I tried to query data from database with jdbc. The problem is some column is array type.
;get that particular column
(def jdbc-array (with-connection *db*
(with-query-results rs ["select * from refgene limit 5"]
(:exonstarts (first rs)))))
;Check if it has a value
(print jdbc-array)
;#<Jdbc4Array {67075873,67078739,67085754,67100417,67109640,67113051,67129424,67131499,67143471,67162932}>nil
;check class
(class jdbc-array)
How to convert this array to seq/vector in clojure ? I tried (seq jdbc-array) and (seq (.getArray jdbc-array) but both doesn't work...
If the with-connection option seems clunky to you (it does to me), you can extend the IResultSetReadColumn protocol to convert Jdbc4Array objects into regular or vectors:
Here's one way to do that:
(result-set-read-column [pgobj metadata i]
(vec (.getArray pgobj))))
this will convert all array types into vectors when reading
this approach can also help with the JSON datatype as in this example
Ok, I got it. I need to called getArray before clojure close the connection, or it'll give a nil.
Not sure why... My guess is clojure's laziness.
(with-connection *db*
(with-query-results rs ["select * from refgene limit ?" 5]
(seq (.getArray (:exonends (first rs))))))