Maven AspectJ plugin non spring project won't work - eclipse

I have a project, which is NOT a spring application. I am trying to use AspectJ annotations in it. The Annotation classes are being referenced from another jar I have. I have mentioned my plugin section of POM below. My build succeeds but the console output of Maven never mentions anything about the AspectJ plugin and also the annotations don't work when I run my project.
I have been trying to find out what's wrong for hours now but can't figure it out.
<!-- Plugin for sdaas deployment. For compressing war to tar.gz -->
These are the two dependencies defined in the Jar which I am trying to use as the aspect library.
The jar is compiled fine and I amble to use it another SPRING application but not this one. In the SPRING application I don't even have the maven aspect plugin defined.
When I run the maven build, in console I see only the following plugins listed.
[DEBUG] Goal: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean)
[DEBUG] Style: Regular
[DEBUG] Goal: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile)
[DEBUG] Style: Regular
[DEBUG] Goal: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources)
[DEBUG] Style: Regular
[DEBUG] Goal: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile)
[DEBUG] Style: Regular
[DEBUG] Goal: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test)
[DEBUG] Style: Regular
[DEBUG] Goal: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin:2.4:war (default-war)
[DEBUG] Style: Regular
EDIT: After reading kriegaex's answer and about pluginManagement vs plugins, I changed my POM as below. Please note that my project is not multi-module it has only one POM.
<!-- Plugin for sdaas deployment. For compressing war to tar.gz -->
When I do this, I get the following error on execution tag under AspectJ executions
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:aspectj-maven-plugin:1.4:compile (execution: default, phase: process-sources)
UPDATE I am marking this question as answered as my original issue of AspectJ plugin not being invoked is solved. I will open a new question on my other issue. Thanks to kriegaex for pointing me to the right direction.

I think this one is a classic and no AspectJ problem at all but a beginners' error using Maven:
You have defined your plugins' default settings in the <pluginManagement> section but forgot to reference them later in a separate <plugins> section. Thus, Maven has no idea that you want to use them at all.
Okay, I will elaborate a bit more as you still seem to have problems understanding how to use <pluginManagement> vs.<plugins>: You use the former in order to define version, scope and default settings for your plugins. Then you use the latter in order to easily just reference the predefined (managed) plugin in whatever module of your (possibly multi-module) project you need them without copying / pasting the same version and configuration anymore. So it is not "use either this or that" but it is "use both and combine them in a smart way". Example:
And then later in the same module or in another module having the former one as a parent or importing it as a BoM (Bill of Materials):
See? very clean and simple.
This is similar to the difference between <dependencyManagement> and <dependencies>, by the way.
You can also extend or override the configuration for a managed plugin in the <plugins> section, so you are not limited to what was preconfigured.
As for why some managed plugins worked without you explicitly mentioning them in the <plugins> section: They were configured either in your parent POM or in the Maven root POM, such as the dependency plugin, compile plugin and other predefined and preconfigured Maven base plugins. If you make Maven display the effective POM for your module, you will see them.
The AspectJ Maven plugin is of course not a Maven base plugin, thus you have to configure it by yourself, which is what you are trying to do.


Error while using Apache CXF Codegen Plugin in pom.xml.Error in execution tag while trying to update the maven. How to resolve this?

I am trying to generate stubs from the WSDL file using Apache CXF-Codegen plugin.
Error in execution tag while trying to update the maven.Tried enclosing the plugin in pluginManagement tag but no result whatsoever.
Remove wsdlLocation, it's enough to configure wsdl.
See also or sources

How to pass custom configuration file to Akka application with Maven?

I'm developing an Akka application using Maven. For testing, I use scalatest. When I run the tests with the configuration in application.conf, everything goes smoothly. But when I try to use custom files it just doesn't work (e.g. I have one common.conf and other files that include that one for adjusting time-scale in Jenkins and so on). I tried running the tests with mvn -Dconfig.file=/path/to/myenv.conf test and -Dconfig.resource=/path/to/myenv.conf test but no luck. I'm using Akka 2.4.0 and Scala 2.11.7.
P.S. Here is the configuration of the plugins in my pom.xml:
<!-- disable surefire -->
<!-- enable scalatest -->
<!-- Skip coloring output -->
Thanks a lot!
Well, I actually found a way, just adding this to my scalatest maven plugin worked:
Is there a way to pass this externally to mvn test?

axis2 wsdl2code plugin only creates Arrays

When running wsdl2code maven plugin it only creates Arrays as opposed to wsdl2java plugin we were earlier using for ant. Following is the configuration.
Fixed by setting java version. By default it was using version 4. I set it to version 1.5 using following settings. Its generating lists now.

Eclipse m2e connector for JAX-WS org.codehaus.mojo

I am trying to consume a webservice using wsimport goal declared at maven build. But I am facing the problem with m2e connectors. There is an error in my POM which says
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:jaxws-maven-
plugin:1.10:wsimport (execution: default, phase: generate-sources)
I have been trying to install m2e connectors but not getting them even in marketplace. There are other m2e connectors but not for JAX-WS which i need.
I have followed and tried almost each solution mentioned here but all in vain.
Although there is no problem in generating the resources. The resources are generated at build time successfully but this POM error is not allowing my project to get sync with my tomcat and each time I have to deploy the war manually to test even the little changes i make.
All this is really annoying and I need to figure out a solution to this. I am using eclipse juno in this.
Below is the POM file I am using
<!-- -->
There is a M2E jaxws-maven-connector GitHub project: . It worked for me with Eclipse Kepler and org.codehaus.mojo:jaxws-maven-plugin:1.12.
Choose Install new Software from the Help menu.
Add the repository (see project)
Install m2e connector for jaxws and restart.
Import the Maven project or update the Eclipse Maven project configuration.
Vote for and get this fixed in the plugin.
Then you don't need a connector.
In the meantime you can hack this as per Archimedes Trajano's post
Though I did keep the jaxws-maven-connector updated to work with the latest M2E and jaxws-maven-plugin, I found a better way (which I also posted on
You add the following profile to your pom.xml file to remove the need for a non-discoverable M2E plugin.
<execute />
As for the jaxws-maven-plugin configuration, just keep it to the defaults as much as possible:

How to generate an aggregated scaladoc for a maven site?

I have a multi-module Maven build and I would like to generate an aggregated Scaladoc in my root module, similar to what the aggregate goal for the maven-javadoc-plugin does. My first attempt was:
<project ...>
However, the aggregateDirectOnly property does not seem to have any effect. I always get the Scaladoc for the individual jar-type POMs only.
I also tried to set forceAggregate to true, but it had no effect, too.
How to do this?
This doesn't answer the question exactly as asked, but is a solution that may actually be preferred for mixed java/scala projects until ScalaDoc is capable of parsing JavaDoc comments. It produces a single aggregated JavaDoc that includes documentation from all of the project's Scala source files as well.
The solution is simple: configure Maven to use the GenJavaDoc Scala compiler plugin so that ScalaDocs can be converted to JavaDocs. Then, use the normal javadoc:aggregate goal to aggregate the project as normal.
Here is a sample Maven profile to do this. It configures the Scala compiler to generate the JavaDocs corresponding to the Scala sources, configures Maven to treat the genjavadoc directory created by the Scala compiler as a source directory, and then configures the javadoc plugin itself (this last may be optional if you have no special JavaDoc plugin configuration requirements).