How can I get this review plugin working? - plugins

I installed a review plugin on my blog. This is the URL to the plugin:
The review stars are not showing on my site. Can anybody help me what may be the cause of the review stars not showing?

according to
Go to the CMS tab in the navigation menu => Components => search for this component => click and drag it to the posts page
add this code to the posts page
{% if reviews is not empty %}
<div class="reviews">
<h3>What our customers say about us?</h3>
<div class="stories">
{% component 'reviews' %}
{% endif %}


Github Pages, Jekyll. How to define output page for posts?

I am new to github pages and am currently trying to build a blog for my Design Studies but can't seem to get my post to output to the correct pages.
Currently all posts are being posted on the home page but need to be displayed on their appropriate course pages.
Here is my sidebar menu
<menu class="sidebar-menu">
<li class="menu-items"><a class="menu-links" href="{{site.baseurl}}/">Home</a></li>
<li class="menu-items"><a class="menu-links" href="{{site.baseurl}}/about/">About</a></li>
<li class="menu-items"><a class="menu-links" href="{{site.baseurl}}/INDN211/">INDN211</a></li>
<li class="menu-items"><a class="menu-links" href="{{site.baseurl}}/INDN241/">INDN241</a></li>
<li class="menu-items"><a class="menu-links" href="{{site.baseurl}}/INDN341/">INDN341</a></li>
When creating a post i would like to be able to output the post to the desired Page e.g
Any help is greatly appreciated
I have checked your Github repository, and here are the results:
Instead of single fixed links you currently have in your sidebar.html like
<li class="menu-items"><a class="menu-links" href="{{site.baseurl}}/INDN211/">INDN211</a></li>
use this in your sidebar:
{% for post in site.posts %}
<li class="menu-items">
<a class="menu-links" href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}
This loops over your posts in the root of your _posts folder and it is using the title from the front matter of each post. You could easily add something like linktext: anyvalue to the front matter of each post and use post.linktext instead of post.title in the loop as link name.
The post files should be named like, remove the seconds(?) from your filenames. And, there should be no subfolders.
Additionally I removed this from your _config.yml, as your question is around posts, not collections, it seems that you don't need that:
permalink: ':title/'
Optional, but I recommend to remove any collection: anyvalue and permalink: anyvalue from the frontmatter of your posts. You don't need them.
I recommend to read this page about posts
as well as the rest of the Jekyll documentation :)

How to embed facebook post along with comments?

Spending a lot of time one figuring out that how to embed facebook posts along with comments, I came up with the idea to embed posts and comment separately using plugins and iterate over comments.
{% for post in pids %}
<div class="fb-post" data-href="{{ post }}" data-width="750"></div>
<div class="fb-comment-embed" data-href="" data-width="750"></div>
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="" data-width="750" data-numposts="2"></div>
{% endfor %}
But it differs a lot in design than a post on facebook.
Looks like below:
Screenshot of post
Is there any other way which can facilitate to embed an arbitrary public post along with associated comments?

Add a Paypal button on the Shopify cart page

I want to move the Paypal button from the Shopify Checkout to the Cart page.
The problem I have is that the Paypal button on the Checkout has a token that's only available on the Checkout page. I've also checked the Shopify documentation and there is no mention on how to retrieve this token.
If you have the paypal express enabled in payment gateway. This code should let you display the Paypal button in cart page.
{% if additional_checkout_buttons %}
<div class="additional_checkout_buttons">{{ content_for_additional_checkout_buttons }}</div>
{% endif %}
Login to your Shopify admin
Go to Themes page
Click Template Editor
Click cart.liquid and open it in online code editor
Search for name=”checkout”
Please include the following code.
{% if additional_checkout_buttons %}
Or Checkout using:
{{ content_for_additional_checkout_buttons }}
{% endif %}
Save your changes.

In October CMS, how can I make an image editable in a Static Page?

I'd like to set up a generic marketing template using the October CMS "Static Pages" plug-in. The intention is to allow my clients to create their own marketing pages. Let's assume that my layout contains HTML similar to this:
<img src="/path/to/image.jpg">
<p>Some uneditable copy</p>
{% placeholder copy default title="Main Page Copy" type="html" %}
<h1>Some Awesome Headline</h1>
<p>Sea no omnium deserunt, eum tale movet sensibus te.</p>
{% endplaceholder %}
How could I allow my clients to change the image?
You have a full explenation here
Add this code to your layout
{variable name="banner" label="Banner" tab="Header" type="mediafinder" mode="image"}{/variable}
and this into your html markup
<img src="{{ banner|media }}" alt="" />
You will see the extra field in your backend
It doesn't seem to be currently supported:, but maybe you can use the media manager

Jekyll multidirectory portfolio website - not able to call particular files

I've moved to Jekyll blogs since I wasn't using most of the features in Wordpress, and since my main is to have a portfolio I don't really need to be spending so much for hosting etc.
I'm having an issue calling my file in my index.html in the about directory. The file contains the information about myself (simple portfolio info. that will rarely be changed).
Currently the index.html file in about directory is:
layout: post
title: "About Me"
{% include head.html %}
<body class="about">
<div class="pure-g">
<section class="pure-u-2-3 container">
{% include nav.html %}
{% include %}
{% include footer.html %}
As you can see I am calling the head.html + footer.html files from _include directory. I'm not sure how to call though (this is the file containing info. I want shown on the page when the page is generated on the web).
Also, in which directory should be? I initially had it in the root directory, but then moved it to _includes as I wanted to call it - was a right?
I'm still learning the bits and pieces of this, but can't find a tutorial.