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Closed 3 years ago.
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as my title mentioned I am searching for a solution to get all email addresses that I have received from people and saved inside a certain folder in my Thunderbird.
I need them for marketing purposes, because those email addresses belong to people I have done business with.
Thanks for help.
You can use Message Filter in order to organize your messages.
Read this article:
Select all the emails in that folder and saved them on a directory as a *.eml file format.
In the terminal: cd /path/to/eml/directory Then run:
find . -type f -exec cat {} \; | nl | grep "From" | grep -o '[[:alnum:]+\.\_\-]*#[[:alnum:]+\.\_\-]*' | uniq -ui | sort > collected-emails.csv
Now, All the collected emails will be saved in collected-emails.csv
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Closed 2 days ago.
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i'm inserting products in my site, i have many boxes and i made a folder for every box, and inside the box folder are product images, every product have 2 image, i want to rename them like this with powershell script
box1 -> {1-1.jpg , 1-2.jpg , 2-1.jpg , 2-2.jpg .....}
box2 -> {1-1.jpg , 1-2.jpg , 2-1.jpg , 2-2.jpg .....}
box example
and they must sort with date taken property first because i take them after each other
i need a powershell script to help me rename all of this images with date taken order and double names like 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2 and so on. there's a lot boxes i can't do it manually !
i found some powershell scripts but they all organized images in folders or just renamed image to date taken string and things like this
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Closed 1 year ago.
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we needed some help. in practice we were looking for a method to start the defremmentation (defrag) of the primary disk (on windows "C:") only if it is a HDD and not an SSD
we read about the command in powershell but can't compile (mediaType)
This script should work for you:
#Get friendly name of the C drive
$name = (get-partition -DriveLetter C | get-disk).FriendlyName
#Use friendly name to determine drive type
$mediatype = (Get-PhysicalDisk -FriendlyName $name).MediaType
#Defragment drive if drive type is HDD
if ($mediatype -eq "HDD")
Optimize-Volume -DriveLetter C
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Closed 1 year ago.
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In zsh, I can execute them.
$ sleep 1
$ echo !$ # !$ equals 1
$ echo !! # !! equals sleep 1
But I can't execute them in fish shell.
Could tell me why and where the zsh documentation is?
This is history expansion, which has a lot more to it then those simple examples.
Fish supports none of it (and probably never will). The usual workaround is to use keybindings. By default, alt-up and alt-down should go through the history token-wise, so you can press alt-up once to get what is effectively !$.
If you wish to prepend something to a command from history, recall that command, go to the beginning (e.g. with ctrl-a) and insert what you want.
Other possibilities are functions to bind e.g. !! to something to insert the previous command or to make a command called !!.
This is still discussed in fish issue #288, though concensus seems to be against adding history expansion.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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How do I extract the first 100,000 lines from a large CSV file (1GB+) using only Powershell on a Windows machine?
Not sure why the below answer was marked as not helpful when it answers the question.
Gets the specified number of lines from the beginning of a file or other item. The default is -1 (all lines).
You can use the "TotalCount" parameter name or its aliases, "First" or "Head".
The performance of the command can be improved by
Get-Content -TotalCount 100000 -ReadCount 0 filename.csv
Get-Content -TotalCount 100000 filename.csv
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Closed 11 years ago.
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As the title says i am looking for a way to search through using only the command line specifically bash in linux.
Things I need to accomplish :
I just need to get the top 10 answers for my question or even top 5.
Plain Text Output , i.e. strip
HTML out if possible.
Also I would prefer if you didnt give a answer that required elinks or something similar.
here's a rough script to run from command line that does the job
wget '' -qO - | perl -nle ' print $1 if /\<title[^>]+\>([^<]*)/;'|head
It grabs RSS output for a given tag (command-line here) and sort of parses it.
To be done properly one would probably want to parse XML in a better way or use some perl rss parser.