Injectivity of successor of natural numbers in Coq - coq

I am a little confused whether the injectivity of the successor function defined on natural numbers in Coq is an axiom? According to Wikipedia/Peano axioms, it is an axiom (7). When I look at Coq.Init.Peano manual page I see the following:
Definition eq_add_S n m (H: S n = S m): n = m := f_equal pred H.
Hint Immediate eq_add_S: core.
and it looks like an axiom (?) but what confused me was that in the top of that page it said:
It states various lemmas and theorems about natural numbers, including Peano's axioms of arithmetic (in Coq, these are provable)
This sentence is a bit ambiguous no?

The command you saw is actually a proof of the injectivity of the S constructor. More precisely, it says that the successor function is injective because it has an inverse: the predecessor function (pred). (In Coq, axioms are generally introduced with the keyword Axiom.)
You seem to be confused by what I think are two related senses of the word "axiom." The broader sense in logic is that of a "starting point of reasoning" (Wikipedia). The narrower sense is that of an assertion that is taken for granted in a deductive system without further proof. In Peano arithmetic, Peano's axioms are axioms in both senses of the word, since they primitive. In Coq, ZFC set theory, and other systems, they can be proved from more elementary facts.


Searching for a counterexample to a decidable predicate

It feels like the following Coq statement should be true constructively:
Require Import Decidable.
Lemma dec_search_nat_counterexample (P : nat -> Prop) (decH : forall i, decidable (P i))
: (~ (forall i, P i)) -> exists i, ~ P i.
If there were an upper bound, I'd expect to be able to show something of the form "suppose that not every i < N satisfies P i. Then there is an i < N where ~ P i". Indeed, you could actually write a function to find a minimal example by searching from zero.
Of course, there's not an upper bound for the original claim, but I feel like there should be an inductive argument to get there from the bounded version above. But I'm not clever enough to figure out how! Am I missing a clever trick? Or is there a fundamental reason that this cann't work, despite the well-orderedness of the natural numbers?
Reworked answer after Meven Lennon-Bertrand's comment
This statement is equivalent to Markov's principle with P and ~P exchanged. Since P is decidable we have P <-> (~ ~ P), so that one can do this replacement.
This paper ( suggest that Markov's principle is not provable in Coq, since the author (one of the authors of Coq) suggests a new logic in this paper which allows to prove Markov's principle.
Old answer:
This is morally the "Limited Principle of Omniscience" - LPO (see It requires classical axioms to prove it in Coq - or you assert itself as an axiom.
See e.g.:
Require Import Coquelicot.Markov.
Check LPO.
Print Assumptions LPO.
Afair there is no standard library version of it.

Proof by contradiction in Coq

I am trying to understand the apparent paradox of the logical framework of theorem provers like Coq not including LEM yet also being able to construct proofs by contradiction. Specifically the intuitionistic type theory that these theorem provers are based on does not allow for any logical construction of the form ¬(¬P)⇒P, and so what is required in order to artificially construct this in a language like Coq? And how is the constructive character of the system preserved if this is allowed?
I think you are mixing up two related uses of contradiction in logic. One is the technique of proof by contradiction, which says that you can prove P by proving ~ (~ P) -- that is, by showing that ~ P entails a contradiction. This technique is actually not available in general in constructive logics like Coq, unless one of the following applies.
You add the excluded middle forall P, P \/ ~ P as an axiom. Coq supports this, but this addition means that you are not working in a constructive logic anymore.
The proposition P is known to be decidable (i.e., P \/ ~ P holds). This is the case, for example, for the equality of two natural numbers n and m, which we can prove by induction.
The proposition P is of the form ~ Q. Since Q -> ~ (~ Q) holds constructively, by the law of contrapositives (which is also valid constructively), we obtain ~ (~ (~ Q)) -> (~ Q).
The other use of contradiction is the principle of explosion, which says that anything follows once you assume a contradiction (i.e., False in Coq). Unlike proof by contradiction, the principle of explosion is always valid in constructive logic, so there is no paradox here.
In constructive logic, by definition, a contradiction is an inhabitant of the empty type 0, and, also by definition, the negation ¬P of a proposition P is a function of type: P -> 0 that gives an inhabitant of the empty type 0 from an inhabitant (a proof) of P.
If you assume an inhabitant (proof) of P, and derive constructively an inhabitant of 0, you have defined a function inhabiting the type P -> 0, i.e. a proof of ¬P. This is a constructive sort of proof by contradiction: assume P, derive a contradiction, conclude ¬P.
Now if you assume ¬P and derive a contradiction, you have a constructive proof of ¬¬P, but cannot conclude constructively that you have a proof of P: for this you need the LEM axiom.

Is Z.le as defined in the standard library proof irrelevant?

In the Coq standard library, there is an enumerated type called comparison with three elements Eq,Lt,Gt. This is used to define the less-than or less-than-or-equal operators in ZArith: m < n is defined as m ?= n = Lt and m <= n is defined as m ?= n <> Gt. By virtue of Hedberg's theorem (UIP_dec in the standard library) I can prove that < is proof-irrelevant, but I run into issues when it comes to <=, since it is defined negatively. I find this particularly annoying, since if <= were defined in the, IMO, more natural way (m ?= n = Lt \/ m ?= n = Eq) I would be able to prove proof-irrelevance just fine.
Context: I'm using some previously written Coq files where the author uses proof irrelevance as a global axiom to avoid bringing in setoids, and for aesthetic reasons I would prefer to do without axioms. It seems then to me that my options are:
Hope that ultimately Z.le as currently defined is still proof-irrelevant
Use my own definition(s) so that proof irrelevance is provable (less satisfying since I'd like to stick to the standard library as much as possible)
Rework things with setoids
No, this is not provable in Coq. It depends on the axiom of function extensionality, which says that (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g. It's quite easy to prove that all negations are proof irrelevant under this assumption (since False is proof irrelevant), and quite impossible to prove that any negations are proof irrelevant without it.

Proof irrelevance (2)

Let's assume we have two proofs for a simple lemma.
Lemma l1: exists x:nat, x <> 0.
exists 1.
Lemma l2: exists x:nat, x <> 0.
exists 2.
Intuitively, I would say that those are two different proofs.
So, can I prove the following lemma?
Lemma l3: l1 <> l2
I suppose this is undecidable.
What happens if we introduce the Univalence Axiom ?
First, a small note on terminology. There is another sense of "undecidable" often used in theoretical computer science to refer to problems of deciding, given an arbitrary element of some set, whether a fixed property holds or not of that element. If there is an algorithm computable by, say, a Turing machine, that correctly answers the question for any possible input, we say the problem is decidable; otherwise, it is undecidable. Your notion of "undecidable" is often referred to as "independence" (The two issues are of course, related. The problem of whether an arbitrary Coq proposition is provable or not is undecidable.)
Now, back to your question. I believe (although I am not entirely sure) that your lemma l3 cannot be proved or refuted in Coq even if you incorporate the univalence axiom. The reason is that the univalence axiom only violates proof irrelevance for a particular kind of proposition: equality assertions. And there is nothing about it that has any obvious consequences for existential quantification. Perhaps some intuition here can help. There is a computationally relevant analog of existential quantification (that is, something that lives in Type) that allows you to prove your principle, independently of assuming univalence:
Lemma l1: { x:nat | x <> 0 }.
exists 1.
Lemma l2: { x:nat | x <> 0 }.
exists 2.
Lemma l3: l1 <> l2.
intros H. inversion H.
However, even if this is possible for this type, it is still safe to assume irrelevance for existential quantification, because Coq's logic prevents us from manipulating its proofs in a way that allow us to extract which witnesses were used.

What forms of goal in Coq are considered to be "true"?

When I prove some theorem, my goal evolves as I apply more and more tactics. Generally speaking the goal tends to split into sub goals, where the subgoals are more simple. At some final point Coq decides that the goal is proven. How this "proven" goal may look like? These goals seems to be fine:
a = a. (* Any object is identical to itself (?) *)
myFunc x y = myFunc x y. (* Result of the same function with the same params
is always the same (?) *)
What else can be here or can it be that examples are fundamentally wrong?
In other words, when I finally apply reflexivity, Coq just says ** Got it ** without any explanation. Is there any way to get more details on what it actually did or why it decided that the goal is proven?
You're actually facing a very general notion that seems not so general because Coq has some user-friendly facility for reasoning with equality in particular.
In general, Coq accepts a goal as solved as soon as it receives a term whose type is the type of the goal: it has been convinced the proposition is true because it has been convinced the type that this proposition describes is inhabited, and what convinced it is the actual witness you helped build along your proof.
For the particular case of inductive datatypes, the two ways you are going to be able to proved the proposition P a b c are:
by constructing a term of type P a b c, using the constructors of the inductive type P, and providing all the necessary arguments.
or by reusing an existing proof or an axiom in the environment whose type you can get to match P a b c.
For the even more particular case of equality proofs (equality is just an inductive datatype in Coq), the same two ways I list above degenerate to this:
the only constructor of equality is eq_refl, and to apply it you need to show that the two sides are judgementally equal. For most purposes, this corresponds to goals that look like T a b c = T a b c, but it is actually a slightly more broad notion of equality (see below). For these, all you have to do is apply the eq_refl constructor. In a nutshell, that is what reflexivity does!
the second case consists in proving that the equality holds because you have other equalities in your context, nothing special here.
Now one part of your question was: when does Coq accept that two sides of an equality are equal by reflexivity?
If I am not mistaken, the answer is when the two sides of the equality are αβδιζ-convertible.
What this grossly means is that there is a way to make them syntactically equal by repeated applications of:
α : sane renaming of non-free variables
β : computing reducible expressions
δ : unfolding definitions
ι : simplifying matches
ζ : expanding let-bound expressions
[someone please correct me if more rules apply or if I got one wrong]
For instance some of the things that are not captured by these rules are:
equality of functions that do more or less the same thing in different ways:
(fun x => 0 + x) = (fun x => x + 0)
quicksort = mergesort
equality of terms that are stuck reducing but would be equal:
forall n, 0 + n = n + 0