Twilio Agent Conference - twilio-api

I am trying to create a agent conferencing. I have went through different doc and examples but i am bit confused.
Scenario is that i have to make call center for both incoming and outgoing calls.
1. For incoming calls customer will call . An agent will there to handle the call. Now how can I add supervisor to it. and make him mute, whisper and barge. what if supervisor will not take the call.
Same for the outgoing call.
The main problem where I am stuck is that how to add supervisor and make him mute and whisper.
I have worked on its most of the part but only confusion is on adding supervisor.
I have used Rest Api (PHP) to add participants.
First I have created a TwimL Application and gave a voice url. which have this xml code below.
1) voiceurl.php
<Dial callerId='+123456' action="recordURL.php" method="POST">
<Number statusCallback = ""
statusCallbackEvent = "answered"
statusCallbackMethod = "POST">+00000000?></Number>
2) answeredCallback.php
$twilio = new Client($acct_sid, $auth_token);
$client = new Services_Twilio($acct_sid, $auth_token);
$call = $client->account->calls->get($child_call_sid);
"Url" => "",
"Method" => "POST"
3) Conference.php
<?php echo '<Response>
<Dial record="record-from-answer-dual">
<Conference beep="false" muted="false" waitUrl=""
record = "record-from-start"
recordingStatusCallback = "recording_callback.php"
recordingStatusCallbackMethod = "POST"
statusCallbackEvent="start end">TwidiosConference
I have another doubt with twilio device disconnect():-
I am connecting the call through JS with twilio.device.connect(). i am using Twilio.Device.disconnectAll() method for disconnect, This works perfect for single call. but When creating a conference call it does not disconnect the connected calls. I want here to disconnect all connected devices with the same conference hub.
Any help will be appreciated.


Make Hubot run preconfigured commands automatically

I'm using Hubot on flowdock and I'm trying to make Hubot post automatically the respond of a user command.
With the help of , I've managed to make Hubot talk at a specific time creating a script, so no issues with that.
The thing is that I have another script ( that makes Hubot respond to the command "show cards" and I want the result of this command to be posted in a specific time without the need of me telling Hubot to do this.
How exactly can I do this without the need to write another script (ie. and the whole robot.emit -> robot.on procedure?
What about using the http listener?
This page has a section for HTTP Listener and has this code example:
module.exports = (robot) -> '/hubot/chatsecrets/:room', (req, res) ->
room =
data = if req.body.payload? then JSON.parse req.body.payload else req.body
secret = data.secret
robot.messageRoom room, "I have a secret: #{secret}"
res.send 'OK'
Would that work?

How do I call a method on my ServiceWorker from within my page?

I have a ServiceWorker registered on my page and want to pass some data to it so it can be stored in an IndexedDB and used later for network requests (it's an access token).
Is the correct thing just to use network requests and catch them on the SW side using fetch, or is there something more clever?
Note for future readers wondering similar things to me:
Setting properties on the SW registration object, e.g. setting to a function within the service worker and doing the following in the page:
navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistration().then(function(reg) {; })
Results in TypeError: is not a function. I presume this is something to do with the lifecycle of a ServiceWorker meaning you can't modify it and expect those modification to be accessible in the future, so any interface with a SW likely has to be postMessage style, so perhaps just using fetch is the best way to go...?
So it turns out that you can't actually call a method within a SW from your app (due to lifecycle issues), so you have to use a postMessage API to pass serialized JSON messages around (so no passing callbacks etc).
You can send a message to the controlling SW with the following app code:
navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage({'hello': 'world'})
Combined with the following in the SW code:
self.addEventListener('message', function (evt) {
console.log('postMessage received',;
Which results in the following in my SW's console:
postMessage received Object {hello: "world"}
So by passing in a message (JS object) which indicates the function and arguments I want to call my event listener can receive it and call the right function in the SW. To return a result to the app code you will need to also pass a port of a MessageChannel in to the SW and then respond via postMessage, for example in the app you'd create and send over a MessageChannel with the data:
var messageChannel = new MessageChannel();
messageChannel.port1.onmessage = function(event) {
// This sends the message data as well as transferring messageChannel.port2 to the service worker.
// The service worker can then use the transferred port to reply via postMessage(), which
// will in turn trigger the onmessage handler on messageChannel.port1.
// See
navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage(message, [messageChannel.port2]);
and then you can respond via it in your Service Worker within the message handler:
evt.ports[0].postMessage({'hello': 'world'});
To pass data to your service worker, the above mentioned is a good way. But in case, if someone is still having a hard time implementing that, there is an other hack around for that,
1 - append your data to get parameter while you load service-worker (for eg., from sw.js -> sw.js?a=x&b=y&c=z)
2- Now in service worker, fetch those data using
Note, this will be beneficial only if the data you pass do not change for a particular client very often, other wise it will keep changing the loading url of service worker for that particular client and every time the client reloads or revisits, new service worker is installed.

What is wrong with my paypal process to receive webhook notifications?

So this is what i did so far and it doesn't work, i will appreciate any help on the matter:
my goal is to post back any webhook event that occur in my paypal sandbox account.
So i have 2 accounts,
one that belongs to the receiver of the money, call it "facilitator",
one that belong to the "buyer",
Now in my account,there is a Sandbox webhooks configuration, so i entered the following:
goes without saying that this comes from
So in my project, i do a simple sale using the api... this is the full create sale process:
$payer = new Payer();
$item = new Item();
// //var_dump($item);
$items = new ItemList();
$amountDetails = new Details();
$amount = new Amount();
$transaction = new Transaction();
$transaction->setDescription('This is the payment transaction description.');
// echo '<pre>';
// print_r($transaction);
$RedirectUrls = new RedirectUrls();
$RedirectUrls ->setReturnUrl('');
$RedirectUrls ->setCancelUrl('');
$payment = new Payment();
// echo '<pre>';
// print_r($payment);
// dd();
$response = $payment->create($this->apiContext)->toarray();
return Response::json($response);
After this there is a redirect to paypal, approval and when it comes back to my site, it excute with the following:
$payerId = Input::get('payerId');
$payment = Payment::get(Session::get('pay_id'), $this->apiContext);
//return $payerId;
$paymentExecution = new PaymentExecution();
$approval = $payment->execute($paymentExecution, $this->apiContext)->toarray();
return Response::json($approval);
Then an object is coming in saying the state of this transaction is approved, super, but i don't see any post to the webhook url i defined earlier...Now how did i test it?
I wrote a simple script to the post method of my root (in laravel):
$myfile = fopen("bennyfile.txt", "a") or die("Unable to open file!");
$txt = "\nouterequested";
fwrite($myfile, $txt);
Means whenever a post request is coming to the following url (in my case, a post to the root of:
I just want to add a line, that's it...but it doesn't update anything!...
for example if i do a post request from postman to the same place, all is good, but when a sale is approved, or any other action, nothing is happening.
This is a paypal document which helps you understand how webhooks works.
webhooks is http call back mechanism, ideally, you will need a valid url as your webhooks endpoint to test the webhooks notification message posted by PayPal. If you did sale using paypal wallet, you should get PayPal's webhooks notification message in JSON format at your endpoint. webhooks doesn't support direct credit card case yet.
If you want to test your listener script on local, you can use postman tool to post the sample message to your local url and test.
Using "localhost" isn't going to work because when PayPal's servers hits that address they're just hitting themselves. You need to setup DNS to point a domain to a virtual server on your local machine instead so that you can use a fully qualified domain name instead of localhost.

How to send email notification after creating lead in sugarcrm through webservice(nusoap)

I have successfully created a lead in sugarcrm 6.5 using nusoap. But now problem is, How to send email notification to assigned user?
Please help me!!
Based on your situation, what I would do is use a after_save logic hook to send your email. Logic Hooks allow you to plug into the SugarCRM logic. The code below allows you to do something after a Lead is saved.
Create a logic_hooks.php or add the following if it already exists in custom/modules/Leads/logic_hooks.php
$hook_version = 1;
$hook_array = Array();
$hook_array['after_save'] = Array();
$hook_array['after_save'][] = Array(1, 'Send Notification', 'custom/modules/Leads/Leads_custom.php','Leads_custom', 'send_notification');
After any Lead is saved, it'll run the following code in custom/modules/Leads/Leads_custom.php
class Leads_custom
function send_notification($bean, $event, $arguments)
// write your code here to send the notification to the head(Manager)
This will fire anytime Leads are created or edited. If you need to only send notifications on new Leads, you can use this technique:
If you have the process manager available in your Sugar Version (entrprise+) then you just have to create a process definition that triggers an email when a new lead is created. If not then it's a logic hook.

how to send files as attachment in email in magento for downloadable products?

I am new to Magento. I am working on a web site which is selling downloadable products.
My client want purchased products should be sent via email in attachment?
Currently, I am developing in localhost so I am not sure whether magneto actually send product files in email or not?
Should I need to enable any option for that in configuration?
If you want to develop this at your localhost keep in mind, that you have to set up mail server or use some solutions from community like below link, to send it by gmail and other:
You also can just configure your server to save mails without sending.
So you'll be able to review it.
Good article about how to send downloadable by email here:
But!!! keep in mind that the latest Magento use queue to send email (which runs by cron), so if you have such a distribution (for example 1.9+) you need to adjust code which you have from link above.
Here istwo solutions for this case:
Disable adding email to queue after order.
Just comment this part of code in "Mage_Core_Model_Email_Template"'s "send()" method:
// if ($this->hasQueue() && $this->getQueue() instanceof Mage_Core_Model_Email_Queue) {
/** #var $emailQueue Mage_Core_Model_Email_Queue */
/* $emailQueue = $this->getQueue();
'subject' => $subject,
'return_path_email' => $returnPathEmail,
'is_plain' => $this->isPlain(),
'from_email' => $this->getSenderEmail(),
'from_name' => $this->getSenderName(),
'reply_to' => $this->getMail()->getReplyTo(),
'return_to' => $this->getMail()->getReturnPath(),
->addRecipients($emails, $names, Mage_Core_Model_Email_Queue::EMAIL_TYPE_TO)
->addRecipients($this->_bccEmails, array(), Mage_Core_Model_Email_Queue::EMAIL_TYPE_BCC);
return true;
So emails will be sent immediately (be aware, that if you have very big turnover with spikes it can create performance issue)
Second way is to save full path of attachment to table "core_email_queue" field - "message_parameters". You can do it adding url to array of argument here $emailQueue->setMessageParameters( in code above.
After that you can handle it in "Mage_Core_Model_Email_Queue"'s "send()" method
using standard "Zend Mail"'s method - "createAttachment()". Below link provides deeper explanation of this part.
Hope it will help sombody.
Have a good day!!!