Command line switches for CWBTF.EXE aka Data Transfer From IBM i..? - db2

I would like to add an Edit action to the right-click context menu for IBM *.DTF files in my Windows Registry.
What are the command lines switches for CWBTF.EXE..? Is there a switch for "open DTF file for editing" (but do not run it)..?
I've searched Google, StackOverflow, and the the IBM i 7.3 documentation for any mention of the command line switches for CWBTF.EXE aka "Data Transfer From IBM i", but I've found none.
The shortcut on my Windows Start Menu for "Data Transfer From IBM i" has the /t switch, but I cannot find any information on this.
I did find the command-line transfer utility RTOPCB.EXE, which does have some /? help text, but the options did not seem to relate much to the full-GUI version CWBTF.EXE.

I'm not sure where the documentation on the old Client Access program (CWBTF.EXE) exists. However, if you are able to use the newer Java based Access Client Solutions, the documentation for scripting can be found here. In particular, look for /plugin=download for transfer from IBM i.

I don't know if there are command-line switches which will override the "run automatically" setting. It seems unlikely. But depending on how determined you are, and how comfortable you are with scripting, a workaround could be to write your own CWBTF.EXE wrapper in a scripting language of your choice.
In broad strokes, your wrapper would go ahead and modify the .dtf file (or a copy of it) to ensure AutoRun=0 appears in the [Properties] section. Then it would call CWBTF.EXE on the modified .dtf. Then after that, if it's well-behaved, it would restore the .dtf to its original state (or remove the altered copy).
Armed with such a script, you could associate Edit with the wrapper.


VSCode-like integrated terminal functionality in nvim? (eg: open files mentioned in terminal output in a buffer)

I'm coming from VSCode to Neovim, and for the most part I've been able to accommodate/replicate the workflows and functionality I've gotten used to in VSCode in Vim. Right now, I'm stuck on replicating the Link functionality of the VSCode integrated terminal.
This lets you mouse over text like or server.go:50 and ctrl-click to jump to that file or line location in your editor panes. This really helpful for jumping to the locations of compilation errors or test failures from their associated terminal output.
I've searched for existing plugins/solutions for this but haven't found any. Are there any that I've missed? Otherwise, what might be a good approach to scripting this myself?
I'm new to vimscripting, but I'd assume you could do some regex and with knowledge of the current working directory, you could infer the correct filepath to open.
Replicating one editor's workflow in another is not exactly a good idea as the two editors have—supposedly, if not why switch in the first place?—different feature sets or even paradigms. For instance, staying in insert mode all the time in Vim because that's what you are used to would make no sense because Vim derives most of its value from its modality… and you would probably also find examples in the other direction.
Case in point, compiling and jumping to errors in Vim typically doesn't involve the built-in :terminal at all. You are supposed to use the :help quickfix feature, which exists for that very purpose.
See :help 30.1 for a gentle introduction from the user manual.

Registry command entry isn't running like it runs in command line

My question clarified is, "What's different about running a command from within the registry at command line compared to running the same command from in a command line? Then how do I make it the same to work the way I want?"
Information about my program:
This is a ClickOnce application and from what I see there isn't a great way of getting the exact path of the exe instead of the appref-ms. So there is a caveat to my question this whole thing can be avoided if there was a way to find the exact path of the exe each time the program is deployed and I am able to edit the registry to point to said written down path.
I have this entry in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT please see evidence below:
So right clicking below should work everything is typed in right, but it doesn't work.
So I figured maybe it didn't like my %APPDATA% which honestly should not matter and I got a new error message.
Just so you know my program does work and it's doing something and pulling paths from the args passed to it.
Thank you for reading my lengthy question.
Here is how you set up what I have been trying to setup for a while now. This explanation is assuming you know exactly what you are trying to do.
Publishing A (Offline) ClickOnce Application With Command Line Args Ran From A Right Click Context Menu Item That You Can Deploy As Many Times As You Want Without Editing the Registry Each Time.
If you are doing an online one just use this CTRL+F and type in deadlydog it has two stellar links in that answer. That is much simpler then this below.
Have a project that is published deployed on a file share using ClickOnce in Visual Studio project properties.
Get this code. (If you need multiple args treat them all as one large string then split it)
'VB.NET style code
Dim activationData() As String = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ActivationArguments.ActivationData
MsgBox(activationData(0)) 'Your big long argument before being split editted or modified.
Why I asked this question and my answer to it.
Make a registry entry using ContextEdit as if you were making your very normal run of the mill context menu for your program. HOWEVER!!!! click the check box that says "expand environment variables".
So the command that you type in should look like this.
cmd.exe /C ""%InsertEnvironmentVariable%\Path\Name To\Your File.appref-ms" "%1""
It should work from that it was a ton of googling mostly because I have never done this and I give up easily on ideas. Also would like to comment on the information for command line and the registry is atrociously organized and abundant beyond belief.
Hope this helps someone trying to deploy a neat clickonce lightweight program that seems integrated like a normal program.

How to open the default browser from Eclipse user space on any platform?

I want to select a term a term in the editor and pass it to an external URL using the default browser.
I found a few helpful hints on SO, especially this recipe for invoking IE from an external tool. But I would like to open the default browser, not necessarily IE, and not necessarily in Windows.
I answered the question below with a Windows-specific recipe, but given that there are several recipes for launching the browser from the Java API, I figured there is also an user-visible variable for the browser, and I was just unable to find it. If you are able to find that, please answer the question. Or if you know that it is impossible to do so, please let me know. Thanks!
To open the default browser on Windows, use the start built-in command to cmd.exe with a URL. Below I have an example of the dialog you get when you go to Run, External Tools, External Tools Configurations... I compressed the left pane because it contains proprietary information from my company, but the part that matters is in the right pane.
Cygwin has a similar mechanism. You would not need the /c and start arguments. Instead you would use ${system_path:cygstart.exe} for Location and only the url in Arguments. From my Ubuntu command-line, I can also run xdg-open in place of cygstart.exe to open the default browser. But I couldn't find a way that works the same in all platforms, although it seems to exist at the Eclipse API level.
On Mac you can use External tools and set the location to "/usr/bin/open" and in the arguments specify the path to the file you want to open:
Since the file is an HTML page, the default browser should open with it.

Clear recently used programs from Windows 7 start menu

Does anyone know a way to clear MRU start menu programs on windows 7 using powershell? I saw a way using a registry edit, but I would prefer if at all possible to avoid that.
If you want to clear recent programs list (one that appears when the start button is pressed), here are your options:
1) Use the following Powershell script and restart Explorer (credit goes here):
del HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\UserAssist
2) Because you also said disabling recent programs list works for you, here are the two ways to do it:
Using a REG File Download (see above link).
Through the Local Group Policy Editor (I would recommend this one).
And this is just another useful article that covers related topics and explains how it works in detail:
Clear recently used programs in Start Menu in Windows 7.

Can I script FlexBuilder without writing an extension?

I'd like to script FlexBuilder so that I can run debug or profile without having to switch to FlexBuilder and manually clicking the button (or using the key combo). Is this possible without writing an extension?
To be more specific, this is exactly what I want to do: I want to create a TextMate command that talks to FlexBuilder and makes it run the debug target for the currently selected project. TextMate already has support for interacting with Xcode in this way, and it would be great to be able to do the same with FlexBuilder.
When compiling I use Ant and have full control over that from TextMate, what I want is to be able to launch the debugger and the profiler. The command line debugger is unusable and there is no other profiler available than the one in FlexBuilder.
Since FlexBuilder essentially is an extended version of Eclipse, any tools/scripts for doing the same in Eclipse should work for FlexBuilder aswell. I couldn't find any tools like this googling it, have you considered doing away with FlexBuilder completely, there are plenty of guides for using the mxmlc (or fcsh) compilers directly from your editor.
I do not know if there is a plugin like this for Eclipse however if not you can write one as it should be easy.
If the specific command that you want to call shows up in Windows/Preferences - General/Keys, you can create a plugin that takes commands from TextMate (I do not know what protocol TextMate uses, socket or something else) and executed the specific action that is associated with the command that also appears in preferences.