Problems Installing markdown-mode emacs 23.1.1 - emacs

In trying to install markdown-mode on my Emacs 23.1.1 I followed the and added the following to my .emacs file:
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa-stable" . ""))
Then, I'm supposed to be able to do this:
M-x package-install RET markdown-mode RET.
However I get a [No Match] error.
What am I doing wrong?

markdown-mode 2.3, the version available on MELPA Stable, requires Emacs 24.3 or later. Version 2.1, from January, 2016, looks like it might work with Emacs 23:
Fix Emacs 23 compatibility by checking for font-lock-refresh-defaults before calling it.
Although, even in that version:
Markdown Mode is developed and tested primarily for compatibility with GNU Emacs versions 24.3 and later.
You can try installing it manually following the old installation instructions from version 2.1. Make sure to check out the v2.1 tag after cloning the source!


`M-x list-packages` not showing available packages

M-x list-packages is not showing available packages from Melpa and Marmalade. It is only showing built-in and installed packages.
It was working before. I am running emacs-26.3 on Debian Buster.
You may want to make sure that your lines have t at the end.
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t) <-- notice t.
I see that your melpa does, but marmalade does not.
I was having a similar issue (lsp-mode wasn't showing up) and I noticed I was missing a t at end. Wrote it in then ran M-x package-refresh-contents and it worked.

How to install org-mode 8.3.2

I have latest stable Emacs version (GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (i686-pc-mingw32)) and try install org-mode 8.3.2.
I read and do
M-x list-packages RET
and install org-mode and org-plus-contrib
After instalation I have older version org-mode:
Org-mode version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 #
How can I install org-mode 8.3.2.
Thank in advance
(require 'package)
from the bottom to the top .emacs.
When updating org-mode, I start emacs with the -q switch, then install the new version with M-x package
I'm not sure if it's still the case, but in the past you had to completely unload org-mode prior to installing a new version.

emacs24.3 with builtin org 7.9 need org-reload to have compiled org-mode 8

I installed emacs 24.3.2 from git.
In this version there is org 7.9 released.
Next I installed last org-mode from git and compiled it (make autoload).
Now I need to launch org-reload to have the latest version (8) else I have the builtin version (7.9).
So I had in init.el:
(call-interactively 'org-reload)
Cannot open load file: ob.el
So I guess I have to call it after org is loaded (add-hook 'after-init-hook).
But the same error appears.
So I don't know how to have the last org-mode installed on my current emacs24.3.2 which already have a builtin org-mode.
Try to eval this:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/git/org-mode")

emacs 24.3 from cannot export html after upgrading org-mode to org-version-8.2.1-15

What I did:
emacs 24.3 for OS X was downloaded from, which comes with bundled org-mode version 7.9.3f.
I upgraded org-mode by following the method from here:
with the method#1 Using Emacs packaging system.
I included (package-initialize) in my .emacs profile.
I no longer can run org-babel
C-c, C-e, b to export selected portion for html export.
When I run C-c C-e h h, it says "Invalid Key"
When I run M-x org-publish-project , it says "Invalid function: (......)".
Can anyone can shed some lights on the problem?
The HTML export problem can be solved if I simply remove
(require 'org-publish) for org-version 7.x.x, and replace it with
(require 'ox-publish) for org-version 8.x.x at the very top of my .emacs file.
Why the didn't the official site just say so? D'oh!
As of 2013 Oct 31, the babel problem is still unsolved as babel site mentions that it is integrated in org-version 7.x.x but does not mention anything about 8.x.x. (see Is there anyone using the bleeding edge version of babel with org-version 8.x.x without problem?

Emacs (Cocoa Emacs) vs Aquamacs for running Clojure on Mac OS X

I used Aquamacs so far, and I need to install and run Clojure using SLIME. I googled to get some way to use Clojure on SLIME of Aquamacs, but without success.
Is it possible to install Clojure on Aquamacs? Or, can you guess why Clojure on Aquamacs doesn't work?
Is it normal that Emacs and Aquamacs can't share the same ELPA?
Is it possible to use ELPA to install Conjure on Emacs/Aquamacs?
I was told that one can use 'lein swank' to run as a server, do you know how to do that?
Sequences that I tried (and half succeeded)
I tried with Mac OS X Emacs, and by following the steps I could make it work. I mean, I could run Clojure with SLIME.
Emacs for Mac OS X
Step 1) Install ESK.
Git clone and copy all the files into the .emacs.d directory
Add the following code to .emacs and relaunch
(expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/package.el"))
Step2) Install using ELPA
M-x package-list-packages to select packages
clojure-mode, clojure-test-mode
slime, slime-repl
M-x slime to install the clojure
Add the following code to .emacs and relaunch
;; clojure mode
(add-to-list 'load-path "/Users/smcho/.emacs.d/elpa/clojure-mode-1.7.1")
(require 'clojure-mode-autoloads)
(add-to-list 'load-path "/Users/smcho/.emacs.d/elpa/clojure-test-mode-1.4")
(require 'clojure-test-mode-autoloads)
;; slime
;(setq inferior-lisp-program "/Users/smcho/bin/clojure")
(add-to-list 'load-path "/Users/smcho/.emacs.d/elpa/slime-20100404")
(require 'slime-autoloads)
(add-to-list 'load-path "/Users/smcho/.emacs.d/elpa/slime-repl-20100404")
(require 'slime-repl-autoloads)
;; swank-clojure
(add-to-list 'load-path "/Users/smcho/.emacs.d/elpa/swank-clojure-1.1.0")
(require 'slime-repl-autoloads)
Now I could use Clojure on Emacs, I tried the same(or very similar) method to run Clojure on Aquamacs once more.
Step 1) Install ESK for Aquamacs
Copy the files to ~/Library/Preference/Aquamacs Emacs
Modify "~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/Preferences.el" to add the following
(setq kitfiles-dir (concat (file-name-directory
(or (buffer-file-name) load-file-name)) "/aquamacs-emacs-starter-kit"))
; set up our various directories to load
(add-to-list 'load-path kitfiles-dir)
(require 'init)
* Follow the same step as before to install all the (same) packages, but "M-x slime" gives me the following error message. "Symbol's function definition is void: define-slime-contrib"
I tried to combine the packages from Emacs and Aquamacs, but they don't combine. I thought I could use the ELPA itself, not from the ESK to make it shared.
The result was not good, as ELPA couldn't download the swank-conjure package.
Success - Running Aquamacs/Clojure with 'lein swank'.
Please refer to this.
Aquamacs most definitely works with Clojure, since the author of Clojure uses it. However, I use Emacs, and after you perform the steps above in the Emacs section, I recommend checking out labrepl,
If you don't have leiningen, the link to get and install it is in the instructions of the labrepl readme file. I found it extremely helpful when first learning how to set up an environment for Clojure programming. You can take apart the project.clj file in labrepl and piece together how it works pretty easily. Not to mention the lessons and training in the built in web application that comes with labrepl.
If you want to use lein swank instead:
Make sure you have leiningen installed. In your project.clj dev dependencies you want to have an entry like this:
[leiningen/lein-swank "1.1.0"]
Then after you've done lein deps you should be able to run lein swank and then from within Emacs run M-x slime-connect and just press enter through the defaults.
If you're going to go this route, here is the link directly to leiningen so you can skip the labrepl repository:
I found this the easiest setup for the latest version of everything. Here's a quick summary where I"m assuming you have leiningen installed.
Install the swank-clojure plugin
$ lein plugin install swank-clojure 1.3.2
Create your clojure project
$ lein new test-project
$ cd test-project
$ lein deps
Then open one of the clojure files from your project in emacs and run clojure-jack-in
M-x clojure-jack-in
You are now in a slime buffer with clojure and the dependencies for your project loaded.
Paul Barry gives an lecture how to use Aquamacs and Clojure.
It's simple as you can add this code to the .emacs file,
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/clojure/clojure-mode")
(setq inferior-lisp-program "/Users/smcho/bin/clj")
(require 'clojure-mode)
(setq auto-mode-alist
(cons '("\\.clj\\'" . clojure-mode)
(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(define-key clojure-mode-map "\C-c\C-e" 'lisp-eval-last-sexp)))
I could run 'M-x clojure-mode', and C-c C-z for REPL.
And as is asked and answered in Running Clojure and other Lisp at the same time on Emacs, I could use both Clojure/Lisp on Aquamacs.