Bar plot x-axis Matlab - matlab

I am stuck with a bar plot in Matlab. I got it to work with Matlab help and this this forum until here, but on the x-axis, there are still only 2 names. I would like to have the "names" under the bars and the "categories" where the 2 names show up now. Thank you!
values = [4 10...
11 2 3;...
4 1...
5 2 -10];
names = {'PreSplitTotalEON' 'PostSplitTotalEON'...
'PreSplitPureEON' 'PostSplitPureEON' 'PostSplitUniper';...
'PreSplitTotalRWE' 'PostSplitTotalRWE'...
'PreSplitPureRWE' 'PostSplitPureRWE' 'PostSplitInnogy'};
categories = {'EON', 'RWE'};
b = bar(values,'FaceColor','flat');
% This will set labels to be used for each tick of the x-axis
% This will set how many ticks you want on the x-axis. Here, there
% should be 48 ticks being generated. One for each piece of data you have.
% This will rotate the label so that the labels will not overlap
% with one another. This is in degrees.
for k = 1:size(values,2) % for fancier colors.
b(k).CData = k;

The default way would be to use legend to display the name of each element in the group. But the position of each bar can be accessed through the XOffset and XData properties. See this answer in matlab central.
So you can use something like:
ticksList = b(1).XData+arrayfun(#(x)x.XOffset, b)';
to correctly display the names below each bar. However, I don't see how you want to display the names of each bar and the categories together below the bars without overlapping. You could instead display the categories on top by creating a new axes. Adding Something like:
ax1 = gca;
ax2 = axes('Position', get(ax1, 'Position'),'Color', 'none');
set(ax2, 'XAxisLocation', 'top','YAxisLocation','Right');
set(ax2, 'XLim', get(ax1, 'XLim'),'YLim', get(ax1, 'YLim'));
I.e. the complete code would be now:
clear all
close all
values = [4 1 11 2 3; 4 1 5 2 -10];
names = {'Pre split total EON' 'Post split total EON'...
'Pre split pure EON' 'Post split pure EON' 'Post split Uniper';...
'Pre split total RWE' 'Post split total RWE'...
'Pre split pure RWE' 'Post split pure RWE' 'PostSplitInnogy'};
categories = {'EON','RWE'};
b = bar(values,'FaceColor','flat');
ticksList = b(1).XData+arrayfun(#(x)x.XOffset, b)';
ax1 = gca;
ax2 = axes('Position', get(ax1, 'Position'),'Color', 'none');
set(ax2, 'XAxisLocation', 'top','YAxisLocation','Right');
set(ax2, 'XLim', get(ax1, 'XLim'),'YLim', get(ax1, 'YLim'));
set(ax2, 'YTick', []);
for k = 1:size(values,2) % for fancier colors.
b(k).CData = k;

You need to observe the x-axis from the graph, and approximate the
start and end x-axis values of the bars.
On the inspection it was found that bars start from 0.54 (the gap) at
the x-axis and ends near 2.32.
Next, divide the x-axis into 12 tick positions using the command xticks,
and then mark those position with the required labels using the command xticklabels. That's all.
The required code to do so is given below.
close all
clear all
values = [4 10 ...
11 2 3; ...
4 1 ...
5 2 -10];
% just declare the names lables as a simple 1-D cell array
% remove the columns and construct as row wise cell array
names = {'PreSplitTotalEON','PostSplitTotalEON', ...
'PreSplitPureEON', 'PostSplitPureEON', 'PostSplitUniper', ...
'PreSplitTotalRWE', 'PostSplitTotalRWE', ...
'PreSplitPureRWE', 'PostSplitPureRWE', 'PostSplitInnogy'};
% declare the categories label
categories = {'EON', 'RWE'};
% construct the bar
b = bar(values,'FaceColor','flat');
%-> mark the respective xticks <-
% on close inspepection, it was found that the bars starts
% near 0.54 and end at nearly 2.31 at the x-axis
% so divide the x axis in 12 ticks within those limits.
xticks([linspace(0.54, 2.31, 12)]);
% now put the lables at those limits, that all
xticklabels({categories{1}, names{1:5}, categories{2}, names{6:10}})
% This will rotate the label so that the labels will not overlap
% with one another. This is in degrees.
for k = 1:5 % for fancier colors.
b(k).CData = k;

Here is a fix for your code to get the desired output (explenations inside):
values = [4 10 11 2 3;
4 1 5 2 -10];
names = {'PreSplitTotal' 'PostSplitTotal'...
'PreSplitPure' 'PostSplitPure' 'PostSplitUniper';...
'PreSplitTotal' 'PostSplitTotal'...
'PreSplitPure' 'PostSplitPure' 'PostSplitInnogy'}.'; % <-- note the transpose!
categories = {'EON', 'RWE'};
N_names = size(values,2);
ax = axes('NextPlot','add'); % <-- same as 'hold on'
col = lines(N_names); % choose your favorite colormap
% draw the bars in pairs by their 'names':
for k = 1:N_names % for fancier colors.categories
b = bar(ax,[k k+N_names+1],values(:,k),0.15,...
xticks([1:N_names (N_names+2:N_names*2+1)]) % does not crate a tick for the space between categories
% place the category name on top of the axes:
text(ceil(N_names/2)+[0 N_names+1],ax.YLim(2).*[1 1],categories,...


Add error bars to grouped bar plot in MatLab

I have a simple, grouped bar plot. I'm trying to plot the error bars, too, but I can't seem to figure it out.
I'm not too great with for loops, but I don't know if that's the only solution to this, or if I can just add another line of code to plot the error bars.
Here's my code and graph:
% Plot raw data
y = [316.45 292.14 319.96; 305.59 287.99 295.21] % first 3 #s are pre-test, second 3 #s are post-test
err = [13.12 5.67 12.36; 12.43 6.83 11.67]
box on
set(gca,'xticklabel',{'Pre-test'; 'Post-test'})
ylim([200 360])
ylabel('RT (ms)')
Here is a solution using the standard errorbar and bar functions. bar plots each group at the same x position, and uses the Xoffset property to shift the bars in a group. You can use the x position and Xoffset to plot the errorbars.
% Data
y = [316.45 292.14 319.96; 305.59 287.99 295.21] % first 3 #s are pre-test, second 3 #s are post-test
err = [13.12 5.67 12.36; 12.43 6.83 11.67]
% Plot
figure(1); clf;
hb = bar(y); % get the bar handles
hold on;
for k = 1:size(y,2)
% get x positions per group
xpos = hb(k).XData + hb(k).XOffset;
% draw errorbar
errorbar(xpos, y(:,k), err(:,k), 'LineStyle', 'none', ...
'Color', 'k', 'LineWidth', 1);
% Set Axis properties
set(gca,'xticklabel',{'Pre-test'; 'Post-test'});
ylim([200 360])
ylabel('RT (ms)')

Single boxplot for multiple group comparison

Here is the sample code that i used to compare two groups with random mean and standard deviation. However, i want to plot both groups in a single box in the box plot as shown in the attached figure where x-axis is group 1 and y-axis is group 2. I could not find any code doing this. Can some one please help me with this?
x=[rand(1,10) rand(1,10) rand(1,10) rand(1,10) rand(1,10) rand(1,10)];
n=10 ; xx=([1:6])'; % example
positions = [1 2 3 4 5 6 ];
h=boxplot(x,g, 'positions', positions);
set(gca,'xtick',[mean(positions(1:2)) mean(positions(3:4)) mean(positions(5:6)) ])
color = ['c', 'y', 'c', 'y','c', 'y'];
h = findobj(gca,'Tag','Box');
for j=1:length(h)
now i want yellow and blue for exp1 in one box as shown below.. similarly for exp2 and exp3 so on.. so 3 boxes in one boxplot..Ideally this should work for any number of experiments.
For a single two-sided boxplot, we can use the 'Orientation' property, and overlay 2 boxplots one above the other:
x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7];
group = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2];
% we need the precntiles of the groups so the boxes will overlap.
% on each boxplot we set the width to the other boxplot hight:
p1 = prctile(x(group==1),[25 75]);
p2 = prctile(x(group==2),[25 75]);
ax = axes;
% first group is vertical:
lims1 = axis;
hold on
% secound group is horizontal:
% the values of the axis are no longer relevant, since they have two
% different meanings, depend on the group. So we hide them.
ax.XAxis.Visible = 'off';
ax.YAxis.Visible = 'off';
hold off
lims2 = axis;
% because each axis represent to different things, we make sure we see
% everything:
To create multiple two-sided box-plots you need to use an axes for each experiment:
x = rand(10,6);
nsp = floor(size(x,2)/2); % the number of subplots
meanx = mean(x);
% we need the precntiles of the groups so the boxes will overlap.
% on each boxplot we set the width to the other boxplot hight:
width = range(prctile(x,[25; 75]));
main_ax = axes; % create a tmporary axes
% we get the measurements of the ploting area:
pos = main_ax.Position;
% and divide it to our data:
axwidth = pos(3)/nsp; % the width of each group
% the bottom left corner of each group:
corner = linspace(pos(1),pos(3)+pos(1),nsp+1);
clf % clear the area!
% now we plot each pair of boxplot on a different subplot:
for k = 1:2:size(x,2)
ax = axes('Position',[corner((k+1)/2) pos(2) axwidth pos(4)]);
hold on
% first group is vertical:
% secound group is horizontal:
% the values of the y-axis are no longer relevant, since they have two
% different meanings, depend on the group. So we hide them.
ax.YAxis.Visible = 'off';
% we use the x-axis to label the pairs of boxplots:
ax.XAxis.TickLabels = ['Exp ' num2str((k+1)/2)];
% because each axis represent to different things, we make sure we see
% everything:
minx = min(min(x(:,k:k+1)))*0.1;
maxx = max(max(x(:,k:k+1)))*1.1;
axis ([minx maxx minx maxx])
hold off
box off
% set the locations to the exact same place:
bx = findobj(ax,'tag','Box'); % get the boxes
posXdif = bx(2).XData(1)-bx(1).XData(1); % get the horizontal difference
posYdif = bx(2).YData(1)-bx(1).YData(1); % get the vertical difference
bx2Xdata = get(ax.Children(2).Children,{'XData'}); % get all X-data of box 2
bx2Ydata = get(ax.Children(2).Children,{'YData'}); % get all Y-data of box 2
% substruct horizontal difference X-data:
cellfun(#(x) x-posXdif,bx2Xdata,'UniformOutput',false))
% substruct vertical difference Y-data:
cellfun(#(y) y-posYdif,bx2Ydata,'UniformOutput',false))

How to plot a line on the top of a grouped bar chart?

I have a grouped bar chart and I want to compare the values .i.e , I mean I want to visualize it using lines. I tried the following code and output is also follows
str = {'A'; 'B'; 'C'; 'D'; 'E';};
h = bar(Y,bar_widh);
hold on;plot(Y,'b');
set(gca, 'XTickLabel',str, 'XTick',1:numel(str))
grid on
l = cell(1,5);
l{1}='P'; l{2}='Q'; l{3}='R'; l{4}='S'; l{5}='T';
I got the following output:
I want to visualize smallest quantity /larger quantity of the bar.In some cases larger value is bad. Can you help me to plot the color of the line same as the bar
I got output as follows
You can try this:
str = {'A'; 'B'; 'C'; 'D'; 'E';};
figure; hold on;grid on
h = bar(Y,bar_widh);
% to highlight the minimum of each group,
% copy data into a new matrix
Y_ = Y;
% find the minimum values and make the rest zeors
Y_(Y_~=repmat(min(Y_,[],1),size(Y,1),1)) = 0;
% then plot with so sort of highlighting
h2 = bar(Y_,0.5);
pause(0.1) % pause to allow bars to be drawn
% now go through each group of bars and plot the line
for i = 1:numel(h)
x = h(i).XData + h(i).XOffset; % find the x coordinates where the bars are plotted
ax = plot(x,Y(:,i)); % plot the line
% set color of the bars the same as the line
h(i).FaceColor = ax.Color;
h2(i).FaceColor = ax.Color;
set(gca, 'XTickLabel',str, 'XTick',1:numel(str))
is the center coordinates of the ith group of bars.
For example, in your case:
h(1).XData = [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]; % group P
h(2).XData = [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]; % group Q
h(5).XData = [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]; % group T
is the offset value of each bar in the group from its corresponding centre coordinate.
For example, in your case:
h(1).XOffset = -0.3077; % group P
h(2).XOffset = -0.1538; % group Q
h(5).XOffset = 0.3077; % group T
Without highlighting the minimum values
Minimum values highlighted

How to fix the legend of this boxplot in matlab?

The legend of this boxplot comes with the same color! How can I fix this? How can I move the x-axis lable a little bit lower ?Thanks for your help.
close all
position_O = 5:5:25;
g = [ones(10,1); 2*ones(10,1); 3*ones(10,1) ;4*ones(10,1);5*ones(4,1)];
box_O = boxplot(Temp_O,g,'colors','b','positions',position_O,'width',0.8);
set(gca,'XTickLabel',{' '})
hold on
position_S = 6.8:5:26.8;
box_S = boxplot(Temp_S,g,'colors','r','positions',position_S,'width',0.8);
set(gca,'XTickLabel',{' '}) ;
hold off
% set(get(gca, 'XLabel'), 'Position', [0 .2 0]); %
ylim([-10.5 7.8]);
The issue is that you're only displaying the legend for the first two boxes (yours has a total of 10 boxes) and both of these are red. The first 5 boxes that are found are red and the last 5 are blue. Instead you could use the first and last box.
%// Create the box plot
box_S = boxplot(Temp_S, g, 'colors', 'r', 'positions', position_S, 'width', 0.8);
%// Get all of the box plot objects
boxes = findobj(gca, 'Tag', 'Box');
legend(boxes([end 1]), 'Group1', 'Group2')
You could do this more robustly though with the following:
boxes = findobj(gca, 'Tag', 'box');
%// Sort by xposition
[~, ind] = sort(cellfun(#mean, get(boxes, 'XData')));
%// Apply legends to one red and one blue one.
legend(boxes(ind(1:2)), 'Group1', 'Group2');
And to move the xlabel a little lower, you can simply adjust it's Position property.
yrange = diff(get(gca, 'YLim'));
XL = get(gca, 'XLabel');
original = get(XL, 'Position');
%// Add an extra 1% padding
set(XL, 'Position', original - [0 0.01*yrange 0])
Here is a small example (I only kept the necessary stuff):
x1 = randn(44,1);
x2 = randn(44,1);
pos1 = (5:5:25)';
pos2 = (6.8:5:26.8)';
g = repelem([1 2 3 4 5], [10 10 10 10 4]);
h1 = boxplot(x1, g, 'Colors','b', 'Positions',pos1, 'Width',0.8);
hold on
h2 = boxplot(x2, g, 'Colors','r', 'Positions',pos2, 'Width',0.8);
hold off
legend([h1(5,1),h2(5,1)], {'Group1','Group2'})
To quote help boxplot:
% H = BOXPLOT(...) returns the handle H to the lines in the box plot.
% H has one column per box, consisting of the handles for the various
% parts of the box. For the traditional plotstyle, the rows correspond
% to: upper whisker, lower whisker, upper adjacent value, lower adjacent
% value, box, median, and outliers. For the compact plotstyle, the rows
% correspond to: whiskers, box, median outer, median inner, and outliers.
% If median comparison intervals are indicated with markers, H will have
% two more rows for notch lo and notch hi. If medianstyle or boxstyle
% have been set explicitly, the meaning of the rows will adjust
% accordingly.

MATLAB Multiple(parallel) box plots in single figure

I'm using the boxplot function in MATLAB. I need to plot boxplots for 6 different datasets for 6 'XTicks' i.e each tick in the x axis should contain 6 corresponding boxes, whiskers, median lines and set of outliers within it's domain. I tried manipulating the 'XTick' property by setting offsets for each variable, but it doesn't apply for boxplot() as it would for a normal plot(). I'm also not able to add legends.
A 3 variable equivalent of my problem would like the following:
The following is the code snippet that needs to be modified
TreadmillData = randi([20,200],69,6);
Speeds = {'1.5mph' '2.5mph' '3.5mph' '4.5mph' '5.5mph' '6.5mph'};
DeviceColors = {'r' 'g' 'c' [0.5 0 0.5] 'b' [1 0.5 0]};
Pedometer1 = TreadmillData(1:7:end,:);
Pedometer2 = TreadmillData(2:7:end,:);
Pedometer3 = TreadmillData(3:7:end,:);
Pedometer4 = TreadmillData(4:7:end,:);
Pedometer5 = TreadmillData(5:7:end,:);
Pedometer6 = TreadmillData(6:7:end,:);
GroupedData = {Pedometer1 Pedometer2 Pedometer3 Pedometer4 Pedometer5 Pedometer6};
legendEntries = {'dev1' 'dev2' 'dev3' 'dev4' 'dev5' 'dev6'};
Xt = 20:20:120;
Xt_Offset = [-15,-10,-5,5,10,15];
for i=1:6
if i==3
hold on;
xlabel('Speed');ylabel('Step Count'); grid on;
Any help would be appreciated!
I've made some modifications to your code. I've tested this in R2014b.
TreadmillData = randi([20,200],69,6);
Speeds = {'1.5mph' '2.5mph' '3.5mph' '4.5mph' '5.5mph' '6.5mph'};
DeviceColors = {'r' 'g' 'c' [0.5 0 0.5] 'b' [1 0.5 0]};
Pedometer1 = TreadmillData(1:7:end,:);
Pedometer2 = TreadmillData(2:7:end,:);
Pedometer3 = TreadmillData(3:7:end,:);
Pedometer4 = TreadmillData(4:7:end,:);
Pedometer5 = TreadmillData(5:7:end,:);
Pedometer6 = TreadmillData(6:7:end,:);
GroupedData = {Pedometer1 Pedometer2 Pedometer3 Pedometer4 Pedometer5 Pedometer6};
legendEntries = {'dev1' 'dev2' 'dev3' 'dev4' 'dev5' 'dev6'};
N = numel(GroupedData);
delta = linspace(-.3,.3,N); %// define offsets to distinguish plots
width = .2; %// small width to avoid overlap
cmap = hsv(N); %// colormap
legWidth = 1.8; %// make room for legend
hold on;
for ii=1:N %// better not to shadow i (imaginary unit)
%if ii~=ceil(N/2)
% labels = repmat({''},1,N); %// empty labels
labels = Speeds; %// center plot: use real labels
boxplot(GroupedData{ii},'Color', DeviceColors{ii}, 'boxstyle','filled', ...
'position',(1:numel(labels))+delta(ii), 'widths',width, 'labels',labels)
%// plot filled boxes with specified positions, widths, labels
plot(NaN,1,'color',DeviceColors{ii}); %// dummy plot for legend
xlabel('Speed'); ylabel('Step Count'); grid on;
xlim([1+2*delta(1) numel(labels)+legWidth+2*delta(N)]) %// adjust x limits, with room for legend
Here is a solution for plotting several boxplot. You have to group all the data in a single matrix, each group being separated by a column of Nan. After that, you can simply plot a single regular boxplot with ad-hoc options such as colors and labels.
The following example uses 2 groups of 3, so 7 columns. The 4 first lines of data:
0.6993 0.0207 -0.7485 NaN 0.5836 -0.1763 -1.8468
-0.0494 -1.5411 0.8022 NaN 2.7124 -0.0636 -2.3639
0.9134 0.7106 -0.1375 NaN -0.2200 -0.2528 -0.8350
-0.5655 1.3820 0.6038 NaN -0.7563 -0.9779 0.3789
And the code:
figure('Color', 'w');
c = colormap(lines(3));
A = randn(60,7); % some data
A(:,4) = NaN; % this is the trick for boxplot
C = [c; ones(1,3); c]; % this is the trick for coloring the boxes
% regular plot
boxplot(A, 'colors', C, 'plotstyle', 'compact', ...
'labels', {'','ASIA','','','','USA',''}); % label only two categories
hold on;
for ii = 1:3
plot(NaN,1,'color', c(ii,:), 'LineWidth', 4);
legend({'SUV', 'SEDAN', 'SPORT'});
set(gca, 'XLim', [0 8], 'YLim', [-5 5]);