Ag-grid column grouping resize issue - ag-grid

In my developed grid with column grouping, there is white empty space is appear at end when resize the columns. Any Suggestion?[![enter image description here][1]][1]

You can call sizeColumnsToFit() after columnRowGroupChanged event:
columnRowGroupChanged A row group column was added or removed.
.html template event binding
or .ts gridOptions event binding (don't forget to define [gridOptions] in .html)
onColumnRowGroupChanged : this.groupChanged.bind(this)

Starting from ag-grid 23.1.0, we no longer have to use sizeColumnsToFit. Instead, in column definition, add flex: 1 to the last visible column.
This prevents all annoying jumps and weird grid behavior when resizing columns. In case user enlarge the column, horizontal scrollbar will appear, which is the expected behavior.
Please go over your code and change sizeColumnsToFit to the flex solution.
Flex also gives you control over relative column sizes, you can read more about it in the docs:
columnDefs = [{...}
headerName: 'HeaderA',
field: 'name',
flex: 1, // Adding this to last column definition


How to wrap and breaking textStreamlit AgGrid's Row?

I need to edit same dataframes when using Streamlit and found this very nice component AgGrid. However, I'm working with long text and I need to resize the rows to wrap the text in each cell. I need somtheing like st.table does:
How can I get the same type of wrapping AgGrid?
Based in the accepted answer:
gb = GridOptionsBuilder.from_dataframe(df)
gb.configure_columns("COLUMN_NAME",wrapText = True)
gb.configure_columns("COLUMN_NAME",autoHeight = True)
You can either add
wrapText: true,
autoHeight: true
to the defaultColdef property of the grid to do this for all columns,
or to specific column definitions in the columnDefs property.

How to use BarChartRodData of fl_chart

I want to make an app and I need to use fl_chart.
The question is: What do I do to make a space for each element evenly.
How can I do it like this screenshot?
Remove the property alignment from the BarChartData (Most probably it's set to center). It's going to use the spaceBetween instead as default.
It's going to be like the following:
// Remove the `alignment` or change it to `spaceBetween`
alignment: BarChartAlignment.spaceBetween,
Also, if not already wrap BarChart with a Expanded widget.
Actually, you could set up "barsSpace" in the parameter of "BarChartGroupData".
Example from fl_chart
default value
x position of the group on horizontal axis
list of BarChartRodData that are a bar line
the space between barRods of the group
indexes of barRods to show the tooltip on top of them

ag-Grid: extend rows till right edge if columns don't occupy full width

In ag-Grid, if the columns occupy a smaller space than the width of the grid, a blank hole appears on the right of the last column. Please see below (example taken from ag-Grid docs):
The UX designers on my team don't like that. They would like to see the rows extended all the way to the right to balance out the look. Is this possible to do with ag-Grid?
Edit: We don't want to use the sizeColumnsToFit option, because on large monitors it produces very wide columns and the grid becomes unreadable. We want to use the autoSize option to compact the columns and fill the hole on the RHS with blank stripes as suggested above.
Yes it is possible. You can call the sizeColumnsToFit function on the ag-Grid api which will fill out the width of the table with the columns.
Take a look at documentation.
Here is a plunker example.
Use the property suppressSizeToFit and set it to true to when you call sizeColumnsToFit, it won't have an affect. Apply this property to the defaultColDef and set it to false for the last column. This was, when you call sizeColumnsToFit, only the last column will be set to full width. See the updated plunker above.
this is how i do it:
* if there is "dead space" present on the grid, the columns will be auto sized to fill the gap
* #param gridApi
* #param columnApi
resizeColumnsToFit(gridApi: GridApi, columnApi: ColumnApi, allowShrink = false) {
if (allowShrink) {
} else {
const gridBodyWidth = document.getElementsByClassName("ag-root-wrapper")[0].clientWidth; // todo: use grid's id instead of [0] to allow multiple grids on a page
const allColumnsWidth = columnApi.getAllDisplayedColumns().map(c => c.getActualWidth()).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
if (gridBodyWidth > allColumnsWidth) {
This method will size columns to fit only when there is "dead" space on the right. Optionaly set allowShrink to true to force resizing even if there is no dead space
I had the same situation and resolved with the following css override:
.ag-center-cols-container {
width: 100% !important;
One possible option I've been playing with is adding a fake column at the end to fill the remaining space. To do so, you just need to add a column with options similar to the following to the end of your list of columns:
flex: 1,
headerName: '',
See this plunker forked from #ViqMontana's example above.
It's not a perfect solution, but wanted to mention it here in case it helps.
This works like Craig Weston's answer but without the need for !important:
.ag-center-cols-container {
min-width: 100%;

Auto Size all columns to fit content

All my searches turned up for sizeColumnsToFit and autoSizeColumns which is not what I want.
My grids have many columns, so it scroll horizontal which is fine
But I cannot know in advance what would be the most space needed for the widest text in a column, so want the grid to auto size all columns to accommodate for whatever is the longest line of text in the cell.
Can one do that? (pretty much like have nowrap on a html table column, not that ag-grid wrap text, it just hide what is too long)
Grid Resizing:
sizeColumnsToFit - this tries to squeeze all the columns in the view - no horizontal scrolling
autoSizeAllColumns - this tries to size all columns to to fit the data - horizontal scrolling
// If you need to resize specific columns
var allColIds = params.columnApi.getAllColumns()
.map(column => column.colId);
// If you want to resize all columns
I passed through this and it took me some time to make it work the way I wanted to, by that I mean :
Use all the available space
Make each column take the width required to display its content correctly
Solution :
Add the width parameter for each column (requires some manual tuning to set the right values)
Call gridApi.sizeColumnsToFit() in the onGridReady which will resize to take the available space while making sure that columns having bigger width will take more space
const gridOptions = {
columnDefs: [
width: 100
width: 50
onGridReady: (event) => event.api.sizeColumnsToFit();
Simply use flex instead of width in the column definitions. The grid will adjust automatically.
You can find a complete example for auto resizing all column.
Simply call autoSizeColumns() function, all columns will be resized according to content.
gridColumnApi.autoSizeColumns(allColumnIds, skipHeader);

OpenOffice::OODoc - How to insert Horizontal Line/Rule in a Page

I am creating ODF Document using OpenOffice::OODoc module. I want to have a Horizontal Line/Rule after a Heading.
I have seen documentation but it has no solution for this problem. I even tried to insert a paragraph with border, but it leaves a vertical white space after top border and next line.
Any idea how can this be done?
I've noticed that there are two methods--which I'm aware of--to
accomplish this task. There's Insert > Horizontal Ruler or by applying
a bottom border to the a paragraph.
From what it appears, the "Horizontal Ruler" is just an image inserted
in the text. - OpenOffice forum
So I think you could use an image (which contains a line).
properties =>
'draw:luminance' => '20%',
'draw:color-inversion' => 'true'
style => "NewImageStyle",
attachment => $newparagraph,
import => "path\to\rule.jpg"