Is it possible to get all comments of Post from Facebook - facebook

Using Facebook Api
Currently i am able to get only own comments, i can not see other people comments on my post.I have allowed all permissions, see attached

You can use following syntax of Facebook Graph API:
GET /{object-id}/comments


Delete comment by app using Facebook Graph API Node

I am working on a simple app using the Facebook Graph API where I can retrieve the comments on a post and delete those comments.
I am working on a simple app using the Facebook Graph API where I can retrieve the comments on a post and delete those comments. I have the following permissions set up: user_posts and publish_actions.
When I try to delete a Facebook comment on one of my posts using my app, I get the following error: "Users can only delete their own comments published by the same app." Is there a way around this?
Is there a way around this?
deletion works in some cases and not in others, which is very confusing.

Facebook Graph API - User doesn't have enough permissions to load insights

I'm seeing this error for a page with this endpoint:
and I'm seeing this error: User doesn't have enough permissions to load insights
I've added the following permissions: read_insights pages_read_engagement, etc that is required according to the docs here but when I contact Facebook Developer support they say I have to add it at to Granular Scope.... how do I do this? I've attached a picture showing what the token debugger shoes for this Page Access Token permissions
I did have a similar issue on some of my pages. I did reach the Facebook's support on the matter.
TL;DR use /published_posts instead of /feed
Facebook's support full reply:
I have investigated this and I have a solution for you. Instead of using the /feed endpoint for the Page, please use the /published_posts endpoint instead.
The 'feed' for a page includes posts made by other Users/Pages when they tag your Page. When you try to access the insights for these posts made by other accounts, we run into the issue that this access token does not have the permissions to view those insights.
The 'published_posts' endpoint only includes posts made by the page itself, so you will be able to retrieve the insights using this.
Thank you for flagging this to us. I will see if there are improvements that could be made to our documentation or error messaging to improve the experience of other developers.

Can't comment on a facebook group post using graph api

I am using facebook graph api to comment on a post made by me in a facebook group that i am admin of. I am getting the following error:
{u'error': {u'message': u'(#3) Publishing comments through the API is only available for page access tokens', u'code': 3, u'type': u'OAuthException', u'fbtrace_id': u'Fy1DWoFqblz'}}
How do i get away from this? Thanks
From the changelog:
90-day Deprecations in Graph API v2.10
POST and DELETE operations for the /{comment-id} node and the
/{object-id}/comments edge will now be restricted to Pages with valid
page access tokens.
According to the facebook documentation after, 90 days i wont be able to reply comments using the API. It is right?
Checkout the facebook documentation comment:
90-day Deprecations in Graph API v2.10
POST and DELETE operations for the /{comment-id} node and the
/{object-id}/comments edge will now be restricted to Pages with valid
page access tokens.

Post is missing after posting through Facebook graph api

I use Facebook graph api for posting status on wall with "me/feed".
I get a success response with ID but I don't see the post on my wall
and while I open I get "Sorry, this page isn't available".
What could be the reason for that?
You have to take the permission for "publish_actions" from access tokens. Documentation link for Permissions Later You may hav to use a Publish action. Documentation link for Publishing Actions
The user was connected with fan page user.

Viewing Shares information for a Facebook post using Facebook graph API

Im trying to use the Facebook graph api on rails to find for a specific post who shared it. Looking through the documentation and the api data it doesn't seem that this information is available for a specific post. I am able to get the likes and comments information, however not the shares.
Would anyone know whether the current Facebook Api gives that information? Thanks
Using Graph API, do a request to
Iterate through the resulting array to get the sharers' identity.
Example in Python here.