Memory Cache .Net Core Not Persisting Values - entity-framework

I have a .NET Core 2.1 application. In Startup.cs configuration method, I use:
services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =
Then in my controller:
public class DropDownListController : Controller
private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;
private readonly IMemoryCache _memoryCache;
private const string ProvidersCacheKey = "providers";
private const string AgenciesCacheKey = "agencies";
public DropDownListController(ApplicationDbContext context, IMemoryCache memoryCache )
_context = context;
_memoryCache = memoryCache;
and in the controller also, the method to get the dropdownlist:
public JsonResult GetProvider()
IEnumerable<DropDownListCode.NameValueStr> providerlist;
if (_memoryCache.TryGetValue(ProvidersCacheKey, out providerlist))
return Json(providerlist);
MemoryCacheEntryOptions cacheExpirationOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions();
cacheExpirationOptions.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30);
cacheExpirationOptions.Priority = CacheItemPriority.Normal;
DropDownListCode um = new DropDownListCode(_context);
var result = um.GetProviderList();
_memoryCache.Set(ProvidersCacheKey, result);
return Json(result);
When I set a breakpoint on the line:
return Json(providerlist);
I see the ProvidersCacheKey is in the _memoryCache, but it has no value.
What happened to the data?
When I do a Quick Watch on _memoryCache, I can see the DbContext object was destroyed. But how can that be, the code works fine but the cache object does not have the data I saved to it.
Any help would be appreciated.

The method to get providers is:
public IEnumerable<NameValueStr> GetProviderList()
var providerlist = (from a in _context.AgencyProvider
where a.Provider == a.AgencyId
select new NameValueStr
id = a.Provider,
name = a.Name
return providerlist.Distinct();
Adding "ToList()" in the calling method worked:
MemoryCacheEntryOptions cacheExpirationOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions();
cacheExpirationOptions.AbsoluteExpiration = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30);
cacheExpirationOptions.Priority = CacheItemPriority.Normal;
DropDownListCode um = new DropDownListCode(_context);
var result = um.GetProviderList().ToList();
_memoryCache.Set(ProvidersCacheKey, result);
return Json(result);
All credit goes to Steve Py… Thank you sir!


Asp.Net-Core + MongoDb - How to search database by "code" and return the original url?

I am unsure how to go about searching for the "Code" stored in my Database in order to return the "OriginalUrl".
I know I can search for the ObjectId but I want to be able to search by the "Code" assigned to that ObjectId.
Currently I have a working program that takes a Url as well as a "title" and sends it to the database:
It is assigned an Objectid _id and a randomly generated 12 character "Code":
If it helps this is my Controller class:
namespace ShortenUrls.Controllers
public class ShortUrlsController : Controller
private readonly ShortUrlRepository _repo;
public ShortUrlsController(ShortUrlRepository repo)
_repo = repo;
public async Task<IActionResult> Get(string id)
var su = await _repo.GetAsync(id);
if (su == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(su);
public async Task<IActionResult> Create([FromBody] ShortUrl su)
await _repo.CreateAsync(su);
return Ok(su);
And Repository class:
namespace ShortenUrls.Models.Repository
public class ShortUrlRepository
private const string alphabet = "23456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz-_";
private static readonly Random rand = new Random();
private readonly Database _db;
public ShortUrlRepository(Database db)
_db = db;
private static string GenerateCode()
const int codeLength = 12;
var chars = new char[codeLength];
for (var i = 0; i < codeLength; i++)
chars[i] = alphabet[rand.Next(0, alphabet.Length)];
return new string(chars);
public Task<ShortUrl> GetAsync(string id)
var objId = ObjectId.Parse(id);
return _db.Urls.Find(x => x.Id == objId).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
public Task CreateAsync(ShortUrl su)
su.Code = GenerateCode();
return _db.Urls.InsertOneAsync(su);
Just use a filter. Doing it this way let's you create a query specifically for the "code".
public async Task<ShortUrl> GetAsync(string code)
var filterBuilder = new FilterDefinitionBuilder<ShortUrl>();
var filter = filterBuilder.Eq(s => s.Code, code);
var cursor = await _db.Urls.FindAsync(filter);
return await cursor.FirstOrDefaultAsync();
Assuming you already know the code when calling this and that ObjectId is created on InsertOneAsync call. First change your repository to take Code as searchable input.
public Task<ShortUrl> GetAsync(string code)
return await _db.Urls.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Code == code);
Then change your controller Get to this:
public async Task<IActionResult> Get(string code)
var su = await _repo.GetAsync(code);
if (su == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(su);
In your controller you can access su.OriginalUrl if you need to only return that after getting the object.
Then in postman you can just call http://localhost:51767/api/codes?code=cmg3fjjr_gtv
Remember only Id works for default url parameters as setup by your default routes in Startup.cs.
app.UseMvc(routes => { /*...*/ })
So this wont work: /api/codes/cmg3fjjr_gtv unless you specifically set up routing or change {code} back to {id}. Readability of your code suffers though.

DataFlavor in JavaFX not recognized correctly

I'm experiencing a problem when D&D a custom object from Swing to JavaFX and I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong or its probably a Java FX bug.
My Transferable has been defined as the following:
public class TransferableEmployee implements Transferable {
public static final DataFlavor EMPLOYEE_FLAVOR = new DataFlavor(Employee[].class, "Employee");
public static final DataFlavor DEFINITION_FLAVOR = new DataFlavor(PropertyDefinition[].class, "Definition");
private static final DataFlavor FFLAVORS [] = {EMPLOYEE_FLAVOR, DEFINITION_FLAVOR};
private Employee[] employees;
private PropertyDefinition[] propertyDefinitions;
public MintTransferableEmployee(Employee[] employees, PropertyDefinition[] propertyDefinitions) {
this.employees = employees != null ? employees.clone() : null;
this.propertyDefinitions = propertyDefinitions != null ? propertyDefinitions.clone() : null;
public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors() {
return FFLAVORS.clone();
public Object getTransferData(DataFlavor aFlavor) throws UnsupportedFlavorException {
Object returnObject = null;
if (aFlavor.equals(EMPLOYEE_FLAVOR)) {
returnObject = employees;
else if(aFlavor.equals(DEFINITION_FLAVOR)){
returnObject = propertyDefinitions;
throw new UnsupportedFlavorException(aFlavor);
return returnObject;
public boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor aFlavor) {
boolean lReturnValue = false;
for (int i=0, n=FFLAVORS.length; i<n; i++) {
if (aFlavor.equals(FFLAVORS[i])) {
lReturnValue = true;
return lReturnValue;
I've created an imageView (FX Component) where I added the setOnDragOver just as the following:
employeePhotoImageView.setOnDragOver(new EventHandler<DragEvent>() {
public void handle(DragEvent event) {
The getContentTypes() returns a Map with [[application/x-java-serialized-object]], so now I try to get the Content, and this only returns the List of PropertyDefinition but no Employee at all (which in this case, is the one I need).
If I remove the data of the PropertyDefinition in the transferable, the employee is returned in the getContent(DataFormat) method.
For me, this means that JavaFX only works with 1 DataFlavor or somehow it is only returning the last flavor found in the Transferable.
Any clues on this?
Thanks in advanced...

Proper way to profile a DbContext using MiniProfiler and EF 5 and Autofac

The MiniProfiler site gives the following code for generating an Entity Framework ObjectContext:
public static MyModel Get()
var conn = new StackExchange.Profiling.Data.EFProfiledDbConnection(GetConnection(), MiniProfiler.Current);
return ObjectContextUtils.CreateObjectContext<MyModel>(conn); // resides in the MiniProfiler.EF nuget pack
However, using Entity Framework 5, I am not using an ObjectContext - rather I am using a DbContext. I cannot plug the model name in here, since the CreateObjectContext<T>() method expects T to be of type ObjectContext. (For the same reason, the code given in this answer also doesn't work).
Additionally, I am using autofac to initialize my Db connections. This is being registered with the following (MyData = the name of my EF DataContext):
So combining two parts: how can I use autofac to initialize my DbContext tied into MiniProfiler.EF? And if that is not possible, at least how can I do the first part (create a factory method for MiniProfiler.EF to return a DbContext)?
I just got this working:
public static class DbContextUtils
private const BindingFlags PrivateInstance = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance;
public static T CreateDbContext<T>() where T : DbContext
return CreateDbContext<T>(GetProfiledConnection<T>());
public static T CreateDbContext<T>(this DbConnection connection) where T : DbContext
var workspace = new MetadataWorkspace(new[] { "res://*/" }, new[] { typeof(T).Assembly });
var factory = DbProviderServices.GetProviderFactory(connection);
var itemCollection = workspace.GetItemCollection(DataSpace.SSpace);
var providerFactoryField = itemCollection.GetType().GetField("_providerFactory", PrivateInstance);
if (providerFactoryField != null) providerFactoryField.SetValue(itemCollection, factory);
var ec = new EntityConnection(workspace, connection);
return CtorCache<T, DbConnection>.Ctor(ec);
public static DbConnection GetProfiledConnection<T>() where T : DbContext
var dbConnection = ObjectContextUtils.GetStoreConnection("name=" + typeof(T).Name);
return new EFProfiledDbConnection(dbConnection, MiniProfiler.Current);
internal static class CtorCache<TType, TArg> where TType : class
public static readonly Func<TArg, TType> Ctor;
static CtorCache()
var argTypes = new[] { typeof(TArg) };
var ctor = typeof(TType).GetConstructor(argTypes);
if (ctor == null)
Ctor = x => { throw new InvalidOperationException("No suitable constructor defined"); };
var dm = new DynamicMethod("ctor", typeof(TType), argTypes);
var il = dm.GetILGenerator();
il.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, ctor);
Ctor = (Func<TArg, TType>)dm.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<TArg, TType>));
It is based on the code in MiniProfiler's ObjectContextUtils.
You use it like this:
builder.Register(c => DbContextUtils.CreateDbContext<MyData>()).As<DbContext>().InstancePerHttpRequest();
This solution REQUIRES your DbContext to have a constructor which takes a DbConnection and passes it to base, like this:
public MyData(DbConnection connection)
: base(connection, true)
There is a constructor of the DbContext class which takes an existing DbConnection
So you need a new contructor on your MyData which just calls the base
public class MyData : DbContext
public MyData(DbConnection existingConnection, bool contextOwnsConnection)
: base(existingConnection, contextOwnsConnection)
Then you register your MyData with Register:
builder.Register(c =>
var conn = new EFProfiledDbConnection(GetConnection(), MiniProfiler.Current);
return new MyData(conn, true);

Generic Repository with EF 5.0 is not working

I have a generic repository for my Entities, all my entities (generated by the Code generation Item) have a personalized partial that implements an IID interface, at this point all of my entites must have a Int32 Id property.
So, my problems is with the update, here is my code
public class RepositorioPersistencia<T> where T : class
public static bool Update(T entity)
using (var ctx = new FisioKinectEntities())
// here a get the Entity from the actual context
var currentEntity = ctx.Set<T>().Find(((BLL.Interfaces.IID)entity).Id);
var propertiesFromNewEntity = entity.GetType().GetProperties();
var propertiesFromCurrentEntity = currentEntity.GetType().GetProperties();
for (int i = 0; i < propertiesFromCurrentEntity.Length; i++)
//I'am trying to update my current entity with the values of the new entity
//but this code causes an exception
propertiesFromCurrentEntity[i].SetValue(currentEntity, propertiesFromNewEntity[i].GetValue(entity, null), null);
return true;
return false;
Someone can help me? this driving me crazy.
You can use the EF API to update the values of an entity as follows.
public static bool Update(T entity)
using (var ctx = new FisioKinectEntities())
var currentEntity = ctx.Set<T>().Find(((BLL.Interfaces.IID)entity).Id);
var entry = ctx.Entry(currentEntity);
return true;
return false;

StackoverflowException while using SqlDependencies with Ef Framework

I would like to get some feedback about using SqlDependencies with EF Framework 4.0. I have currently implemented a scenario using ObjectQuery in combination with toStraceString() to generate SqlDependency.
Im getting a StackoverflowException somewhere in Entity Framework source code when doing refresh store wins. I thought this error would somewhere in my code, but i cannot find it.
I made up a small example of what i want to do:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private SqlDependency _sqldep;
public delegate void DataChanged(string test);
TestEntities m = new TestEntities();
SqlCommand _cmd;
public MainWindow()
this.DataContext = this;
var query = m.User.AsQueryable<User>();
string query_str = m.User.ToTraceString();
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(((System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnection)m.Connection).StoreConnection.ConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query_str, con);
_cmd = cmd;
_sqldep = new SqlDependency(cmd);
_sqldep.OnChange += dependency_OnChange;
this.Users = m.User;
SqlDependency dependency;
// Bei Änderung am gegebenen SQL-Statement
private void dependency_OnChange(object sender, SqlNotificationEventArgs e)
dependency = (SqlDependency)sender;
dependency.OnChange -= dependency_OnChange;
dependency.OnChange += dependency_OnChange;
private void NotifierOnDataChanged(string bla)
m.Refresh(System.Data.Objects.RefreshMode.StoreWins, m.User);
catch (System.Exception ex)
System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Fehler");
private IEnumerable<User> _users;
public IEnumerable<User> Users
get { return _users; }
set { _users = value; }
I'm getting my StackoverflowException at NotifierOnDataChanged -> Refresh