Parallel processing of MongoDB data. Data collision - mongodb

I use mongodb DB.
The problem: There are n parallel processes, each of them takes documents with query {data_processed: {$exists: false}}, processes them and updates setting {data_processed: true}. When I run all n processes, sometimes the same document appears on two or more different processes.
I think I can use something like this on query to prevent collision.
each process have id from 1 to n
for process with id i, get these documents
data_processed: {$exists: false},
_id: {mod_n: i}
where mod_n is Modulo operation on i
I use bson default ObjectId as _id, so I think it is possible to do something like this.
How can I implement this query ? Or can you suggest better way to solve this problem.

It seems like there's no easy way to convert ObjectId to long to perform modulo operation. Alternatively you can distribute your processing using simple string comparison for last character of _id or few last characters if you need more threads,
For instance if you want to run your processing using 4 processes you can try following queries:
db.col.aggregate([ { $match: { $expr: { $in: [ { $substr: [ { $toString: "$_id" }, 23, 1 ] }, [ "0", "1", "2", "3" ] ] } } } ])
db.col.aggregate([ { $match: { $expr: { $in: [ { $substr: [ { $toString: "$_id" }, 23, 1 ] }, [ "c", "d", "e", "f" ] ] } } } ])
This can scale to a higher number of processes, if you need more than 16 just take last two characters like:
db.col.aggregate([ { $match: { $expr: { $in: [ { $substr: [ { $toString: "$_id" }, 22, 2 ] }, [ "00", "01" ] ] } } } ])
Load should be distributed more or less evenly since last three characters represent
3-byte counter, starting with a random value.


How to update a property of the last object of a list in mongo

I would like to update a property of the last objet stored in a list in mongo. For performance reasons, I can not pop the object from the list, then update the property, and then put the objet back. I can not either change the code design as it does not depend on me. In brief am looking for a way to select the last element of a list.
The closest I came to get it working was to use arrayFilters that I found doing research on the subject (mongodb core ticket:
_id: ObjectId('638f5f7fe881c670052a9d08')
$set: {"theList.$[i].propertyToUpdate": 'NewValueToAssign'}
arrayFilters: [{'i.type': 'MyTypeFilter'}]
I use a filter to only update the objets in theList that have their property type evaluated as MyTypeFilter.
What I am looking for is something like:
_id: ObjectId('638f5f7fe881c670052a9d08')
$set: {"theList.$[i].propertyToUpdate": 'NewValueToAssign'}
arrayFilters: [{'i.index': -1}]
I also tried using "theList.$last.propertyToUpdate" instead of "theList.$[i].propertyToUpdate" but the path is not recognized (since $last is invalid)
I could not find anything online matching my case.
Thank you for your help, have a great day
You want to be using Mongo's pipelined updates, this allows us to use aggregation operators within the update body.
You do however need to consider edge cases that the previous answer does not. (null list, empty list, and list.length == 1)
Overall it looks like so:
_id: ObjectId("638f5f7fe881c670052a9d08")
$set: {
list: {
$concatArrays: [
$cond: [
$gt: [
$size: {
$ifNull: [
$slice: [
$subtract: [
$size: "$list"
$mergeObjects: [
$ifNull: [
$last: "$list"
propertyToUpdate: "NewValueToAssign"
Mongo Playground
One option is to use update with pipeline:
{_id: ObjectId("638f5f7fe881c670052a9d08")},
{$set: {
theList: {
$concatArrays: [
{$slice: ["$theList", 0, {$subtract: [{$size: "$theList"}, 1]}]},
[{$mergeObjects: [{$last: "$theList"}, {propertyToUpdate: "NewValueToAssign"}]}]
See how it works on the playground example

Perform $group and count in mongoDB aggregation

Given that I have a complex grouping requirement, I was wondering what would be the best approach to achieving my desired result.
My data (result of $project stage) would look something like this:
I have tried using $facet to create multiple buckets since the grouping I am trying to create are aggregations of $status + $state + $inspection, but the execution time is way unacceptable, taking something around 1639763842 milliseconds.
I can't use use $accumulator because of mongoDB version (although we can always upgrade to 4.4.x) but I am not sure whether using $accumulator would produce a better response time.
The $facet stage is included:
"available": [
{$and: [
{"status": "available"},
{"inspectionStatus": "done"}
"matched": [
{$and: [
{"status": "booked"},
{"state": "booked"}
"inIntake": [
{$and: [
{"status": "available"},
{"inspectionStatus": {$ne: "done"}}
"active": [
{$and: [
{"status": "booked"},
{"state": "active"}
{"status": "forceCompleted"}
If you really want to push the logic to the DB, here's a solution -- but you still have to examine the XX field doc by doc:[
{$addFields: {XX: {$switch: {
branches: [
{ case: {
$and: [{$eq:["$status","available"]},{$eq:["$inspectionStatus","done"]}]
}, then:'AVAILABLE' },
{ case: {
$and: [{$eq:["$status","booked"]},{$eq:["$state","booked"]}]
}, then:'MATCHED' },
{ case: {
$and: [{$eq:["$status","available"]},{$ne:["$inspectionStatus","done"]}]
}, then:'IN_INTAKE' },
{ case: {
$and: [{$eq:["$status","booked"]},{$eq:["$state","active"]}]
}, then:'ACTIVE' },
{ case: {
}, then:'UNRETURNED' },
default: null
,{$match: {XX: {$ne: null}}}
The end-to-end timing on this is actually a bunch of millis better than simple find() because less material is transferred but of course the DB engine is working a little harder processing the pipeline.

MongoDB decrement until zero

I would like to achieve an operation in MongoDB that would be analogous to doc.value = max(doc.value - amount, 0). I could do it by fetching document, updating its value then saving it, but is it possible with an atomic operation to avoid problems with synchronisation of parallel decrements?
It is, in fact, possible to achieve with a single operation. All you need is an aggregation pipeline inside an update operator.
Let's say you have a doc that looks like this:
"key": 1,
value: 30
You want to subtract x from value and if the resulting value is less than zero, set value to 0, otherwise set it to whatever value - x is. Here is an update aggregator you need. In this example I am subtracting 20 from value.
key: 1
$set: {
"value": {
$cond: [
$gt: [
$subtract: [
$subtract: [
The result will be:
"key": 1,
"value": 10
But if you change 20 to, say 44, the result is:
"key": 1,
"value": 0
Here is a Playground for you:
Kudos to codemonkey's response for providing a solution using aggregation pipelines for an atomic transaction.
Here's a slightly simpler aggregation pipeline that takes advantage of the $max operator:
$set: {
"value": {
$max: [
$subtract: [
multi: true
The pipeline sets the value to the maximum of 0 and the result of the decrement.

Mongodb - aggregate function nested ob

We need to calculate the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) on Geospatial data.
In oracle, we have SDO_AGGR_MBR function, is there any similar function in MongoDB.
"coord" : {
"type" : "Polygon",
"coordinates" : [
We have the geometry data like above but the coordinates length may vary. So, we need to find the minx, miny, maxx and maxy from these data.
I don't think there is a built-in function for it. But you can simply do the following;
$unwind: "$coordinates"
$unwind: "$coordinates"
$group: {
_id: null,
minX: {
$min: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$coordinates", 0 ] }
maxX: {
$max: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$coordinates", 0 ] }
minY: {
$min: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$coordinates", 1 ] }
maxY: {
$max: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$coordinates", 1 ] }
Where first unwraps the coordinates array with $unwind (twice for extra [ ] block), so that aggregate pipeline can iterate on it. Then we just use a $group with _id: null which is a special operation to evaluate min/max values for all elements of the array.
which will get you a response you request;
"_id": null,
"maxX": 47.7803203666229,
"maxY": 52.0987759993153,
"minX": 25.5377574370701,
"minY": 42.8545750237221
check on mongoplayground
The most efficient way is to employ the $map and $reduce operators along with $let. This allows you to process each document by manipulating the array's inline and then use $min and $max operators to obtain the bounding values:
{ "$replaceRoot": {
"newRoot": {
"$let": {
"vars": {
"m": {
"$map": {
"input": {
"$reduce": {
"input": "$coord.coordinates",
"initialValue": [],
"in": {
"$concatArrays": [ "$$value", "$$this"]
"in": {
"x": { "$arrayElemAt": [ "$$this", 0 ] },
"y": { "$arrayElemAt": [ "$$this", 1 ] }
"in": {
"_id": "$_id",
"coord": "$coord",
"minX": { "$min": "$$m.x" },
"minY": { "$min": "$$m.y" },
"maxX": { "$max": "$$m.x" },
"maxY": { "$max": "$$m.y" }
And the output, would be like:
"_id" : ObjectId("5d9330e95994eb7018f59218"),
"coord" : {
"type" : "Polygon",
"coordinates" : [
"minX" : 25.5377574370701,
"minY" : 42.8545750237221,
"maxX" : 47.7803203666229,
"maxY" : 52.0987759993153
Note the usage of the $replaceRoot aggregation pipeline stage, as this will allow the nested expressions with $let to essentially provide global variables to the document to produce that can be utilized in any output property.
The $reduce here basically serves the function to flatten the array from the standard GeoJSON form into just an array of coordinate pairs, without the additional bounding array.
This then feeds input to the $map which employs $arrayElemAt in order to re-map each coordinate pair into an object with x and y keys. This makes things much more simple for the actual execution or output section of the $let.
Note: An alternate approach to using $arrayElemAt against each key within the $map might well be to use $zip and $arrayToObject:
"in": {
"$arrayToObject": { "$zip": { "inputs": [ ["x","y"], "$$this" ] } }
It has the same principle in the overall output, but takes advantage of $zip producing "paired" arrays, which also happens to be valid input for $arrayToObject to produce the final object form.
In the final part, we now basically have an array of objects with the named keys x and y. MongoDB allows a convenient way to remap simply the values for those named keys with notation like "$$m.x" where the "$$m expression related to the named variable of the $let and is our array of objects, and the .x part of course simply means only the values of x. This is a basic shorthand for a $map statement in itself, which suits this special usage case.
These arrays of values for specific properties can now be applied to the $min and $max operators, and this is how you get you min and max coordinates for a bounding rectangle.
Note that inline operators for arrays should always be preferred to $unwind.
The $unwind aggregation pipeline stage was an old introductory way of dealing with array elements by essentially flattening them into separate documents.
Though necessary when you actually want to group on a value as a key that comes from within an array, most operations which don't actually need that ( like this one ) can be done with more modern approaches.
The usage of $unwind is actually a huge performance penalty, due to it's function essentially being to replicate the entire parent document content of the field containing the array into it's own new document. Particularly in large datasets this has a very negative effect on performance, due to much increases I/O and memory usage.
The main lesson being, unless it's necessary to the operation being performed ( and here it is not ) then you should not be using $unwind in an aggregation pipeline. It might look easier to understand, but your code is actually hurting the system it's running on by including it.
Alternate Client Approach
Note also that if you don't actually need these results for any further aggregation processing, then it's probably a lot cleaner to code in the client as each document is processed.
For example, here's a plain JavaScript version for the shell:
db.collection.find().map(({ _id, coord }) =>
(({ coordinates }) =>
...(m =>
minX: Math.min({ x }) => x)),
minY: Math.min({ y }) => y)),
maxX: Math.max({ x }) => x)),
maxY: Math.max({ y }) => y))
((c) => c.reduce((o,e) => [ ...o, ...e ],[]).map(([x,y]) => ({ x, y })) )(coordinates)
That has exactly the same output and is not nearly as unwieldy as the BSON operator statements required for an aggregation pipeline.

Aggregation with update in mongoDB

I've a collection with many similar structured document, two of the document looks like
"_id": ObjectId("525c22348771ebd7b179add8"),
"cust_id": "A1234",
"score": 500,
"status": "A"
"clear": "No"
"_id": ObjectId("525c22348771ebd7b179add9"),
"cust_id": "A1234",
"score": 1600,
"status": "B"
"clear": "No"
By default the clear for all document is "No",
Req: I have to add the score of all documents with same cust_id, provided they belong to status "A" and status "B". If the score exceeds 2000 then I have to update the clear attribute to "Yes" for all of the document with the same cust_id.
Expected output:
"_id": ObjectId("525c22348771ebd7b179add8"),
"cust_id": "A1234",
"score": 500,
"status": "A"
"clear": "Yes"
"_id": ObjectId("525c22348771ebd7b179add9"),
"cust_id": "A1234",
"score": 1600,
"status": "B"
"clear": "Yes"
Yes because 1600+500 = 2100, and 2100 > 2000.
My Approach:
I was only able to get the sum by aggregate function but failed at updating
{$match: {
$or: [
{status: 'A'},
{status: 'B'}
{$group: {
_id: '$cust_id',
total: {$sum: '$score'}
{$match: {
total: {$gt: 2000}
Please suggest me how do I proceed.
After a lot of trouble, experimenting mongo shell I've finally got a solution to my question.
# To get the list of customer whose score is greater than 2000
# To loop through the result fetched from above code and update the clear
Please comment, if you have any different solution for the same question.
With Mongo 4.2 it is now possible to do this using update with aggregation pipeline. The example 2 has example how you do conditional updates:
update: "students",
updates: [
q: { },
u: [
{ $set: { average : { $avg: "$tests" } } },
{ $set: { grade: { $switch: {
branches: [
{ case: { $gte: [ "$average", 90 ] }, then: "A" },
{ case: { $gte: [ "$average", 80 ] }, then: "B" },
{ case: { $gte: [ "$average", 70 ] }, then: "C" },
{ case: { $gte: [ "$average", 60 ] }, then: "D" }
default: "F"
} } } }
multi: true
ordered: false,
writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 5000 }
Another example:
db.c.update({}, [
if: {}, // some condition
then:{} , // val1
else: {} // val2 or "$$REMOVE" to not set the field or "$a" to leave existing value
You need to do this in two steps:
Identify customers (cust_id) with a total score greater than 200
For each of these customers, set clear to Yes
You already have a good solution for the first part. The second part should be implemented as a separate update() calls to the database.
# Get list of customers using the aggregation framework
cust_to_clear = db.col.aggregate(
{$group:{_id:'$cust_id', total:{$sum:'$score'}}},
# Loop over customers and update "clear" to "yes"
for customer in cust_to_clear:
id = customer[_id]
{"_id": id},
{"$set": {"clear": "Yes"}}
This isn't ideal because you have to make a database call for every customer. If you need to do this kind of operation often, you might revise your schema to include the total score in each document. (This would have to be maintained by your application.) In this case, you could do the update with a single command:
{"total_score": {"$gt": 2000}},
{"$set": {"clear": "Yes"}},
{"multi": true}
Short Answer: To avoid looping a Database query, just add $merge to the end and specify your collection like so:
{$match: {
$or: [
{status: 'A'},
{status: 'B'}
{$group: {
_id: '$cust_id',
total: {$sum: '$score'}
{$match: {
total: {$gt: 2000}
{ $merge: "<collection name here>"}
Elaboration: The current solution is looping through a database query, which is not good time efficiency wise and also a lot more code.
Mitar's answer is not updating through an aggregation, but the opposite => using an aggregation within Mongo's update. If your wondering what is a pro in doing it this way, well you can use all of the aggregation pipeline as opposed to being restricted to only a few as specified in their documentation.
Here is an example of an aggregate that won't work with Mongo's update:
{ $addFields: {
testField: {
$in: [ "someValueInArray", '$arrayFieldInFoo']
{ $merge : "foo" }]
This will output the updated collection with a new test field that will be true if "someValueInArray" is in "arrayFieldInFoo" or false otherwise. This is NOT possible currently with Mongo.update since $in cannot be used inside update aggregate.
Update: Changed from $out to $merge since $out would only work if updating the entire collection as $out replaces entire collection with the result of the aggregate. $merge will only overrite if the aggregate matches a document (much safer).
In MongoDB 2.6., it will be possible to write the output of aggregation query, with the same command.
More information here :
The solution which I found is using "$out"
*) e.g adding a field :
$lookup: {
from: 'cuotas',
localField: 'num_socio',
foreignField: 'num_socio',
as: 'cuotas'
$addFields: { codigo_interno: 1001 }
$out: 'socios' //Collection to modify
*) e.g modifying a field :
$lookup: {
from: 'cuotas',
localField: 'num_socio',
foreignField: 'num_socio',
as: 'cuotas'
$set: { codigo_interno: 1001 }
$out: 'socios' //Collection to modify