how to compare two hyper parameters in a hierarchical model? - hierarchical-data

In one hierarchical model, we have two hyer parameters: dnorm(A_mu, 0.25^-2) and dnorm (B_mu, 0.25^-2). In this case, 0.25 is the sd, I use the fixed number. A_mu and B_mu represent the mean of group level. After fitting the data by rjags, we get the distributions for each parameter. So I just directly compare the highest posterior density interval (HDI) of A_mu and B_mu? Do I need to calculate something using the sd(0.25)?
In another case, if the sd of two hyper parameters is not fixed, like that: dnorm(A_mu, A_sd) and dnorm (B_mu, B_sd). How can I compare the two hyper parameters and make a decision, e.g. this group is significantly different another group?

Remember that you are getting posterior distributions for A_mu and B_mu. This makes your comparison easy as you can have a look at 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the parameters (or pick a confidence value that satisfies your needs). I believe JAGS uses Gibbs sampling and so you should be able to get the raw samples from the posteriors for A_mu and B_mu. You can then ask "what is the probability that B_mu is greater than some value?" by calculating the percentage of posterior samples that are greater than that value. Alternatively, and in a similar way to frequentist Hypothesis testing, you can ask what is the probability that the mean of B_mu is a draw from the posterior of A_mu. So the key is just to directly use the samples from your posterior. I would recommend taking a look at Andrew Gelman's BDA3 textbook (Chapter 4) for a really good reference on these concepts.
A few things to keep in mind before drawing conclusions from the data: (1) you should always check the validity of your Markov Chains by evaluating things like autocorrelation (2) try to do a posterior predictive check to make sure your model is well fit to the data. If your model is poorly fit to the data then you can get very misleading results from the procedure above.


Appropriate method for clustering ordinal variables

I was reading through all (or most) previously asked questions, but couldn't find an answer to my problem...
I have 13 variables measured on an ordinal scale (thy represent knowledge transfer channels), which I want to cluster (HCA) for a following binary logistic regression analysis (including all 13 variables is not possible due to sample size of N=208). A Factor Analysis seems inappropriate due to the scale level. I am using SPSS (but tried R as well).
1: Am I right in using the Chi-Squared measure for count data instead of the (squared) euclidian distance?
2. How can I justify a choice of method? I tried single, complete, Ward and average, but all give different results and I can't find a source to base my decision on.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Answer 1: Since the variables are on ordinal scale, the chi-square test is an appropriate measurement test. Because, "A Chi-square test is designed to analyze categorical data. That means that the data has been counted and divided into categories. It will not work with parametric or continuous data (such as height in inches)." Reference.
Again, ordinal scaled data is essentially count or frequency data you can use regular parametric statistics: mean, standard deviation, etc Or non-parametric tests like ANOVA or Mann-Whitney U test to compare 2 groups or Kruskal–Wallis H test to compare three or more groups.
Answer 2: In a clustering problem, the choice of distance method solely depends upon the type of variables. I recommend you to read these detailed posts 1, 2,3

MATLAB computing Bayesian Information Criterion with the fit.m results

I'm trying to compute the Bayesian with results from fit.m
According to the Wikipedia, log-likelihood can be approximated (when noise is ~N(0,sigma^2)) as:
L = -(n/2)*log(2*pi*sigma^2) - (rss(2*sigma^2))
with n as the number of samples, k as the number of free parameters, and rss as residual sum of squares. And BIC is defined as:
-2*L + k*log(n)
But this is a bit different from the fitglm.m result even for simple polynomial models and the discrepancy seems to increase when higher order terms are used.
Because I want to fit Gaussian models and compute BICs of them, I cannot just use fitglm.m Or, is there any other way to write Gaussian model with the Wilkinson notation? I'm not familiar with the notation, so I don't know if it's possible.
I'm not 100% sure this is your issue, but I think your definition of BIC may be misunderstood.
The Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) is an approximation to the log of the evidence, and is defined as:
is the data,
is the number of adaptive parameters of your model,
is the data size, and most importantly,
is the maximimum a posteriori estimate for your model / parameter set.
Compare for instance with the much simpler Akaike Information Criterion (AIK):
which relies on the usually simpler to obtain maximum likelihood estimate
of the model instead.
is simply a parameter, which is subject to estimation. If the
you're using here is derived from the sample variance, for instance, then that simply corresponds to the
estimate, and not the
So, your discrepancy may simply derive from the builtin function using the 'correct' estimate and you using the wrong one in your 'by-hand' calculations of the BIC.

dfittool results interpretation

Does anyone know how to tell the difference between distributions (ie their goodness of fit) using the dfittool in Matlab? In a class I took forever ago, we learned about the log likelihood parameter and how to compare a pdf fitted to Gaussian vs gamma, etc. But right now, all the matlab help files online are like "it means something." Any assistance would be appreciated. Basically, I need to interpret the "results" in "edit fit" of the dfittool. I want to be able to compare my dfits to each other from the results, so I can pick the best fit for my analysis. I don't know what the difference is between a log likelihood of -111 vs -105.
Example below:
Distribution: Normal
Log likelihood: -110.954
Domain: -Inf < y < Inf
Mean: 101.443
Variance: 436.332
Parameter Estimate Std. Err.
mu 101.443 4.17771
sigma 20.8886 3.04691
Estimated covariance of parameter estimates:
mu sigma
mu 17.4533 6.59643e-15
sigma 6.59643e-15 9.28366
Thank you!
(Log) likelihood is a measure of the fit of a distribution to data, so the simple answer is: the distribution with the largest likelihood is the one that fits best. However, what you get here as an output is the maximized likelihood, i.e. the likelihood at those parameter values where it is maximal. Different families of distributions might be differently "flexible", so that it is easier to get a larger likelihood with one of them in general, so this limits comparability. This holds especially if you compare families with different numbers of parameters. A fix for this is to use formal model comparison, e.g. using the Bayes factor, which however is considerably more complex mathematically, or its approximation, the Bayesian information criterion.
More generally speaking however, it is seldomly a good idea to just randomly pick distributions and see how well they fit. It would be better to have some at least partially theoretically motivated idea why a distribution is a candidate. On the most basic level this means considering its definition range: the normal distribution is defined on the whole real line, the gamma distribution only for nonnegative real numbers. This way it should be possible to rule one of them out based on basic properties of your data.

KNN classification with categorical data

I'm busy working on a project involving k-nearest neighbor (KNN) classification. I have mixed numerical and categorical fields. The categorical values are ordinal (e.g. bank name, account type). Numerical types are, for e.g. salary and age. There are also some binary types (e.g., male, female).
How do I go about incorporating categorical values into the KNN analysis?
As far as I'm aware, one cannot simply map each categorical field to number keys (e.g. bank 1 = 1; bank 2 = 2, etc.), so I need a better approach for using the categorical fields. I have heard that one can use binary numbers. Is this a feasible method?
You need to find a distance function that works for your data. The use of binary indicator variables solves this problem implicitly. This has the benefit of allowing you to continue your probably matrix based implementation with this kind of data, but a much simpler way - and appropriate for most distance based methods - is to just use a modified distance function.
There is an infinite number of such combinations. You need to experiment which works best for you. Essentially, you might want to use some classic metric on the numeric values (usually with normalization applied; but it may make sense to also move this normalization into the distance function), plus a distance on the other attributes, scaled appropriately.
In most real application domains of distance based algorithms, this is the most difficult part, optimizing your domain specific distance function. You can see this as part of preprocessing: defining similarity.
There is much more than just Euclidean distance. There are various set theoretic measures which may be much more appropriate in your case. For example, Tanimoto coefficient, Jaccard similarity, Dice's coefficient and so on. Cosine might be an option, too.
There are whole conferences dedicated to the topics of similarity search - nobody claimed this is trivial in anything but Euclidean vector spaces (and actually, not even there):
The most straight forward way to convert categorical data into numeric is by using indicator vectors. See the reference I posted at my previous comment.
Can we use Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) + edit distance and assume that every bin represents a different category? I understand that categorical data does not show any order and the bins in LSH are arranged according to a hash function. Finding the hash function that gives a meaningful number of bins sounds to me like learning a metric space.

How to find the "optimal" cut-off point (threshold)

I have a set of weighted features for machine learning. I'd like to reduce the feature set and just use those with a very large or very small weight.
So given below image of sorted weights, I'd only like to use the features that have weights above the higher or below the lower yellow line.
What I'm looking for is some kind of slope change detection so I can discard all the features until the first/last slope coefficient increase/decrease.
While I (think I) know how to code this myself (with first and second numerical derivatives), I'm interested in any established methods. Perhaps there's some statistic or index that computes something like that, or anything I can use from SciPy?
At the moment, I'm using 1.8*positive.std() as positive and 1.8*negative.std() as negative threshold (fast and simple), but I'm not mathematician enough to determine how robust this is. I don't think it is, though. ⍨
If the data are (approximately) Gaussian distributed, then just using a multiple
of the standard deviation is sensible.
If you are worried about heavier tails, then you may want to base your analysis on order
Since you've plotted it, I'll assume you're willing to sort all of the
Let N be the number of data points in your sample.
Let x[i] be the i'th value in the sorted list of values.
Then 0.5( x[int( 0.8413*N)]-x[int(0.1587*N)]) is an estimate of the standard deviation
which is more robust against outliers. This estimate of the std can be used as you
indicated above. (The magic numbers above are the fraction of data that are
less than [mean+1sigma] and [mean-1sigma] respectively).
There are also conditions where just keeping the highest 10% and lowest 10% would be
sensible as well; and these cutoffs are easily computed if you have the sorted data
on hand.
These are somewhat ad hoc approaches based on the content of your question.
The general sense of what you're trying to do is (a form of) anomaly detection,
and you can probably do a better job of it if you're careful in defining/estimating
what the shape of the distribution is near the middle, so that you can tell when
the features are getting anomalous.