I would like to add a custom favicon to my OpenCPU app. Although I manually set the favicon to be a custom image, it gets override by the default cloud icon from OpenCPU.
OpenCPU overrides the favicon in /var/www/html by its default favicon. This default favicon is stored at /usr/lib/opencpu/rapache/favicon.ico, so you just have to change that file and from now on, it will show your custom favicon.
Is it possible to have access or use file icons inside a webview? The icons on the side of each file/folder in the explorer.
My project has a custom activity bar, where I would like to show icons for a file type, preferably using the current Icon Theme, is this possible?
I've seen that code icons can be used, injecting the css in the webview:
const codiconsUri = webview.asWebviewUri(
vscode.Uri.joinPath(extensionUri, 'node_modules', 'vscode-codicons', 'dist', 'codicon.css'),
Then used like this inside the webview's HTML:
<i class="codeicons codeicons-beaker"></i>
But I have not been able to find any reference about how to do this with file icons.
I have the same issue.
I notice that the error code is 401(Unauthorized) when loading the codicon.css.
But it works if I copy the codicon.css and codicon.ttf files to the other folder which is the same level as the node_modules.
I have placed the HTML Resource files and java script files with the project files in my iphone application. My objective is to build an application which has UIWebview which loads when we tab on the app icon. The UIWebView should actually load the local html content that I have in the resource folder. I can see the HTMl content in the webview but its not running the Javascript..
Checkout stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: in the
UIWebView Class Reference
Her the actual problem comes with adding the files(javascript and css) in the project. while adding files following option should be clicked that showed in the following image.
On the iPhone I'm using a UIWebView to display some content that is stored on the device so my content can be viewed on the device when there is no internet connection. I'm using the jQuery and mobile stuff in an attempt to create web apps and mobile apps that use one code base.
When I include:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.0a4.1/jquery.mobile-1.0a4.1.min.css" />
everything works fine, the sprites that make up the back button, home icon etc. all work fine. When I include the above as a local resource such as:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.mobile-1.0a4.1.min.css" />
The sprites do not display, I just get a dark circle where the sprite should appear. All the other attributes defined in the css work fine, just not the sprites. If I misname the local resource, everything is messed up, so I know the css as a local resource is being included, but it is being handled differently as a local resource vs a remote resource. It even works if I hit the local dev box running apache... so it must have something to do with how the web server is serving the page vs. including it as a file......
I played around with loading the same page twice with separate UIWebViews in an attempt to see if there is some timing issue... since a local resource would load much quicker than a remote resource. The second instance of the UIWebView loaded it correctly. Is there a $.mobile command I can call to refresh the page, or for the library to do it's magic?
any ideas?
thanks for any help
Question was answered in the jQuery forum. Funny, the answer was related to my comments above, and I still didn't think to look at the image files! palm2forehead
had to go in the jquery mobile css file and remove the references to the "images" directory. IOS doesn't handle directories like normal systems so once I did that all was ok.
It did not solve my issue chaning the path.
I had to look up in the mobile.css, i found that the icon were first set with an image, an then moved with classes, i had to set the the full background property on the classes that moved the background image.
Like so:
.ui-icon-plus {
background:#9c9c9c url(icons-18-white.png) no-repeat 0 50%; }
Old way were:
.ui-icon-plus {
background-position:-0 50%;}
Put everything (js,css) to www folder along with index.html file, and include file like this <script src="jquery-mobile-min.js">`, it has solved my problem.
I am currently using tinyMCE to edit content within my site and I am looking for a way display an image within the tinyMCE once it has been uploaded to the site.
Note: I am not looking for a means to upload an image directly into tinyMCE. I am looking for the tinyMCE command which would allow me to display an image within the content in the editor after I have uploaded it.
You could insert a regular img-tag inside tinymce using a custom plugin or using the setup parameter in your tinymce init. The src should refer to the html location of the image to be uploaded. As soon as the image is available the image will become visible on next reload of the editors content. If you need further assistance feel free to ask.
After successfull uploaded you have the source of the image (img_src). Now you need to add it to the editor like this
tinymce.activeEditor.insertContent('<img alt="photo" src="' + img_src + '"/>');
When I try to display a local HTML page un a UIWebView, the CSS for that page is not being applied. However, when I load that same page in the regular Safari, it is. What could be causing this?
I assume you are using loadHTMLString to populate the content of the UIWebView? Is your CSS embedded in the HTML that you are loading into the view? If it references a file online, check that the URL file is the full path (not just the relative path).
If the CSS is referenced using a relative path it will work fine in the browser, but not in a UIWebView with statically loaded content.