powershell Extract part of output - powershell

Good day,
I have a script that I wrote that gathers computer information from AD.
One specific property I am gathering is the MemberOf. When I run the script it outputs the full path for the group that computer account is a member of. I want just the group name. Please see below:
get-qadcomputer -identity $computer | format-list -property Name, AccountIsDisabled, whenCreated, whenChanged, Description, AllMemberOf, ParentContainerDN
My output looks like:
AccountIsDisabled : False
whenCreated : 3/7/2018 9:44:07 AM
whenChanged : 12/24/2018 4:18:04 AM
Description : BLDG 589 FLR 2 RM 567
AllMemberOf : {CN=SALES-ADOBEPRO-Win10_COMPUTERS,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,OU=Site Specific
ParentContainerDN : OU=Bldg 589,OU=Desktops,OU=sales,DC=example,DC=com
So, for AllMemberOf, I want it to say AllMemberOf: SALES-ADOBEPRO-Win10_Computers
We are running Active Roles Client on our machines.

You could use the a simple regular expression to get the value of the group from the complete string.
By using a calculated property to your format-list, you can extract and keep only the group name.
#{n='AllMemberOf ';e={$_.AllMemberOf -replace "(CN=)(.*?),.*",'$2'}}
Here's your modified code sample applying that calculated property:
get-qadcomputer -identity $computer | format-list -property Name, AccountIsDisabled, whenCreated, whenChanged, Description, #{n='AllMemberOf ';e={$_.AllMemberOf -replace "(CN=)(.*?),.*",'$2'}}, ParentContainerDN
References :
4sysops - Add a calculated property with Select-Object in Powershell
StackOverflow — How can I use Regex to pull just the CN from a Distinguished Name with PowerShell


How to put computers on a network into a variable in PowerShell?

I've been using these lines of code:
$204computernames = Get-ADComputer -searchbase $sb -filter * | ?{$_.name -like "ptfg*-061*"} | select name
$onlineComputers = $204computernames |Where-Object { Test-Connection $_.name -Count 1 -Quiet }
to grab all of my computers on my network and put them into a variable so I can push all of my documents, updates, etc to them so that I dont have to go to each computer individually to get the files I want where I want. When I take the variable and put it into a line of code like this
Test-Connection $onlineComputers
I get errors like this:
Test-Connection : Testing connection to computer '#{name=PTFGW-0613618TN}' failed: A non-recoverable error occurred during a database lookup
At line:1 char:1
+ Test-Connection $onlineComputers
I'm assuming after extensive testing in different codes that there is a problem with the way my variable stores its values. Does anyone know how I can fix this issue?
As #boxdog already pointed out in the comments, with | select name you get objects with the single property Name. Therefore, you don't get a list of computer names, but a list of objects that have the computer name in the Name property. You can work with that and access each computer name like .Name.
But to solve your problem, you can replace | select name (which stands for | Select-Object -Property Name) by | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name. That way, you filter out only the computer name and expand the result to just this property. After that, you really have just a list of computernames (an array of string objects).

Pulling User Object's Primary SMTP from ProxyAddresses

I have a PS script that is pulling Employee IDs from a CSV file that I update every morning that I get from HR just to make sure the automation is running correctly by adding/changing their email, extensionAttribute 1, and the ProxyAddresses. I would like it to only check for the Primary SMTP instead of all ProxyAddresses but am having trouble.
Import-Csv "C:\temp\HRfeed101519.csv" | foreach {Get-ADUser $_.EmpID -Properties * | fL mail, extensionattribute1, Proxyaddresses}
The ProxyAddresses field identifies the PrimarySMTPAddress with the SMTP: tag. Therefore, you can query for that specifically and output it as a calculated property.
Get-ADUser $_.EmpID -prop ProxyAddresses,Mail,ExtensionAttribute1 |
Select-Object Mail,ExtensionAttribute1,ProxyAddresses,
#{Name='PrimarySMTPAddress';Expression={$_.ProxyAddresses -cmatch '^SMTP:' -creplace 'SMTP:'}}
-cmatch and -creplace perform case-sensitive regex matching.
Note: The default table display of the output may not show all of the properties and values due to collection size stored in ProxyAddresses. You can pipe your output to Format-List to see all properties, but do not store the Format-List output in a variable.

Grabbing lots of data and passing it to CSV from mutiple dependent Get-Aduser queries

We have users with minor but annoying differences in naming standards that are loosely followed making scripting a pain. The company has been around a while and depending on who was working in IT when the employee was hired the account could follow any naming convention if followed at all.
In one forest we have accounts that start with a-, the manager attribute of that account is the DN of the account owners other/main account without many other common attributes populated. I then need to look up the managers account and grab their SamAccountName. Then I need to add s- to the SamAccountName and do search for that to see if it exists.
Then I need to write the original SamAccountName, the second SamAccountName and the s-SamAccountName and something like a check box if its a valid account name all to a CSV.
without rewriting the script and passing everything to/from a var and then processing that I dont see a way to do it. This script looks up roughly 800 users and processes that three time, so it already takes a while to run without slowing it down with a bunch of var transfers.
$test = get-aduser -ldapFilter "(SamAccountName=a-*)" -Server XXX.int:3268 -Properties manager |
Select -ExpandProperty manager | Get-ADUser -Server XXX.int:3268 |
Select -ExpandProperty samaccountname
You can do something like this to get you started.
$test = get-aduser -ldapFilter "(SamAccountName=a-*)" -Server XXX.int:3268 -Properties manager |
Select-Object SamAccountName,
#{n='Manager';e={Get-ADUser $_.Manager -Server XXX.int:3268 | Select -Expand SamAccountName}},
#{n='s-Manager';e={Get-ADUser "s-$($_.Manager)" -Server XXX.int:3268 | Select -Expand SamAccountName}}
I am not clear if you need to add s- to the manager's or the original account's SamAccountName. The script above adds s- to the manager's SamAccountName.
In scripts where multiple AD lookups are required, sometimes it is best to do one larger lookup and then filter that result for what you need.
The main technique of the script makes use of delayed-script binding with the Select-Object command. Each user object found by the original Get-ADUser command is piped into Select-Object and is accessible by the pipeline variable $_. The hash table select can be updated fairly easily to meet your needs.

How to use AD groups to assign O365 mailbox sizes

Is there a way to do the above? I've managed to follow the below link successfully but we're looking to set different limits based on the user's role.
The aforementioned link
Where is says :
Additional filters can be applied to the Get-Mailbox cmdlet or to the Get-User cmdlet to control the users for whom the change is applied. The following is an example in which three cmdlets are used to filter the command to the sales department of an organization:
Get-User | where {$_.Department -eq "Sales"} | Get-Mailbox | Set-Mailbox -ProhibitSendQuota < Value > -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota < Value > -IssueWarningQuota < Value >
Kinda got me confused as to where it's pulling the "Sales" group from?
Probably being a muppet here but any help appreciated.
You could do this, using the Active Directory PowerShell module:
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties Department | Where-Object { $_.Department -eq "Sales" } | [...]
But that's just pulling everybody and looking at the Department field from Active Directory. That's the example the article gives, but it doesn't answer your question about assigning quotas based on groups.
I suspect what you'll want based on your problem is this:
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $GroupName | Get-ADUser | Get-MailBox | Set-ProhibitSendQuota [...]
I don't know if you need Get-ADUser there or if the output of Get-ADGroupMember can be piped directly to Get-MailBox. I no longer administer Exchange, so I don't have access to those cmdlets anymore. $GroupName can be the group's name, distinguished name, or even the SID, IIRC.

Import Member Group attribute from AD to .csv

I am using ActiveRoles Management Shell under Windows XP , Powershell ver 2 for retreiving Group data from AD and exporting it to csv file.Everything works well apart from getting member list it is so long that the program is writing in excel cells under member column System.String[] each time.How can I make it write whole list there , is it possible ? I could actually have only the name of the member don't need whole connection path.Is there a possibility to get from group field member only name ?
get-QADGroup -SearchRoot 'ou=User,ou=Groups,ou=PL,dc=test,dc=com'| Select-Object -property name,sAMAccountName,description,groupType,member|Export-Csv -path Y:\csv\groups.csv
Ok, as Matt suggested you want an expression in your Select statement. I would use something like this:
#{l="Members";e={$_.Members -join ", "}}
Which when inserted into your one-liner looks like:
get-QADGroup -SearchRoot 'ou=User,ou=Groups,ou=PL,dc=test,dc=com'| Select-Object -property name,sAMAccountName,description,groupType,#{l='Members';e={$_.member -join ", "}}|Export-Csv -path Y:\csv\groups.csv -NoTypeInfo
I also added -NoTypeInfo to the export to skip the annoying lead line telling you it's a PSCustomObject or some such and actually just get your data (and headers).
I don't have access to the quest cmdlets so I will provide a solution based on cmdlets from the activedirectory
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Employees,DC=Domain,DC=Local" -Properties memberof |
Select-Object name,#{Name="Groups";Expression={$_.MemberOf |
ForEach-Object{(Get-ADGroup -Identity $_).Name + ";"}}} |
Export-Csv C:\temp\TEST.CSV -Append
To make sense of this by line:
Should be self explanatory. Get all users in the OU defined. You would need to change this to suit your needs.
The select statement appears normal until you reach the calculated property Groups.
What continues from the previous line is cycling through every group that an individual user is a memberof and get the friendly name of the group (MemberOf returns DistinguishedName's). At the end of every group add a ";" as to not interfere with the CSV that will be made later.
Append to a csv file.
For brevity I didnt include all the extra properties that you included in your Select-Object statement. You would obviously need to add those back as the need fits.
Since you have the use the Quest cmdlets you could just change member in your select statement to the following:
#{Name="Groups";Expression={$_.member | ForEach-Object{"$_;"}}}
I cannot test if this will work. It is based on the assumption that member contains a simple name as supposed to a distinguishedname