How to capture exception stacktrace (stderr) to file in Scala - scala

How can I capture the exception stacktrace into a file in Scala? I tried with System.setErr but it didn't work, while Console.withErr can be set only for a code snippet and not for the whole app. Any idea?
I would like to log to a file all the uncaught exceptions of the app
A bit more context: I run inside a spark-shell with a jar added in the classpath. What I do is instantiating an object of a class and the first code ran inside the class is the following, which doesn't give me the
expected print
Thread.currentThread().setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
def uncaughtException(t: Thread, e: Throwable): Unit = {
logger.error("exception logged")
println("exception logged")
throw new Exception("my ex")
but I don't see the print neither in stdout nor in the log file

Just use the Thread.setUncaughtExceptionHandler:
Java uncaught global exception handler
Use Thread.currentThread() if your app is single-threaded to get the current thread.
object ErrorHandling {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
Thread.currentThread().setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
def uncaughtException(t: Thread, e: Throwable): Unit = {
// logger.error("exception logged")
println(s"exception logged: $e")
throw new Exception(s"boom")
Should give you something like:
exception logged: java.lang.Exception: boom
java.lang.Exception: boom
at ErrorHandling$.main(ErrorHandling.scala:10)
at ErrorHandling.main(ErrorHandling.scala)


How to test exception with Junit 4 and Scala?

I have the following function which I want to test:
def filterFoo(FooColumnName: String, Foo: Seq[Any]): DataFrame = {
/* validate input parameters */
I have written the following test:
#Test(expected = classOf[IllegalArgumentException])
def testFilterFoorWrongColumnName(): Unit ={
val df = data.toDF(columns:_*)
df.filterFoo(FooColumnName = "foo", Foo = competitors)
If FooColumnName does not exists in Data frame it would throw IllegalArgumentException. I am getting this exception but it is failing the test because of this. I get this error when I run the test:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed
The trick is to reify the exception into a value, which, thankfully, is something that is extremely idiomatic in Scala. scala.util.Try is in the standard library and exceptionally useful for this:
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }
#Test(expected = classOf[IllegalArgumentException])
def testFilterFoorWrongColumnName(): Unit ={
val df = data.toDF(columns:_*)
val attempt = Try { // note the capital T, this is not the keyword try...
df.filterFoo(FooColumnName = "foo", Foo = competitors)
// apologies, I don't know JUnit at all...
attempt match {
case _: Success =>
failTheTest // should have been a failure
case Failure(ex) => // ex is the thrown exception
// can check that the exception is an IllegalArgumentException or whatever
How it works is that a Try[T] is either a Success wrapping a T or a Failure wrapping a Throwable. Try { } wraps the code in a try block and catches the exception; if it's a NonFatal exception, that exception goes into the Failure. There are some other good reasons to use Try (it has some nicely compositional properties), but those are out of the scope of this answer.

scalafmt: Getting meaningful error messages

I am using 'scalafmt' command to ensure that I've no formatting errors in my Scala code. It keeps failing with this error message:
Looking for unformatted files... (98.35 %, 238 / 242)
error: --test failed
Those are the last two lines. There's no other error message in the log. Is there a configuration I can use that will give me more information about this failure?
By default, Scalafmt errors are reported to System.err. Extend org.scalafmt.interfaces.ScalafmtReporter to customize error reporting to handle parse and config errors.
class ScalafmtErrReport(out: PrintStream) extends ScalafmtReporter {
override def error(file: Path, e: Throwable): Unit = {
out.print(s"error: $file: ")
override def error(path: Path, message: String): Unit = {
out.println(s"error: $path: $message")
override def error(file: Path, message: String, e: Throwable): Unit = {
error(file, ScalafmtException(message, e))

If the first statement in a for comprehension fails , recover is not able to catch the exception

I am struggling to understand the for comprehension and exception handling in Scala.
If the first statement in a for comprehension fails , recover is not able to catch the exception.
Code where recover catches the exception successfully(Exception thrown in 2nd statement):
import scala.util.{Success, Try}
object ExceptionThrownIn2ndStatement {
def failTryUnit(x: Unit): Try[Int] = {
val a = 1 / 0
new Success(a)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
(for {
var0 <- Try(println("Zeroth function"))
varFailure <- failTryUnit(var0) //exception thrown here
var1 <- Try(println("first function", varFailure))
} yield var1) recover { case e =>
println("Exception caught", e) //exception caught here
Output :
Zeroth function
(Exception caught,java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero)
Code where recover does NOT catch the exception successfully :
import scala.util.{Success, Try}
object ExceptionThrownIn1stStatement {
def failTryUnit(x: Unit): Try[Int] = {
val a = 1 / 0
new Success(a)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
(for {
varFailure <- failTryUnit({}) //exception thrown here
var0 <- Try(println("zeroth function", varFailure))
var1 <- Try(println("first function", var0))
} yield var1) recover { case e =>
println("Exception caught",e) //Exception does not get caught here
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at ExceptionThrownIn1stStatement$.failTryUnit(ExceptionThrownIn1stStatement.scala:6)
at ExceptionThrownIn1stStatement$.main(ExceptionThrownIn1stStatement.scala:12)
at ExceptionThrownIn1stStatement.main(ExceptionThrownIn1stStatement.scala)
Edit : I understand that this is not the way recover is supposed to be used.
I am just confused as to why this happens. Please help me understand this. I am new to Scala.
Here is a shorter example that demonstrates the same behavior:
Success(42).flatMap(x => { assert(false); Success(x + 58) })
{ assert(false); Success(42) }.flatMap(x => Success(x + 58))
The first one will return a Failure with a caught error. The second one will crash with an AssertionError.
The first returns a Failure because that's the semantics of Trys flatMap - it catches all exceptions that occur during the execution of the function passed to it.
The second one crashes immediately, because the very first statement is an assert(false), so you never get to the point where you construct a Try in the first place, the AssertionError is thrown before the first Success constructor is invoked. It wouldn't matter whether you append more recovers on it or not - no Try will ever be instantiated in this program.
Here is what you would have to do to catch the exception occurring during the very first calculation (42):
Try { assert(false); 42 }.flatMap(x => Success(x + 58))
In your code, that would be
def failTryUnit(x: Unit): Try[Int] = Try {
1 / 0

ExceptionHandler doesn't work with spray test-kit?

I'm trying Spray's ExceptionHandler using an example in this guide:
class MyServiceActor extends Actor with MyService {
def actorRefFactory = context
def receive = runRoute(handleExceptions(myExceptionHandler)(myRoute))
implicit def myExceptionHandler(implicit log: LoggingContext) =
ExceptionHandler {
case e: ArithmeticException =>
requestUri { uri =>
complete(InternalServerError, "Bad numbers, bad result!!!")
I intentionally throw ArithmeticException in the route like this:
trait MyService extends HttpService {
val myRoute =
path("") {
get {
complete {
throw new ArithmeticException("Oops, I failed!")
"Hello World"
If I made a request with curl, it returns the error message Bad numbers, bad result!!! correctly. However when testing with Specs2 + spray testkit, it never returns the correct error message, instead it returns default 500 code error message There was an internal server error. Even using sealRoute doesn't help.
"Test" in {
Get() ~> sealRoute(myRoute) ~> check {
println(responseAs[String]) // Always print `There was an internal server error.`
And on the console, I would see error trace:
[ERROR] [07/07/2016 00:31:24.661] [specs2.DefaultExecutionStrategy-1] [ActorSystem(com-example-MyServiceSpec)] Error during processing of request HttpRequest(GET,,List(),Empty,HTTP/1.1)
java.lang.ArithmeticException: Oops, I failed!
at com.example.MyService$$anonfun$1.apply(MyService.scala:62)
at com.example.MyService$$anonfun$1.apply(MyService.scala:61)
at spray.routing.directives.RouteDirectives$$anonfun$complete$1$$anon$3.apply(RouteDirectives.scala:49)
at spray.routing.directives.RouteDirectives$$anonfun$complete$1$$anon$3.apply(RouteDirectives.scala:48)
at spray.routing.directives.BasicDirectives$$anonfun$mapRequestContext$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(BasicDirectives.scala:30)
I put a println command in the myExceptionHandler and found out the myExceptionHandler never get executed.
Anyone know why it doesn't work and the solution?
Apparently sealRoute is not enough, because the exception handler is resolved implicitly, as described here:
In your case, MyServiceActor has an exception handler, but in the test case you use MyService/myRoute directly, so the exception handler is not picked up.
This documentation page was useful:
The solution is to bring an implicit ExceptionHandler into scope in the test case. So in this example:
"Test" in {
implicit val testExceptionHandler = ExceptionHandler {
case e: ArithmeticException =>
requestUri { uri =>
complete(InternalServerError, "Bad numbers, bad result!!!")
Get() ~> sealRoute(myRoute) ~> check {
It worked, but of course the duplication is not super elegant. Maybe you can access the exception handler from MyServiceActor in your test and reuse production code. I just put testExceptionHandler into a base class all tests inherit from.

How do I get hold of exceptions thrown in a Scala Future?

I've been working up my answer to Is there a standard Scala function for running a block with a timeout?, and have run into a problem if an exception is thrown in a Future.
def runWithTimeout[T](timeoutMs: Long)(f: => T) : Option[T] = {
awaitAll(timeoutMs, future(f)).head.asInstanceOf[Option[T]]
So that
runWithTimeout(50) { "result" } should equal (Some("result"))
runWithTimeout(50) { Thread.sleep(100); "result" } should equal (None)
But if I throw an exception in my block it doesn't leak, but is swallowed - so that the following fails with " exception was thrown"
intercept[Exception] {
runWithTimeout(50) { throw new Exception("deliberate") }
}.getMessage should equal("deliberate")
Syserr has a stack trace with the message
<function0>: caught java.lang.Exception: deliberate
but I can't find where in the Scala runtime that is printed.
Apart from wrapping f in another block which catches exceptions and propagates them if thrown, is there any way to persuade awaitAll and/or Future to throw?
Short answer: no.
Exceptions don't do what you want when you're working in a threaded context, because you want to know about the exception in the caller, and the exception happens in the future's thread.
Instead, if you want to know what the exception was, you should return an Either[Exception,WhatYouWant]--of course, you have to catch that exception within the future and package it up.
scala> scala.actors.Futures.future{
try { Right("fail".toInt) } catch { case e: Exception => Left(e) }
res0: scala.actors.Future[Product with Serializable with Either[Exception,Int]] = <function0>
scala> res0() // Apply the future
res1: Product with Serializable with Either[Exception,Int] =
Left(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "fail")
Disclaimer: I work for Typesafe
Or.... you could use Akka and it would give you what you want without you having to go through hoops for it.
val f: Future[Int] = actor !!! message
Will throw the exception that happened in the actor
will give you an Option[Throwable]
Working my way through #Rex Kerr's suggestion, I've created
object Timeout {
val timeoutException = new TimeoutException
def runWithTimeout[T](timeoutMs: Long)(f: => T) : Either[Throwable, T] = {
runWithTimeoutIgnoreExceptions(timeoutMs)(exceptionOrResult(f)) match {
case Some(x) => x
case None => Left(timeoutException)
def runWithTimeout[T](timeoutMs: Long, default: T)(f: => T) : Either[Throwable, T] = {
val defaultAsEither: Either[Throwable, T] = Right(default)
runWithTimeoutIgnoreExceptions(timeoutMs, defaultAsEither)(exceptionOrResult(f))
def runWithTimeoutIgnoreExceptions[T](timeoutMs: Long)(f: => T) : Option[T] = {
awaitAll(timeoutMs, future(f)).head.asInstanceOf[Option[T]]
def runWithTimeoutIgnoreExceptions[T](timeoutMs: Long, default: T)(f: => T) : T = {
private def exceptionOrResult[T](f: => T): Either[Throwable, T] =
try {
} catch {
case x => Left(x)
so that
#Test def test_exception {
runWithTimeout(50) { "result" }.right.get should be ("result")
runWithTimeout(50) { throw new Exception("deliberate") }.left.get.getMessage should be ("deliberate")
runWithTimeout(50) { Thread.sleep(100); "result" }.left.get should be (Timeout.timeoutException)
runWithTimeout(50, "no result") { "result" }.right.get should be ("result")
runWithTimeout(50, "no result") { throw new Exception("deliberate") }.left.get.getMessage should be ("deliberate")
runWithTimeout(50, "no result") { Thread.sleep(100); "result" }.right.get should be ("no result")
Again, I'm a bit of a Scala novice, so would welcome feedback.
scala.concurrent.ops.future includes exception handling.
So, instead of importing scala.actors.Futures.future, import scala.concurrent.ops.future instead.
That simple change in which import is there will cause the caller's call to .get to rethrow the exception. It works great!
Or use Future.liftTryTry, turns it from Future[Object] to Future[Try[Object]], and you can match on the Try[Object] and check for an exception case Throw(e) and log / exit gracefully
You need to override the method exceptionHandler in order to catch exceptions. So your option is to define your own future method so it creates a MyFutureActor with exceptionHandler.
EDIT: FutureActor is private, so subclassing it isn't possible.
Another option is to use links to know when exceptions happened.
However, I think Rex Kerr's approach is better - just wrap the function in something that will catch the Exception. Too bad future doesn't already do that.