Why would one do this when storing a secure string? - powershell

Would this in some way make it more secure than just a secure string and storing it in a credential? Why would someone do this?
$secVal = read-host -AsSecureString -prompt "Enter xstoreuser password"
$strVal = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secVal)
$dasPassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($strVal)
and then later
psftp -l somelogin -pw $dasPassword -P 22 -b .\ftp.txt somehost

The technique you're showing is not about making the command more secure - on the contrary:
You need to do extra work to recover the plain-text password from the [securestring] instance, because in order to pass a password to an external program such as psftp.exe you need an insecure plain-text representation, because external programs know nothing about .NET secure strings.
How secure is SecureString? tells you about .NET secure strings and their limitations in general.
As an aside: The command for extracting the plain-text password can be simplified a little via an aux. [pscredential] instance:
# Returns the plain-text content of secure string $secVal:
(New-Object pscredential somelogin, $secVal).GetNetworkCredential().Password
The only secure approach is to avoid plain-text passwords altogether and use a PKI approach (based on public and private keys) instead, if supported by the target program.
To demonstrate that the plain-text approach is insecure (even without the use of an intermediate variable to store the unencrypted password):
# Create a [pscredential] instance with a secure-string password:
# Note: To make this demo self-contained, I'm converting *from* plain
# text in order to construct the credential object.
# Note that you should never do that in production code.
# The need to specify -Force to do it is a reminder that it
# normally shouldn't be done.
$cred = New-Object pscredential someuser,
(ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force 'actualPassword')
# Open a new hidden window that passes the password *as plain text* to
# `cmd /c echo` (and then waits for a keypress, to keep the process alive).
$ps = Start-Process -PassThru -WindowStyle Hidden cmd "/c echo $($cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password) & pause"
# Now inspect the process' command line using CIM (WMI):
(Get-CimInstance Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessID = $($ps.ID)").CommandLine
# Kill (stop) the sample process.
$ps | Stop-Process
The above yields "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe" /c echo actualPassword & pause, demonstrating that the plain-text password can indeed be obtained by other processes.
You can also use GUI methods for inspecting a running process' command line: Task Manager (Taskmgr.exe) or, without potential truncation, SysInternals' Process Explorer (procexp.exe), which, however, must be installed on demand - see this ServerFault answer.


Powershell task: Hide not the output but the actual command containing sensitive info in devops logs

I have a powershell script in my release pipeline stage that runs a command and passes values of a secret variable to it. The issue is that the Logs show each and every command as they are run including each arguments passed, one of which is from a secret variable.
How do I make the powershell output not show the command it is running? output of the command is okay to show if it can't be hidden.
Secrets shouldn't be converted to plain text but kept as such and passed as a SecureString to your application. In other words, the solution lays in making sure that your concerned application accepts a hashed password, a SecureString or a PSCredential object also knowing that sending a plain text password to an application isn't secure by itself.
#iRon Say this to Microsoft. I am trying to call their schtasks
I just did: #16502: Set-ScheduledTask shouldn't accept a plain text Password
As a workaround, you might keep your password covered in a SecureString as long as possible:
$Credentials = Get-Credential
Set-ScheduledTask -User $Credential.UserName -Password $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
This will prevent that the passwords are revealed by logging but as there is still a potentially security risk that the password could be read from memory, I recommend to do a garbage collection ([system.gc]::Collect()) right after this command.
⚠️ Important
A SecureString object should never be constructed from a String, because the sensitive data is already subject to the memory persistence consequences of the immutable String class. The best way to construct a SecureString object is from a character-at-a-time unmanaged source, such as the Console.ReadKey method.
To be completely safe, you might also consider to run Set-ScheduledTask (without -User and -Password) under the credentials of the targeted user Start-Process -Credential $Credential ...
Update 2022-02-24:
Sadly😭, I got zero response on my feedback hub "Set-ScheduledTask shouldn't accept a plain text Password" (security) issue. Therefore, I have also just created a new Microsoft Feedback Portal issue for this: Windows-PowerShell: Set-ScheduledTask shouldn't accept a plain text Password
Anyhow, the organization I work for, deals with the same general issue where the use-case is defined as: "how can we hide sensitive information as passwords used by invoked 3rd party applications in PowerShell scripts"
As suggested before: the problem in not due to any (PowerShell) scripting limitations but how the information (as plain text) is provided (input) to the script and how it is expected to be passed (output) to any other application.
To make this clear and to supply at least some (easy) solution, I have created an [HiddenString] class that might be used in a script to hide information as much as possible end-to-end inside the script itself.
class HiddenString {
hidden [SecureString]$SecureString = [SecureString]::new()
HiddenString([Object]$String) {
if ($String -is [SecureString]) { $This.SecureString = $String }
else {
foreach ($Character in [Char[]]$String) { $This.SecureString.AppendChar($Character) }
$Ptr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode($This.SecureString)
$String = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($Ptr)
Return $String
Note that I am using the SecureString type in the class not for better security but just for better hiding the concerned string.
Usage example:
function MyScript([String]$TaskName, [String]$UserName, [HiddenString]$Password) {
Start-Transcript -Path .\Transcript.txt
Write-Host "Scheduling $TaskName for $UserName/$Password" # Write-Log ...
Set-ScheduledTask -TaskName $TaskName -User $UserName -Password $Password.Reveal()
Recommended invocation of MyScript:
$SecuredString = Read-Host 'Enter Password' -AsSecuredString
MyScript NotePad.Exe JohnDoe $SecuredString
Just hiding the sensitive information inside the MyScript:
$String = 'Sensitive Information'
MyScript NotePad.Exe JohnDoe $String
Transcript started, output file is .\Transcript.txt
Scheduling NotePad.Exe for JohnDoe/HiddenString
Transcript stopped, output file is .\Transcript.txt
Again, (I can't stress this enough):
warning: as a whole, this workaround is nothing more than security through obscurity
As Microsoft states themselves at SecureString shouldn't be used:
The general approach of dealing with credentials is to avoid them and instead rely on other means to authenticate, such as certificates or Windows authentication.
(which they should also do in their own cmdlets along with Set-ScheduledTask)
I have created an enhancement request for this idea:
#16921 Add [HiddenString] Class
You can register secrets with the agent to ensure they're scrubbed from the logs.
Write this to the output:
write-output "##vso[task.setsecret]THEVALUEYOUWANTHIDDEN"
This should register the secret with the agent. If you know your script will also popentially log the base64 value or another representation of the secret, make sure you register all permutations.

Is there a way to use ConvertFrom-SecureString and ConvertTo-SecureString with any user?

I'm using the following to create the password file:
$path = "C:\Users\USER\Desktop"
$passwd = Read-Host "enter desired password" -AsSecureString
$encpwd = ConvertFrom-SecureString $passwd
$encpwd > $path\filename.bin
Then calling the file with:
# define path to store password and input password
$path = "C:\Users\USER\Desktop"
# get the encrypted password from the path
$encpwd = Get-Content $path\filename.bin
# convert file to secure string
$passwd = ConvertTo-SecureString $encpwd
# define needed credential
$cred = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential 'WIN-SERVER\AdminForQB',$passwd
# go to DVD drive launch setup.exe as user with privileges to launch the program with no user input required
Set-Location "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intuit\QuickBooks 2017\"
Start-Process PowerShell -windowstyle hidden -Cred $cred -ArgumentList .\QBW32PremierAccountant.exe
My goal is be able to run QB2017 with admin privs without giving the user admin privs. The issue I am having is that I have to generate the password file on each user or I get the following error if a user trys to use one generated from another user:
Key not valid for use in specified state.
Is there a way to use this method without generating a key per user?
When you use ConvertTo-SecureString and ConvertFrom-SecureString without a Key or SecureKey, Powershell will use Windows Data Protection API (DPAPI) to encrypt/decrypt your strings. This means that it will only work for the same user on the same computer.
When you use a Key/SecureKey, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithm is used. You are able to use the stored credential from any machine with any user so long as you know the AES Key that was used.
More info on this topic (with example code)
Note: This is only Security through obscurity, which isn't good practice. If you store the Key on the same computer as the encrypted password, it's not much more secure than plain text passwords!
PowerShell is the wrong solution for this.
To fix this you should give them read/write access to the folders and registry key QB2017 needs access to. If you still have issues, create a Shim using Microsoft's Application Compatibly Toolkit.

How to decrypt secured string value in powershell? [duplicate]

Is it possible to concatenate a secure string with variables and unsecure strings in PowerShell?
I have a formula that is used for local administrator passwords in our standalone environment (no domain). I would like to store part of that formula in a file securely, then get that, convert it to a regular string, and concatenate it with another object and another string to form the password.
My intent is not to expose our formula in plain text in the workflow that I am putting together. Is there another way that I am missing? It's too many machines to easily store each password separately.
Credential objects allow you to decrypt a secure string (source):
PS C:\> $pw = 'bar' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
PS C:\> $pw.GetType().FullName
PS C:\> $cred = New-Object Management.Automation.PSCredential 'foo', $pw
PS C:\> $cred.GetType().FullName
PS C:\> $cred.UserName
PS C:\> $cred.Password
PS C:\> $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password
However, the encryption key for the secure string is tied to the user and computer that created the secure string, so it's not usable on another computer or by another user. You can work around this, but that would require to encrypt the secure string with a key generated by you, and that key would have to be available in plain text (or rather plain bytes) whenever the secure string needs to be decrypted. Which kinda defeats the purpose of encrypting it in the first place.
On top of that, if you have enough machines to make storing separate passwords a hassle, you also have enough machines to seriously consider putting them in a domain.

Prevent PowerShell script from being read

I have the below PowerShell script (myscript.ps1) in which I ask for username and password. Depending on the username and password it copies a file to a certain destination.
$credentials = Get-Credential
if ($credentials.Username -eq "user1" -And $credentials.GetNetworkCredential().password -eq "pass1")
{ Copy-Item "test1.pdf" "\test\test1.pdf"; }
{ Copy-Item "test2.pdf" "\test\test2.pdf"; }
Requirement: I want to make this file protected so no one can edit it and see the username and password.
I found a solution found here which converts the PowerShell script to an .exe file. When I originally run the script using PowerShell a dialog box appears allowing me to enter the username and password:
After the .exe is generated and when I run it the credentials dialog box no longer appears. Instead, the console appears saying "Credential:"
I don't know why? I want the credentials form to still appear when running the exe. Any thoughts please?
Q: Why does the EXE prompt with "Credential"?
This isn't an answer to the real question, and is based on guessing/supposition about PS2EXE, but I hope it is useful to clear up some confusion.
Having looked briefly at the PS2EXE page linked above, it seems that this utility encodes the script in Base64 and bundles it with a lightweight (?) custom PowerShell host. When run, I suppose the EXE starts the host, decodes the script and runs it.
The problem is that the Get-Credential cmdlet is running within a PS host that probably can't interact with the desktop. That is, it can't put up the GUI prompt for credentials. It therefore needs to prompt for the Credential property on the command line, explaining why you see that behaviour.
Workaround with Read-Host?
Instead of trying to use Get-Credential to prompt for username and password, you could embrace what PS2EXE seems to be doing and just use Read-Host:
$UserName = Read-Host "Enter username"
$Password = Read-Host "Enter password" -AsSecureString
$Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $UserName,$Password
if ($credentials.Username -eq "user1" -And $credentials.GetNetworkCredential().password -eq "pass1")
{ ... }
Using -AsSecureString will hide the password on the screen. The $Password variable will be of type System.Security.SecureString, which can be used to create a PSCredential object as shown.
You'd need to test this, but it seems that you're able to read from the shell but not from a GUI prompt.
And just to be clear: none of this is anywhere near best-practice security. If you need authentication/authorization for these activities, step back and look at the problem again.
Workaround with two scripts?
It seems that PS2EXE doesn't support -AsSecureString in the same way that normal PowerShell does, i.e. it doesn't hide the characters. A possible workaround for this would be to collect the username and password from the user in one script and then pass them to a PS2EXE-converted script for processing.
$Credentials = Get-Credential
& MyScript.exe $Credentials.Username $Credentials.Password
MyScript.exe (coverted with PS2EXE):
$Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $Username,$Password
if ($Credentials.Username -eq "user1" -and
$Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().password -eq "pass1")
The user runs Launch-MyScript.ps1 and completes the password prompt. Then the EXE is run automatically with the username and password passed in as arguments. Note that, as shown above, the password is a Secure String. Test this; I'm not using PS2EXE so it's a theoretical solution at the moment.
If you can't pass $Password along the pipeline as a Secure String object, you can convert it to text with ConvertFrom-SecureString in the first script, then conver it back with ConvertTo-SecureString in the second one.
According to this article http://windowsitpro.com/powershell/protect-your-powershell-scripts you should first set ur execution policy to AllSigned by Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned, then create a certificate using makecert cmdlet.
Then u can sign single script using Set-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet or use .pfx File to Sign a Script which appears even safer.
Hope it helps a bit.

Windows expect command equivalent

What is the equivalent to linux's expect in windows? Is there a way for a script to send a password when prompted to by a previous command?
runas /user:admin net user username /add
Trying echo XYZ | runas ... I got 1326 Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password. The command works without the piped echo.
There is nothing built into PowerShell. However there is a module that should be able to do this called Await - https://msconfiggallery.cloudapp.net/packages/Await/
There is a PowerShell Summit session on how to use Await here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKyAVm7bXcQ
There is no direct equivalent to expect in Windows that I know of, although you can doubtless write one without too much difficulty. Fortunately, for the special case of supplying credentials in PowerShell, there's a better way, one which doesn't even store passwords in plaintext in the script. This answer to Batch scripting, Powershell, and not triggering the UAC in Windows* starts by saving the user password somewhere as a secure string**:
$pass = Read-Host -AsSecureString
ConvertFrom-SecureString $pass | Out-File pass.txt
Then running the program as administrator with the stored password this way:
function Invoke-ElevatedCommand([String]$FileName, [String]$Arguments) {
$pass = Import-SecureString (Get-Content pass.txt)
$startinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$startinfo.UserName = "administrator"
$startinfo.Password = $pass
$startinfo.FileName = $FileName
$startinfo.Arguments = $Arguments
Invoke-ElevatedCommand "net" "user username /add" # Or whatever you need
* Note that this is almost a dupe, but not quite, since the accepted answer is not particularly relevant to this question. Linked answer lightly adapted for the purpose, and upvoted accordingly.
** Note further that, while pass.txt is not plaintext, it's not safe to leave lying around where just anyone can grab it. Stick some restrictive NTFS permissions on it, maybe EFS, etc.
Sorry, I don't know how linux's expect works... However, at this post there is a Batch-file solution for a problem similar to yours and titled "Automatically respond to runas from batch file":
#if (#CodeSection == #Batch) #then
#echo off
start "" runas /user:testuser c:/path/to/my/program.exe
CScript //nologo //E:JScript "%~F0"
goto :EOF